Chapter 617 Encounter

Prince Wuhen's room.

The house is full of ink fragrance.

Shredded paper all over the place.


The man tore the white paper into a ball and threw it away.

Concentrating abnormally, staring at the elf portrait I drew on the first day... holding my breath.

start writing.

The boy closed his eyes.

Recall the charm of elves in my mind.

The desire to paint her is urgent.

However, he failed several times. Sure enough, as he thought, after that day, he would not be able to find the temperament of the elves at that time...

Now, I am not satisfied with the frontal image, I want to try to draw the elf holding the sword and using this set of sword scriptures.

In name, it can help him understand "Wuhen Jianyi", but in fact, it's just that he can't calm down after having someone else in his heart for the first time.

The young master stared at the blank drawing paper on the table with bated breath, and then picked up the pen.

Color and light and shadow interlace, strokes.

The beautiful lines are revealed little by little, the paper and the temperature of the fingertips seem to melt together, the strokes bloom slowly and freeze in the field of vision, in the virtual wind and snow, it seems that the person he wants to see is right in front of him.

Slowly, it began to take shape, and it could already be seen that there was a young girl's shadow on the paper. Although there was only one outline, it still had a noble temperament, which was fascinating.

Adjust your breathing.

The young master pursed his lips, his brows and eyes were full of seriousness, at this moment, everything about him was on this paper, sketched delicately from shallow to deep.

Slowly, the people on the paper gradually improved.

The small stature, and the completely disproportionate silver hair, are vivid in the young master's pen.

It was as if he saw the elf again.

This time, it works.

He thought so, and was going to perfect the weirdly shaped ice sword in the elf's hand. Before that, the details of the fingers needed to be adjusted.

pen to paper.


A girl's cry sounded in my ears, and the young master's state of mind was instantly broken, and he didn't hold his pen steady.

Looking at his own painting, he sighed, and touched it with his hand, the elf on the paper disappeared, and then the young master rolled the paper into a ball and threw it away.

"Who?" the young master asked.

"It's me!" Si'er's voice came from outside the door.

The young master covered the original elf portrait and said, "Come in."

Immediately afterwards, the door was opened.

"Sure enough, I'm drawing again." After Si'er came in, he looked at the shredded paper on the ground: "Senior brother, I won't disturb you."

"What do you think?" The young master raised his hand and knocked Si'er on the head.

"I was wrong." Si'er covered his head and sincerely expressed that he was wrong.

At this time, she is not a saint, but just the young master's favorite junior sister.

"What's the matter?" asked the young man.

"Let's not talk about that for now." Si'er looked at the white paper all over the floor, showing a gossiping expression: "No way... It was said outside that you were drawing women, brother... I still don't believe it, but now it seems to be true... Who is it? ? An immortal descending to earth? To actually make you, senior brother, forget about food and tea..."

She saw the painting covered with a white cloth in front of her, and wanted to walk over but was stopped by the young master.

"Hey, who is it? Could it be me... or the saint?" Si'er chuckled.

"Stop making trouble." The young master changed the subject, waved his sleeves, and put away the portrait.

"Senior brother, you like women. It's a good thing to be enlightened. Otherwise, if the inheritance is broken, people in Jianping will have a headache." Si'er said, in fact, she is not interested in the son's private affairs.

"Jianping is not peaceful recently, so don't run here," the young master said.

"Understood, let's talk about business." Si'er looked at the young master: "In the next few months, the saint will sit in Jianping and get rid of discordant voices, how about it?"

"Saint?" The young master shook his head helplessly, "I can handle it."

"I don't have so much time for you to solve it. Jianping doesn't need a second voice, and there are things for you to do." Si'er said: "The head said, let you go to Lingshan, your identity is the most suitable .”

After speaking, he handed over a piece of jade slip.

After the young master finished reading, he frowned.

"Someone sneaked in before? Lu Ling...isn't it the one you asked me before?"

"Yeah, but you don't know her anymore. It's very strange. I wonder if it was Lingshan's hands and feet..." Si'er tilted his head, and then showed a girlish smile: "Senior brother's mission is clearly written on it, this time it will be her It's a vacation, it's Lingshan, there are many fairies, haven't you started to like women?"

She originally wanted the young master to send a letter to Lu Ling, but she was still too sensitive, so she had to give up.

"The head's order..." The young master nodded.

There is no room for rejection.

