Chapter 610 Fake Man

"Mr. Mo is a man?"

"Otherwise?" Qin Qin was also stunned for a moment, and then pressed the surprised Lu Ling who was about to jump up again on her lap. If this girl doesn't speak clearly, don't try to run away.

"Man..." Lu Ling shook her head slightly, her eyes were full of surprise and... shame.

"Aling, haven't you noticed that Venerable Mo is a man?" Qin Qin asked in disbelief.

"En." Lu Ling blushed and nodded vigorously.

Qin Qin: "..."

Lu Ling snapped her fingers, thinking hard.

Since when did she forget that Mr. Mo is a man... Obviously, she was very wary of him at the beginning...

But Qin Qin suddenly figured out something.

Inexplicably, I understand Lu Ling's thoughts...

Qin Qin pinched Lu Ling's face, then waved her hands.

Following her movements, the female cultivators who had already gathered in the dark to watch the excitement had to leave.

Being able to be so close to Qin Qin, Lu Ling is envied by many people... Don't forget, Qin Qin's Qin Club is also very popular on Lingshan Mountain... Her reputation is not inferior to Shen Gui's in a certain way.

And if Lu Ling can cling to her, how could she not attract other people's attention.

Qin Qin's mood is much better now, she understands.

This girl, Lu Ling, still has a very vague understanding of the boundaries between men and women. In other words, her basic understanding of the concept of men is wrong.

Normal people think of men, including Mo Qing, Bai Yunfan, and all those who conform to men's physical characteristics, but Lu Ling doesn't think so. In her heart, men are not a general concept, but a group of specific people ...

Obviously, Mo Qing is outside of that group of people, that is to say, since Lu Ling recognized Mo Qing, this person has been automatically expelled from the male status in Lu Ling's heart...

In Lu Ling's heart, men are equal to danger.

"A Ling, what do you think, about men, about people you recognize, tell me." Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling curiously.




When Lu Ling was explaining her views to Qin Qin, a man who didn't know that he had been expelled from male status had already returned to his residence, poured a cup of tea, and sat down calmly.

In the distance, Mo Qing, who had just turned on the water mirror and was about to chat with his apprentice, suddenly sneezed, startling Dongfang Linglong opposite.

"Master, are you here?"

"Someone is talking about me." Mo Qing shook her head, not caring at all... A water attribute venerable will react when others say something that is not good to him... Although the secret is blocked, but say Other people's bad words, the other party will still feel a little bit, the bigger the difference in cultivation, the more obvious this feeling will be.

Mo Qing can probably guess that it must be Lu Ling talking about him behind his back, but he doesn't care at all.

"Where is Dongfang Lianren?" Mo Qing asked.

"Sister... no, Master Dongfang has gone to cook." The girl twitched her lips and said.

"..." Mo Qing looked at the resigned Dongfang Linglong, but she didn't say what she wanted to say in the end.

The food cooked by Dongfang Lianren is not that delicious, but his apprentice is his sister, so he can't speak ill of her sister...

"..." Dongfang Linglong didn't say a word, she was even more sad when she saw the self-seeking expression on her master's face.

"Okay, master, how is your progress?" Dongfang Linglong decided to make him feel bad, knowing that her master is the most cowardly, there must be no progress.

What she didn't expect was that Mo Qing's eyes lit up.

"A little gain."

Mo Qing is in a good mood.

He knew that Li Zhuzi no longer had a man in his heart, so this was a very important harvest, and... Li Zhuzi and him are now considered tea friends.

"What... unexpectedly..." Dongfang Linglong held her heart, with an expression of disbelief.

"It shouldn't be, are you really my master... The master in my impression... is not a man at all in this kind of thing..."

Dongfang Linglong was talking to herself naturally, obviously her heart had been greatly shocked.

"You girl, what are you talking about?" Mo Qing shook her head helplessly, her obedient apprentice stayed with Dongfang Lianren for a few days, and her temper changed.



"So, you don't regard Venerable Mo as a man?" Qin Qin said to Lu Ling.

The topic is connected in a sense.

"En..." Lu Ling nodded, and then said firmly: "But I still think that Teacher Mo and Teacher Bai are not men."

There is also the good-looking brother of Shushan, as well as the uncle and son in the secret realm.

