Chapter 599 The Future
Forget it.

Liu Fufeng shook his head.

Sister Xifeng must have passed the test, Sister Zhao, she has to take another look...

"Zhao girl is stupid, I don't understand what you mean." Xifeng taunted Zhao Yingge, then pondered for a while: "If you enter the fairy gate, you will indeed wonder about these questions...well, but I think the nature of good and evil still depends on what you mean. That's the position."

"En." Liu Fufeng responded, and then continued: "Sister Xifeng, if a person can look at things from everyone's standpoint, isn't he an absolute good person?"

Liu Fufeng was very curious, if one's position determines good and evil, would such a person exist?

"On the standpoint of everyone?" Xifeng froze for a moment, then said quickly.

"Is that still a human being?"

People have emotions and desires. The simplest thing is, she doesn't know what kind of person can understand getting something for nothing and robbing a house from the perspective of a robber. At the same time, she can sympathize with the robbed and hate those bandits.

This is too contradictory.

And these are just two angles... It is impossible to imagine that a person can consider issues from the standpoint of everyone.

"Sure enough, it's not realistic, right?" Liu Fufeng shook his head lightly.

"No... If I think that if there is such a person, then he is very dangerous. Doesn't it mean that he is a good person from every angle? It also means that he is a villain when viewed from another side... In that case, It can be said that he is an absolute good person, but can it also be proved that he is an absolute evil person? And this is still a heinous evil..." Xifeng said, trembling slightly.

The assumption Liu Fufeng gave her, after careful consideration, gave her a chilling feeling.

"That's what I was thinking about, to see if there is an absolute benevolent person, and now it seems that there should be none." Liu Fufeng also felt a little scary, so he cut off the idea of ​​cultivating Lu Ling as an all-around benevolent person.

"As long as a person has his own self and can distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong from his own point of view, I think that's enough." Xifeng said seriously, she didn't know what Liu Fufeng was thinking, but she told her own conclusion.

"I think so too." Liu Fufeng agreed with Xifeng's words.


In fact, what they discussed was the so-called true Buddha in the Valley of Sadness.

The true Buddha, the absolute goodness, is absolutely neutral goodness no matter from which point of view in the vast world, but this kind of goodness is very dangerous... One thought of Buddha, one thought of Mara.

This kind of extreme can be found in both Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling...

Especially Liu Fufeng.

She is more dangerous than I imagined.

And there is one more person that needs to be mentioned on this matter.

Cross me Zen master.

The ideal of this monk is probably to save all the people in the world... That is to say, his own concept of good and evil is based on the good and evil of all living beings... So there is a contradiction, and the cultivation base has been stuck, and he has not made any progress.

However, he has self-knowledge and never overestimates his ability to look at problems from the perspective of everyone's goodness. Only the true Buddha can do that. He just does the small goodness he thinks he can do, so there has been no problem.

Because he has been carefully grasping the size, Zen Master Towo did not become the Mara in the eyes of the world, but in fact, he did not get any benefits. Whether it is the human race, the sea race or the spirit race, there is a problem with this brain His Holiness is quite disgusted.

Given the chance, no matter what race he is in, he should kill him without hesitation.

The Zen master was also confused for a while, but Lu Ling enlightened him, allowing this monk to realize the Tao in an instant, walking in front of everyone. In fact, after reading through half of the Diamond Sutra given by Lu Ling, the current Zen master Duwo no longer thinks about it. I have crossed all sentient beings.

Lu Ling told him that there is no real "I" in terms of people and Dharma. Therefore, Buddhism is to solve the problem of "I". When my problem is solved, the world's problems will be solved. The world originally came from this "I", and it is precisely because I have figured this out and completely penetrated my way that I can break through.

In essence, it is the same as what Xifeng said, that is, to think about problems directly from one's own point of view, and solve the "I" problem, and the world's problems will be solved.

As Zen Master Duwo understood, the concept of good and evil is only a small link in the two aspects of human beings and dharma.

According to what Lu Ling said, in simple words.

There are thorns and thorns on the ground, what you need to do is not to cover the world with cowhide, but to make yourself a pair of cowhide shoes...

If you think it is good, then it is good, if you think it is not, then it is evil.

