Chapter 601 Lu You
Because people who really like and care about Lu Ling will not ask her about these things... So gradually, Lu Ling has put everything in the black box in her heart, and her personality is getting whiter and whiter.

I don't know if this is a good thing.

"Father..." Li Zhuzi pondered.

She didn't want to answer the question... wondering if it would be more appropriate to respond with "don't know".

Then, shake your head.

Such words are too perfunctory, after all, he is his student...

Fortunately, Li Zhuzi didn't respond in this way, otherwise, if Li Zhuzi didn't know who the father of his child was, the Venerable Mo in front of him might have died on the spot.

Li Zhuzi suddenly thought of something and raised his head with a sullen tone.

She remembered the moment when Lu Ling first went up the mountain, her pale skin, skinny, and most importantly, the terrifying eyes that resented everything... At that time, Lu Ling who had such eyes showed an innocent look, which made Li Zhuzi feel very distressed.

She won't let people disturb Ah Ling.

The reason why Li Zhuzi was suddenly a little angry was because she thought that if the Lord of the Southern Territory did not get a result from asking herself, she would probably ask Lu Ling... As Lu Ling's husband, she would never let anyone destroy Lu Ling's current life Yes, absolutely not.

As long as Ah Ling forgets all the dark things in the past, even if she has always been so innocent and cute, Li Zhuzi can accept it, and she is not afraid that Lu Ling will be hurt, because she will protect her.

Before being a snow girl, Lu Ling was her student and daughter first.

Even if the other party is the Lord of the Southern Territory, she will not allow the other party to uncover Ah Ling's scars.

Looking at the anger in Li Zhuzi's eyes, Mo Qing felt his hair stand on end, but he didn't think that this kind of anger was directed at him, who was curious about Lu Ling's life experience. He thought that Li Zhuzi thought of Lu Ling's father, so he came Can't help sullen.

He also comforted Li Zhuzi.

"Venerable Bamboo, don't get angry..."

Li Zhuzi looked at the gentle man in front of him and sighed.

Her anger was not directed at Mo Qing, but just because of the natural anger that came from thinking that Lu Ling might be hurt by someone...

Li Zhuzi looked at Mo Qing, and stopped calling him the Lord of the Southern Territory.

"Verun Mo, I don't want anyone to inquire about Ah Ling's father, including you."

The tone is rarely sharp.

"Ah?" Mo Qing was taken aback by Li Zhuzi, a little bit at a loss.

"No one should ask A Ling about her father, because you are Mo Yu's younger brother, so I will remind you." Li Zhuzi picked up the teacup and hid his eyes: "Thank you for helping A Ling, I There should be reciprocation, but this is the only thing, I hope you don’t do it, it’s very important.”

"...I, I..." Mo Qing looked at Li Zhuzi whose attitude had changed drastically, and for a while didn't know what to say, his mind went blank.

He never thought that Li Zhuzi had such a side... It was like a bird whose eggs had been moved, and the vibrations of the venerable around him made Mo Qing faintly palpitate.

This shows that the Venerable Bamboo in front of him is serious.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask..." Mo Qing sensed something and hurriedly apologized.

At the same time, speculation arose in my heart.

The reason why Li Zhuzi became so angry was because he mentioned Lu Ling's father and Li Zhuzi's former husband... So as he thought, there must have been a very big rift between Li Zhuzi and Lu Ling's father .

From Lu Ling, we could find some things, maybe it was because of the other party that Lu Ling was hurt a lot, so Li Zhuzi took the child back to Lingshan, and since then, that man has become a taboo.

And Li Zhuzi repeatedly emphasized not to ask Lu Ling, indicating that the little girl still remembers her father. As a mother, she is still a mother who has a rift with her father. She definitely does not want her daughter to remember another father she does not approve of...

Everything can be explained in this way, and it is normal for Li Zhuzi to lose his cool.

"I'm sorry, Venerable Zhu, I shouldn't have asked. I will pay attention to it in the future, and I won't ask Lu Ling. You can rest assured about this." Mo Qing stood up and apologized like Li Zhuzi: "I have stirred up your thoughts, What a shame."

"...Sorry, I lost my temper." Li Zhuzi looked at Mo Qing apologetically, her anger came and went quickly, and she knew that the other party was unintentional, but because of protecting Lu Ling, she slightly I can't help it.

The most important thing is that Dong Shenhai, represented by Mo Qing, has a coveted heart for Xue Nu, and it might cause Lu Ling a second injury...

He didn't think of this before, but now that he has figured it out, Li Zhuzi looked at Mo Qing with vigilance.

Even Mo Yu's younger brother, it's better to stay away from Ah Ling.

Li Zhuzi has already decided that she will tell Lu Ling to keep her away from the people in Eastern Shenhai. Her students are still young, so she should not have too much contact with these things.

