Chapter 600 Parents
Speaking of which, Mo Qing originally wanted to use Lu Ling's topic to reconcile the atmosphere between him and Li Zhuzi, so she had a good understanding of Lu Ling's hobbies and personality, but she didn't expect that tea alone could do it, and the others were useless superior.

But about Lu Ling, there is still a question to be asked.

"Master Zhu, I want to ask a question about Lu Ling." Mo Qing said seriously.

This is the main story, and of course the previous ones are also very important... For Mo Qing, every second spent with Li Zhuzi is extremely valuable, but...

For this bamboo daughter, it is impossible to say that there is nothing she wants to ask.

The simplest, the child's father thing.

"A Ling?" Li Zhuzi was stunned for a moment: "Why do you want to ask her... Oh, Dong Shenhai, I almost forgot about this."

Li Zhuzi filled Mo Qing with a cup of tea.

"Lord of the Southern Territory, thank you for giving A Ling the "Shen Lan". It is very suitable for her physique and solved some troubles."

There are few polite words in Li Zhuzi's words, but sincere thanks.

The level of Shenlan is in Lingshan, and it is estimated that only the best high-level exercises can match it, and it is a very precious thing.

"Master Zhu, you are being polite. Shenlan was originally prepared for Lu Ling. The method of controlling the cold air from the inside out is useless for others to learn..." Mo Qing shook his head, returned Li Zhuzi's gift, and said: " After all, she is very important to Eastern Shenhai, Venerable Bamboo, you should understand what I mean."

"I know a little bit." Li Zhuzi nodded, the two of them were tacit about Xuenv's matter, but they didn't understand it at the moment, and continued: "A Ling is also very important to me."

She looked at Mo Qing and continued.

"The Eastern Divine Sea is so generous, we still...please forgive me, the Lord of the Southern Territory."

The same is from the heart.

Regarding this kind of top-notch cultivation technique, if it was changed to the group of women in Lingshan, they would definitely not easily give it to the Holy Land outside, and her apology said that the Lingshan people went to the East God Sea to find trouble before.

They are so kind to Lu Ling, and they still use the Eastern Divine Sea to establish their prestige in the world of cultivating immortals, which is a bit unreasonable.

Regarding this point, Li Zhuzi didn't care whether the people in Dongshenhai had any schemes, as long as she knew that Lu Ling had benefited, it was her acceptance.

"It's not something to be concerned about." Mo Qing shook his head, not caring at all that Dong Shenhai's face was swept away because of Lingshan.

There are other people in Eastern Shenhai who are dissatisfied, and they are quite dissatisfied... But since Lu Ling's bloodline broke out some time ago, all dissatisfaction has been suppressed.

Are you kidding me... The domain master of the Eastern Divine Sea is now a disciple of Lingshan, and after investigation, Lingshan is Lu Ling's home, the kind that can't be kidnapped, if they offend Lingshan... don't say anything else, Those old antiques from Eastern Shenhai will probably come out and eat them.

People of the older generation have an almost crazy attachment to the ancestral precepts of the Eastern Shenhai.

After all, it is said that the reason why the Eastern Shenhai exists is to welcome the return of the snow girl... So for the current Eastern Shenhai, the weight of all things has been lowered by one level, including the matter of opening the domain master's treasure house. After falling to the next level, all the resources freed up are naturally for Lu Ling.

Especially when Patriarch Mingyue went back to Lingshan to hang Lu Ling's portrait at the highest point in the East Shenhai Pavilion, and moved his seat below the portrait, Lu Ling's identity was already settled.

This kind of attitude almost shows that Lu Ling must be trained at all costs... But in this way, as long as Lingshan does not let people go, the Eastern Shenhai will always be weak at Lingshan. It is the first lesson for all Eastern Shenhai disciples to get started...

About that person and sword has been engraved in everyone's heart, including Mo Qing, including Dongfang Linglong.

Over the past few days, Dongfang Lianren's ears have almost been worn out, and her sister's screaming Xuenv Xuenv all day has made her bored... The reason why Dongfang Linglong studied hard is to see a little bit of Xuenv's realm, but... When Dongfang Lianren thought of Lu Ling, he felt a little ruined.

Therefore, the current East Shenhai can almost agree to all requests from Lingshan—the premise is that it will be used on Lu Ling, so it is just a small matter of blackmail nature, which is nothing at all.

Of course, even if Lu Ling hadn't taken over the East God Sea Pavilion, Mo Qing personally wouldn't resent Lingshan. Cultivation method is really the simplest thing, he can't wait for it.

