Chapter 641 Collection
The commotion caused by Lu Ling was not small. At least not a few people found something strange in Beiyuan. Except for those with higher cultivation bases, only those with ice elements were more sensitive, but Lingshan had more ice elements than others.

However, these people did not move due to various reasons, and only a few people went to check.

At this time, in front of Beiyuan's inconspicuous small attic.

It was approaching the third watch, and Senior Sister Lily was already preparing to rest with her lover... At this moment, a person broke in.

It's not surprising, at night, it's the peak time of "business"... It's just that you should come earlier, after all, people who come here have a lot of foreplay to do.

But when Senior Sister Lily raised her head, she froze.

Shen, Shen Gui?
The woman in front of him was none other than Shen Gui in black pajamas.

A thin layer of black Taoist robe, with her hair sticking to her ears, Fengrui is much more restrained than before, but she has a serious expression on Shen Gui's face, which makes Senior Sister Lily's heart flutter.

The main reason is...even if she is a senior sister, when facing Shen Gui, she can't raise her aura at all... To be precise, people who have seen Shen Gui fighting the demons on the front line of Tianguangxu, stay by her side You will be afraid.

Not to mention, the current Shen Gui knew that something was wrong at a glance, but she was wearing her pajamas with her returning sword on her back, her face turned black, and she knew she was here to fight.

She was dressed in casual clothes, but she definitely didn't come here for leisure... Especially, the sword energy in her body was not hidden at all, and the side of her face was stinging.

"Ahem..." Senior Sister Baihe looked at Shen Gui nervously: "Junior Sister Shen, why are you here?"

"..." Shen Gui didn't speak.

At this time, someone had discovered Shen Gui.

But unlike the previous few times, there was really no misunderstanding this time. It is absolutely impossible for Shen Gui to appear in this kind of place, and it is absolutely impossible for scandals to spread.

And Senior Sister Baihe is feeling uneasy right now.

It’s over.

It seems something is going to happen.

Shen Gui appeared at his place in the middle of the night without even changing his clothes, what was he going to do?
First of all, it is ruled out that you are here to open a room... Didn't you see that everyone has changed into pajamas?The fragrant bath on the body is probably over.

Still carrying a sword, he should have come to fight.

Therefore, two words appeared in the heads of everyone around, including Senior Sister Lily.

"Catch rape".

Not necessarily literally, but more or less...

It's just that I don't know if Shen Gui came to arrest her junior sister Qin Qin, or to arrest Xu Xu...

Senior Sister Baihe swallowed her saliva and looked at Shen Gui: "Senior Sister?"

"..." Shen Gui raised his head and looked at the attic with a solemn expression.

In her perception, the as dangerous as an explosion, and something is definitely wrong.

Qin Qin is also in danger at this time, and his life and death are unknown.

Shen Gui had already fallen asleep, but suddenly, the jade pendant representing Qin Qin's vitality in the room shattered...

Immediately afterwards, she rushed over with the sword on her back.

Shen Gui took a deep look at Senior Sister Baihe, and didn't see any surprises from her, so he probably understood something in his heart.

It seems that she didn't find any problem... Is it because of the ice element?
She couldn't wait any longer, she had to go up to see Qin Qin's situation at this time.

"Senior sister, give me my junior sister's room." Shen Gui said.

"...I came here to look for Junior Sister Qin...hehehe, I guessed it." The senior sister smiled awkwardly, then handed the "key" to Shen Gui, and reminded: "Junior Sister Shen, there may be many people in there. , you control your emotions..."

Although Shen Gui doesn't like Shen Gui in terms of the relationship between men and women, she can't understand this kind of behavior if she is not even. After all, everyone understands that Junior Sister Shen is unreasonable.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, I'm sorry." Shen Gui turned and went upstairs. She didn't tell Senior Sister about it, and she didn't find the problem upstairs because she was so close. It's almost here.

Watching Shen Gui go upstairs.

Senior Sister Lily shook violently and swallowed.

The undisguised sword aura on Shen Gui's body had already told her that a bloody storm was about to break out upstairs... But if Xu Xu was there, she shouldn't be suppressed overwhelmingly.

Shake his head.

Today's sisters are really strange.

After being made such a fuss by Shen Gui, she suddenly began to doubt, did Luo Xian and Xu Xu really come here to do business?
Since Shen Gui appeared, something was wrong.

"Senior Sister Shen... so handsome."

