Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 611 The Way Is Different

Chapter 611 The Way Is Different

So far, there are not many people who make Qin Qin afraid... Shen Canghai is not good either. Although the master is scary enough, he is his relative after all... This is the only person in Lingshan who can make Qin Qin feel threatened.

A woman in purple, who lives behind this broken door, is usually sickly, as if she could be blown down with one breath...but she is her life's formidable enemy.

none of them.

Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as two factions in Lingshan Music Rhythm... The biggest is the Linglong School, which is the musical instrument Shiya.

Stone teeth, tubular, not stone, not jade, not bamboo, very thin, the material is like jade, the whole body is emerald green, accompanied by blood-like things... Some are like flutes, and some are even like a slender dagger, with a very wide range of sound. Breadth, which can vary with the ability of the user.

Bass, melodious floating, continuous reverberation, simple and vast.

Treble, loud, melodious, exciting, exciting.

It is essentially a plant that grows in stones. It is very popular because of its unique material, good tolerance, and the ability to withstand the spirit of Lingshan.

This kind of musical instrument is unique to Lingshan, because stone teeth only grow on the nine peaks of Lingshan. It is a spiritual thing that appeared under the influence of the spirit array protecting the mountain. It is not a traditional musical instrument, but it is very popular with Lingshan people. The most popular musical instrument in Lingshan, basically as long as you like the rhythm, [-]% of them learn calender.

What is the concept of [-]%?
Probably everyone who goes down to Tang Sheng from Lingshan, and goes up to Yunshu can play the Ling Calender.

The reason why there are so many people is that girls in Lingshan basically like rhythm, including Shen Gui. No matter how busy she is, she will go to Qin Qin's concert every time. Qin Qin is confused because of the future. At the time, Shen Gui could see very clearly that Qin Qin's was sublimation rather than degeneration...

Shen Gui liked it so much, let alone others.

In the general environment of the national rhythm, Shiya has always been a precious musical instrument in Lingshan because of its uniqueness to the Nine Peaks of Lingshan... This is why Qin Qin said that Lingshan actually only has a school of Lingji.

Other musical instruments, including the qin, are actually just a short-term change of taste for most people after they put down the calender.

Not on one level.

Qin Qin smiled wryly.

Whether it is the five-stringed qin or the lyre, the popularity has never been very high. Maybe there are many people who like it in other places, but Lingshan is not ranked at all. The only remaining influence is because of her, the master of the qin. ... Even so, Qin's living environment is getting worse day by day.

Because the calender is a very good musical instrument after being treated casually, but the piano is different. If you want to have a pure sound, the material, strings, and angle are all very important. Anything less is not so perfect. So far, only Feng Mingqin, one can imagine the harshness of the material.

Moreover, compared to calender, qin is also more difficult to master, and more or less girls in Lingshan can play calender, which influences each other, and as time goes by, the status of qin is getting lower and lower.

After all, even if some disciples wanted to learn the piano, they couldn't find a way.

The starting point is high, but the popularity is low, so the current situation is also normal.

Qin Qin liked Qin very much when she was very young. She had her own thoughts and meant to inherit the teacher's mantle. Qin Qin's name is Die Qin, so you can see her will, but even she has to admit that in Lingshan, In a sense, Qin will always be extremely small, and can only survive in the blank space left by Lingyun...

After all, it has already lost in terms of range and characteristics.

With its extremely high upper limit and freedom, how could it be unpopular? The calender of a weak girl is gentle, while that of a heroic girl is passionate, which suits everyone's characteristics.

In contrast, Guqin is much more limited—although Qin Qin thinks that anyone can learn to play the qin, but everyone's impression of the qin has hardened.

Only soft girls are suitable for the piano.

This is the thinking of most people in Lingshan, and it is also the status quo.

Nowadays, those who learn the piano are basically senior sisters who are a level softer than Liu Fufeng...



Looking down at the sleeping Lu Ling, Qin Qin stopped in front of the wooden house and stretched out her hand.

This kind of helplessness, only she knows.

But even so, she still wants more people to like guqin.

With her hard work and superb piano skills, the influence of Lingqin in Lingshan has increased a little, but it is still negligible compared to Lingjuan.

