Chapter 602 Meeting
Looking at the starry eyes in front of her, the woman lost the ability to think for a moment, and let the man pick her up from the petals... She didn't resist at all, but just looked at him with hot eyes.

This is the closest she is to the Palace Master...

My head was in a mess.

This matter, the man who had always been indifferent was finally pulled at his heartstrings, and a strong wind blew up all over his body, disrupting the heart-changing flowers all over the place.

"Tell me again, what's her name!?"


"Say." The palace lord exerted force on his hands.

"Ahem... Palace Master, my subordinates... show mercy." At this moment, after seeing the man's violent eyes, the woman came back to her senses and panicked.

It was the closest to the palace lord, and it was also the first time I saw him lose his composure.

At this time, the hostility on the man gradually increased, and his white hair fluttered.

Under the premise that she is not willing to resist, she may be crushed by the palace lord at any time, and she will never recover.

Just when he was about to kill him, he finally calmed down.

"..." The palace lord threw the woman on the ground casually, and turned her back to cover her face.

"Frustration, I've lost my temper." The man said, although he is usually indifferent to women, but the woman is his senior sister after all, he shouldn't do it.

"It's all right, it's the servant's fault, it has nothing to do with the Palace Master." The woman fell on the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.

She was obsessed with physical contact with the palace lord, that's why she did something wrong, how could she blame him?And she finally got the man's attention.

"Palace Master, the person that Qionghua's people are looking for is Lu Ling, Ling is Bai Ling's Ling, a girl, about 14 years old, black hair, with a beauty mark as a sign, and I don't know the specific identity of the other party... Cough, and why Qionghua wanted to find her." The woman got up from the ground, weak and boneless, her lips were bright red, but she still told all her information.

"Lu Ling..." The man narrowed his eyes slightly, why is it such a coincidence, it just happened to be this name... But it's not such an uncommon word, the same name is also possible...

Gradually calm down.

Now he is in a hurry to go to the doctor... It is very unwise to lose his mind like this, and it is very likely that he will be used by others.

"Palace Master, is he the person you are looking for... But the age should not match." The woman asked.

"Intensify efforts to find someone, and at the same time, pay full attention to Qionghua's movements, find out who this Lu Ling is, what identity, and what significance it has to Qionghua." The palace lord said, flicking his sleeves.

"Understood, I'm already doing it, and I can find out the girl's identity within three days at most." The woman looked at the Palace Mistress with confusion and a little bit of jealousy in her eyes.

The palace lord kept asking them to find a young girl, but she never said her name... So she didn't know who Lu Ling was, but seeing the palace lord who lost his composure because of a name, she said that It is impossible not to be jealous.


Seeing the woman's eyes, the palace lord walked up to her and raised her chin.

"Calm down."

"Palace, palace lord..." The woman's throat moved slightly, and her whole body turned red when she was watched by those eyes.

"Don't have any small thoughts... do what I asked you to do, call Lu Ling, after you find it, bring her here, don't hurt her." The palace master's eyes returned to indifference, causing the woman's body temperature to drop rapidly.

He is serious.

"Yes." The woman said equally seriously, since it was his order, she would listen to whatever he had to say.

"You should have other things." The palace lord glanced into the distance.

"Back to Palace Master, an old monk broke into Jiuqujian... It looks like he should be Zen Master Du, but the other party seems to have made a breakthrough. I can't see through him now." The woman said.

"Chan Master Du me?" The palace lord pondered for a while, then raised his hand: "Luoxin, you go and stabilize him first, don't let him mess around, I have some things to deal with for the time being."

"Yes." The woman said and was about to leave.

"and many more."

"Palace Master?"

"Get dressed."

"Yes!" Hearing the words of the palace lord, a happy smile bloomed on the woman's face, she was as excited as a girl, standing on the petals of the ground and turning around, the bright red broken flowers reattached to her body, turning into a coquettish dress. long skirt.

Even though she knew in her heart that the Palace Master was only trying to influence the Palace of Flowers, it didn't stop her from thinking about it... For so many years, she had persisted with this kind of careful thinking.

The woman left happily.

The temple door is closed.

The man stood blankly in the hall for a while, and after a while, he closed the book on the table, stepped across the space, and appeared in a small mountain.

There is Koizumi in it.

This is the forbidden area of ​​Yihua Palace.

Unlike other places in Yihua Palace, there are no beautiful and blooming flowers here, but there are wild flowers in twos and threes among the weeds, and there are no luxurious palaces here, and some only have wooden houses of a few square meters.

Several strings of wind chimes are hung on the eaves, and when the wind blows, there is a crisp sound of tinkling in the valley.

The wild flowers were swaying, the man stopped in front of the house, looked up, looked at the shaking light red wind chimes, and said softly; "I'm back."

