Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 597 The Age of a Woman

Chapter 597 The Age of a Woman

"What... what little junior sister, whoever wins is the junior sister." Xifeng looked at Liu Fufeng puzzled, why, they didn't understand what she meant?
"???" Zhao Yingge was expressionless after hearing Xifeng's words, but Liu Fufeng seemed to be able to vaguely see a few question marks appearing on her forehead.

"Sister Xifeng, you're right, whoever wins is the Junior Sister? Are you and Sister Zhao trying to compete for the seat of Junior Junior Sister? Not... Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng asked.

Zhao Yingge also looked at Xifeng.

She knew that she was peeing with this woman... Cough, they couldn't think together, and they didn't understand what the little junior sister was arguing about?

She doesn't understand.

It's as if Xifeng doesn't understand these two girls now.

"Huh? Senior Sister? Then what's there to fight for?" Xifeng in the hot spring looked at the other two people with a broken mind: "I'm not stupid, of course I'm fighting for Junior Sister."

"..." Liu Fufeng.

"..." Zhao Yingge.

Looking at each other, they both saw each other's confusion.

Obviously, these two girls still haven't understood why Xifeng thinks so.

"???" Seeing the bewildered faces of the two girls, Xifeng also became confused. After a while, she suddenly stood up from the water, exposing her good figure to the air.

"Why... Wait, you don't think it's me who is strange, do you?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yingge spoke quickly.

"Isn't it you? How can I compete with my junior sister?"

"Sister Xifeng, actually... I don't really understand... I thought neither you nor Sister Zhao wanted the seat of Junior Sister..." Liu Fufeng looked ashamed.

"No? Why not." Xifeng snorted coldly, then looked at Zhao Yingge and Liu Fufeng in the water.

They looked at each other, trying to understand each other's thoughts.

Zhao Yingge gave up, and couldn't find the other party's brain circuit at all.

Liu Fufeng tilted his head and continued to think, but obviously he couldn't understand what Xifeng was thinking.

Xifeng looked at them carefully.

One is at most 17 years old, and the other is in her 20s... The other is fair and beautiful, with a good temperament, gentle as water, and even Xifeng herself is intoxicated by it.

The other one... Although she doesn't like it, and she has many flaws, as a woman, Zhao Yingge is definitely the most attractive of them all. Not to mention anything else, her tear mole, which is just right, has already been thrown out of the scene Everyone is on the same street... If Zhao Yingge changed his ruffian personality and put on long hair, then he would definitely be a fairy.

Maybe only Lu Ling's beauty mole can compare with her... And Lu Ling's background is obviously better than Zhao Yingge, and she will almost certainly be a beauty who will overwhelm the country when she grows up... But this girl is too young, and in every sense of the word Small.

She is not as beautiful as Zhao Yingge, both Xifeng and Liu Fufeng have self-knowledge in this regard, but for Xifeng, she is no match for Liu Fufeng, losing in being gentle.

This is the most important thing for a woman, and Xifeng has been in a high position all year round, and she has almost forgotten what tenderness is... It was only when she met Lu Ling for the first time that the motherhood in her body was awakened a little, but even In that way, Lu Ling could also feel that Xifeng had a strong sense of disobedience when she was tender.

The biggest difference between Xifeng, Liu Fufeng and Zhao Yingge is that she doesn't have the aura of youth, and this is exactly what girls don't need.

"..." At this moment, Xifeng's complexion was getting worse and worse looking at Zhao Yingge and Liu Fufeng.

She seems to understand why these two little girls don't understand her...

This is probably why a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry.

You know, she is already 30 years old... Basically, the most beautiful period as a woman has all passed... Like a worldly woman, she has children earlier, and basically loses her charm at the age of 40.

This is what Xifeng is afraid of.

For a woman, there is nothing more frightening than increasing age, not even death... Xifeng is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of becoming as old as Sangzhi.

Therefore, after entering the fairy gate, when hearing about seniority, the first thing that comes to mind is that the younger the better... Anyway, the women in Lingshan seem to be about the same age, and you can't tell if they are hundreds of years old, and she hasn't started to age now. , when it comes out that she is Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling's junior sister, it also seems that she is young, isn't she...

Never underestimate a woman's obsession with age.

Who knows, Zhao Yingge didn't intend to compete with her at all, because Zhao Yingge didn't lack something she cared about so much, and that was youth.