And Mo Qing has also noticed that Li Zhuzi's attitude towards him has returned to the cold... Although he is annoyed and regretful, there is not much to do. He is actually prepared to ask this kind of question that may anger Li Zhuzi, so Not too much of a surprise.

This is the only way to know Li Zhuzi's attitude towards his ex-husband, because if the two are separated but still have feelings...he will not destroy each other's happiness, but if it is like this, there is no way at all If it is redeemed, he can pursue it with confidence...

"Master Bamboo, let's just leave it like this today, and I'll come to make an apology another day." Mo Qing stood up.

"Well...the reception is not good." Li Zhuzi nodded lightly.

see a visitor out.

Feeling Mo Qing's departure, Li Zhuzi looked in the direction of Feng Jiu, where the sea of ​​clouds was changing and there was light snow falling in the sky.

She really likes Lu Ling.

It was the first time in my life that I saw the other party as my own daughter. I skipped the stage of loving and marrying each other, and directly entered the stage of raising children... just like Tang Keyu.

Therefore, it is necessary for Li Zhuzi to have a good talk with Mo Yu and get a vaccination in advance.

Mo Yu's younger brother is from Eastern Shenhai, if he really hurt Lu Ling...she will not forgive him.

As for the Taoist companion... Forget it, she has already passed that age, and now she just wants to watch Lu Ling grow up, hoping that she can be as good as Shen Gui soon.

This is Mr. Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi's deepest wish.



Mo Qing walked alone on Baiyu Road, thinking of Li Zhuzi's cold eyes and completely different attitude before and after, he didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed.

I am glad that Li Zhuzi no longer has a man he loves in his heart... Losing himself must have offended her, otherwise, with Li Zhuzi's character, he would not have said that.

At the same time, I feel a little distressed.

Of course, I feel sorry for that Venerable Bamboo, the Bamboo when I was young... She must have experienced a lot to make that girl who didn't care about anything, lazy and quiet like dust become the stable look she is now. The thing... must have been hurt deeply enough, that's why he lost his composure even thinking about the other party.

If he knew who Lu Ling's father was, he would definitely vent his anger on Li Zhuzi's behalf.

And after today's probing, Mo Qing still thinks that Lu You from Yihua Palace is the most suspicious person, the simplest, he doesn't believe that Li Zhuzi will fall in love with ordinary men, even if Li Zhuzi is willing, Shen Canghai will definitely not Agreed, that crazy woman has a strong possessive desire, if it was her, I'm afraid she would directly kill the person who is not capable... How could it be possible for Li Zhuzi to have a child with the other party.

Therefore, Li Zhuzi's husband must be better than Shen Canghai, and the goal is too obvious to find someone with the surname Lu who meets the conditions.

As for whether Lu Ling's surname is really Lu... Mo Qing thinks it is certain. Although Li Zhuzi concealed from Lu Ling that she is her mother, it can be known from Li Zhuzi's prohibition of her asking Lu Ling just now. Aya must know something.

And when Lu Ling was in class with him in Luoyan City, Mo Qing once asked her about her name. At that time, Lu Ling told her naturally that her surname was Lu.

If it's not following Li Zhuzi's surname, it's naturally that man...

Lu You...

Mo Qing clenched her hands tightly, and there was a faint wave of water vapor all over her body.

Indeed, it is unbelievable that the owner of Yihua Palace has been single all this time, and there were rumors a long time ago that Lu You had someone he liked, that's why he never had a Taoist partner... …

Single, without a Taoist couple, it would be fine if it was another holy place, but there is Yihua Palace, and the most people in the whole holy place are suave young men and charming women. As the ruler of Yihua Palace, it is almost different from the atmosphere of the holy place. It is impossible.

Wait, Yihua Palace.

He will ask Lu You personally.

If there is a chance, he will vent his anger on Li Zhuzi in Tianguangxu.



If Li Zhuzi knew what this person was thinking, he would be at a loss... What happened, why did he have such thoughts... It's completely out of reach...

Lu You and Li Zhuzi met several times, and he was the one who sent Luo Hanyi back.

But I really don't have much contact, and I don't want to have contact. The other party is the master of Yihua Palace. It will be very troublesome to contact people of this level. Let Lingshan people handle it.



At this time, in the world of cultivating immortals, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and in a quiet valley, there is a continuous mountain range in the middle of the mountains that are flying like dragons, where springs are splashing and cranes are flying into the clouds.

I am self-sufficient, Dongpo Hainan, the heaven and the earth are nothing more than this, and the mountains stretching for hundreds of miles are located with large and small buildings, promenades, pavilions, high terrain, and vast buildings.

This is the most popular place among the seven holy places, just like Lingshan. In this holy place, most of the disciples have a free and easy personality. road.