"...Sister Liu, why... would you think of such a question? It doesn't make any sense." Xifeng didn't understand very much, Zhao Yingge also looked straight at Liu Fufeng after hearing this.

She's in a weird state right now.

It's a very simple matter, but Liu Fufeng has been struggling until now.There must be a deeper reason for this.

"I..." Liu Fufeng came back to his senses and took a deep breath.

"I don't know very well...but this is a very important thing."

In fact, after the awakening of her talent... no, before that, she could vaguely feel something... but it was so vague that she couldn't express it in words.

Probably because there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity with Lingshan. At the same time, all behaviors are subtly changing towards one place. It seems that there is some purpose, but I can't say it.

I just know that the concept of good and evil is very important.

That's why she repeatedly told Lu Ling that what justice is, she would tell Lu Ling only when she felt it was important.

Now, after asking about Xifeng, who she thought she could trust and who had enough experience in life, Liu Fufeng became even more confused.

Shake his head.

forget about it.

Head hurts.

Liu Fufeng exhaled a foul breath.

Walking day by day, these things are not important... But she will not change her mind, because after getting in touch with Lu Ling, she knows that Lu Ling is different from others, and her own three views are consistent with this position Nine is not far from ten.

"The opposite of justice is not evil, the opposite of justice is other justice."

When she said this, Lu Ling also agreed very much, Liu Fufeng felt that this was enough, she did not require her A Ling to be able to cover everything, but at least, she hoped that she could distinguish between two aspects.

that's it.

Liu Fufeng looked back at the little girl who was lying on the edge of the spring, snoring softly, and took a deep breath.

A Ling is very willful, but she is a very gentle person at heart. Although it is sometimes strange, this is her senior sister, her A Ling.

Looking at Lu Ling, her red lips parted silently, Liu Fufeng thought.

The warmth my senior sister gets here, I want to protect it with everything I have.

What is kindness? What is viciousness? It's just because the end point is different and the views are different, so if you are a gentle senior sister, you must be able to understand, right?
At this moment, Liu Fufeng has already realized something...

Turn around and enjoy the spring water.

Slightly, figured out some things.

The attitude towards Sister Zhao is not so important.

"Sister Zhao, I think the opposite of justice is not evil, but other justice." Liu Fufeng sang to Zhao Ying.

Zhao Yingge was stunned for a moment, but did not speak.

Xifeng smiled and shook her head: "This kind of words seem to be something you can say, a kind sister..."

She didn't object because she felt that Lingshan had the ability to protect Liu Fufeng's kindness.

"Other justice?" Zhao Yingge nodded.

In fact, she only cared about playing with cats, and didn't know what Liu Fufeng and the others were talking about... But Liu Fufeng's words were easy to understand. For Zhao Yingge, killing people in Luoyan City violated the law, but she also Not feeling evil, she has her reasons.

"I can understand a little bit."

"That's good." Liu Fufeng nodded, as long as she doesn't raise any objections, she can accept it.

look up.

I feel the atmosphere is a bit heavy...

"Sister Zhao, you are Feng Jiu's third disciple from today, Sister Xifeng, you are now a junior junior sister..." Liu Fufeng twitched the corners of his mouth, looking at the mature and enchanting Xifeng.

"Hello Senior Sister Liu." Xifeng smiled, the woman's eyebrows were slender, and a crescent moon appeared under her forehead.

"Sister Xifeng, don't be like this..." Liu Fufeng trembled: "Also, junior junior sister is not that easy to be, if there are new disciples in the future, then..."

"It's okay, new disciple, I see if she dares to fight me."

Liu Fufeng: "..."

After such a commotion, the atmosphere instantly became harmonious.

"By the way, where do we sleep at night?"

"I can only sleep on the floor..."

"Ah? I want to sleep on the bed, let me sleep with Ah Ling in my arms."




Since then, the four disciples of Feng Jiu are considered together, and the future will be quite peaceful.



at the same time.

Nanyuan, in front of Li Zhuzi's room.

With a pot of new tea, the two sat upright and communicated.

The atmosphere has become much more harmonious.

Mo Qing really put a lot of effort into the tea ceremony, which made Li Zhuzi feel very comfortable, so the conversation between the two slowly started...

