Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 598 Cold and Hot Blood

Chapter 598 Cold and Hot Blood

After talking to himself, and looking back at Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng shrank his body under the water, only showing half of his head.

How old are you this year?
How old is Aya?

Liu Fufeng was startled for a moment, then shook his head.

A senior sister is a senior sister, A Ling is a Ling, age is not a problem, as long as she is willing, there is no problem in letting A Ling be her senior sister for the rest of her life.

She is now the "Peak Master" of the Ninth Peak.


I should be... 17 years old.

People in this world also have the custom of celebrating the day of birth, but she didn't celebrate her birthday very much, or she didn't celebrate her birthday, so she couldn't remember the date clearly, but she remembered her brother's birthday clearly.

In terms of age, every spring when the flowers in the back mountain bloom, she knows that she is one year older.

Thinking of this, Liu Fufeng looked back at Lu Ling with inexplicable eyes.

After a while, hide your thoughts.

When is Aya's birthday?Liu Fufeng was not stupid enough to ask Lu Ling such a question, because it was obvious that Lu Ling was much more desolate than her. Although her status in the family was not high, she was just a commodity to be married in exchange for her younger brother's Dowry money, but after all, I have never been cold or hungry... Let's have a home where I can live, and Lu Ling...

There will be no birthdays.

However, the place where she is now is Ah Ling's home. Although this home may not last long, it must be maintained.

Just let Ah Ling spend every day at home like a birthday.

Liu Fufeng thought so, and did the same.

"Sister Xifeng, sister Zhao, when is your birthday? Do you remember?" Liu Fufeng asked.

Hearing her speak, both of them were taken aback.

"'s a little far away." Xifeng was stunned for a moment and then quickly came back to her senses: "It's all happened when I was a child. Although I haven't celebrated it for many years, I still remember it. What's the matter? "

"It's nothing, I just thought of it suddenly." Liu Fufeng looked at Zhao Yingge.

"My... I used to have birthdays often when I was a child, but later..." Zhao Yingge shook her head, thinking about revenge all day long, how could she celebrate her own birthday, let alone that she was born as a daughter? uncomfortable thing.

"I remember." Liu Fufeng nodded.

A little envious.

Although these two have various pasts, they both remember their own birthdays, while she and Ling don't.

There was no such thing as a birthday in their family before, although the mother sometimes wanted to celebrate it for her, but the days are different every year, and it is not a correct day at all. After going on once or twice, Liu Fufeng also understood The so-called birthday is just the mother showing her motherhood to the neighbors. Later, she was more resistant to birthdays.

Until my brother was born.

Then her status in the family plummeted like this, and by coincidence, everyone in the family remembered that day, and hung his birthday in the father's study. The incomparable doting finally developed the arrogant and domineering younger brother. character……

"Sister Liu, what are you thinking?" Xifeng's voice pulled Liu Fufeng out of his memories.

"I thought of some things at home." Liu Fufeng forced a smile.

"You don't look very pretty." Xifeng took a deep look at Liu Fufeng, she said she was from Picheng...

Later, Xifeng sent someone to investigate this Picheng, and found that it was only a very small town, not on the same level as Luoyan City, a metropolis-level main city. A sort of.

It is worth mentioning that there is a new wealthy family in Picheng, the Liu family...

She can probably guess something.

However, Xifeng did not tell Liu Fufeng about these things, nor did he continue to investigate.

She recognized Liu Fufeng as a very good sister. She didn't want to investigate her, so enough was enough.

"It's not something that makes people happy." Liu Fufeng avoided the topic, and then told himself in her heart that her love for A Ling must be limited, otherwise if A Ling is used to being ignorant by her, she will Will not forgive myself.

Obviously, her ugly face was not because she thought about the treatment she received at home, but because she was worried about Lu Ling's training...

It's just that the past of her father, mother, and younger brother is nothing to her, and now only Lu Ling can touch her heart.

Deliberately, she almost forgot about the things in Picheng.

To put it bluntly, even if everyone in the family died, she didn't care. Perhaps from the perspective of a doctor, she would sympathize with her—almost a stranger.

Everyone owes nothing to each other.

