Chapter 592

When Lu Ling asked why Master Luanfeng fell from the sky, the latter didn't show any signs of ink, and dragged Han Xue out of the wheelchair by the collar.

"Me? I'll catch her."

"Ah?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, looking at Han Xue whose face was flushed by Luanfeng holding her collar, she couldn't bear it.

"Uncle Feng, did Uncle Master make any mistakes?"

"Hey? Lu Ling, have you ever had contact with Han Xue?" Luanfeng felt a little strange seeing Lu Ling's appearance.

"I saw it once..." Lu Ling shrank back, and at the same time her eyes lit up.

It turns out that this uncle is called Han Xue...

She likes the word snow.

"By the way, where did you meet?" Luanfeng's curiosity was aroused. It stands to reason that Lu Ling would have no chance to meet Han Xue.

"I... I can't say, I don't know the name of that place..."

"Forget it." Seeing Lu Ling's frightened look, Luanfeng stopped asking.

She felt that Lu Ling's habit of being shy at every turn had to be corrected.

"Uncle, what did uncle do wrong?" Although Lu Ling was a little afraid of the uncle in front of her, she still tugged at her sleeve.

"Han Xue? I asked her to give it away, but she actually stole the key... actually stole your master's key, and sent him to the fifth-floor secret realm, which is now Qionghua's territory, and almost brought it to Lingshan. Trouble." Reverend Luanfeng rubbed the center of her brows, obviously, she also worried about this matter for a while.

"Secret realm..." Lu Ling swallowed, remembering something.

Speaking of it, it seems that she went to the fifth secret realm... and the fourth senior sister and Mr. Qionghua are Qionghua, is it this place that the uncle is talking about?

"Uncle, can't we go to the secret place there?" Lu Ling asked cautiously.

"Of course." Master Luanfeng nodded: "Once something happens, it may affect the relationship between Lingshan and Qionghua, and it's the current period of joint efforts to eliminate demons... Besides, it's better to talk about one thing less than one thing."

As she spoke, she pinched Han Xue's face.

"This time, I have to teach her a lesson."

Shaking his head.

He was so drunk again.

The relationship between Luanfeng Zhenren and Han Xue is very good, probably due to the relationship between sisters and sisters. For this younger sister who "married" to Xuanjingsi, Luanfeng has always been extremely tolerant. It can be said that under the influence of Luanfeng Zhenren, other Lingshan All the talents did not really regard Han Xue as a member of the Xuanjing Division... Otherwise, she would never have such a large degree of freedom in Lingshan.

For Han Xue, Chu Qishui is Jiyou, and Master Luanfeng is her family. When she first picked Lu Ling up the mountain, she heard that Master Luanfeng had been delayed for many days and hadn't come back. The one she left behind... She was often scolded by Chu Qishui for this matter.

Of course, Master Luanfeng felt that she was too used to Han Xue, but this time she dared to steal Juexian's key, she had to deal with this girl well.

"That's right." Master Luanfeng suddenly remembered something, looked at Zhao Yingge and Xifeng standing there, and then said to Lu Ling: "...Lu Ling, you also..."

"Master, I was wrong!" Lu Ling squatted on the ground, afraid that Daoist Luanfeng would also pick her up...

Seeing this, Master Luanfeng twitched the corners of his mouth: "..."

She really didn't know that Lu Ling had also entered the secret realm, because Yun Shu repeatedly told Tang Keyu not to tell it, so even the real Luanfeng didn't know where Lu Ling had gone, but the ice beauty came to her.

It was only later that she found out that Lu Ling had appeared in the secret realm.

"Don't be afraid, Master will not blame you." Master Luanfeng threw Han Xue to the ground, knelt down and touched Lu Ling's head.

"Really?" Lu Ling raised her head: "Master, I also went to that secret realm..."

"I know, but there is no trouble." Master Luanfeng said gently: "Besides, you have attracted the attention of that woman. Her existence can bring a lot of convenience to Lingshan."

"Her?" Lu Ling didn't understand.

In fact, this girl has almost forgotten about the ice beauty.

"Well, you don't really understand this when I tell you now..." Master Luanfeng shook his head: "I will understand later."

"...Oh." Lu Ling nodded with a half understanding.

"Where is Liu Fufeng?" Master Luanfeng asked.

"Junior Sister went to get things for Sister Zhao and Sister Xifeng." Lu Ling explained.

"En." Master Luanfeng nodded.

Think about it.

Now that Chu Qishui is the master of Feng Jiu, Han Xue doesn't have to go back to the Xuanjing Division for the time being. Although there are two new disciples, but together with Zhao Yingge and Xifeng, there are only six people in Feng Jiu.

