Chapter 616
"I'm going to Luoyan City." The saint put down the jade slip and said.

"Luoyan City...why." The middle-aged man didn't immediately refuse, but looked at his daughter, wondering if it was really necessary.

"Because of Lu Ling." The saint took a deep breath.

She really likes Lu Ling.

He even likes her so much that he wants to be a sister with her, and train her to be his confidant sister, a pillow person.

In Qionghua, becoming the pillow of the saint can basically walk sideways in Qionghua, even the head of the sect doesn't need to give face, one can imagine how much she likes that clean girl.


Now it's not just a question of liking it or not liking it.

Lu Ling actually involved Dongshenhai and Shushan... Although it's just a simple teaching, it's not a big deal, Shen Gui and the others have also been taught... But now there are two problems.

One is that Dongshenhai and Shushan have never dealt with each other. From top to bottom, meeting is basically a fight. Lu Ling's ability to make these two people get along with each other must have their own value.

To hold all insecurities in your hands and become something you can accept is what the superior needs to be present.

The second point is also the most important.

Lu You.

This man is the enemy of his father. In his position, he will never do meaningless things. Whether they follow Lu You or go against them, these things are not important after the incident. The important thing is Lu You. What You want to do, and what kind of things Lu Ling's special status will bring to Dongshenhai, Shushan, or Yihua Palace.

Profit or loss, and if it is a benefit, can Qionghua intervene.

This is different from the cold riots in Lingshan before, it is Lingshan's own secret realm, but this time, other holy places have taken action, Qionghua will naturally not sit still.

It is believed that other holy places will also have actions in the near future.

"I know what you're thinking..." The middle-aged man looked at his daughter: "But what she said, there is no need for you to go in person, and Jianping also needs you to come forward to stabilize her mood recently."

"...That's right." The saintess nodded after a moment of silence. She has other things to do, and now is not the time to be willful.

The middle-aged man smiled, his daughter is sensible.

"The jade pendant said that because of Lu Ling, Su Luoxin also made moves?" the saint asked.

"That woman dragged all the members of the Su family from Tianguangxu back to Yihua Palace... What do you think?"

"It can't be that Su Luoxin is in power temporarily, she is the senior sister of Palace Master Lu, she has this qualification..." The saint frowned, then she was stunned and said in surprise.

"Could it be that Lu Gong wants to leave Yihua Palace???"

"En." The middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the jade pendant in his hand: "Perhaps, this is what he told us on purpose... Lu Ling, it's worth a visit for him."

"Isn't this pushing Ah Ling to the forefront!" The saint was anxious.

This is definitely not a good thing for Lu Ling.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, especially girls with little strength... who will arouse the covetousness of other villains...

The key is that the name Lu Ling was introduced by Qionghua... If this is the case, it will only be Qionghua's fault that Lingshan protects her shortcomings.

"That's not the point." The middle-aged man calmed his daughter's emotions, and said, "He came out in person, and he certainly didn't mean to hide it, and even told us on his own initiative... As a saint, you can't go to Luoyan City, but you can Let others go to Lingshan... to explain this matter."

"Because Lu Ling passed through the secret realm by abnormal means?"

"Exactly, Qionghua is not at fault for both emotion and reason." The middle-aged man nodded, maybe he could make some compensation... After all, there was a problem in the exchange of the secret realm.

Naturally, he didn't like that kind of compensation...but for Qionghua to owe Lingshan a small favor, he won't lose money.

"That is to say, Palace Master Lu didn't do this to trick us... he just did it conveniently..." The saint gritted her teeth, this man looked gentle, but he was actually an old bastard.

The saint continued: "I don't know what Palace Master Lu is thinking, but his undisguised actions are basically to tell others that he is going for Lu Ling...I can't make him comfortable, anyway, Ah Ling has been pushed away. Going up, can it be released that the people from Yihua Palace received Qionghua Order?"

Halfway through speaking, she saw her father's half-smiling eyes, and suddenly realized.

"Palace Master Lu planned to do this from the beginning? With our hands?"

"Yes, he should really have something to do with Lu Ling... But I'm not sure, but it must not be a bad thing. I used Qionghua to "accidentally" leak the secret to achieve some of my goals." Middle-aged humane.

"We still have to follow him?" The saint was dissatisfied.

