Chapter 609
"Morning, my lord."

"Morning, Teacher Mo." Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng said.

"Morning." Mo Qing nodded, smiled back, and her attitude was completely devoid of condescension. ...

Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng didn't have much feeling, they didn't have much idea about the difference in strength just like Lu Ling.

And conceptually...

Qin Qin was not happy at all, but out of politeness, she still had to smile.

Although Mo Qing may be handsome...but she doesn't like him at all, even though he is very gentle, she just can't like him.

Qin Qin's aesthetics are very normal... However, for a woman who is going to live with Qin for the rest of her life, no matter how good-looking she is, it's useless, not to mention, now Qin Qin has almost put all her hopes on her. Lu Ling is on her body... She doesn't want any man to get close to Ah Ling.

So Qin Qin has been instilling in her the idea that men are not good almost from the time she met Lu Ling, and Qin Qin has always felt that her education of Lu Ling was very successful... Before, Lu Ling's attitude towards men was fearful , which made Qin Qin very satisfied.

Men are bad.

She hoped that Lu Ling could remember this. Qin Qin always believed that it was her responsibility to teach Lu Ling the difference between men and women and the defense between men and women—she didn't care who this man was or how good he was, anyway, she was not allowed to touch Ah Ling.

Sister Liu must have thought so too.

Qin Qin is so strict, and just now——

In front of her eyes, Lu Ling took the initiative to say hello to this man, and leaned over to let him touch her, and she also seemed to enjoy it...

Even she seldom does intimate movements like touching her head.

"..." Mo Qing felt strong hostility, and twitched the corners of her mouth.

This girl... doesn't welcome him at all.

Mo Qing could tell Qin Qin's superficial respect at a glance, and the latter almost had disgust written on his face.

What did he do wrong?

Well, he didn't want to figure out what the little girl was thinking. In his eyes, Qin Qin was a very young child just like Lu Ling, so he wasn't angry at all.

"Okay, if you want to be busy, go do it, don't worry about me." Mo Qing waved his hand, squeezed Lu Ling's face, and then got out of the way.

"Okay..." Just when Qin Qin was about to say some polite words and leave, Lu Ling suddenly walked up to Mo Qing: "Mr. Mo, if you want to go to Mr.'s place, let's go together."

Start to die.

Lu Ling actually wanted to see how Mo Qing talked with her husband... You know, this man has been secretly in love with her husband for hundreds of years... And although Lu Ling didn't know about Li Zhuzi's attitude, she believed in her husband It is impossible to accept the love of a man... That's why I was curious, and almost all the natural gossip of women was aroused.


Qin Qin was silent, she squinted her eyes, and watched Lu Ling take the initiative to approach Mo Qing again, laughing.

Standing on tiptoe slightly.

And although Mo Qing felt that Qin Qin's emotions had exploded, he now thinks that Lu Ling is even more "hateful". This little girl looks stupid, but the result is abnormally precocious. Mo Qing thinks that this girl must know that he likes her It's my mother... I still have to tease her like this, if possible, Mo Qing wants to hug Lu Ling and beat her ass hard...

"You girl... your courage is growing." Mo Qing squatted down and tore Lu Ling's face forcefully...

"It hurts, it hurts..." Lu Ling shook off Mo Qing's hand vigorously, and looked at him dissatisfied.

"Everything likes to pinch my face."


Senior Sister Qin pinched it this morning, and now he is here again.

And Mo Qing... felt two steel needle-like gazes on his back, and stood up helplessly.

"Okay, you are going to class, hurry up, don't be late."

"Teacher, what about you?" Lu Ling asked, "Aren't you going to Mr.'s?"

"No, I'm just passing by." Mo Qing opened his eyes and said nonsense, yes, he wanted to see Li Zhuzi, but he just offended her yesterday, so he was hesitating, now that he was disturbed by Lu Ling, he didn't have the courage to go up.


If he stayed any longer, that girl would eat people.

"Good luck." Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling sympathetically.

Lu Ling is about to suffer.

"Oh?" Lu Ling was taken aback, but then Mo Qing disappeared in place, making Lu Ling a little confused...

"Why do you wish me good luck?" Lu Ling didn't understand.

Tang Sheng was also a little confused, only after Tang Zheng swallowed his saliva, he moved a little away from Qin Qin. She now felt that Senior Sister Qin was like a volcano that would explode at any moment.

Just when Lu Ling was in a daze, a pair of hands suddenly grabbed her armpits and lifted her up.

"A Ling... what is the relationship between that man and you?"

When Lu Ling turned her head, she saw a smiling Qin Qin.

"What's the matter, my teacher." Lu Ling tilted her head, and then kicked her feet off the ground a few times: "Senior sister, let me down, it hurts..."