It shouldn't be particularly difficult to place the ice beauty in Peak Nine.

After all, a high elf's understanding of the ice system is still very beneficial to Lingshan.

The two new little girls need more care.

Then Luanfeng looked at Zhao Yingge and Xifeng: "Life in Lingshan may not be very adaptable at the beginning, and Jiufeng is quite special, it should take a while for you to get used to it."

"Thank you uncle." Xifeng and Zhao Yingge nodded.

Then, Master Luanfeng picked Han Xue up from the ground, not caring that he was also smelled of alcohol.

"Damn girl, don't touch." Master Luanfeng knocked off Han Xue's teasing hands, then looked at Xifeng: "Does it hurt?"

"Pain?" Hearing this, Lu Ling looked at Xifeng strangely, and Zhao Yingge also looked at her thoughtfully.

"I'm almost used to it, thank you uncle for your concern." Xifeng herself was taken aback, but said politely.

Master Luanfeng didn't care about Xifeng's official answers. If a shrewd girl like her had put her heart and soul out of it from the beginning, she would have wondered if there was something wrong with Xifeng's brain.

"It wasn't so serious at first. I took a look, and it should have been eroded by the severe cold poison, which caused the injury." Luanfeng said.

"Cold air?" Xifeng froze for a moment, and exchanged a glance with Lu Ling.

I probably understood in my heart that indeed, the rapid decline in body function started after Lu Ling came to her house to play and completely froze her backyard.

Aya didn't do it on purpose.

Xifeng didn't take it to heart.

Zhao Yingge frowned. Being able to be asked alone by Fairy Lingshan meant that it was not a small problem.

So this woman's body has been so bad?No wonder the makeup on his face was getting thicker and thicker, Zhao Yingge thought Xifeng dressed up so "ugly" because she wanted to please Liu Fufeng.

Sister Liu probably already knew about this.

"It's just a simple cold poison, I can also get rid of it for you, but it's a little troublesome." Master Luanfeng said to Xifeng.

Hearing Luanfeng's first sentence, Xifeng was a little surprised, after all, it was an illness that was haunting her, but the second half of the sentence made her heart sink.

Sure enough, even Lingshan would not save her so easily.

"The main reason is that I'm not very good at literature and soul. It's better to go to Nanyuan, but everyone is busy now..." Master Luanfeng saw his little girl being tortured in pain, and her face was pale behind the heavy makeup. Naturally, his heart ached. When she wanted to say something, Han Xue reached into her clothes.

"Damn girl..." Taking a breath, Master Luanfeng slapped Han Xue's ass hard, making Lu Ling and the others stunned.

"Ahem." Master Luanfeng coughed, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Han Xue is now Feng Jiu's secretary, and he is only half of your master, so I have to give you a little greeting."

As he said that, Master Luanfeng put his hand into the Taoist robe on Han Xue's chest, groping for something.

This scene made Lu Ling's face turn red.

What is this for...

He raised his head slightly, with a little envy on his face.

"I found it." Master Luanfeng found a porcelain bottle in Han Xue's arms, and unplugged it.

Immediately, a fragrance spread in front of the young hall's gate, attracting many people's attention.

In fact, quite a few girls had already gathered around, but they never came because of the existence of Master Luanfeng.

When Xifeng smelled the fragrance, her spirits were shaken, and she felt that her whole state improved a lot.

"Uncle, what is this?"

"This is a must-have elixir for the Xuanjing Division. Han Xue received the best batch. It has... too many effects, so I won't go into details one by one." Daoist Luanfeng said: "You two Reach out."

Zhao Yingge and Xifeng stretched out their hands, and then Daoist Luanfeng poured a pill for one of them.

Xifeng looked at the light green ball in the palm of her hand, the whole body was transparent, and there were faintly magical runes flowing on it.

"There are exactly two pills, one for each of you, it's a gift from Han Xue to you." Master Luanfeng put the bottle in his arms: "After you eat Xifeng, your body should be fine, this girl Zhao, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and I also have some hidden injuries in my body, so let's take a pill, that's it, I still have things to do, so I'll go back first."

Without giving Xifeng a chance to thank her, Master Luanfeng disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving Lu Ling staring at Han Xue in her arms.

"..." Xifeng looked at the crystal elixir in her hand, and then raised her head to look at the direction where Master Luanfeng disappeared, feeling a little dazed.

This... this pill can cure the mortal disease left on her body?

Is it that simple?
Zhao Yingge reacted the fastest, and she didn't care much about the meeting ceremony.

After Luanfeng Daoist left, Xifeng felt a group of people surround him, clenched the elixir in his palm, and raised his vigilance.

