Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 655 The 2 Sisters Needing Imprisonment

Chapter 655 The Two Sisters Needing Imprisonment

Liu Fufeng realized something, his legs trembled slightly.

Close your eyes.

Instantly opened.

"Teacher Li! I...I..." Liu Fufeng was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"I understand, calm down." Li Zhuzi smiled and shook his head.

This girl can be regarded as having made it through.

With such a huge amount of energy, she conservatively estimated that it would be enough before the Healing Realm... In other words, Liu Fufeng's problem has been solved for the time being.

As for why it is said to be in the spirit state, because most of Liu Fufeng's energy is still in building the body, and most of the absorption of spiritual power comes from her previous foundation laying, but it is not a lot.

"En." Liu Fufeng tried to take a deep breath.

The heart was beating violently.

Under her induction, she found that her lower dantian was finally filled...that is to say, she could condense her energy and cultivate.

I... finally...

Liu Fufeng's knuckles turned white.

I can keep up with Ah Ling a little bit.

Sure enough, going with the feeling was the right thing to do, and no matter what happened, it was good for her.


After a while.

Calm fails.

She couldn't calm down, she had waited too long for this day.

Every day, every day, every day, I practice hard, but what I get back is only a little bit of spiritual power, and it is still dissipating... Especially with a senior sister like Lu Ling as a comparison, it is really cruel.

Although Liu Fufeng didn't care about these things, if she couldn't cultivate, how could she protect herself, Ah Ling?

Her pressure is increasing day by day, and recently it has reached the point where the naked eye can see it. From Li Zhuzi's warning and Qin Qin's worry, it can be seen that Liu Fufeng has almost reached the limit. If Lu Ling was not by her side, she probably would Already crashed.

And today.

Finally, finally, it worked...

"Ms. Li, I... can follow Ah Ling, it's ok..."

As Liu Fufeng spoke, his eye circles turned red all of a sudden, and his fingers twitched slightly.


Facing the trembling girl, Li Zhuzi simply responded.

From Li Zhuzi's point of view, Liu Fufeng is just an ordinary girl after all, and until this moment, she still thinks of Lu Ling... Li Zhuzi doesn't know how to describe the relationship between Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

They might really be a match made in heaven.

"Girl Liu, the current problem may not be so simple." Master Luanfeng didn't think as much as Li Zhuzi, she just smiled.

"Uncle... what do you mean?" Liu Fufeng panicked. Could it be a dream, or did she say that she needed to pay some price for her promotion, or... did she do something wrong during the time when she lost her memory? , it is all possible.

Don't panic.

Li Zhuzi held the girl in his arms.

"Your uncle means that maybe now... Lu Ling needs to watch your back." Li Zhuzi shook his head and said, absorbing such a huge amount of power, if Liu Fufeng, as a space talent, can transform the energy in his body... Then she can improve very quickly, all she lacks is experience.

To put it simply, Liu Fufeng's experience has already exceeded the upper limit. To put it simply, Lu Ling, a junior sister, is now flying and is about to take off. Zhefeng has already opened her red pupils. Should she soar into the sky after screaming or continue? "Hatching eggs" is all up to Fenghuang's own thoughts.

Liu Fufeng: "..."

"I don't know."

The girl kept shaking her head.

Wouldn't she know her own ability?Why can she surpass A Ling?Her A Ling has already reached the peak of the soul-dividing state, she knows a lot of swordsmanship, martial arts common sense, and her attainments in the soul are not bad. Teacher Tang always praises her every time she mentions A Ling...Look at herself again, she Can't do anything except treat people...

The only ability, occasionally being able to jump through the air is not a good thing, because it prevents her from sitting in the teleportation array with Ah Ling, otherwise her Ah Ling will be disgusting.

So Liu Fufeng didn't think his talent was useful at all, it was not so much a talent as something that made people feel awkward.

How could the talent that made her Aling uncomfortable be a good thing.

Liu Fufeng has always thought so.

Beside, Luanfeng real person saw the little girl's lack of self-confidence, and Li Zhuzi also showed a helpless expression. It seems that she repeatedly emphasized that Liu Fufeng should be confident. This girl may have listened to it, but she didn't take it to heart. It's more likely that she can't do it... She is really a good girl.