"Okay." Qin Qin hugged Lu Ling, walked to the side of the road, sat down by herself, then put Lu Ling on her lap, facing her.

"Senior sister...what are you doing?" Lu Ling sat on Qin Qin's elastic lap, her face flushed.

There are other people around... besides Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng, and the senior sisters passing by one after another... Lu Ling felt very ashamed.

Who knew, Qin Qin didn't give her a smile, and her voice suddenly increased a bit.

"A Ling, shut up first."

Lu Ling "..."

Senior Sister Qin... seems to be angry?

"Asheng and Azheng, you go to Master Li Academy and wait for me first, I'll be right over." Qin Qin turned her head and said.

If she wants to teach Lu Ling a lesson, it's better not to let Tang Sheng and the others see it.

And Lu Ling finally realized that something was wrong.

"Why?" Tang Sheng continued to ask, but Tang Zheng suddenly took her hand: "Let's go, let's go to Teacher Li first."

"But..." Tang Sheng was still in a daze, and was forcibly dragged away by Tang Zheng.

Seeing this, Qin Qin nodded in satisfaction.

Ah Zheng is a clever girl.



In the corner, Tang Sheng finally got rid of her sister with all her strength, looked at her panting sister, went up and patted her on the back to help her breathe, and then said: "Sister, why did Sister Qin send us away. "


how to say.

Tang Zheng guessed Qin Qin's thoughts almost instantly. She can be said to be a villain, but she can't tell her sister this kind of thing, otherwise this girl will definitely go back to intercede with Lu Ling.

"Senior Sister Qin and Lu Ling have something to say, it's inconvenient for us, be obedient, let's go first." Tang Zheng took a deep breath, regained his physical strength, and said wittyly.

"Is that so?" Tang Sheng blinked her big eyes and nodded ignorantly. She believed in her sister unconditionally.

"Then let's go to Teacher Li and wait for them."

"Okay...but I have to rest." Tang Zheng felt his legs go weak now.

"Sister, you are so weak." Tang Sheng looked at her with contempt.

"I... will be fine when I grow up." Tang Zheng's face darkened, and he continued.

She won't be so weak forever, she believes.

"By the way, you are not allowed to approach those men in the future, including the man just now." Tang Zheng said.

"Why?" Tang Sheng didn't understand.

"Just listen to me, otherwise the master will be angry." Tang Zheng looked at his younger sister seriously, and she could almost imagine that if the younger sister was getting close to a man and was seen by the master... probably a beating would be indispensable.

"Oh..." Tang Sheng nodded.

She doesn't like men anyway.

She just likes elder sister, elder sister Lu, elder sister Qin, elder sister Liu, master, and teacher Li...

Did not touch high voltage lines.



Unlike the witty Tang Zheng, Lu Ling is the one who is stepping on the high-tension line and is still unwilling to let go.

"Senior Sister Qin, don't hug be embarrassing." Lu Ling blushed to the point of bleeding, and several senior sisters had already cast strange glances over here.


There was a crisp sound.

"Don't move your butt." Qin Qin let go of the hand that just hit Lu Ling's buttocks, took off the sword behind her, then wrapped her hands around her waist, and pressed her firmly on her body. At this time, Lu Ling was riding on Qin Qin's lap, and the two of them were facing each other tightly.

And now Lu Ling was spanked, and her ass was in hot pain, but because of her shyness, her mind was blank, and she could hardly think anymore.

"Senior Sister Qin, let me go..."

"It's a good idea." Qin Qin snorted coldly, and then pushed Lu Ling to stick to her body with force: "Don't you know how to be shy?"

Why can you be so close to that man?

"...Senior sister, what are you talking about..." Lu Ling felt the eyes of other senior sisters, and buried her head in Qin Qin's arms, begging that no one would recognize who she was.

"Have you forgotten what I taught you?" Qin Qin pushed Lu Ling away, and the two looked at each other. She looked at Lu Ling whose face was bloodshot, and said, "It turns out that your sense of shame is still there... "

Lu Ling was taken aback when she heard this.

"Sister, did I do something wrong?"

Now, I finally know that Qin Qin is not teasing her...

"You're right, I just feel uncomfortable." Qin Qin shook her head.

Now she thinks that her education of Lu Ling has failed... She obviously talked to Lu Ling so much about men, but it turned out to be of no use at all.

After her test, Lu Ling is still the introverted and shy girl she used to be...but how can she get along with men so naturally?

In fact, I can't blame Lu Ling... The main reason is that the men she met since she went up the mountain can't be malicious, especially the type of Lu Ling who treats her well when others treat her well.