My heart is extremely unbalanced.

"Sister Xifeng?" Liu Fufeng looked at Xifeng's jealous eyes, swallowed his saliva, and moved a little towards Lu Ling.

"Hmph, a bunch of little girls, I'm too lazy to explain to you." Xifeng picked up the round fruit, took a bite hard, and at the same time stared at Zhao Yingge's plump body, as if biting her body.

"..." Liu Fufeng shivered a little, and shrank his body slightly.

"Sister Xifeng, that's why..."

"I don't care, I'm going to reserve the seat of Junior Sister Jiufeng." Xifeng interrupted Liu Fufeng, then looked at Zhao Yingge: "Although I didn't grab it by myself... But I won't let it go, of course, if If you don't want me to be comfortable, Miss Zhao, you can come over and try."

Zhao Yingge didn't raise her head, she was grooming the hair of the cat in her arms, pinching her ears from time to time, after hearing Xifeng's words, she rolled her eyes and said, "Let's play while I'm sick, I'll grab it with you, the majestic Luoyan City City Lord's My sister actually likes to be a little girl, so let me give it to you if you like it, and it happens that I don't want to argue with you at all."

In the words, he didn't care about Xifeng at all.

" really is a little girl who doesn't have full hair..." Xifeng covered her mouth and smiled lightly, then narrowed her eyes: "Your face makes me very uncomfortable..."

"Old woman, where are you talking so much nonsense?" Zhao Yingge raised her head with a provocative expression.

This woman, taking a bath can't make her safe.

"Old woman?" Xifeng shook her hands and stood up abruptly, when Liu Fufeng was terrified and thought she was going to fight, Xifeng finally sat down.

"Don't argue with the little girl."

Relaxing her body and feeling the gentleness brought by the spring water, Xifeng calmed down almost instantly.

Old woman... If this sentence was used to be fatal to her, but it is different now.

This is Lingshan, any adult woman is older than her.

Not to mention others, Shen Gui is probably two rounds older than her, and Luo Hanyi claims to be [-] years old... The previous Uncle Wang also said that he is a few hundred years old, and the senior sister who went to the Lingtai gatekeeper is also over a hundred years old .

Compared with these people, Xifeng will not be provoked by an "old woman", she can be said to be very young in Lingshan.

That's why I want to be a junior sister... Who doesn't like being young?Only a little girl like Lu Ling insists on being a senior sister. Although this kind of senior sister may be beneficial, she must bear a lot of responsibilities. For Xifeng who used to be responsible Temporarily relieved of responsibility, how could it be shouldered.

It means that she wouldn't do it even if it was given to her senior sister.

Regarding the old woman's words, Xifeng didn't say anything, but Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, and sang to Zhao Ying.

"Sister Zhao, old women should not say such things lightly in Lingshan, it may cause trouble."

"Huh?" Zhao Yingge raised her head, she didn't need to take Xifeng's words to heart, and Lingshan people didn't care, but she would definitely listen to Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling's words.

After all, these two are her saviors, and they are also good people in a pure sense. She likes them very much, second only to that silly woman Luo Hanyi.

On the surface, Zhao Yingge seemed to be indifferent to everything, but in fact she was very delicate.

The same is true for his feelings for Luo Hanyi.

"Sister Zhao, the senior sisters in Lingshan are all very good, they are not afraid of trouble, they are not afraid of you asking questions, they are willing to help with anything, they are really like family members." Liu Fufeng said.

"En, then what?" Zhao Yingge did not question Liu Fufeng's words, it was because she believed in her that she changed her view on Xianmen.

"Then..." Liu Fufeng paused for a moment, with a hint of embarrassment on his face: "Senior sister's gentleness is based on one premise, that is...don't ask them their ages."

"Pfft." Xifeng burst out laughing.

Liu Fufeng: "..."

"It's okay, it's okay, you say, you say..." Xifeng turned her back and covered her mouth.

Suddenly, inexplicably happy.

It turns out that she is not alone, age is a fatal issue even for the fairies in Lingshan. When she thinks that those tall fairies who are the same age as her are restricted, Xifeng feels that the fairy gate is not so far away.

" it important?" Zhao Yingge ignored Xifeng, but after hearing Liu Fufeng's words, she couldn't help showing doubts. Obviously, this girl who lived alone couldn't understand this kind of thing.

"I don't think she cares much about the silly woman."