Not to mention, the legend of Shenlan was originally the master of the first domain owner, and Xuenv's skills... now at most it is considered to be returned to the original owner.

The first domain master.

Mo Qing thought of the figure of the original domain master on the cover page of "Shenlan", and was stunned for a moment, feeling that he was thinking too much.

What he didn't know was that although Lu Ling also saw the woman in purple in "Shen Lan", what she saw was not a mature woman, but a young girl...

The gears of fate gradually began to turn, and these people were just lubricants.

"By the way, about Shenlan, I have a few points to ask. Ah Ling seems to have...a problem with meridian details." Li Zhuzi interrupted Mo Qing's daze.

"Okay." Mo Qing nodded, now is the time to get along with Li Zhuzi, and he shouldn't think too much about other things.

Then, the two had some detailed discussions on Shenlan's question, and Mo Qing was surprised by Li Zhuzi's meticulous questions... Some problems that he didn't notice, but Li Zhuzi noticed. The details of the meridian are not taken care of.

Following the discussion, Mo Qing couldn't help sighing, maybe this is the change after becoming a mother?In the past, he couldn't imagine that Li Zhuzi would care so much about one thing.

"Okay, I know the general details. I will call Ah Ling over tomorrow and order these places for her." Li Zhuzi heaved a sigh of relief. After careful study, she found that this Shenlan book is not ordinary to Lu Ling. It's suitable, almost all the utilization of women's yin veins that she can think of have been developed to the extreme, including the filling of the soul road, which is a level higher than the tailor-made exercises she made for Lu Ling a few days ago.

It's just... If this is the case, then Chunyin Luzi's "Jianyanjue" and the current "Shenlan" meet together, and they are developing Yin veins. Lu Ling herself has a cold constitution, and the next day may not be as good. It's okay, this goes against her original intention of writing exercises for Lu Ling... But there is no way, the most important thing is to restrain the cold and not hurt yourself, pure pain... is also a kind of exercise for Ah Ling .

Just saying that, Li Zhuzi still had a distressed look on his face...

It will really hurt.

It's piercing, and it's not just a physical pain, it's probably a pain engraved on the soul.

If it was Lu Ling, rolling with tears full of tears would probably be the lowest match.

Li Zhuzi shook his head.

She couldn't think about it anymore, and if she thought about it any more, she was afraid that she couldn't help but let Lu Ling give up her cultivation, but that was absolutely impossible, for Lu Ling's future development, this was almost the only way to go.

Mo Qing naturally saw Li Zhuzi's expression, and after thinking about the details that Li Zhuzi asked about before, she knew what she was thinking.

"Worried about pain?"

"En." Li Zhuzi glanced at Mo Qing unexpectedly, and nodded.

"I don't think you need to worry." Mo Qing said: "Lu Ling is a very strong girl in essence, if it is her, there will be no problem."

Hearing the people in front of her praise Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi said that it was impossible to be unhappy, after all Lu Ling was almost the most precious treasure to her...but she still shook her head.

"A Ling is very strong, much stronger than I imagined... But because of this, there are still some problems in the non-separated state... Whether it is a disguise or not, I am a little unclear now... Li Zhuzi sighed: "However, if it is the Ah Ling I know, even if I can hold back, but... it will definitely be very painful."

She knew something about the other Lu Ling, but she couldn't explain it, so she could only rely on the signs of splitting her mind.

Li Zhuzi also has no intention of digging out Lu Ling's secret... She just needs to educate Ah Ling to be a good girl.

"Really..." Mo Qing was a little silent, and the topic was a little heavy. In this case, he probably wouldn't have the opportunity to bring up the topic of Lu Ling's hobbies to narrow the distance between him and Li Zhuzi...

But that's fine too.

Getting close to Li Zhuzi with tea is already a bit despicable, and he doesn't want to use Lu Ling, after all, this is his own business.

Therefore, everything is natural, and you can ask whatever you want.

"Master Zhu, about Lu, about you, I have something..." After Mo Qing spoke, he hesitated.

"Just say what you want." Li Zhuzi looked up at him.

To be honest, this man gave her a very good feeling, but that's all.

After holding back for a while, Mo Qing decided to start with the business, otherwise he really couldn't open his mouth.

"She is your daughter, so Dong Shenhai doesn't want to change her now, but... if there is a chance in the future, I hope that Lu Ling can go to Dong Shenhai... For her, for Dong Shenhai It's all good." Mo Qing said.