From the beginning, Venerable Ye, to Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan, and even the Qionghua boy in the Qionghua Secret Realm, in Lu Ling's eyes, they were all very good people, so Qin Qin's education about men seemed almost impossible. Nothing works.

Qin Qin inevitably felt a strong sense of frustration.

Qin Qin hugged Lu Ling and put her head lightly on her shoulder.

"Senior Sister..." At this moment, Lu Ling felt the disappointment in the other party, and became even more confused.

"Senior sister, I was wrong, tell me, and I will correct it." Lu Ling said hastily.

Qin Qin leaned back, looked at Lu Ling's watery eyes, and sighed.

This girl is so caring, how could she get angry...

"Lift up your butt." Qin Qin weighed Lu Ling's thigh.

"Oh." Lu Ling was obedient, exerting strength with one leg.

Then, Qin Qin dragged Lu Ling out from her thigh and put it in front of her knee. In this way, the posture of the two of them was not so ambiguous at last, and Lu Ling finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior sister, why are you unhappy?" Lu Ling looked at Qin Qin with concern.

This girl still doesn't know what Qin Qin is angry about.

And Qin Qin didn't plan to teach Lu Ling any more, because she really couldn't get angry with Lu Ling like this.

"A Ling, what do you think of men?" Qin Qin said directly.

"A man?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, then Qin Qin caught the panic and disgust that flashed in his eyes, and Qin Qin was also stunned.

"I... I don't like them." Lu Ling hesitated for a moment, then whispered.

"Don't like it?" Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling.

"I don't like it." Lu Ling lowered her eyes, her voice was very low, and her face was pale enough to be seen by the naked eye.

She's been through bad things.

Look up and look around.

I want to find the figure of my junior sister.

feeling bad.

I didn't want to think of such a thing.

"..." Seeing Lu Ling's appearance, Qin Qin herself panicked a little. She seemed to make Ah Ling unhappy, and a sense of guilt surged in her heart.

Because Lu Ling's close relative, Mo Qing, made her think that Lu Ling had started to like men, she was flustered, and her mood collapsed.

After asking now, I immediately regretted it.

She tried her best not to understand Lu Ling's past, because she was afraid.

"It's okay, it's okay..." She patted Lu Ling on the back and comforted her. Looking at Lu Ling who was depressed, she was silent for a while.

"Aling, do you still remember that senior sister told you what a man is?"

"Men are big pigs." Lu Ling didn't hesitate at all.

She never forgot about it.

Even Lu Ling felt that a big pig's hoof was considered polite. She thought that even more ugly words could be used to describe men, but she would not swear, because her junior sister and husband would be unhappy.

As for Qin Qin and the horrific deeds that the men she told about, ordinary people might not believe it, it was like a story made up to scare children.

The reason why Qin Qin is not confident is because she feels that Lu Ling may change her view of men because she is not confident in her own words, and feels a little fake...

But Lu Ling just believed it... because she had seen it and experienced it.

So I also feel that men are extremely disgusting.

At this time, Lu Ling knew that she was not a man because of her memory. In fact, until now, she has not clarified where the boundary between men and women is, so how can she say that she is a man.

"..." Looking into Lu Ling's eyes, Qin Qin was sure that Lu Ling was still extremely disgusted and fearful of those men.


As for Mo Qing, Qin Qin didn't care what it said to let girls see what a good man is, but she felt that it was impolite for a man like Mo Qing to walk up and down the Lingshan Mountain and Lingtai unscrupulously.

Looking at Venerable White who also went up the mountain together, he almost never went out... This is what Qin Qin thinks, what a self-disciplined person should do.

Bai Yunfan... Actually, it's not as good as she thought, it's just that he hasn't lived in a good place, and he doesn't like to go out...

Recently, I have eaten and drank enough in Lingshan, and I am a little bit reluctant to leave.

Really, I don't want to miss Shu.

With the comparison, Qin Qin didn't have a good impression of the messy Mo Qing from the beginning. She didn't know much about the relationship between Mo Yu and Mo Qing, and she didn't want to know.

Thinking about it, Qin Qin rubbed Lu Ling's head: "Since you don't like men so much, Ah Ling, why are you still close to Venerable Mo... Although he is not bad and has a high status, he is also a man in essence. At Lingshan... it also attracted the attention of many junior sisters."


Who knows, Lu Ling was stunned when she heard her words.

"Man? What man..."

Four eyes facing each other.

The air is quiet.

Immediately afterwards, under Qin Qin's blank eyes, Lu Ling's eyes flashed with shock, and then she covered her mouth, her face full of disbelief.

"Teacher he a man??"


"……if not?"

(End of this chapter)

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