Chapter 642

Li Zhuzi was very angry at Shen Canghai's words, if possible, she wanted to beat Shen Canghai up now.

Her state of mind for so many years is still completely useless to Shen Canghai in the end... So, it is still the same as when she was young, the old rules are easier to use, obviously she is a domineering lunatic to outsiders, but she is simply a slut to herself .

"Don't look at me like that, I know you don't want to hit me." Shen Canghai looked at Li Zhuzi and said.


Li Zhuzi raised his head and looked at the lightning arc that flashed across the sky and spanned thousands of meters.

Before Shen Canghai broke through, this was the last chance to teach her a lesson, but she couldn't do it, God knows if the thundercloud would come down directly.

This woman really takes time to anger herself, it must be on purpose.

Calm yourself... calm down.

Li Zhuzi was calming down, but Shen Canghai posted it directly.

Now she couldn't bear it anymore, years of mental state cultivation couldn't last 5 minutes in front of Shen Canghai - it has always been like this.

Li Zhuzi stretched out his hand to pinch Shen Canghai's waist and twisted it counterclockwise half a circle, said angrily.

"Who are you hooking up with? Are you kicking your nose on your face?"

"Bamboo, let go, it hurts, hurts, hurts..." Shen Canghai screamed, but didn't let go.

Shen Canghai is slightly taller than Li Zhuzi.

"Zhuzi, I know what you're afraid of." Shen Canghai whispered, "We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Li Zhuzi continued to exert force on his hand, but Shen Canghai said that it didn't hurt at all.

"I'm going to cross the catastrophe, what if... what if I don't make it through..." Shen Canghai lowered his voice a little, revealing deep worry and a trace of reluctance: "Zhuzi, will you worry about me?"

Li Zhuzi froze for a moment.

To be honest, this thunder tribulation is actually very dangerous because it includes Xiu Mie Tribulation and Fate Tribulation, and Shen Canghai is stubborn, so he will definitely go through several layers of Fate Tribulation in a row. Jie was hurt... There is really a possibility of falling. After all, her calamity has been suppressed for too long, and the suppression must have a rebound. Just refer to the current Lu Ling, and Lei Jie will only be more terrifying.

Are you afraid?
Just as Li Zhuzi was about to comfort her, his hands stopped in the air stiffly, and his brows were tightly knit together.


Li Zhuzi took a deep breath: "Take your hands away."

God, how could she feel sorry for Shen Canghai.

This woman is a lunatic who never knows what fear is.

But he was easily deceived by her.

"Zhuzi, you've been eating well recently, you're getting a little fat."

"Ah, yes." Li Zhuzi gave Shen Canghai a pleasant expression, and looked up at the thunderclouds in the sky.

Do you really think you brought an umbrella?
Li Zhuzi's whole hand turned into a transparent bright green, and he lightly stroked Shen Canghai's head.

Shen Canghai was taken aback.

and many more.

Her connection with Tianjie seems to be broken.

Looking up, what I saw was Li Zhuzi smiling.

"Wait, are you so good at bamboo? Can this also be interrupted? What is this??? Does Good Fortune have this ability?" Shen Canghai was stunned.

This is really shocking.

This is a thunder calamity, and it is still a top-level heavenly calamity that is full of repairing and destroying catastrophe and fate. Failure to obtain the Venerable Number is tantamount to declaring death.

Under the catastrophe, the soul will be destroyed directly, and there will be no chance of treatment.

And Li Zhuzi actually cut off her connection with Tianjie?

Has this girl grown to this point?
Li Zhuzi looked at Shen Canghai's hand that was still on her body, and said calmly: "It has nothing to do with good fortune, it's just a way of using Wenhun, which can temporarily block the connection between Tianjie and you, and I just learned it recently."

It took her a lot of hard work to do it. It was originally used to help Shen Canghai overcome the catastrophe. When she was exhausted, she could block the catastrophe and let her recover her strength. Interference increases the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

Now, Shen Canghai has used it to beat someone up.

Li Zhuzi's complexion was slightly pale. This move undoubtedly consumed her a lot, but she was really angry.