Those seniors and sisters who usually come to listen to her play, although they like her music very much, but only one out of ten of them really understand the piano.

What she likes is not recognized by others... She feels very sad.

So after feeling that her popularity had declined at the beginning, she tried to cater to her junior sister, but was taught a lesson by Lu Ling instead...

Although she thinks about it now and no longer wants to let Qin replace Ling Cun, she still wants to expand the influence of Guqin a little bit... After all, this is what she and her mother have been pursuing all their lives.

Way different...

Compared with the side of the wooden door, her qin way can only be regarded as a small way... This is undoubtedly difficult for Qin Qin who treats qin as everything.

The two may be at the level of masters in their respective fields, but the popularity of musical instruments is not at the same level, Qin Qin can't help but feel that he is weak.

She is still young and can't let go of her mood, which is normal.

On the other side of the door, there are recognized top figures in Lingshan's rhythm.

Wearing purple clothes all the year round, she is sickly... And she has no sense of being the leader of the Rhythm Group at all... She rarely goes out, and she doesn't share her experience with others... But even so, she is still a top figure in the Rhythm Group, whether it is Music theory is still top-notch in all aspects.

For other people who study orchestral music, no matter what level they are in, as long as they feel that they are stuck, they can get very crucial guidance in this small courtyard.

That's why she has virtually become the leader of the Lingshan Rhythm.

No one knows how far this woman has come in terms of temperament, but Qin Qin knows that she must be better than herself... Here I only refer to music theory, because the actual use of Ling Ju and Guqin is not so easy to compare.

It's just ridiculous that so far no one knows what kind of realm this leader is, not even her name... only know that her surname is Shen, and she has never had a sense of existence. It should be because she was injured when she was young. Under the incurable soul injury.

Very lonely, and I haven't heard of any friends. Those temperament masters who went in to "listen to lectures" just stayed quietly in the yard, and left after listening to a piece...

She is a rival, and Qin Qin hates her very much.

But I also admire it very much.


This withdrawn personality inevitably reminded her of the woman who always sat alone in a secluded hut...until she died alone.

Probably everyone who likes rhythm is like this.

Qin Qin knows herself, she is actually a withdrawn person, refer to her appearance after drinking...

Looking for a bosom friend in the high mountains and flowing waters, one song is easy to understand, but one heart is hard to find.

In the legend, Feng Mingqin is haunted by [curse], not because of Qin, but because of her own choice.

Just like that woman.

She is always so open-minded, always has a gentle smile, and always takes care of her in a soft voice.

The white horse passes through the gap, the face is getting old, and the blue hair is gray.

Everything is changing, the only thing that remains unchanged all year round is the indelible sadness in the corner of her eyes.

She eventually turned into a small dirt bag.

Qin Qin always thought that she was in pain and misfortune, because in her memory, the most pictures she had seen of that woman was sitting alone in a secluded huang.

Now that I think about it, she is happy, and maybe there was emptiness and sadness, but they all went with the wind.


Put away the memories.

It is because of this woman in purple that she always thinks of the memories she did not want to think of.

In addition, the way is different, so Qin Qin doesn't like her very much, and usually can't pass by here if he doesn't pass by.

Withdraw the hand that was about to knock on the door.

Qin Qin laughed at herself, she didn't know what she wanted to do.

"Ah Zheng, do you know who is inside?" Qin Qin turned to ask Tang Zheng.

"I don't know." Tang Zheng shook his head. She saw that Sister Qin had been standing here for a while, and felt she didn't talk to Zhiqu.

"That's right... You don't like the rhythm, maybe that girl, A Sheng, doesn't know... After all, Sister Ke Yu is a staunch qin party like me." Qin Qin shook her head.

Go to class.

It has been delayed for a long time.

At this moment, Tang Zheng spoke suddenly.

"I don't know, but the senior sister here has come out before, and it seems that the surname is...Shen, and they seem to have a good relationship." Tang Zheng said honestly.

"They?" Qin Qin froze for a moment.


"Her." Tang Zheng decisively pointed at Lu Ling in Qin Qin's arms, and continued: "She also said that she would come over to play some time later, and the senior sister was very happy to hear that, so I think they should be regarded as acquaintances..."