Young masters and fairies are like the flowers of bright jade, seeking the appearance of dust through elegant things.

Move Flower Palace.

That's it.

At this time, there is a tallest place in the long dragon, with majestic palaces and pavilions, ethereal like a fairy.

Behind the hall is a vegetation area covering the entire mountain. It is full of extremely hallucinogenic heart-changing flowers. The bright red blood-like flowers glow like a hazy moon in the sun. Beautiful things are fatal.

The heart-changing flower has extremely deadly toxicity, as well as fascination and hallucination effects that even monks cannot resist. It is beautiful, but it is also full of danger. It is one of the most dangerous flowers in the world of cultivating immortals. Be extremely careful, you may be tricked if you don't pay attention.

At this time, in the center of the sea of ​​flowers, a woman in red opened her eyes, stretched out her hand to catch the meteor flying from the sky, and opened her palm, it was a jade slip.

After simply reading the information, the woman came out from the sea of ​​flowers. She was wearing a blood-red dress with a bold tube top, revealing her fair and plump body. The tail of the skirt was long and dragged in the sea of ​​flowers. The tight legs are faintly visible.

A complete fairy.

Every gesture of this woman has a fatal attraction.

She is not wearing an ordinary skirt. If you look closely, you will find that all her clothes are made of these heart-changing flowers. It makes people wonder if these flowers will disappear when the wind blows.

The woman frowned as she looked at the jade slip in her hand, making her feel pitiful.

"I don't have a clue about the main information of the palace, and there is a troublesome guy...Forget it, go and see him."

Thinking about it, the woman's face was flushed, and she flew into the palace in front of the mountain for nine days.

The outside of the palace is very prosperous, but the inside is very simple. Nuo Da's palace has only one desk, and at this time a person is reading a book in front of the desk, and there is only the sound of pages turning in the hall.

"Palace Master..."

Hearing the sudden voice, the man reading looked up with cold eyes.

Just at this glance, the heart of the woman in red trembled, and then she fell from the sky and fell to the ground. She couldn't do anything with her extreme cultivation, and the flowery skirt fell off her body and scattered all over the ground.

"The servant deserves to die. I disturbed the rest time of the palace master. Please punish the palace master..." The woman fell on the ground, her face full of fear, as if she had committed some heinous crime.

She only thought that she could see the palace lord sooner, but she forgot that now is the time for the palace lord to read...

"Okay, get up." The male voice was still indifferent, and he didn't even look at the woman on the ground, even though her body was covered with flowers all over the palace.

It seems that this goddess who is famous in the world of cultivating immortals is just an ordinary maid.

"Thank you, Palace Master, for forgiveness." The woman sat pitifully among the broken flowers, barely covering her body. Obviously, it was that look that made her completely lose her ability to resist... But she didn't complain at all, on the contrary, the obsession in her eyes became even stronger. It's serious.

Looking up, the man in front of him is wearing a spring shirt and long sleeves, with white hair, but his face is extremely young, and he is extremely handsome, not like the face of the world... He looks like he is in his 20s at most, and his whole body exudes a spring-like temperament, which is a pity Gentleness is an illusion, the other party's eyes are filled with endless coldness, as if there is no trace of emotion.

The palace lord walked up to the woman and looked down at her, as if she was not looking at a human being, and there was no wavering in her eyes.

"So reckless, did the people I ordered find it?"

"Back to Palace Master, no, no..." the woman said tremblingly.

"..." The palace lord was not disappointed, but just nodded.

"By the way, Palace Master, there has been a lot of information in the world of cultivating immortals recently..." The woman was anxious to show her worth.

"Speak." The Palace Master spat out two words.

"In the demon-slaying operation launched by Lingshan and Dongshenhai before, people in the palace searched at the foot of other holy places that were inconvenient to go to in the name of slaughtering demons... Although we couldn't find the person ordered by the palace lord, we found Qionghua The person who has sent out a lot of disciples recently, and even issued a Qionghua decree. Those who find her can make three wishes to Qionghua, and those who provide information can also get generous rewards, maybe they are very important people ..." The woman didn't add any embellishments, but she saw that the man was not interested at all, and felt a sense of loss in her heart.

"Oh." The palace lord nodded without any fluctuation.

The woman continued to work hard, hoping to get the man's attention, and said, "I don't know what's going on at the moment, and I've asked someone to investigate, but now I know the name of the person they're looking for, and they have the same surname as the Palace Master... say yes It's called Lu Ling."


The air was suddenly thick.


got windy.

The flowers are all over the ground.

The woman looked up, and what she saw was a pair of starry eyes that were close at hand.

At the same time, a white jade hand grabbed her neck and lifted her from the ground.

"Tell me again, what's her name!?"

(End of this chapter)

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