Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 615 Responsibilities

Chapter 615 Responsibilities
Nie Yin indulged Gu Chenxi at first, because she also wanted to know what kind of talent this lovely girl Lu Ling is... Is it possible to learn short combat from herself.

Who knew that the woman Gu Chenxi shook her head while trying, saying it was good and bad, which made her confused.

I don't say what kind of talent it is, anyway, it's just a godsend.

In the end, she said that she would try it with her body, and then began to take off Lu Ling's skirt.

She couldn't bear it anymore and threw Gu Chenxi out.

"Nie Yin, I haven't tried anything yet, what's wrong with you." Gu Chenxi said dissatisfied.

Although she confessed, she expressed dissatisfaction.

"Lots of nonsense." Nie Yin raised his hand, and a silver light shot into Gu Chenxi's feet, leaving a gully on the ground. Gu Chenxi jumped back in fright. When he looked closely, he found that it was a sharp dagger. .

"You...too violent, how will you get married in the future..." Gu Chenxi gritted his teeth.

Nie Yin: "..."

He didn't speak, but there were two cold lights in his hands.

Sister Chenxi is really bold today...

"Don't come here, I'm your senior sister..." Gu Chenxi saw Nie Yin's eyes, and hurriedly hid behind Gu Xiao.

Because of her petite body, she hid tightly behind Gu Xiao.

Nie Yin didn't spare her, and rushed up in a flash, but when the dagger hit Gu Chenxi immediately, a hand grabbed her arm, and Nie Yin staggered.

It was Gu Xiao's hand.

She let go of Nie Yin's arm and apologized.

"Senior Sister Nie...I'm sorry..."

Gu Xiao is tall, but very weak, Nie Yin shook her head, knowing that she was apologizing for her sister, so she put away the dagger.

"You're amazing! Come and hit me!" Gu Chenxi suddenly became courageous again when she saw that her sister had protected herself. Under the autumn rain... This is still Fang Qiuyu's use of skills. If confronted head-on, this soft girl can instantly kill everyone present.

When meeting Gu Xiao, Nie Yin could run, but she had almost no chance of winning in a frontal fight. In a real fight, she might not even be able to catch the silver spear in Gu Xiao's hand.

There is also a relationship of restraint in it.

Hearing that her sister started to get carried away again, Gu Xiao couldn't smile anymore, turned her head, and said in embarrassment.

"Sister, don't be like this..."

Then he apologized to Nie Yin, saying sorry frantically.

"..." Nie Yin shook his head and took a step back.

Xiaoxiao is stupid, can she really be angry?

He lowered his head and put down his aching arm.

This girl is getting stronger and stronger...



Beside, Tang Zheng and Fang Qiuyu witnessed this farce, Fang Qiuyu didn't feel anything... This kind of thing happens almost every day, and when he turned his head, he saw Tang Zheng's dissatisfied eyes, afraid that she might misunderstand, so he explained.

"There was no real fight, it was just a normal joke."

"Well... I know." Tang Zheng nodded, she understood this feeling, as if she obviously didn't hate Sister Lu at all, and even liked her very much...but she would always provoke her.

She is not dissatisfied because of this.

"Teacher Fang, is Teacher Gu Xiao your younger sister?" Tang Zheng asked.

Fang Qiuyu was stunned for a moment, then realized what Tang Zheng said, and nodded: "Xiao Xiao is Chen Xi's sister, according to them, she is her own sister."

Why it is said... is because although the two are somewhat similar, there is actually an age gap... not like real sisters, and there is no record in Lingshan.

It is very likely that they are not real sisters.

On Lingshan, there are many such sisters, not all girls with the same surname are biological sisters.

"Sister..." Tang Zheng didn't speak, but her expression told Fang Qiuyu that she didn't like Gu Chenxi.

Fang Qiuyu wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

When living in the future, I will gradually understand that although Gu Chenxi is a little "skinned", she is a very cute person in essence.

And the reason why Tang Zheng doesn't like Gu Chenxi is also very simple.

I can't understand it.

As the elder sister, Gu Chenxi actually hid behind her younger sister when she was in danger, and let her solve the problem for herself... How could this work.

The older sister was originally a creature that appeared in the world to protect the younger sister, wasn't it?
She couldn't imagine what it would be like to hide behind Tang Zheng.

Very outrageous.

Because of what happened before going up the mountain, Tang Zheng has a deep attachment to protecting his sister... It is precisely because of this that after seeing Liu Fufeng's meticulous care for Lu Ling, she did not feel that Lu Ling was too dependent on Liu Fufeng to treat her Having a bad feeling, on the contrary, she thinks it is a very normal thing.