"A new junior sister? This is the Young Hall. If you need anything, if you can't solve it, you can come and ask me for help." The girl in front of the hall came up and said.

"Welcome to Lingshan."

A group of girls surrounded them, and after a brief greeting, they slowly dispersed, not caring about her pills.

"Finally gone...I'm exhausted." Lu Ling panted heavily, she was the worst at dealing with enthusiastic senior sisters.

"Lingshan..." Xifeng was in a trance.

At this time, Liu Fufeng came out from the young hall, and Lu Ling went up to meet him.

"Junior Sister, why are you empty-handed?"

"It's here." Liu Fufeng patted the space bag on his waist: "Oh? Where's uncle?"

"Master Uncle was taken away by Uncle Feng." Lu Ling explained briefly.

Liu Fufeng nodded, and then saw the surprised expression of Xifeng who was staring at the pill in his hand in a daze.

"Sister Xifeng, this elixir?"

"Sister Liu, do you know her?"

"It's written in the book that this is the most precious elixir in the Xuanjing Division of the Supervision Department. The nine patterns are the most precious. Its effect is to purify the body, cleanse the filth of the soul, and restore the person's physical condition to the best state. It can expel impurities from the human body, carry out a preliminary transformation, possess exaggerated healing effects, and can life and death human flesh and bones... It is almost a life-saving thing for those who have been fighting all the year round and do not have Lingshan healers by their side." Liu Fufeng thought about the words in the book Describe, one by one.

The things are very precious, but in fact they are the inferior substitutes of Fairy Lingshan, and there is a healer offering a hundred elixir.

Even so, it is still a hot item. With Han Xue's status, she has only received two in the past few years, and now they are all given away by the real Luanfeng.

"Sister Xifeng, this one of yours is the most precious nine patterns. Look, there are nine runes flowing on the surface of the pill, which means that it can heal soul injuries. It is very precious." Liu Fufeng's eyes sparkled, this kind of treasure She had only seen it in the book,
"Sister Xifeng, sister Zhao, how did this come about?"

"Oh, this was given by that uncle just now..." Xifeng was a little confused by Liu Fufeng's words, but she also knew the preciousness of the pill in her hand.

"It's a meeting ceremony." Lu Ling said, looking at Xifeng and Zhao Yingge enviously.

She didn't have a meeting ceremony at the beginning...

"Aling, if you want, I will give it to you." Zhao Yingge handed the pill to Lu Ling casually.

"I don't want it, it's yours, sister Zhao." Lu Ling shook her head.

"Since the uncle gave it to you, then you can keep it." Liu Fufeng said, "It's a medicinal pill for healing, but we are in Lingshan now, it's actually a little tasteless, and my senior sister and I don't need to wash the marrow anymore. "

"Don't you need it?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, what she envied was the effect of this marrow washing.

"Senior sister, the hot spring at home." Liu Fufeng reminded.

"Does it work?" Lu Ling was confused.

Liu Fufeng shook his head.

Sister really doesn't know anything.

"Sister Xifeng, I can't cure your body, but now that you have it, it's very simple. You should be fine after taking a nap..." Liu Fufeng was happy for Xifeng, and continued: "But I suggest you stay Is it better? Because Uncle Wang and the senior sisters in the Shaodian have said that it is enough to go to Nanyuan to ask the senior sisters and uncles for help, and there is no need to waste a pill."

The most simple thing is that Li Zhuzi can probably cure their minor ailments and disasters with a wave of his hand. Even if they don't find someone to treat them, a few times in Jiufeng's hot spring is better than anything else.

It's not that Master Luanfeng didn't think of this. In fact, she didn't think the pill was so precious... She even looked down upon it. In her eyes, the pill might not be as valuable as the time of Nanyuan people, and so did Han Xue. Almost, the collection is actually for drinking when there is no money...

People from Lingshan have always looked down upon this kind of thing, the curative effect is slow, and the recovery ability is not strong... Compared with the spirit of Lingshan, there is no shadow.

Others may lack healing, but Lingshan disciples will never...they never bring healing pills, they are so stupid.

Even those who don't know the soul of the text don't bring the pill, because the disciples of Lingshan are all paired in Tianguang Market, and the disciples of Wupo will bring a disciple of the soul of the text, commonly known as binding milk.

For example, Shen Canghai's team... Back then, her exclusive treatment was Li Zhuzi. With this kind of treatment, what kind of medicine would she need?

The main reason is that the pills in this world are not effective.

Liu Fufeng didn't know these ways, so he suggested that Xifeng and Zhao Yingge keep this precious medicine, if it was impossible to sell it to those in need, it would be a huge fortune.

In a sense, this is indeed a meeting ceremony.

I borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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