"Zhuzi, are you okay?" Shen Canghai looked at Li Zhuzi's pale face, and suddenly he didn't care about the catastrophe, Zhuzi's body was important.

"Why don't you go back and rest first..."

Li Zhuzi interrupted her and stared into Shen Canghai's eyes.

"Shen Canghai, before you speak, can you take your paw away."

Shen Canghai: "..."

"Bamboo, I can't do doesn't listen to my control."

"Oh." Li Zhuzi nodded, she had given Shen Canghai a chance.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhuzi's figure disappeared from Shen Canghai's eyes. The sudden disappearance made Shen Canghai stunned for a moment, and his claws scratched in vain.

Then she realized something, a layer of faint green fluorescence appeared on her body, and her pupils dilated.


Do you want to break through with sword energy?
The answer is of course no.

After all, Li Zhuzi is the fourth heaven of venerables. If there is no life-and-death battle, Shen Canghai will not be able to resist. Of course, if the opponent is Li Zhuzi, she will not resist either.

Then, Li Zhuzi's body appeared behind Shen Canghai.

"Shen Canghai, I gave you a chance."

After finishing speaking, she kicked Shen Canghai's body.

The green ripples formed a continuous sound wave in the air, and Shen Canghai's frail body on the surface was like a kite with a broken string, it flew out directly, bounced on the ground for a long time like floating in water, and finally disappeared from Li Zhuzi's vision.

Lingshan prohibits internal fighting.

But if you don't fight back, it's not considered internal fighting, just like Shen Gui bullying Qin Qin, Luanfeng Zhenren punished Han Xue...

And Li Zhuzi didn't do anything, he just blew up Shen Canghai's own position, not kicking him.

Li Zhuzi looked up at the sky.

A kilometer-long electric arc streaked through the black clouds covering the sky from time to time, but it followed certain rules and there was no disorder.

Sure enough, it is useful.

After the experiment, it was determined that the Heavenly Tribulation could be shielded, so she was a little more sure of helping Shen Canghai when she was crossing the tribulation.

It took a lot of energy to block the Heavenly Tribulation. It took her physical strength almost instantly to maintain the time, but it only took half an hour.


She just likes to make herself angry.

Li Zhuzi hasn't forgotten it yet. At this time, there is still a mess on Lu Ling's side that needs her to clean up... But Li Zhuzi is not worried, Lu Ling has her mark on her body, this girl is safe now, and although she has lost her ability, This is Lingshan, so it is estimated that Senior Sister Feng will be here soon.


Li Zhuzi felt that even if Senior Sister Feng came, she should be concerned about the terrifying thundercloud in the sky first, and Lu Ling had to wait a little longer.

He raised his foot and went towards Shen Canghai.



As Li Zhuzi thought, Master Luanfeng went out immediately after receiving Xu Xu's news, and now he is looking at the huge thundercloud in the sky with a confused expression.

This is obviously not an ordinary catastrophe. If it falls, the entire first floor of the Lingtai will be reduced to fly ash in an instant.

She is looking for the culprit.



However, the people who climbed to the first floor of the Lingtai could not see the thunderclouds in the sky because of their lack of cultivation, so there was no disturbance.

Beiyuan's senior sister was with her own junior sister at this time.

"It's really strange today... I don't know what happened up there." The senior sister said, she was still curious about what all those women upstairs were doing together.

"Anyway, you don't need to participate. Today, no matter what happens, don't worry about it. It's a very difficult holiday." The girl reminded her.

"Got it, no matter what..."

Before the senior sister finished speaking, there was only a loud sound of destruction, accompanied by billowing smoke and dust, and something fell three or four meters outside the small building.


The sound was so loud that it startled the two people in the room.

Because it was night in Beiyuan, there were no spectators at this time. There were only the two of them guarding the empty building in the whole Beiyuan. The atmosphere was a bit weird for a while.

"...What happened...what?" Senior Sister looked at the smoke and dust at the door, her tone hesitant.

"It seems... is a person?" The girl was also taken aback for a moment.

The use of force is not allowed in Lingshan... Is this little junior sister who is not sensible?It doesn't look like it fell lightly.