I don't know why, but she is becoming more and more cold-blooded... Obviously it wasn't like this before, but now a certain place in her heart has become dark to a certain extent, for example, she can easily kill people in a town.

This happened not long before going up the mountain. It has nothing to do with Lingshan, but the product of her long-term repressed life.

But she wasn't afraid at all... Being cold-blooded was for others, not for those close to her. On the contrary, Lu Ling became more important and dazzling after her sense of other things weakened.

She likes this feeling.

He has severed all ties with his family.

Don't say that life is priceless, she is a commodity at home, and after entering Lingshan, the benefits and money the family will get are much more than marrying her to any gentry and rich man. Maybe now my family members have become Maybe he became the richest man in Picheng?
Shake his head.

"Sister Zhao, Sister Xifeng, what do you think of the family?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"Family?" Xifeng showed nostalgia.

Zhao Yingge's complexion also softened.

Liu Fufeng knew that these two were traditional women who put their families in a very important position, and their parents would not be wrong, and even they would be very uncomfortable with her outrageous thoughts and would not accept them.

Liu Fufeng did not continue.

She feels that no one is qualified to educate her, especially those who stand at the commanding heights, including A Ling. After being bullied, revenge is justified, and no one needs to point fingers. People who have not experienced pain are not qualified to let go With a bright face.

"I also think family is very important." Liu Fufeng said without hesitation.

"Right, for me, ancestors are equally important." Xifeng said seriously.

Zhao Yingge did notice that when Liu Fufeng talked about her family, the person who kept looking at her was Lu Ling, but she didn't point it out.

Liu Fufeng looked at the two people in front of him, taking in their expressions.

In fact, she is not completely ignorant of someone intervening in her and Ah Ling's life. There are still some things to be confirmed. Aya's influence will deviate from her expectations, so even if she may lose her hard-won friends, she will reject him.

"Sister Zhao, Sister Xifeng, I have something to ask your opinion." Liu Fufeng said.

"whats the matter?"

Because the atmosphere is very good now, Xifeng is eating fruit, Zhao Yingge is playing with cats, and she doesn't realize how important the question Liu Fufeng is asking at this time, what does it represent, and this is what Liu Fufeng needs, she needs to know the other party's real idea.

"I think the senior sisters in Lingshan also have different personalities and concepts." Liu Fufeng glanced at Lu Ling, then turned around and said, "But fairies are all about punishing evil and promoting good, I don't really know very well, what is Good, what is evil, I don’t know what you think.”

"No way, sister Liu, you don't know what kindness is?" Xifeng couldn't believe it, and then looked at Liu Fufeng: "Stop making trouble, sister, you are the kindest person I have ever met..."

"Indeed." Zhao Yingge nodded.

The reason why she likes Luo Hanyi, Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng is that she is attracted by their kindness, especially Liu Fufeng's practice of medicine... Such a girl doesn't know what kindness is?

It's just a big joke.

"I don't think I'm a kind person." Liu Fufeng shook his head, "I just like medicine."

"Stop making trouble, you're not kind? Wait, you can't be serious, are you?" Xifeng looked at Liu Fufeng in surprise: "Sister, are you happy when you see the smiles of the people being treated?"

"Happy." Liu Fufeng thought for a while and nodded.

"I'm still happy without taking the money, isn't that for the other party's good? Isn't that kind?" Xifeng said.

"Isn't this what you should do?" Liu Fufeng looked at Xifeng, a little confused.

She asked the other party questions, but she was confused first.

Xifeng: "..."

Zhao Yingge: "..."

Well one should do.

"Forget it, sister, you just have to be happy..." Xifeng twitched the corners of her mouth. If Liu Fufeng is not kind, then what is she, the city lord?Is it a monster...

"I don't really understand this, and the important thing is the definition of a villain." Liu Fufeng looked at Xifeng: "Sister, I don't know what the definition of a villain is, do you know? From your point of view, I want to know practical thinker."

For the current Liu Fufeng, there are no evil and good people in the world... Those who are good to A Ling are good people, and those who are bad to A Ling deserve to die.

But... what if a good person treats Ah Ling badly?Indifference is also counted, so can you be called a good person if you kill the other party like this?

This is what she cannot say about good and evil.