Then, he fell into silence, only the sound of the wind and the shaking of the bell could be heard in the world... and there was no one in the wooden house, since it was a forbidden place, naturally only he, the Palace Master, could enter.

A wind chime is a gift that entrusts friendship. Whenever it shakes, it is a kind greeting from the person who gave the gift to friends and lovers.

The palace lord is used to such greetings.

Obviously, after hearing Lu Ling's name today, the waves in his heart were far more turbulent than what the woman in red saw.

It's windy.

The palace lord stared at the somewhat worn-out wind chime, which sounded a bit hurried due to the strong wind, as if asking him something.

The palace lord looked annoyed, he didn't dare to look directly at the wind chime, and looked down at the man with white hair reflected in the spring water.

"I'm useless... I can't find her... The information is cut off, I can't help it..." The man's voice became weaker and weaker.

After sighing, he sat on the ground regardless of his image.

"I heard a name today... Lu Ling... I don't know if you still remember, what we said before... in the future..."

The sound was carried away by the wind.

"However, the age of the fourteenth shouldn't be her...the name is the same." After the palace lord finished speaking, she stood up in silence for a while.

"I'll check it out...she has suffered a lot, just like her mother."

Even if there is only a slight possibility, he will confirm it himself and bring her to him earlier.

It was still a breeze, and the wind chimes gradually quieted down.

The palace lord turned around with gentle eyes. Although he knew that the wind chime was not a psychic treasure, it was just a common thing in the world, but for him, the person behind him was the person he always wanted to see.

"A-Ling, I miss you..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

His eyes instantly turned cold.

Now is not the time to be weak.

"I'm leaving." The palace lord turned around and left, using a small magic spell while leaving, the spiritual wind blew the valley, and the wind chime rang, the clear and crisp sound of collision seemed to send him away.



The palace lord, who had left the forbidden area, pulled out the folding fan at his waist, and a breeze hovered behind his head, like a gentle woman, gently helping him tie up his loose long hair, brocade clothes and jade robes, silver hair and clear crown, sword eyebrows and star eyes.

However, his eyes are still cold, and he still needs to adjust.

After blinking, his eyes gradually changed, from bone-chilling coldness to softness, and his whole body transformed into a seemingly frivolous, but actually gentle and stable young man.

"Nan Wusan... No, it's called Duwo Zen Master now. It's been a long time since I saw you." The palace lord walked in the direction of Jiuqujian.



There are no disciples in Yihua Palace because of the woman in red.

Jiuqujian, flowing streams are everywhere, and the sound of water is gurgling.

Zen Master Du Wo has already sent half of the "Diamond Sutra" to the selected reading list of the Morning Class Zen Room in the Great Sadness Valley, which contains the origin and author of this book...just waiting for it to ferment slowly, and he is now here to change the flowers The purpose of the palace is also very simple, that is to confirm whether there is such a relationship between Lu Ling and Lu You, because it is very strange, in the eyes of Zen Master Duwo, who has obtained "Buddha" and is also a person with a little thought of Tiandao , The cause and effect between them is very strange.

At this time, the thin old monk was sitting under a tree, looking at the beautiful woman in red in front of him.

Hold your breath, collect your soul, and adjust your state.

Zen Master Du didn't expect that she would block the door as soon as he arrived... The heart-changing flower on her body is the people of the Great Sad Valley, so be careful.

"Grand Monk, I haven't seen you for a while, but you actually broke through to the fifth level? You were half dead because of the soul splitting before, and you were almost killed by the fourth level of lightning. Now it's so easy to reach the fifth level... It's an epiphany Already?" The woman smiled coquettishly.

Although my Zen master has crossed the fifth heaven, one level higher than her, she is not afraid at all, and she has no fear. The people in the Great Sad Valley are just a turtle shell, and her poison can't be eaten by several old monks together. Walk.

Zen Master Du Wo calmly looked at the woman in front of him.

Su Luoxin, the fourth heaven of fate, the core member of Yihua Palace, is the senior sister of the palace owner Lu You, who is extremely powerful, and can basically beat him before the breakthrough... Although he is overwhelming her now, but Still can't get a bargain.

Su Luoxin is also an expert in playing drugs, and she is of the same nature as Dongfang Lianren, but her cultivation level is much higher than Dongfang Lianren's.

But it doesn't mean that Dongfang Lianren is worse than her. Although both of them use poison, Su Luoxin is mainly based on illusion, and the range is not large. The main means of harm is his own spiritual power.

Dongfang Lianren is a pure poison, lethal dose, soul-eating poison, and has an extremely wide range of damage... In a strategic sense, she is much stronger than Su Luoxin.

However, in a certain aspect, Dongfang Lianren lost completely.

That is popularity.