The smoke cleared, and a woman fell on the ground.

"This is..." Senior Sister looked at the people on the ground, doubts flashed between her brows.

"It doesn't seem like Junior Sister. It looks like... is it Shi Shi?" The girl said: "It seems to be very troublesome. Otherwise, let's pretend that we can't see it. Anyway, no one will die."

"is this okay?"

"Look, she moved."


"Ahem... Bah, this dead girl is really cruel." Shen Canghai tried his best to support his body with one arm, trying to get up.

She didn't suffer any injuries, but her body was imprisoned and she couldn't move at all. With her embarrassing appearance, she looked like she was seriously injured.

And when she moved, the senior sister saw her side face, and her whole body froze as if struck by a bolt of lightning.

"What's wrong with you?" The girl looked at the pale face of her senior sister: "Did you see a ghost?"

"..." Senior Sister was silent, and continued: "That person seems to be Senior Uncle Shen."

"Uncle Shen, which Uncle Shen? Is your uncle my uncle? I don't know him. My status is too low." The girl shook her head and said.

"Master of Shen Gui, which Uncle Shen are you talking about?" said the senior sister.

She felt that she was not mistaken, the other side's profile was so recognizable, but now because of the strange state, she was not sure at all.

"Wait, you said Uncle Cangjian? Where is it? Let's hide first." The girl felt as if she felt some beast when she heard Shen Canghai's name. She looked left and right, for fear of which corner Shen Canghai would come from. came out and took them away.

"I said the one on the ground."

At this moment, Shen Canghai was still trying to stand up from the ground, but he couldn't exert any strength at all, so he gave up altogether in the end, lying on the ground of broken white jade, like a dead fish.

Give up, bamboo will not drop her anyway.

As for the two girls, she felt it, and then what?
The current Lingshan disciples don't know how to respect their elders at all, don't they know how to come and help?Actually chatted.

"Uncle Shen? On the ground?" The girl was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and waved her hands.

"Impossible, impossible, who is Uncle Shen, you misread it, and didn't you say that she is going to cross the catastrophe now? Several senior sisters in Erfeng have been so nervous recently, and they are all praying for Uncle Shen, besides Now, who can bully Senior Uncle Shen, it's probably the uncle in charge who has conflicts with others, let's leave it alone." The girl said.

"Probably..." Senior Sister's face was pale, with a forced smile, she forcibly looked away from the people on the ground.

To be honest, she was basically able to confirm the identity of the person on the ground, Shen Canghai was definitely right, it was impossible for her to admit it wrong.

Before, I just couldn't believe what happened, didn't dare to admit it, but now I think about it carefully, but I really don't dare to admit it.

Now, it would be the worst situation if Uncle Shen found out that he recognized her, after all, she is very embarrassed now... So, the senior sister forced herself to tell herself that the person lying on the road outside was just an unknown Si Shi, just an unknown The clock, yes, just an ordinary clock.

The hypnosis hadn't been successful yet, when a sound of light footsteps came from the side, her heart suddenly lifted up, and she looked over.

Heart pounding.

Then, a figure appeared.

With a short ponytail and a brown gown, she looks very old-fashioned, and she doesn't have any waist tags. She is a woman who is not even a secretary.

She didn't know Li Zhuzi, after all Li Zhuzi was just an ordinary school teacher.

Usually, there is no conspicuous place, and people from Beiyuan will not go to Nanyuan, a place full of children.

Who is this?
The senior sister quietly stared at Li Zhuzi's face, trying to remember this hidden "big brother".

Li Zhuzi also noticed the gaze, and turned his head to give her a smile.

"You guys are busy, I'll take care of things and come over to do something."

She still has to come forward about Lu Ling's affairs.

"Yeah." The senior sister nodded quickly, seeing that the person next to her pillow wanted to ask something, she quickly told her to shut up.

Here, Li Zhuzi started to deal with the "things" in his mouth.


"You asked for it." Li Zhuzi snorted coldly.

In the sight of the two girls, Li Zhuzi pinched one of Shen Canghai's feet, and disappeared from their sight as if he was pulling cargo.

(End of this chapter)

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