Obviously, the current Liu Fufeng is not completely cold-blooded, and the concept of good and evil before meeting Lu Ling is still affecting her.

"My angle? Are you telling the truth?" Xifeng was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes became serious.

"Well, to be honest." Liu Fufeng nodded.

Xifeng was silent for a while, then said: "... There is no distinction between good and evil."

"People...?" Liu Fufeng closed his eyes and listened.

"I have stayed in Luoyan City for a long time. I have done all kinds of things and seen many things. In fact... many things cannot be explained by mere personal good and evil. I... among the people who ordered the execution with my own hands There are many benevolent people." Xifeng said, looked up and found that Zhao Yingge was listening seriously, so she continued.

"From other perspectives, that man is a good man... But from the perspective of Luoyan City, he is a pest and an unstable factor. I admire him, but I still have to kill him, because in my opinion, he is harmful to Luoyan City. Those who threaten and flout the law of the ancestors are only wicked, not good."

Xifeng said seriously.

Liu Fufeng opened his eyes.

It is very similar to her, except that Lu Ling is replaced by Luoyan City.

She didn't understand, but she understood a little bit.

"The point of view of a good person and a wicked person is not determined by the other party itself, but by the point of view of each of us, right." Liu Fufeng nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"In my opinion, it's a matter of position." Xifeng nodded. She thinks that people have two views of good and evil, and they are kind in the eyes of the public. Even she thinks the other party is a kind person, but she still wants to kill him. , because the other party touched her bottom line, the other party is heinous.

The difference between subjective and objective, or two subjective differences, of course, Xifeng has more personal factors on this issue.

"It's not a matter of perspective, although I don't know why we are discussing such profound things..." Xifeng thought for a while: "Actually, for me, the definition of evil and good is not so obvious, it is more rational The distinction with sensibility would be more appropriate."

The other party is a good person, but she still wants to kill, because damn it, Xifeng will not feel guilty about this kind of thing, let alone feel that she is a wicked person.

"I... probably understand a little bit." Liu Fufeng nodded, Xifeng is indeed the lord of the city, and she is very open about her position.

And Liu Fufeng decided not to ask further questions.

Zhao Yingge was in a daze, completely unaware of what these two people were talking about.

"What kind of good and evil, good is good, evil is evil, if it's all standpoints, then it's not a demon but also a good person?" Zhao Yingge said dissatisfied.

Liu Fufeng was taken aback when he heard this.

"Bah." After hearing this, Xifeng spat at her: "What I'm talking about is limited to humans, and the demon race is the ultimate evil, so it's not in the scope of the discussion, right, sister Liu."

"Ah? Yes... yes." Liu Fufeng nodded, then looked at Zhao Yingge.

"Sister Zhao, what about you?"

"Me?" Zhao Yingge rubbed her temples.

"Sister Liu, I think you are a good person, and those who do evil are evil... For the rest, I can't think of anything profound, so don't embarrass me." Zhao Yingge had a headache, but his eyes lit up, and when he was listening to books in Luoyan City , remember a word.

"If you have evil in your heart, you are a demon, if you indulge evil into disaster, you are a demon. Those who have righteousness in their hearts are good people." Zhao Yingge said.

"Cut... all of a sudden you've become more civilized, what's the evil? What is a disaster? Who is it a disaster?" Xifeng turned to look at Liu Fufeng with a look of disgust on her face: "Okay, sister Liu, Zhao girl is not I didn't understand your question, but she is also very obvious, her view of good and evil is the same as that of most people, but in essence she also looks at the problem from her own point of view, in the final analysis, it is still a matter of position."

"Yes, is it?" Liu Fufeng smiled awkwardly, in fact, she still liked Zhao Yingge's sentence, "If you have evil in your heart, you are a demon, and if you let evil be a disaster, you are a demon." 】Yes, but Zhao Yingge would feel that it is evil for Xifeng to kill good people for the sake of standing, so she would naturally have doubts about her education.

But listening to Xifeng's words, no matter what Zhao Yingge's view of good and evil is, it doesn't seem to conflict with her...

Forget it.

Sister Xifeng must have passed the test, Sister Zhao, she has to take another look...

(End of this chapter)

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