Back then, when Luo Hanyi told her about her age, she wasn't unhappy at all.

"Maybe... Uncle Luo is different from other people." Liu Fufeng shook his head. For Uncle Luo, everything except long hair should be unimportant. The few months with Luo Hanyi , she has a deep understanding of what hair control is...

"Indeed, she is stupid." Zhao Yingge nodded: "You can't say old women, you can't mention your age, right?"

"Yes." Liu Fufeng smiled wryly: "Actually, I don't understand why age is taboo, but my personal experience tells me that you must never bring up age-related issues in front of senior sisters..."

"Huh? Did something happen?" Xifeng looked at Liu Fufeng with great interest when she heard the gossip.

"Don't ask." Liu Fufeng shook his head with a look of helplessness.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it." Xifeng was very understanding.

Several people soaked in the hot spring.

Liu Fufeng looked at the sky, thinking about something.

In fact, it was none other than Xu Xu, Senior Sister Xu, whom she had the best relationship with on Lingshan, who gave her this experience.

Xu Xu gave Liu Fufeng the impression that she was a very withdrawn person, because after being in contact with her for so long, Liu Fufeng found that she had no friends at all except Shen Gui and himself—just like Qin Qin, she was very gentle with everyone, But in fact, they are all separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

But after getting close to Xu Xu, you will find that she is a very attractive person. In Liu Fufeng's view, Xu Xu is much more charming than Shen Gui...

Xu Xu is also Li Zhuzi's student. He likes to wear a slanted spherical double bun, slanted bangs, covers half of his eyes, and wears yellow clothes. He is an out-and-out bookworm. It's a fairy of the Void Transformation Realm who controls the fire lotus.

In terms of personality, although he looks lively, he is a very quiet person in essence. He is quiet, quiet, aloof from the world, and has a kind of temperament... Li Zhuzi and many teachers and uncles are full of praise.

She has a photographic memory, but it is easy to forget "unimportant" things, she is not very good at getting along with people, and her smiles are also very strange. Sometimes Liu Fufeng doesn't know what to say, and Xu Xu can laugh for a quarter of an hour...

By the way, it seems to be a very willful person.

For example, Senior Sister Xu said that she chose Martial Soul because the fire lotus is very beautiful...

In addition, Xu Xu, who has mastered the fire control level, can't cook at all. This point has been identified by Liu Fufeng.

And this kind of small flaw can't cover up Xu Xu's shining point. Wherever she stands, she will naturally attract everyone's attention, even if she only wears the simplest clothes and stays in a remote corner, but everyone All eyes will be on her.

She just has that vibe.

Xu Xu, who got serious, has nothing to do with the world, she really seems to be a fairy born in this world, she doesn't fight, but no one can compete with her.

Shen Gui can't do it either, her rivalry with Xu Xu's indisputable nature is naturally weaker, and these two people have completely different personalities, no matter how much the little girl from Lingshan likes Shen Gui, when talking about the two of them, she will always mention Shen Gui's talent is worse than Xu Xu's and he can still cultivate to this point, which proves Shen Gui's hard work.

But Shen Gui is already very good, she doesn't need to prove herself through others, because most girls in Lingshan are more talented than Shen Gui... Everyone understands this, but they will say it when facing Xu Xu.

This can already explain the problem.

In everyone's mind, in real comparison, Xu Xu probably still wins a little bit.

Of course, in fact, the two of them have always been on the same page, and no one can do anything to the other, and it has been like this since childhood.

For Liu Fufeng, if Lu Ling can have half of Xu Xu's femininity in the future, she will laugh out loud in her dreams. One can imagine how much Liu Fufeng likes Xu Xu.

But it is such a person who is close to perfection, a senior sister Xu who can see everything very openly, when she asked the question about age... the gentleness of the previous second disappeared in an instant.


It's fried hair.

Liu Fufeng couldn't find a more suitable adjective... At that time, Xu Xu's mood almost fell to the bottom in an instant, and he almost set fire to the book garden...

Then, she was educated slowly, telling her not to try to ask anyone's age in Lingshan, even if she looked like she was only in her 20s.

Liu Fufeng still remembered that Xu Xu smiled like a flower, but it made people shudder.

Shake his head.

" it really that important?"

After talking to himself, and looking back at Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng shrank his body under the water, only showing half of his head.

How old are you this year?
How old is Aya?

(End of this chapter)

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