Li Zhuzi tightened the undressed girl and gave her warmth.

"Okay, I'll eat this cake when I get back." Master Luanfeng shook his head: "Girl Liu, from now on, you may need to cooperate with me to test some things in the next few days."


"Well, test." Master Luanfeng looked at Liu Fufeng with cannibalistic eyes, which made the little girl flustered.

She has too many things to test.

Including the strength of Liu Fufeng's body now, if it wasn't for the inappropriate timing, Master Luanfeng would have wanted to strike a sword at the girl's delicate body.



Seeing Li Zhuzi's warning eyes, she knew she couldn't do this.

Liu Fufeng was muddleheaded and agreed to let Master Luanfeng study, anyway, the uncle will not harm her, so let the uncle like it.

And she also wants to know how her body is doing.

"Uncle, Teacher Li, can I visit my senior sister now?" Liu Fufeng asked cautiously.

She was very worried about Lu Ling.

"Yes, why not." Master Luanfeng looked at the stars in the sky for a while, and nodded: "If you don't tell me, I have forgotten this little trouble... But with you, I feel much better .”

"..." Liu Fufeng forced a smile.

Do you feel good because of yourself?Why……

"Let's go, Lu Ling's power is out of control, but there is no great danger." Li Zhuzi said.

"Out of control? I remembered...Senior Sister and the others..." Liu Fufeng, reminded by Li Zhuzi, thought of the last scene she saw——a halo erupted from Lu Ling, and she felt cold all over her body. Then the feeling is lost.

"Teacher Li, how are Senior Sister Luo and Senior Sister Qin?" Liu Fufeng asked.

Liu Fufeng felt that it shouldn't be a big deal, because these two senior sisters are very powerful, and her A Ling can't hurt each other no matter what.

"You mean Girl Luo and Qin Qin? Oh, they're dead." Master Luanfeng said.


Liu Fufeng: "..."

The girl's body stiffened suddenly.

Liu Fufeng suspected that he had heard it wrong, and asked cautiously: "Master, what did you say..."

"It's dead, because Lu Ling's cold air broke out and everyone didn't react. Later, even Xu Xu, your senior sister Xu also died there." Master Luanfeng continued.


Senior Sister Qin...Senior Xu...Because her Ah dead?
Liu Fufeng instantly felt that the sky was falling.

The girl waved her hand vigorously, trying to explain: "No, no, Ah Ling doesn't have that much power, it must be a misunderstanding, there must be something wrong..."

Give up thinking.

Senior Sister Xu... Senior Sister Qin...

Liu Fufeng couldn't accept it.

"Okay, Senior Sister, can't you talk properly?" Li Zhuzi shook his head helplessly, then patted Liu Fufeng: "Your uncle scared you, they are all fine, they just lost their bodies and were temporarily trapped .”

"I knew it..." Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then was taken aback again: "Lost a physical body?"

What's the difference between that and being dead...

"It's not a big deal. You can recover in a day. In fact, you lost your body just like them," said Luanfeng.

"Me too?" Liu Fufeng looked at his hands, subconsciously stroking his body, and his hands were tender and smooth.

No, I just don’t know why my clothes are gone.

Oh, she was in the shower before, so she had no clothes.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Fufeng remembered that when she first recovered, she seemed to have no body.

"Don't doubt, you, like Xu Xu and the others, were hit by the cold air at close range, and died in an instant, leaving only one soul, but... Lu Ling's soul poison doesn't know why it can't trap you... Well, Even my enchantment can't trap you, and it's normal that Lu Ling can't do it." Daoist Luanfeng explained: "After you got rid of Lu Ling, you regained your physical body, why, do you really have no memory at all? "

After finishing speaking, Master Luanfeng looked at Liu Fufeng curiously.

"I...don't remember at all." Liu Fufeng shook his head.

"Yeah." Master Luanfeng nodded, and continued: "Liu girl, let's talk about it first, if Lu Ling can't control her body..."

