Chapter 612

Qin Qin is actually not satisfied with the location here. Although the scenery here is very good, there is a blue mountain lake behind the wall. View Yamanakako from a different angle...

Too biased.

Almost at the edge of the square...

It's quiet and a great place to study.

But there are many problems.

From the fact that Fang Qiuyu is the only school in this entire Baiyu street, it is known.

Nobody necessarily has a reason.

Qin Qin pushed the door and entered the courtyard in front of him. There was a small three-story building in the courtyard. On the white jade floor were some wooden figures and targets for trials. There was also a white jade platform used by Lingshan to test the destructive power. Eight types of weapons.

Very standard school.

Qin Qin walked to the front, looked at the three-story building in front of her, pushed the door open and entered without knocking.

Fang Qiuyu, the third member of Eight Peaks, although they are not very familiar with each other, they have a pretty good relationship—after all, she has a good relationship with everyone.

Pushing open the door, a girl's laughter came from next to my ear.

Qin Qin raised her head and was taken aback for a moment.

In front of me were a few young girls wrestling on the ground, with disheveled hair, tearing each other's clothes... Not to mention happy, all of them were flushed, as if they were having a good time.

And there was a short-haired girl who was besieged, her hands and feet were held down, her Taoist robe was completely taken off, and there were still a few salty pig's hands on her shining thighs.

"The figure is so good..." The short girl firmly held Fang Qiuyu's leg.

"That's right, I've gained a lot of weight, I'm so cute, why do I always pretend to be so serious..." Another girl laughed, not caring at all that her skirt was also ripped open.

"Actually, you will look good with long hair, don't follow Senior Sister Shen's short hair..."

At this time, Fang Qiuyu's two fists were no match for his four hands, and she was pressed to the ground with a flushed face and could not move, with an angry expression on her face.

"You... let go..."

Fang Qiuyu struggled hard, and just as one hand escaped, it was pushed back immediately.

"Gu Xiao... Let go!" Fang Qiuyu gritted her teeth, at this moment her hand was pinned tightly to the ground by a weak girl, unable to use any strength.

The weak girl named Gu Xiao looked at Fang Qiuyu with a puzzled face: "Senior sister... my sister said... I..."

"..." Fang Qiuyu gritted his teeth.

These women are really lawless.

"Sixian, Xiaoyin, Gu Chenxi is messing around, are you going to follow?"

"Senior sister, what Chen Xi said is right. It's the first day I officially met Ah Ling. It's okay for you to change into nice clothes." The girl pressed her leg indifferently with a blank expression.

"..." The other girl didn't speak, but she was still clasping her feet and pulling down her pants.

"Okay, just accept it, we've already prepared a beautiful little skirt for you, which definitely suits your temperament." The leading girl smiled and took out a green lace skirt with pink trim.

Fang Qiuyu froze for a moment.

Then get up.

And then suppressed.

What kind of weird color scheme is this...does she really have no aesthetics?

Unable to break free.

And... She really has nothing to do... A few women have no strength except Gu Xiao. If she really wants to break free, it is a very simple matter, but using her true energy will inevitably hurt a few of her friends... No ,bad friend.

But relying on her own strength... She can only be at the mercy of others, the main reason is that she didn't pay attention and was attacked by several people.

After Yu Sixian added the buff, Gu Chenxi slowed down her movements with the ice method, Nie Yin found an opportunity to freeze her body for a moment, and finally Gu Xiao held her with all his strength... Then she became a bondage of several people plaything.

"Yes, Xiao Xiao, well done, you are strong, hold her down..." the long-haired girl Gu Chenxi showed a "sexy smile".

"Sisters, take off her clothes."

With one order, someone was going to take off Fang Qiuyu's clothes, and another person put his hand directly on her underwear, and Fang Qiuyu suddenly showed a horrified look in his eyes.


At this moment, a cough suddenly came from outside the door, like a signal, everyone in the room stopped moving.

The air was eerily still.

Several people turned their heads slowly, and what they saw was Qin Qin who was holding Lu Ling in one hand, and Tang Zheng who was covering his eyes with Qin Qin.

This kind of picture is too unsuitable for children for Tang Zheng.

"You guys play, I'll go out and stay for a while, then tell me." Qin Qin looked at the naked girls, smiled kindly, and then turned around resolutely.


The wooden door slammed loudly.

"...Is that...Qin...Senior Sister Qin?" There was a wave in the indifferent girl's eyes.