"...If they hear your words, you will be beaten." Qin Qin said with a smile.

"But I really think so..." Lu Ling said innocently.

"I know." Qin Qin said.

She is not angry at all now, because she found a very interesting thing.

That is, Lu Ling's perception of men is as she expected, which is completely wrong...

First of all, men are extremely evil to her. This is beyond doubt, but Lu Ling is very confused about the concept of gender. Her principle is that men are bad people.

It's not that bad guys are men, it's that men are bad guys.

That is to say, in Lu Ling's heart, as long as they are men, they are bad... At this time, if there is a good man among men, Lu Ling will automatically separate him from the category of men, and put him in a group that he doesn't know. What kind of classification is it to ensure the stability of my cognition that men are bad people in my heart.

It was because of the absoluteness of this cognition that Lu Ling was so surprised when Qin Qin suggested that Mo Qing was a man...

So Qin Qin wasn't worried at all.

Because it is Lu Ling's world, everything is based on Lu Ling's worldview. Mo Qing is not considered a man in Lu Ling's world, so what is there to be afraid of?Qin Qin was very relaxed. After a little bit of probing, she learned something important.

Apart from the point that men are all bad guys, Lu Ling also has an absolute cognition about the issue of men liking women... On other people, such as Mo Qing and Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling thinks it is normal, but it must not be placed on About herself, Qin Qin just mentioned a word, and Lu Ling's eyes were filled with disgust...

So she doesn't worry anymore.

Ah Ling will not be abducted by a man.

In a sense, all men who can get close to Lu Ling are "big sisters" in Lu Ling's heart.

Qin Qin almost laughed out loud.

She felt that this was a good topic, and she could talk to Shen Gui about drawing her sword at night.

It was so funny.

"???" Lu Ling looked puzzled at Qin Qin who suddenly felt better, looked at her with some anxiety, and whispered: "Senior sister, am I wrong... If I am wrong, I will change..."

Before she finished speaking, Qin Qin grabbed her waist and hugged her tightly in her arms. She looked at Lu Ling seriously.

"Senior Sister..." Lu Ling looked away.

too close.

Senior sister's breath hit her face, itching.

"look at me."

"Yes..." Lu Ling stared into Qin Qin's dark eyes.

"Remember, you are right, that's it, very good." Qin Qin said: "No changes are allowed, do you hear?"

"I heard." Lu Ling was confused by Qin Qin, but she still nodded.

"Okay!" Qin Qin's face melted in an instant, picked up Lu Ling, and got up by herself.

"Senior sister, let me down, I can walk by myself..." Lu Ling yelled.

Why is it a princess hug again, addicted to hugs?

"What? My senior sister can hug you, but I can't?" Qin Qin snorted coldly, and patted Lu Ling's butt hard: "Don't shake around, be quiet, and go to Master Li."

"Senior Sister Shen is not what I want..." Lu Ling muttered softly.

"Crack!" Qin Qin raised his hand again, and waved his hand in front of Lu Ling's eyes: "It feels good."



Lu Ling turned her head away.


But she stopped talking, she knew that if she spoke again, she would be beaten... so she could only bear it.

"Just be obedient." Qin Qin expressed her happiness at Lu Ling's resignation, then raised her hand, a light green gas lifted Lu Ling's package and bamboo stick, and she hugged Lu Ling happily.

After walking a few steps forward, Qin Qin suddenly remembered something and asked Lu Ling.

"By the way, Ah Ling, why are you called Master Mo?"


"Speak." Qin Qin raised her hand.

"...when in Luoyan City..."

Lu Ling aggrieved and succumbed to Qin Qin's lust, and briefly talked about her relationship with Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan.

And Qin Qin was listening seriously.

It's no surprise.

Shen Gui has also received advice from the Venerable Ye of Shushan Mountain... It is normal for Lingshan girls to be instructed by others.

And the reason why she wanted to bully Lu Ling was actually to divert her attention... The effect was good, at this moment Lu Ling couldn't see that bad emotion in her eyes...

She was also very worried that Lu Ling would keep remembering those bad memories.

What kind of experience will make men all bad guys become a law-like thing in Lu Ling's heart.

Qin Qin knew a little bit about Lu Ling's injuries, but she didn't dare to look too closely, and tried her best not to learn more about it.