The poison in Dongfang Lianren's body can't be controlled by herself. She is known as a poisonous lady and is respected by all men. However, Su Luoxin's poison is mainly based on illusions. There is no such thing as the soul-devouring poison, and it can even enhance the mood... …

Moreover, she is much more attractive and charming than Dongfang Lianren, plus she comes from Yihua Palace, her cultivation base is at the top, and she is at the same level as Venerable Ye and Mo Qing.

Most importantly, the charm of the women in Yihua Palace is not comparable to that of the pure girls from Lingshan.

So Su Luoxin is the goddess in the hearts of many people in the world of cultivating immortals, and she has a huge number of suitors. It can be said directly that apart from Chu Qishui and Liu Yu who cheated like that back then, she has the most suitors.

Now that Lingshan is clear and retired, she is a recognized goddess.

All beautiful women have thorns, and Zen Master Du Wo is unwilling to provoke her.

"Benefactor Su, I don't have any malicious intentions... I just asked to see Palace Master Lu."

"Just kidding, I... the owner of Yihua Palace is the one you can meet when you meet? If you represent the Great Sad Valley, you are almost the same, but you are an abandoned disciple of the Great Sad Valley..." Su Luoxin's red lips parted slightly, revealing a little murderous intent : "Don't blame us for clearing the house for the Great Sad Valley. If you kill you, no one will be dissatisfied... Hahaha, life is miserable, great benevolent person."

Su Luoxin made no effort to hide her hostility towards Zen Master Duwo. Although she doesn't look like a normal person, she is actually a thoroughly decent person.

If it wasn't for the palace lord's order, she would have thought of a way to kill him long ago.

"It should be like this." Zen Master Duwo didn't care about Su Luoxin's ridicule, but he thought of something.

His Buddha will still miss him.

He shook his head, then frowned. At this moment, there was a large sea of ​​blood-red flowers growing all over his body, making it impossible to move even an inch.

Yihua Palace is worthy of being a holy place... A Su Luoxin forced him to stay where he was, and although he could use the special skill of the Great Sad Valley to escape, he didn't come to fight, so he just closed his eyes and didn't move at all. move.

She lets her do whatever she wants.

"Since you want to die..." Su Luo gritted her teeth and was about to use the spell when she heard a gentle voice.

"Senior sister, don't do anything."

Turning her head, what she saw was Young Master Pian Pian, the killing intent in Su Luo's heart disappeared in an instant, leaving only the palace master in her eyes.

"Okay." Su Luoxin put down her hands, and retreated reluctantly under the eyes of the Palace Master.

Du Wosheng opened his eyes, looked at the beautiful young man in front of him, and nodded slightly.

The word "excellent" is enough to describe the young palace owner of Yihua Palace.

There are bandits and gentlemen, who are like cutting like learning, cutting like grinding, seizing and humming, and humming and humming.

There are bandits and gentlemen who are as beautiful as their ears and as good as stars.

Although this man is recognized as prudent, he was born in Yihua Palace after all, and has an indelible elegance. Generally speaking, he looks frivolous, but is actually a serious and responsible person.

Moreover, the strength is extremely strong.

It is said that the head of Yihua Palace is only the fifth heavenly catastrophe, not as good as Qionghua and Shushan's seven catastrophes, but in the eyes of Zen Master Du Wo, they are both the fifth heaven, and Lu You didn't give him any pressure... ...This is not a good thing, it means that the opponent is very strong, probably a level stronger than him.

This strength greatly exceeded his expectations.

But he didn't come to fight, so he didn't care much.

"Tell me, what's the matter in coming to my Yihua Palace? You can also see that the senior sister doesn't welcome you." Lu You opened the folding fan, shook his wrist, and his silver hair was flirtatious with the breeze.

"Master Lu..." Zen Master Du Wo was about to talk about business, he didn't like to beat around the bush, but was suddenly interrupted by Lu You.

"We've known each other for so long, why don't we say hello? And we're talking about things here... I don't want to treat guests well, I don't want to lose face at Yihua Palace?" Lu You said, shaking his folding fan lightly.

Zen Master Du Wo: "..."

Yes, they have known each other for a long time, but they just met earlier... But they are definitely not very familiar with each other, let alone friends, it can only be said that this is Yihua Palace.

After a while, he followed Lu You into the palace of Jiuqujian, and the two sat down, Su Luoxin was already waiting.

"Senior Sister, have some tea." Lu You bowed his head and smiled at Su Luoxin.

"Yes." Su Luoxin turned around to pour tea, without any hesitation.

"Okay, let's catch up on the past before getting down to business. By the way, you are not from the Demon Race." Lu You said jokingly, shaking his folding fan.

"No." Zen Master Duwo said.

"That's good." Lu You chuckled, looking at Zen Master Towo's bald and dead wood-like terrifying face, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Although it's a bit rude, I still want to ask... aren't you a woman?"

 In the hospital, writing a chapter on my mobile phone a day, I'm going to die

(End of this chapter)

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