When I was at home, she was the one who washed my sister's hair, she was the one who helped her get dressed, and she was the one who warmed her bed when my sister felt cold...

Well, in order to prevent the master from discovering the shameful map drawing behavior of the two of them, she is also the one who washes the quilt every day.

It can be said that Tang Zheng is a person with a strong desire to protect his sister, and he is a full-fledged sister-controller.

In her world, Tang Sheng only needs to live her own life well...the rest is borne by her.

The thoughts of a girl younger than Lu Ling.

How could Gu Chenxi get used to Tang Zheng like this.

Gu Chenxi also frowned at this time, because she felt Tang Zheng's bad mood, and she wondered if she had offended her somewhere...

Well, Sixian has a good relationship with her, let Sixian ask.

He looked up, but found that the four strings of fish were gone.

"Qiu Yu, where's Sixian?" Gu Chenxi asked.

"Get out." Fang Qiuyu gave her a word.

For two days, she wouldn't pay attention to this damned woman.


"Sister, Si Xian seems to be in a bad mood, go back to rest first..." Gu Xiao answered her sister's question while arranging her sister's messed up clothes and belt.

"Sixian? Are you in a bad mood?" Gu Chenxi was incredulous.

Yu Sixian is usually very quiet and likes to read books...and his mind and body are different, very mature...

Hmm... In a sense, it's as mature as its body type.

Anyway, if we only talk about development, except for Gu Xiao, none of the people present are as well developed as Yu Sixian.

This kind of Yu Sixian is rarely in a bad mood... As a soul cultivator, Yu Sixian can be regarded as the brains of their team... She really has never seen her in a bad mood.

"Could it be because there is a problem that I don't understand on the text soul again?" Gu Chenxi asked.

"I don't know, but it seems..." Gu Xiao glanced at Tang Zheng, but didn't continue because she didn't know either.

Nie Yin looked in Bafeng's direction.

In fact, Yu Sixian was not very happy when he came here with her this morning...

I'm a little worried.

"Forget it, Sixian doesn't need us to worry." Gu Chenxi shook her head, and her words made Gu Xiao and Nie Yin wake up for a moment.


Among them, Yu Sixian is the one who needs no one to worry.

"Okay, Tang Zheng comes to the room with me, and examines your basic knowledge of martial arts. Others...whatever, just don't make too much noise to wake Lu Ling up." After finishing speaking, Fang Qiuyu led Tang Zheng into the room .

Watching the two leave, Nie Yin took his dagger to practice, leaving Gu Chenxi bored alone.

"Xiaoxiao, what do you think Lu Ling came here to learn?" Gu Chenxi asked.

"I don't know." Gu Xiao shook his head.

"...It's annoying, it feels like it has nothing to do with me..." Gu Chenxi frowned when he thought of the wooden sword in Lu Ling's luggage with a strong sword intent.

She really wants Lu Ling to learn spells... A soft girl like Lu Ling doesn't have the temperament to wield knives, swords, and sticks.

As he spoke, he turned to look at his younger sister, and stood on tiptoe to pinch her face.

"Sister..." Gu Xiao said softly.

"Why don't you have any talent for conjuration... You have so much strength, you can only learn the Spirit Spear... I'm very disappointed with my sister..."

"Sister, this happened so many years ago..." Gu Xiao looked at his sister helplessly.

"I don't care, I'm not happy anyway." Gu Chenxi groaned.

"By the way, Lu Ling and Tang Zheng made an exception at noon today and don't go to the dining hall. You can cook at noon and prepare the ingredients."

"Got it, sister."



At this moment, Gu Chenxi was still thinking about whether he could have a lovely student...

They actually didn't know much about Lu Ling.

Lu Ling is now quite well-known in Lingshan, but it is only limited to a small circle, to be precise, it is only limited to the second peak, because she lived there for a while, and she was accompanied by Qin Qin when she went in and out...

The rest of the place is just so-so.

Only a very small number of people who paid close attention to Shen Gui or Qin Qin might know that such a person existed, and others might not have even heard of this name.

Actually, Lu Ling is not that famous.

In Lingshan, less than [-]% of the people know about her, and most of these people are people who climbed the Lingtai on the first floor——in Lingshan at this time, most of the really powerful senior sisters are not in Lingshan, but in the university. In the world, experience in Xuanjing Division, or wander in Tianguangxu.

In front of these senior sisters, Shen Gui is just a young senior sister with potential.

The so-called big sisters are referring to the big sisters of their generation...