"Otherwise? We don't suffer. You still can't change your stingy temper." The middle-aged man looked at his daughter dotingly and shook his head.

"You like Lu Ling, don't you?"

"I like it." The saint nodded decisively: "I said, it is impossible for Qionghua to have such a clean girl. If it is Lingshan, it is right."

The middle-aged man ignored her daughter's complaints, and said, "Because you like it, Qionghua can give it a push. Think about it carefully, is this really a bad thing for Lu Ling personally?"

"..." The saint thought for a while, and then knew what the father wanted to say.

It's really not a bad thing, just Lu Ling's status in Lingshan will be different.

Because Lu You came forward in person, it was already certain that it was a good thing, and...

"Both of them are surnamed Lu... no way." The saint said after hesitation.

"Who knows." The middle-aged man also narrowed his eyes.

It's not impossible.

"I probably know what you're thinking, Sect Leader..." The saint nodded.

What the father meant was that Qionghua should quietly be a bystander under the condition that everyone would not be offended as much as possible... that is to say watching a play, after all, the first thing to do is to find out who Lu Ling is.

Helping Lu You to push Lu Ling out, can also attract Shushan and Dongshenhai, and even break the balance... Then some news may be leaked.

It's just that if this is the case, she won't be able to get Lu Ling's idea for a short time... It's uncomfortable, the girl she likes is actually Fengyun Center or something...

But there is no way, who made Qionghua so passive now, completely unaware of what happened, why several holy places are linked together.

"But the head, if you want to sit and watch, the Eastern Shenhai and Shushan..."

"No, it's the opposite of Yihua Palace. On the surface, Yihua Palace launched Lu You, but in fact it was his own arrangement. Shushan can't do it, but they don't get along with Dongshenhai. Knowing that Lu Ling is now famous, they will naturally take measures. .” The middle-aged man said.

The daughter is still too young to consider the issue well enough.

But already very good.

He will teach it slowly... He will definitely not be able to complete the matter of changing Qionghua alone, and it will still fall on the shoulders of his daughter in the end.

She also really needs to be alone.

This Lu Ling... I don't know if she is a good candidate.



As Holy Master Qionghua expected, after they threw out the Qionghua Order, people in Shushan and Dongshenhai had already started to think too much, needless to say.

Shushan is alright, after all, Lu Ling's talent is good, but it's Qionghua who steals people from her... Dong Shenhai is not good, that is the future domain master of Dong Shenhai...

Who knows what Qionghua is thinking, no one knows the depth of their background, maybe they know about Xuenv...

However, judging from the fact that they never looked for Lingshan, but issued the Qionghua Order, maybe they still don't know Lu Ling well.

Therefore, Dong Shenhai has ordered Mo Qing to pay close attention to Lu Ling. It seems that soon someone from Qionghua will visit Lingshan to find out what Qionghua's people want to do.



by the wind.

Women's boudoir.

A round-faced teenage girl and a mature woman serve dessert together.

"Ayao, what's the matter with Lu Ling?" The mature woman asked, this is Liu Yao's friend.

"What's your position?" Liu Yao raised her head and grabbed her mask, which means don't talk about business.

"What position can I have?" The mature woman shook her head helplessly: "It's just...forget it, you have also stepped down from the vice-peak master, take a good rest."

"That's right." Liu Yao took a sip of her wine.

"However, I should be careful and investigate. You can't blame me," the woman said.

"It's time to do the calculations, I know, let's drink." Liu Yao raised her glass.





Daoist Luanfeng almost went crazy when he found out about Qionghua Ling. In her opinion, if others don't know what happened, how can she not know?

It wasn't because Lu Ling's talent was discovered, it was only because they knew that an inexplicable person had been mixed into their team.

She has heard from the ice beauty that Lu Ling has a good relationship with a girl who has hidden her cultivation...

Those who can issue Qionghua Orders probably have unusually high status.

This is really embarrassing.

It's all Han Xue's fault.

At this time, Master Luanfeng, who was full of things, threw the pot to Han Xue who stole the key, and didn't care about the fact that Han Xue just sent Li Wangsheng... Anyway, she still doesn't know that Yun Shu did it... just It can be guessed that it was Han Xue who made trouble.