The voice of the person next to the pillow pulled Senior Sister Lily out of her wild thoughts, and when she lowered her head, she saw the nympho on her Taoist companion's face.

"...Hey, I'm still here, what about Senior Sister Shen?" Senior Sister Lily tore at her Taoist companion's face.

Another child bride-in-law who was brought up also expressed dissatisfaction. She is usually obedient, but she cannot back down at critical times.

"Senior Sister Shen is really handsome, at least more handsome than you. She is obviously a senior sister, but she can't even speak when she sees her." The girl snorted coldly.

There seems to be something wrong with the couple's relationship.

"You... dead girl, wait until you get home in the morning to see how I deal with you, and you will know Shen Gui in your eyes." Senior Sister Baihe was angry.

"Shen Gui? What Shen Gui? Where is Senior Sister Shen???"

At this moment, an excited voice came from outside.

When Senior Sister Lily looked up, she saw another girl with a nympho face...


"Ahem." Fang Qiuyu calmed down, walked in, and said.

"Well, Senior Sister, you just said that Senior Sister Shen is here?"

"I've already gone in." Senior Sister Baihe nodded. At this moment, she looked at the four people who came in one after another outside, and exchanged glances with her lover, temporarily letting go of the conflict.


What day is it today, why are these four troublesome spirits here.

It was none other than Fang Qiuyu, Gu Chenxi, Gu Xiao, Yu Sixian, Nie Yin...

Gu Chenxi changed from her previous frivolity and eccentricity, her brows are full of fatigue and tension, the tallest one on the right, with shawl hair, soft facial features, looks like Gu Chenxi five points is Gu Xiao, at this time Gu Xiao is worried looked at his sister.

Yu Sixian didn't seem to wake up at all. She looked like her own child, her sleep was interrupted, and she yawned continuously after being pulled up forcibly.

Nie Yin stood behind Yu Sixian, protecting her from falling behind.

"You you have anything to do?" Senior Sister Baihe looked at the five troubles in front of her and sighed, "Why don't you stay at home? Why do you come here... Isn't this causing trouble?"

"No, you just said that Senior Sister Shen is here?" Fang Qiuyu ignored all the words before her, she thought she was Shen Gui's number one fan girl, and whenever Shen Gui appeared, she was a completely different person.

"Qiu Yu... You were still struggling to come here just now, you said you were sick when you came out in the middle of the night, why did you change your attitude so suddenly?" Gu Chenxi looked at her angrily.

"..." Fang Qiuyu didn't respond, but looked at Gu Chenxi suspiciously.

It was this woman who woke them up suddenly in the middle of the night, and then told them that the first floor of the Lingtai was bombed...and forced them to come together...

Are you kidding me?
"Isn't it nice here? Are you having a nightmare?" Fang Qiuyu looked at Gu Chenxi worriedly: "Gu Xiao, take your sister back to rest first, Nie Yin, Sixian is almost unable to hold on, what should I do?" rest……"

"Then you went to look for Senior Sister Shen alone? You think so well." Gu Chenxi interrupted Fang Qiuyu's words: "Let me tell you, there is a real problem here. Although none of you can feel it, I can be sure , if you don’t believe me, just go up and have a look.”

"Go up? Do you know which room has the problem?" Nie Yin asked back.

Although she thinks that Gu Chenxi won't joke around at night, she doesn't think there will be any problems on Lingshan, especially Gu Chenxi's sky is falling, which makes her unable to understand.

Nonsense, in Gu Chenxi's perception, it is probably that the ice element suddenly gathered together and then exploded... Logically speaking, the entire first floor of the Lingtai should be gone in an instant, but now there is not much change, but It didn't make her relax.

It's cold in the small building.

Something is definitely wrong.

"All right, all right, listen to me." Gu Chenxi dragged Fang Qiuyu back: "I can feel it, and Senior Sister Shen, who is also an ice element, should also be able to feel it... Senior Sister, it is convenient for me to go to the room for Senior Sister Shen token?"

Sister Shen?
As soon as Fang Qiuyu heard that she was going to look for Shen Gui, she immediately stopped making trouble, just like a child.

"..." Senior Sister Lily twitched the corners of her mouth.

Anyway, she didn't understand what these little girls were saying, but she understood when she was going to find Shen Gui.

Well, it's Qin Qin and Luo Xian's room again, there should be Qin Qin and two junior sisters in there, then Luo Xian, Xu Xu, Shen Gui... Now there are five more.

What is this for?
But putting one is also letting go, putting two is letting go, putting five is letting go...