"You..." Fang Qiuyu's face was already red enough to bleed, and with all his strength, a carp bounced up from the ground, and he straightened his clothes.

This is really embarrassing.

That is Senior Sister Qin.

She is very afraid of people and has a thin skin. Now that Senior Sister Qin sees such a scene of embarrassment and seems to be misunderstood, she can't wash herself clean even if she jumps into the mountain lake.

"It's image..." The long-haired girl looked desperate.

"It's over." The little girl spread her hands.

"There will be rumors about us." The indifferent girl chuckled.

It's probably the rumor of the Eight Peaks lily blooming or something...

"Gossip? With Qiu Yu? I feel pretty good." The long-haired girl was thoughtful.

"Gu Chenxi!" Fang Qiuyu picked up the long-haired girl angrily, "Put on your clothes and go explain!!! Lu Ling is outside!"

The voice was somewhat hysterical.

Desperation tinged with shame.

The girl who watched was stunned for a while.

"Okay, okay, it's not a big deal, don't worry, I'll explain it right away." The long-haired girl looked at Fang Qiuyu's blood-red neck and waved her hands.

"Put me down, I'll get dressed."



After half an hour.

Qin Qin sat on the white jade platform in the courtyard, hugging the sleeping Lu Ling with both hands, while Tang Zheng stood obediently behind her.

At this time, five girls stood in front of Qin Qin.

It was the few people who were rolling around on the ground before.

"Fang Qiuyu." Qin Qin looked at the short-haired girl on the far left, dressed in a black Taoist robe, looking lifeless.

"In..." Fang Qiuyu walked out with her head down... In fact, her status is not too far from Qin Qin's, and her cultivation is even stronger than Qin Qin's at the beginning of the Void Transformation Realm... But because of what happened just now, she can't stand it. It started... Besides, Qin Qin is Shen Gui's junior sister who she likes the most...

"Bafeng ranks third, and his swordsmanship is first... I'm sorry for the trouble for you as Ah Ling's teacher." Qin Qin said.

"Nothing..." Fang Qiuyu responded in a low voice.

Then, Qin Qin looked at the other four people.


The remaining four girls are Fang Qiuyu's good friends, the famous foursome of Bafeng... mainly the long-haired girl.

Qin Qin looked at the long-haired girl, and said, "Gu Chenxi, the disciple of Bafeng, the Ice Curse System, Void Transformation Realm..."

"It's me, Senior Sister Qin, you know me." Gu Chenxi smiled, with curvy brows, very pretty.

Qin Qin shook her head, she is so famous, how could she not know... Lingshan is famous for its weirdness and stubborn personality.

It didn't take much thinking to know that it was her idea that Fang Qiuyu was pinned to the ground before.

Moving his eyes to the right, he was the tallest among several people, with a slightly larger frame, but he didn't look very strong, but a different kind of plump, with shawl hair, soft facial features, and his appearance was five points similar to Gu Chenxi.

Qin Qin knows that she, Gu Chenxi's younger sister, is very weak and has no opinion...but she has a strange strength, and her strength is not bad, second only to Fang Qiuyu.

"Gu Xiao, Gu Chenxi's younger sister, Wu Po, gun department." Qin Qin said.

"'s me..." The girl answered Qin Qin's question cautiously, submissively.

"There are two more..." Qin Qin looked at the remaining ones, one was thin and the other was short.

"Nie Yin, a short soldier, with wind attribute spiritual power, is also in the Void Transformation Realm." Qin Qin said looking at the thin, ponytailed girl with an indifferent expression.

"It's me, I met Senior Sister Qin." Nie Yin bowed to Qin Qin. Because of her skills and personality, she always had an iceberg-like face.

Qin Qin nodded, then looked at the last short girl.

She is very short, about a few centimeters taller than Lu Ling, with a baby face, short hair around her ears, and a big sun hat on her head... and has a "big breast sign" that is different from her appearance.

Qin Qin was helpless: "Sixian, don't you need to practice the piano today?"

"I'll help teach."

The girl named Sixian shook her head, cherishing words like gold.

Qin Qin is also used to her few words.

Yu Sixian, Bafeng Wenhun, has just entered the Void Realm, has a quiet personality, rarely speaks, and most importantly, has a good relationship with Qin Qin. Yu Sixian, like Tang Keyu, is a staunch Qin party.

Qin Qin looked at the five women in front of him. They were a combination of Lingshan, and they were hardly separated when they were in Tianguangxu. They were a typical lineup of Lingshan's internal team.