Qin Qin: "..."

Tang Zheng didn't intend to sell Lu Ling either, she didn't know that Qin Qin had a grudge with this woman... He just said something casually when he thought of it.

Ah Ling knew that woman?
Good relationship?
Qin Qin was silent for a long time before letting out a breath.

Don't panic, don't panic at all.

This is Lu Ling.

Ah Ling likes the rhythm so much, so... she can't prevent her from getting in touch with people related to the rhythm, this is for the good of Lu Ling's growth.

In a sense, being able to get close to this lonely woman is also an opportunity for Lu Ling. Although I don't want Lu Ling to get close to her due to personal reasons, what is she?
As long as it is good for Lu Ling, she will bear it.

The thought that Lu Ling might be snatched away by someone just disappeared in an instant.

Qin Qin is confident that Lu Ling will not abandon her, after all their relationship is so close...

Of course, if you think so, you must feel uncomfortable.

Looking down at the girl sleeping peacefully in her arms, Qin Qin showed a helpless smile.

This little girl is so charming that even the woman in purple can't resist... After all, decades have passed, and she has never heard of anyone who can win the favor of this leading figure.

So after hearing Tang Zheng's words, she was very surprised... even angry, but she calmed down almost instantly.

Can't be angry.

Hold down.

Normal mind.

Maybe, Lu Ling can be a little spy for her... Right, she can also learn more about this number one enemy.

Moreover, this incident also made Qin Qin wary.

Ah Ling has been... slacking off on Qin recently.

In the evening, she will have a good talk with Lu Ling about this matter.

Now, go to class first.



In Liushui Academy, it is time to go to school, because there is no devil-like time rule at noon, so all the girls and girls are walking slowly on the huge white jade square, choosing what they want to study today s things.

This is the meaning of running water.

In addition to the house, the teacher is not fixed, and the students are not fixed.

This kind of learning has a lot of limitations, because girls who have reached this level can practice on their own most of the time. If you are confused, you don’t need a fixed teacher. It is correct to absorb the strengths of different teachers like a sponge. Behavior, the disadvantage is that if the teacher is not fixed, the students may not study hard, but in Lingshan, this situation does not exist.

Everyone can be very self-disciplined, and can also learn most of the martial arts by themselves... It's just that it may not be so convenient for newcomers like Lu Ling... But you can also make an appointment with the teacher you like, so Not too much of an issue either.

In the crowded school.

The appearance of the idol caused a huge sensation.

Qin Qin is much more popular than she imagined.

Qin may not be as popular as Lingjiu, but Qinqin is very popular. In the rhythm exchange meeting in Lingshan, Qinqin's Qinhui is far ahead in popularity.

In the Lingshan rhythm environment, she has the most fans.

As for Lu Ling...Because Qin Qin took her with her in every piano meeting and asked her to play some young music, so with Qin Qin's popularity, Lu Ling also accumulated a small group of fans...

When Lu Ling was alone before, most people couldn't recognize her...but once she appeared with Qin Qin, everyone's memory was activated.

A large number of eyes focused on Qin Qin and Lu Ling in her arms.

"Junior Sister Lu has started to learn martial arts..."

"Senior Sister Qin likes her... I personally sent her to school."

"Wait, does this mean that I can see Senior Sister Qin often in the future?"

"No, no, probably not, Senior Sister Qin is so busy."

"What do you know? According to my opinion, Senior Sister Qin's feelings for Junior Junior Sister are very unusual. It may be love. Do you understand love? It will definitely appear often."

"Sorry, I like men, I don't understand this kind of thing."

"Don't you guys think that Junior Sister is also cute? Want to..." The girl looked at the sleeping Lu Ling with love in her eyes.

"Cute is cute, but it belongs to Senior Sister Qin and has nothing to do with us."

"That's right, Senior Sister Qin had a confrontation with Senior Sister Shen because of her... We don't want to make fun of ourselves."



Qin Qin led Lu Ling and Tang Zheng to a very deep alley all the way to a very deep alley.

Compared with the crowded and noisy schools outside, this place is very quiet, and most of the Baiyu Building is empty.

That's it.

Qin Qin pushed open the door.

(End of this chapter)

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