As for Si'er's teasing... He didn't take it to heart at all. To him, there was nothing special about Lingshan. No matter how many women there were, they were just ordinary people. How could they compare to his elves.

But it's also good...he's not very good at drawing women...if Lingshan speaks, maybe he will have new inspiration.

"Senior brother, get ready and leave in three days." Si'er reminded: "Senior brother, you don't need to go too fast. You will arrive at Lingshan in a few months. If you are on the way, you can relax and treat it as a rest."

"Is this also an order?" Young Master looked at Si'er with an uneasy expression on his face.

If this is the case, there will be some delays...

He thought it was a matter of going back quickly... The original plan was to go back to Tianguangxu immediately, but now it seems that he can't leave.

"It's the head's order." Si'er nodded.

It is necessary to let things ferment. They should avoid conflicts with Lu You in time, so a delay is also good.

"Understood." The young master nodded, there was nothing else to say.

If the saint wants to come to Jianping, he has to leave Qionghua, so as not to affect the saint's work...

It seems that in the past few months, I can only "wander" in a few cities.

But it’s okay, you can visit various painters to check for omissions and make up for vacancies.



Lingshan boundary.


A young gentleman walked into a not-so-prosperous town with a folding fan.Or directly, villages and towns.

The son smiled.

Deliberately walking slowly, when he arrived, it should have been revealed by Qionghua that he had provided Lu Ling with information... and his high profile was only good for Lu Ling, especially, after he arrived at Lingshan, he was going to forcibly have sex with Lu Ling. Aya got involved.

Lu Ling is the best person he is looking for, if not, it doesn't matter, he will still be Lu Ling's backstage, because just by virtue of this name, Lu Ling is entitled to be treated well by him.

He is happy.

After leaving Yihua Palace, it seemed that he had returned to that relaxed era and thought of that girl.

"A Ling, Picheng...what do you mean?" Lu You stopped and sighed, then continued to walk forward.

The last message she sent was Picheng, but he didn't know what it meant after he had been here several times, this time he just left Yihua Palace and took another look along the way.

Because he was dressed like an ordinary person, he must be from Dadu, so he attracted the attention of many people.

Lu You was just passing by, but at this time he stopped outside a gorgeous mansion, looking at the enchantment looming in the sky.

When I came here before, there was no such house...


The enchantment of Lingshan is because the daughter of this family was sent to Lingshan.

In the past, I might not have cared about it, but now that Lu Ling exists, I have to think about it.

The spiritual consciousness covered the entire Picheng in an instant, everyone in the town was stunned for a moment, and then went to do their own things.

The memory has been retrieved.

"The Liu not Lu." Lu You shook his head, but was immediately taken aback.

Liu Fufeng?
Please report, during Luoyan City, the girl next to Lu Ling...

What a coincidence.

As for whether he thinks it's really a coincidence, that's his own business.

Lu You chuckled and continued walking.

After leaving Picheng, on the official road that he had to pass to Luoyan City, he saw a girl in red and was taken aback again.

People from Shushan?
How could he meet people from Shushan in the boundary of Lingshan... He looked at the girl in front of him, thinking.

Reminiscent of the fact that both Shushan and Dongshenhai have thoughts on Lu Ling, maybe there is something to go to Lingshan... I am not that interested, otherwise I will directly extract her memory.

That girl's face was full of worries, she didn't have a sword, but she walked on the ground like him... The key is her cultivation, the Void Transformation Realm is perfect, and she may step into the Rebirth Realm at any time. This kind of cultivation, considering her age, It has surpassed the best disciple of the new generation of Yihua Palace.

It is Shen Gui from Lingshan, at most half a foot will step into the realm of rebirth...

The Shushan female disciple who met by chance had the same strength as Shen Gui. The key point was that he knew all the potential people in Shushan.

The most powerful should be Ye Guanyue, who is currently at the peak of Void Transformation Realm.

And this round-faced girl is definitely not Ye Guanyue, she has risen in recent years?
The sword behind her...

What did Lu You think of? The escape of the Demon King in Shushan...


Still quite interesting.

The method of Yihua Palace... strike up a conversation.

The main reason is that Lu You has a good impression of that red dress, and after leaving Yihua Palace, his mentality is much younger.

He likes red.

Su Luoxin was always dressed in red because she knew this.

Lu You opened the folding fan and looked at the girl closely from behind.

It was a girl in a short skirt wearing blood-red clothes. She didn't wear Shushan's white standard gown, and her temperament couldn't match Shushan's, but because of her cultivation, he confirmed the identity of the other party.