But she didn't panic when she knew the reason. She played down Lu Ling's existence, said it was Lingshan's fault, and then just apologized.

As for whether it was possible for Qionghua to really notice Lu Ling's strangeness... Didn't she say so?Downplaying Lu Ling's existence, even... Reverend Luanfeng has already made up his mind to make this matter public and apologize publicly.

Only in this way can the name of Lu Ling be downplayed, and let people know that it is the problem with Lingshan's supervision, not that Lu Ling is worthy of Qionghua's use of Qionghua's order.

After deciding on the countermeasures, Master Luanfeng was not so nervous.

But she would never have thought that... Lu You's arrival broke her plan...



Great Sad Valley.

The golden hall is different from other halls, the place where the Buddha statue should be placed is empty.

Believe in Buddhism, but there are no Buddha statues.

It means not believing in Buddhism.

People in the Great Sad Valley know what the Buddha is, and the Buddha is my way. Therefore, for those who are at the top of the Great Sad Valley, belief does not exist, and naturally, the Buddha does not exist either.

A few old monks with white eyebrows and beards sat in a circle and discussed.

After a long time.

"What happened to Qiong Hualing recently... what do you guys think?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter."

Everyone is not interested, and the Great Sad Valley is not playing tricks, after all, they really have some intentions of being outsiders... The road is more important than all interests.

They only care about their own Buddha, the Buddha here is the Tao in their hearts... For the current Great Sad Valley, there are more important things. After Nan Wusan left the Great Sad Valley, these old monks began to change slowly .

Everyone's Dharma is different, and it is inevitable that they will part ways... So they began to sum up experience, improve the Buddhist scriptures, and see if they can find a broader way for future generations.

The Zen practice system of the Great Compassion Valley, the profound Buddhist teachings can arouse the truth of heaven and earth.

It's a pity that each of them has a different's hard to find resonance.

"Failed again." The old monk said: "Then, the previous proposal..."

"No hurry."

"Look again..."

"Yes, it's still too risky." The old monk sighed.

These people have a bold idea, that is to create a false true Buddha... After everyone believes in it, then the way of these old people can be said to be one of the three thousand ways of the true Buddha... In this way, the big problem can be solved. part of the problem.

But... this is a big taboo.

These people have reached the level of cultivation and know that there is no real Buddha in the world, but there is God's will... to create truth arbitrarily, in this era of chaos and chaos, it is very likely to bring disaster.

It must be done with caution.

They are also afraid of the power of faith.


at the same time.

The staff of the morning classes in the Great Sad Valley dispersed.

A young monk found a book on a sandalwood shelf.

"The "Diamond Sutra"...what is this? I heard that Master and the others have started compiling scriptures recently...this is it? It's quite thin...take it back and have a look, maybe it will be used in the examination school in a few days. "

What was placed on the table was originally for the disciples to watch, so he took it away and watched it.



The perspective returns to Qionghua.

"Master, I can't leave the Holy Land, but the status of the person who is going to be sent to Lingshan can't be lowered. After all, there are two venerables there..." said the saint.

"Then who do you think is better?" the middle-aged man asked back.

"I... don't know." The saint shook her head.

"Jianping has been unstable recently because of her title, but Wuhen's status has been confirmed, and they can't stand against it..." The middle-aged man talked about him, in fact, throwing bricks to attract jade.

"...With Senior Brother Wuhen's personality, it's fine to let him go for a while, I'll settle Jianping."

The saint understood what he meant, and continued: "Senior Brother Wuhen, as the successor of Jianping, is at least no worse than Venerable Bai Yunfan in terms of status, which is enough to show that Qionghua attaches great importance to it...Moreover, Senior Brother Wuhen cares about things other than the sword. Not interested, it is the same for A Ling... He will go to Lingshan to complete the task simply... In this case, we can also express to Lingshan that we are not interested in Lu Ling at all."

"He is very suitable." The middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction: "Notify Wuhen that he is going to Lingshan, and he can do whatever he wants."

"Understood." The saint turned and left.

The middle-aged man looked at her back and showed a fatherly smile.

He is very pleased that his daughter has been making progress.

Although today's decision is not optimal...but it is also the result under his guidance, which is quite satisfactory.

Shake his head.

Keep practicing.

Next, let's see what Lu You is going to do.

(End of this chapter)

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