Fang Qiuyu, who is proficient in swordsmanship, is the strongest and mainly outputs.

Gu Chenxi, who majored in ice spells, was in charge of long-range fire support and control.

Gu Xiao, a spearman, whose main task is to assist output and protect the nanny.

Nanny... Just look at the little guy with the biggest chest, Yu Sixian, the only soul among them.

The last skinny girl, Nie Yin, is an assassin. She roams the battlefield, provides support, and searches for information. It is the most free link, but it is second only to nurse Yu Sixian in importance, because she is the fastest and also Master the important link of information.

Qin Qin nodded.

To be honest, she is still very satisfied with this lineup...

Fang Qiuyu and the troublesome foursome... can be regarded as a luxurious lineup.

It is worth mentioning that although Fang Qiuyu is inseparable from them, the reason why she is not a five-member group but a four-member group is that Fang Qiuyu has a different personality from the others. She is a normal person, so many people are curious. How she befriends other people.

However, although these people don't look very serious, they are all very strong. They can be ranked in the top [-] in the entire Eight Peaks, and they are very young...

"Are you Lu Ling's future teachers?" Qin Qin asked.

"Don't worry, Senior Sister Qin." Gu Chenxi rubbed her hands together: "Just leave A Ling and A Zheng to us, we can teach her anything she wants to learn."

"Don't worry?" Qin Qin shook her head slightly.

"Just like you before, how can I rest assured?"

Fang Qiuyu "..."

His face turned red, and he was so ashamed.

"Senior Sister Qin, we didn't take off our clothes to get XXXX, and Qiu Yu doesn't have that charm either. We have a reason." Gu Chenxi said with a serious face.

"Sister..." Gu Xiao tugged at her sleeve, intending to make her speak more civilized.

Nie Yin remained indifferent, but Qin Qin would never forget that she reached out to take off Fang Qiuyu's underwear.

Yu Sixian pulled down his hat to cover half of his face, and then threw out three words: "There is a reason."

"..." Qin Qin suddenly regretted it.

Is it really good to teach A Ling to these few people...?
She didn't want Lingshan to create another five-person group to make trouble in the future... But Qin Qin couldn't help it. It was Li Zhuzi's decision to let Fang Qiuyu teach.

"Tell me why." Qin Qin asked with a straight face.

"The thing is like this." Gu Chenxi pushed Fang Qiuyu out: "Didn't it say that Lu Ling would come to class today? We are all dressed up nicely..."

When saying this, Gu Chenxi paused.

The remaining few women nodded, indicating that they had really dressed up, especially Yu Sixian, who wore his favorite hat.

Gu Chenxi nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "But Qiu Yu is wearing all black and clothes that haven't been washed for three days. If she is with us, she will definitely lower Lu Ling's first impression of us. It's not the first time we have It’s time to teach students, and the former students were all scared by her, so we specially prepared skirts for Qiu Yu... But she refused to wear them, so we prepared to force her to wear them... Then there is Senior Sister Qin, you saw .”

Gu Chenxi's explanation was very clear, and Qin Qin understood it immediately, but she stared at Gu Chenxi in a daze.

nice dress?
It couldn't be the green dress with pink lace that Gu Chenxi was holding when she opened the door just now...

Are you the devil?
This style, you will want to die if you wear it.

Qin Qin looked at the upright Gu Chenxi and took a breath.

Suddenly, Fang Qiuyu felt a little pitiful.

To outsiders, she looks like a very high-status and powerful senior sister, but is she actually the lowest-status in the small group...

Well, Qin Qin didn't think she was being bullied either. To be honest, the friendship between these few people made her envious.

Moreover, with Yu Sixian around, she can barely rest assured that if she is by Lu Ling's side, it will also improve Lu Ling's understanding of Qin and help her brainwash Lu Ling more.

So Qin Qin accepted these people.

And because she knew these people well, she wasn't worried that Lu Ling would be bullied, but she still decided to come and supervise more.

"Okay, A Ling will leave it to you." Qin Qin nodded, then looked at Gu Chenxi: " chose this place? It's too far away, quiet is good, but at noon..."

"It's not me." Gu Chenxi shook her head quickly, then pointed at Fang Qiuyu.

"It's because she chose a remote place. She likes to bully Junior Sister, so I can't understand it."

Gu Chenxi said righteously, what she said was against the thoughts of the members of Fang Qiuyu Association.

(End of this chapter)

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