Seven Killing Sword Sutra.

Kill the disciple of Shenxiao?No, it should be Venerable Ye's disciple, he also knows the Seven Killing Sword Sutra.

The girl's sword is not an ordinary sword either, it is very eye-catching, it looks like it is used by a woman, it is a relatively slender type, but the color is very strange.

The blade is blood red, and the hilt is as black as ink.

If you are not mistaken, it should be the legendary magic sword, given to Mo Yuan, the devil king, the Mo Yuan sword that once killed the head of Shushan generation...

more and more interesting.

"Junior sister in front." Lu You said.


The blood red is delicate and beautiful like a flowery dress, but the girl has a cold expression.

The round-faced girl carried the sword on her back and didn't even look at him.

She had already discovered that someone was following her, and it seemed that they should be disciples of Yihua Palace... People from Yihua Palace, why did they come to Lingshan?She doesn't know, and doesn't want to know.

Her mind is full of a girl, and she can't tolerate other people.

"Junior Sister, I'm also going to Lingshan, or we'll be together?" What else did Lu You want to say, the sharp side of the blood-red long sword was already on his neck.

Lu You looked at the almond eyes of the round-faced girl, and spread his hands innocently.

"Go away." The girl said coldly, put away the long sword, and continued to walk forward step by step.

There is no Yujian because she is adjusting her state and accumulating sword power.

"..." Lu You shook his head, it seems that he is not handsome enough... Maybe the white hair affects his temperament too much?

Well, it's normal that no one will like the hooliganism you put on.

It's just that this girl looks like she went to Lingshan to fight... Others can't see it, but Lu You understands it very well.

The exclusive steps of the Seven Kills Sword Manual, one kill at a time, each step deepens the power of one's next move, and each step increases one's energy, while compressing one's own sword energy, and then generating new sword energy , the next step, continue to compress...

This kind of load on the body is extremely powerful, after all, it is in a fighting state at any time, and the effect is only the next sword.

Under normal circumstances, it’s only a few tens of meters at most... But the girl in front of me seems to be going straight to Lingshan... There are at least a few hundred miles away from Lingshan...

If this is really going to Lingshan, how much hatred does she have with Lingshan people?

Not to mention anything else, just walking a mile... Normal people's minds can't hold it anymore, and those who can persist are lunatics... But he didn't look at the girl too strangely.

She is certainly not crazy.

Good talent.

Lu You looked at the girl's back appreciatively.

If she can really maintain this state and meet her enemy, I'm afraid that sword can exert ten times or a hundred times her own strength... Even if the opponent is Xu Xu and Shen Gui, it will be enough.

On the other hand, she would immediately lose her combat power, and the opponent would have to choose a tough pick... In fact, this method is just tasteless.

Lu You is very interested in the identity of the girl's enemy.

After leaving Yihua Palace, he put on a new, boy-like mask.




Lu Ling didn't know anything, and she still looked silly and sweet. Lingshan knew about the fact that she was famous in the world of cultivating immortals, but she didn't know anything about it.

At this time, it was about five o'clock in the afternoon.

After she woke up, the first day's class was almost over. After waking up, Tang Zheng looked at him proudly. In one afternoon, Tang Zheng learned a lot of martial arts knowledge, and Lu Ling, a lazy pig who only knew how to sleep. Not the same.

In Lu Ling's bewilderment, she officially met with Fang Qiuyu. After getting to know Fang Qiuyu, Gu Chenxi, Gu Xian, and Nie Yin, they told her that the official class will start in a few days, and they also need to prepare , let Lu Ling adjust her status well recently.

Then, Lu Ling and Tang Zheng left Liushui School.

Until leaving, the whole person was still in a daze.

Separated from Tang Zheng.

With his own small schoolbag, after entering the teleportation array, the cold wind blew, and he woke up instantly sleepy.

Damn, she slept all day?
Didn't learn anything, God, how can I explain this to my junior sister...

Lu Ling thought of Liu Fufeng's possible expression after she knew she was looking forward to A Ling's first day of school and slept all day, and trembled violently.

Instinctively, Lu Ling started to run away.

learning piano...

Grab the last straw.

By the way, Senior Sister Qin.

Well, I'll go find her after class.

Procrastinate for a while.

Lu Ling teleported to Erfeng.

After getting off the teleportation formation, I realized that Senior Sister Qin also wanted to test her...

Sleepy and totally unprepared.


(End of this chapter)

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