Mo Qing took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and frowned unnaturally.

"Bitter?" Li Zhuzi said when he saw his raised eyebrows.

"Yes... I've already drank some, but I still can't get used to it." Mo Qing said truthfully.

"It's right to be bitter. I knew that people who drink it for the first time won't get used to it." Li Zhuzi was not unhappy, because Mo Qing was a normal reaction of tea drinkers, and the taste of Yueyingcao was not liked. People who drink tea can accept it.

"However, life is like this cup of moongrowth..." Li Zhuzi shook the light green crystal in his hand, feeling its trembling, showing a gratified expression.

"" Looking at Li Zhuzi like this, Mo Qing's heart gradually accelerated. He still underestimated her charm...

"When the moon is full, it will lose money, otherwise it will this life?" Mo Qing asked.

"Probably." Li Zhuzi didn't elaborate, but just raised his head and gulped it down.

She seldom drinks this boldly, because it is wasteful, and she loses the behavior of tasting tea... But sometimes when the mood comes, she can't avoid acting freely.

The rich bitter taste exploded on the taste buds, and Li Zhuzi closed his eyes.

Think of a lot of things.

When she was young, the things around her were very exciting, but... Correspondingly, she also lost a lot of important things. Everything in Tianguangxu was not smooth sailing, and life was not smooth sailing either.

Maybe there are ups and downs, but all I can recall now is the bitterness.

Losing a close friend, being betrayed by a former disciple, watching relatives disappear in front of my eyes...

And as a normal woman, she also had someone she liked... Obviously she liked it so much back then, but as time passed, she couldn't remember anything... The other person has become unimportant in her heart, The name, appearance, everything, all passed away like the wind.

This kind of indifference and cold-bloodedness is the most bitter thing, making her sore physically and mentally, like chewing moon grass.


Mo Qing was looking at Li Zhuzi with distress, could she really bear such an unpleasant taste...

But at this moment, the frowning woman suddenly shook her head slightly, the corners of her mouth raised.

The momentary shock made Mo Qing stay where he was, as if struck by lightning.

The smile is like a Joan, and there is a touch of surprise.

It is the current Li Zhuzi.

At this time, Li Zhuzi broke away from the short memory and laughed at herself. She actually started to be sentimental?Could it be infected by Liu Fufeng?

It feels a little ridiculous.

In fact, these things are already unimportant... She is also completely different from her temperament when she was young, the only thing in common is that she is still so lazy and likes to be lazy.

A cup of bitter tea entered his throat.

Flick your sleeves.

What does the dust of the world have to do with me?

The attitude towards Mo Qing is completely clear, and there is no unnaturalness... Even, she is still thinking about whether she can match Mo Qing and... Cough cough cough, this matter needs to be tested.


Suddenly, the shadow of Lu Ling appeared in Li Zhuzi's mind, the bitterness on his tongue disappeared, and the sweetness surged up.

Helplessly shook his head.

Feng Jiu has a new student, so she will probably be busy in the future...

Turning around, she found that Mo Qing looked fixed, staring straight at her, feeling strange.

"Lord of the Southern Territory?"

"Lord of the Southern Territory?"

"Ah?" Mo Qing regained consciousness.

"The taste is too bitter, unacceptable?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Probably...probably a little." Mo Qing didn't dare to look Li Zhuzi in the eyes, but the latter didn't care.

"Lord of the Southern Territory, how long has it been since you and Senior Sister Mo have not been in touch?" Li Zhuzi thought of something and asked.

Speaking of her sister, Mo Qing broke away from the scene just now, showing a helpless look.

"Sister... Mo Yu, the real person, has been refusing to accept my jade slips and messages... So it must have been almost a hundred years ago."

Li Zhuzi: "..."

"There are only a few hundred years in your life, you can't do this." Li Zhuzi reminded him.

"I know, it's not a few hundred years, so you have to hurry up on what you want to do, and you can't be timid anymore."


Then, Mo Qing picked up the teacup.



Salute, toast.

The two were talking about the same thing, but they were very different.

Put down the teacup.

"Venerable Bamboo, I want to ask a question about Lu Ling."

This is the real deal.

(End of this chapter)

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