However, the interior of Lingshan is very chaotic, especially in terms of seniority, and there can only be one Senior Sister in the same era. If Shen Gui can get the recognition, her status will be recognized even by those senior senior sisters.

Climbing to the ninth floor is like ascending to the sky. Lingshan is much bigger than Lu Ling imagined, but she is different from others... that is, among the [-]% of people who know her, almost all of Lingshan is included. Members of the Lingshan Congregation.

They are all high-level.

She is destined to live under the eyes of others, and become more and more influential day by day... This is what Lu Ling must do, she can't do it, someone will let her do it.

Such as Liu Fufeng, such as Li Zhuzi.

There are also Sanren Nan Wusan, Lu You from Yihua Palace, Mingyue from Dongshenhai... Even if Lu Ling doesn't leave, other people will push Lu Ling to leave.

It is worth mentioning that after the saintess of Qionghua searched for Lu Ling in the secret realm to no avail, she issued the Qionghua order... Now that I know Lu Ling's origin, I quickly figured out that Lu Ling's appearance is Because there was a problem with Lingshan's exchange of secret realms, she was not from Qionghua at all.

But this didn't relieve Lu Ling, whom she liked. On the contrary, she started to wonder if she could go to Luoyan City...





The recent Qionghua Ling incident that has been raging has not affected the life of the son.

At this time, Mr. Qionghua, who had already determined to protect the title of [Wuhen], was in the Jiange.

The sword is full of air.

After a while, he came out of the attic covered in sweat, in a state of deep thought.

This set of Wuhen Sword Code is very suitable for him, but there are still some things that need to be changed, and it is still in the running-in period.

On the way back to the house, the young master saw Si'er passing by in a hurry. After saying hello, the two of them didn't stop.

But what did the son think of.

Qiong Hualing... Who is the saintess looking for?

It seems to be called Lu Ling...

It has nothing to do with him.

He doesn't care.

Go back to the house, and then stare at the portrait of the elf in a daze.

It is already a daily routine.



After changing her clothes, the saint entered the main hall of the master, and rushed directly in front of her father who was practicing.

"I want all the information about Lu Ling."

The middle-aged man opened his eyes and looked at his daughter in front of him.

"on the table."

"En." The saint picked up the jade slip and looked at the things recorded on it.

During the period, the middle-aged man looked at his daughter with a loving expression on his face. In fact, he was thinking about very serious issues.

This Qiong Hua Ling was really used correctly.

It's unbelievable that a small Lingshan disciple can attract the attention of so many people.

"Where did this information come from?" The saint put down the jade slip, the information on it was of no value, it just said that Lu Ling came from Lingshan.

"Lu You." The middle-aged man smiled.

"Who?" The saint froze for a moment.

"Master of Yihua Palace, Lu You." The middle-aged man repeated.

"..." The saint showed surprise.

"It's a surprise." The middle-aged man laughed loudly: "When I got the news from him, I also had your expression. A girl in the soul-dividing state is actually worthy of Lu You's appearance..."

"He won't be interested in a little reward from Qionghua." The saint snorted coldly. She knew that Lu You... had always been the enemy in his father's heart, although he didn't understand why a good man with a poor cultivation deserved a wise father. So caring, but she also has her own opinion.

"Lu You...Lu Ling, there is no relationship between the two of you." The saint frowned.

"I don't know." The middle-aged man shook his head and threw a jade pendant: "It seems that the girl you like is not simple... There is still news here, let's take a look."

"Not easy?" The saint took the jade pendant.

"East Divine Sea, Shu Mountain?"

The above is nothing but some video data of Mo Qing, Bai Yunfan and Lu Ling in Luoyan City.

"Is it her?"

"Yes." The saint looked at the girl and smiled, but quickly restrained herself.

Why is Lu Ling, an ordinary girl, so close to Shushan and the venerables of the East Shenhai... She can be sure that Lu Ling is not a scheming girl... But now the problem is beyond her expectation.

Perhaps, the girl she likes has a different status.

"What is this message?"

"It was also sent by Lu You. Although there is no direct evidence to prove it, it can be confirmed that it is him." The middle-aged man shook his head.

Things are starting to get interesting.

He never underestimated Lu You.

This man's intelligence methods are still higher than Qionghua's, and his scheming is unfathomable... He will naturally not pass on information to himself for no reason... let alone pay attention to an ordinary girl.

What is he trying to tell himself?what purpose?
do not know.

However, Lu Ling must pay attention, and Qionghua must intervene.

"I'm going to Luoyan City." The saint put down the jade slip and said.

 I will always love Rhea Turner.

(End of this chapter)

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