Gritting her teeth cruelly, the senior sister gave the token to Gu Chenxi, watched the five people go upstairs, and then fell silent for a while.

Above, something is definitely wrong.

However, she decided not to intervene... because she felt that it would be troublesome, although she was very curious, she restrained herself.

Not to mention others, the most troublesome people of Lingshan's new generation have come. If she gets involved, she will probably face a lot of problems next. If that happens, her long-lost vacation will probably end early.

Therefore, after looking at each other with their lover, both of them understood what the other meant.

We don't know anything, we're just the ones who open the room.

Suppressing his curiosity, he forced himself to play dumb.



At this time, Li Zhuzi also walked out of Nanyuan.

No one would believe it, she didn't want to go to see it... because she was very sleepy... She also wanted to take a good rest today, it was the time when she was tired.

But as far as Beiyuan's situation is concerned, there is a high probability that Lu Ling will make something happen again. Who will step forward if she is not a husband?
If there was any trouble again, Lu Ling would fall into the hands of the guardians and ministers, and she would suffer.

Li Zhuzi was walking on the road when he suddenly frowned.

Dark clouds... today is not a rainy day.

Where is this woman's brain?
Li Zhuzi stretched out his hand and pulled towards the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a woman landed in front of her. The neckline of her black Taoist robe was half-opened, revealing a lot of spring light. Her shoulder-length hair was tied into a neat high ponytail. She didn't wear a crown, and she exuded a lazy temperament.

After the woman was stopped by Li Zhuzi, she fell in front of Li Zhuzi and stuck to her with a happy face.

"Ah, the smell of bamboo..."

"..." Li Zhuzi frowned fiercely, and several bloody nails appeared in his hand.

Soul Eater Nail.

"I'm wrong, can't I be wrong? It's meaningless to scare me with this thing every time. Besides, you pulled me down, okay, why is it unreasonable?" The lazy woman got up from Li Zhuzi, hating Looking at Li Zhuzi impotently: "Zhuzi, how did you become like this now?"

Li Zhuzi: "..."

She swears that she usually doesn't like to be angry, let alone violence, but as long as she sees this face, it seems that her whole life of penance is just a cloud, and she can't calm down at all.

The lazy woman suddenly changed her attitude, smiled and stared at Li Zhuzi's chest.

"You waited for me to break through, the Venerable is amazing."

Li Zhuzi felt uncomfortable from being watched, she gritted her teeth and said, "Shen Canghai, you still want to get the Venerable Number like this? Believe it or not, I'll take care of you today."

"Okay, okay, I understand." Shen Canghai waved his hand, then looked at Li Zhuzi: "Okay, although I'm very happy to see you, but why are you dragging me down?"

"You still ask me?" Li Zhuzi looked at Shen Canghai sternly, to be precise, at the explosive growth of her body.

From the time Shen Canghai appeared, the sky above the Lingtai was shrouded in a shadow, and there were faint lightning and thunder, combined with the light snow weather, it was incomparably weird.

"What is that in the sky?"

"Thunder cloud." Shen Canghai said confidently.

"..." Li Zhuzi smiled.


Immediately afterwards, Li Zhuzi grabbed Shen Canghai's lapel and said angrily.

"You still know it's Thundercloud?"

"I know, I still don't know about this." Shen Canghai nodded, then coughed: "Bamboo, pay attention to the impact."

The opening of her clothes was wide open, but Li Zhuzi dragged her so much that she could basically see everything...

"When is this and you still care about such a trivial matter?" Li Zhuzi was about to die of anger.

Is it so easy for this crazy woman to repair the robbery?Climbing to the Lingtai does not have a huge restriction like the main hall of the peak. The mountain guard formation can protect the Lingtai, but the damage is too great. After all, it is an internal problem.

The icy aura that Lu Ling produced was just a trifle, if Shen Canghai was going through the tribulation on the Lingtai, it would really be a disaster.

She just waited to be cleaned up by a group of miser masters and uncles.

"You are running around with a lot of thunder? Who gave you the courage?"

"Of course it's you, Zhuzi." Shen Canghai smiled, and after seeing Li Zhuzi's black thread and gorgeous soul-eating nails, he said, "Okay, okay, it's just a thundercloud, it's nothing, Zhuzi You don't have to worry about me."


I worry about you?

What I worry about is the property at home and the safety of my children! ! !
There must be no problem for you to cross the tribulation by yourself, so what?
Li Zhuzi's lips turned white from the heavy air.

(End of this chapter)

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