"Have you told Senior Sister Feng about this?" Li Zhuzi asked back. Although she noticed that Mo Qing said that Lu Ling was her daughter, she didn't think there was anything abnormal... After all, everyone in Lingshan is like this now. She said that she herself really regarded Lu Ling as her daughter, so she didn't think there was any problem.

But when Mo Qing saw Li Zhuzi's calm appearance, his last little idea came to nothing. At first, he thought that Lu Ling and Li Zhuzi didn't look alike...

Sure enough, she is a daughter... In other words, she looks like her father and has her mother's personality.

Suppress the loss.

"Yes, I have already told Senior Sister Feng about this matter... However, I think I should tell you about this kind of matter, after all, she is your daughter." Mo Qing said.

"I don't have any opinions. Besides, you should listen to what Senior Sister Feng has to say. Whether you want to go to the East God Sea in the future depends on Ah Ling's own opinion. I won't force her." Li Zhuzi said.

"..." Mo Qing was stunned for a moment: "But..."

"But?" Li Zhuzi was also taken aback: "Have you collected the things?"

Terribly quiet.

Mo Qing: "..."

Li Zhuzi: "..."

These women...

She twitched slightly, these women are really greedy...

Take a deep breath.

But she can also think of this, although she feels a little uncomfortable, but she doesn't have much resistance, after all, Shushan has agreed, and it's not a big deal to have one more Eastern Shenhai, um, it's not a big deal.

Moreover, going to the Eastern Shenhai will definitely be of great benefit to Lu Ling, as can be seen from this "Shenlan".

"Forget it, you Dong Shenhai are really used to them." Li Zhuzi was helpless, of course... Although she was helpless, she felt that what Lingshan did was right. After all, she is also from Lingshan, and her family has benefits. She can't be satisfied.

"There is no other way, and...East Shenhai also hopes to do the same." Mo Qing shook his head, and took a deep look at Li Zhuzi.

If there is no reason for Li Zhuzi, how could he, as the Lord of the Southern Region of the Eastern Shenhai, drag a little bit on the issue of gifts. The things they brought to Lingshan are of great value, especially recently, Lingshan needs ice magic weapons. He was the one who took out a large number of magic weapons in Nanhai. Although it was not a serious injury, it was certain that the disciples would lack ice-type magic weapons in the short term.

Lingshan wants these magic weapons to be used to cultivate small longevity fruits, and Lingshan has no choice. It is too expensive to cultivate small longevity fruits, and Lingshan's ice system stock can hardly keep up. Aya sold it.

But the progress was still negligible, and the amount of cold energy could not keep up, so Tang Keyu was in a hurry and followed Yun Shu all day to ask Lu Ling.

By the way, Lu Ling was "sold" to an elf... Now Luanfeng asked the ice beauty to cooperate with Tang Keyu, to see if the aura of the elf could solve the problem of the small longevity fruit.

Li Zhuzi didn't know about these things, but even if he knew, he wouldn't have any objections.

Is there anything wrong with generating income for your own home?This is not to take advantage of Lu Ling, she is not in Lingshan for a living, no, helping the family is what a girl should do, if Lu Ling knows her value, she will be very happy, after all, she is not confident because she is in Lingshan. Can't help either...

So when Li Zhuzi knew that Lu Ling had been "sold" to Dongshenhai, he didn't have much fluctuation.

At this moment, Mo Qing finally finished reading the article that he had held back for a long time.

"Master Bamboo, about Lu Ling's father..."

"Father?" Li Zhuzi was startled when he heard what Mo Qing said.

"Because of her relationship with Dong Shenhai, there are...some things I want to know about her family." Mo Qing said dryly.

"Father..." Li Zhuzi pondered.

In fact, she investigated everything about Lu Ling, but she couldn't find the place where Lu Ling lived before. After all, she was just a wandering beggar, so it was impossible to have records. In addition, all the secrets of the sky are now messed up, so it is impossible to deduce Lu Ling's life. Ling's origin, so Li Zhuzi has never been clear about Lu Ling's parents.

However, this girl knew her surname was Lu and her name... It showed that she still remembered something, but Li Zhuzi never asked Lu Ling these questions even if she couldn't find out her experience.

She didn't want to expose Ah Ling's wound.

On this point, including Liu Fufeng is the same.

Liu Fufeng felt that those things must not be good memories, and it was the same for both Ah Ling.

Although there is only one Lu Ling, her idea is correct, and Lu Ling also has things that she doesn't want to recall.

In this world, the memory before entering Lingshan.

(End of this chapter)

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