At this time, with Qin Qin's status, she can somewhat know how special Lu Ling is... Lu Ling has a blindfold left by Li Zhuzi, which is used to prevent others from prying too much into her secrets. Now Lu Ling is just like a normal person ...But Qin Qin checked it before, so she knows a lot.

Only for the matter of "Lu Ling's past", Li Zhuzi gave the death order...

Li Zhuzi doesn't want others to spy on Lu Ling. Ah Ling used to be a blank sheet of paper...but now she has her own world view, so it's better not to think about some things, lest she give up on herself.

Qin Qin thought so too.

She looked at Lu Ling's pouting dissatisfaction in her arms, and shook her head.

She will always like Aya.

At this time, Lu Ling was thinking about a question.

Senior Sister Qin asked her what she thinks of men... It seems that someone asked her before.

Uncle Shen.

It's just that, at that time, Uncle Shen didn't ask himself what he thought of men, but just asked what he thought of the people in Luoyan City...

She still owes her uncle an answer.

A little flustered.

She was afraid of seeing Shen Canghai, if it was her current self, the answer she would give should be what Master Shen wanted, but it wasn't what she wanted to see.

Burying her head in Qin Qin's arms, Lu Ling closed her eyes listening to her senior sister's voice.

Qin Qin is a chatterbox, talking almost all the time, but when Lu Ling didn't utter the tone words such as um for 1 minute, Qin Qin bowed her head.

stunned for a moment.

The girl's even breath hit her neck, her chest rose and fell slightly.

Fell asleep.

actually fell asleep...


Qin Qin closed her mouth.

In this situation, apart from Lu Ling being sleepy, it is also a manifestation of the body's self-protection, forgetting the memory.

Qin Qin can be said to be quite familiar with it. After waking up, all the bad things have been forgotten...

She was also sleeping all the time after the woman sitting alone in the secluded huang abandoned her and died.

The same goes for Shen Gui.

When her senior sister was a child, her emotions would suddenly collapse, and it would be good to sleep at this time... But the senior sister seems to have come out, and there is a faint tendency to break through the virtual realm.

It's good to be able to come out of the shadows.

She didn't know much about Shen Gui's past. She only knew that Shen Gui's surname was not Shen. She knew that she came to Lingshan because Shen Canghai's surname was Shen... She had a name called Afu...

This name occasionally makes Shen Gui become emotionally abnormal.

I don't know anything else.

Because if Shen Gui didn't say anything, even Shen Canghai didn't know what happened, and Shen Canghai just acted as Shen Gui's backing, killing a group of people and destroying a sect.

For the rest, she didn't ask, so Qin Qin didn't know.

Qin Qin's posture of holding Lu Ling became a little gentler.

Everyone has their own past.

It's not a bad thing for them now.




"Sister Qin, you..." Tang Sheng said happily.

"Hush—" Qin Qin made a silent gesture, and then led Lu Ling into Li Zhuzi's yard.

"Master Li."

"Come?" Li Zhuzi was eating breakfast at this time, her voice was also very quiet, and she noticed Lu Ling as soon as she appeared.

"Well, take them to class." Qin Qin said.

"What's wrong with this girl?" Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling's slightly frowned eyebrows.

"Sleep for a while when you're tired." Qin Qin said.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He just checked Lu Ling's luggage and found that after she wrote the exercises, Qin Qin took Lu Ling and Tang Zheng to class, and Tang Sheng temporarily Stay with Li Zhuzi and wait for Qin Qin to come back to pick her up - there are so many people in class, it's okay if there is one less person, and she will also see if this stupid girl has a tendency to go astray.

Tang Keyu was busy, and it was only right for her best friend to help her take care of the child.


On the road.

Qin Qin's movements were very gentle, for fear of waking Lu Ling up, Tang Zheng followed Qin Qin obediently without saying a word.

At this moment, Qin Qin, who was walking to a certain place, suddenly stopped.

There is a small courtyard in front of it, the snow in front of the door is swept clean, and you can feel the life attitude of the people in the house.

It was very quiet, there was no sound around, but Qin Qin could vaguely feel some fluctuations...

Someone is playing.

But her cultivation was too much beyond her realm... so she couldn't hear it.

Qin Qin's face was ugly.

This is the little room.

Lives her greatest enemy in life.

Road is different.

(End of this chapter)

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