"Senior sister, she can..."

"Listen to me." Master Luanfeng said: "I will give her a chance, if she doesn't satisfy me, she will be controlled, understand? Such a domineering chill is very dangerous."

"...Understood, thank you uncle." Liu Fufeng nodded.

In fact, Lu Ling might be controlled, Senior Sister Xu had already told her about this kind of thing, but Liu Fufeng was very dissatisfied, because she thought her A Ling was so cute, so weak, and very beautiful, she was like an angel. What is to be controlled?She won't hurt anyone.

Now after listening to her uncle say that even Senior Sister Xu is "dead", she realizes the seriousness of the problem.

Ah Ling... Maybe she really needs to be controlled.

Liu Fufeng knew Lu Ling very well, this girl probably fainted now.

What she fears the most is hurting those around her.

So Liu Fufeng figured it out in an instant, for her Ah Ling, if she really has uncontrollable power, then being controlled is also a must.

As a sister and mother, Liu Fufeng would choose that way even for Lu Ling.

"Uncle, what kind of control method is it, can I accompany her?" Liu Fufeng asked.

She also didn't want to know how to control it, she just knew that if she could stay with Ah Ling, then all the problems would be gone.

"Control?" Master Luanfeng became serious when he heard Liu Fufeng's words.

"If it's Lu Ling's state today, then it's not such a simple word of control. What she faces is the treatment of being guarded for [-] hours, and she can't go out at will. Of course, she doesn't have to think about leaving Feng Jiu. , perhaps, it should be more appropriate to use monitoring."

Liu Fufeng listened, but didn't speak.

If it's for the good of Ah Ling, she can accept it.

Master Luanfeng continued: "As for what you said, it is impossible to accompany Lu Ling, but..."

She looked at Liu Fufeng's side.

"Bamboo, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Li Zhuzi shook his head, then looked at the black dragon overflowing around Liu Fufeng, and sighed.

Her clothes were ruined quite a bit.

After this episode, Liu Fufeng discovered that many space cracks had appeared around her at some point, and when she was frightened, she moved, only to see that the yellow fir that Li Zhuzi put on her was directly torn apart and shattered. became dust.

Her last fig leaf was torn to pieces.

And Liu Fufeng subconsciously hugged Li Zhuzi tightly, sticking to her body, Li Zhuzi also hugged her, but... Li Zhuzi's body was covered with a layer of light green light, preventing the active spatial cracks around him , otherwise it may be injured.

"Did you see? Girl Liu, now the problem is not your junior sister alone, but also you." Master Luanfeng said to Liu Fufeng, "You can't control your own power anymore, and you didn't realize it yourself."

After Liu Fufeng knew that Xu Xu and the others were "dead", the space around her collapsed, and she didn't realize it at all.

"Whether Lu Ling needs to be controlled or not, Miss Liu, you can't escape." Master Luanfeng said.

" strength..." Liu Fufeng looked at the space beside him that was beginning to collapse, with a dazed expression on his face.


She really didn't feel anything at all.

At this moment, Li Zhuzi suddenly held Liu Fufeng's hand, and slammed it downward under Liu Fufeng's shocked gaze.

In an instant, the air that the arm passed through was cut in half as if cut by a knife, forming a dark space crack.

With just one force, the girl tore open the space.

"This..." Liu Fufeng was dumbfounded, looking at his arm as if it wasn't his body.

Li Zhuzi can understand Liu Fufeng's feelings, she reminded Liu Fufeng: "For you now, controlling you is not the first goal, learning to control your own strength and getting used to changes in your body are the most important."

Ordinarily, if a child suddenly gained the power of a giant, she would directly crush a cup if she took it.

Liu Fufeng is in such a state now, she just tears open the space as soon as she uses force, obviously she has not adapted to her own ability, nor can she control it well.

Then, Liu Fufeng is as dangerous as Lu Ling, even worse.

It is not only Lu Ling who needs to be imprisoned, but also Liu Fufeng.

"My body's...change..." Liu Fufeng looked down at his body with complicated eyes.

I didn't understand it at first, but as I saw just now...she seems to have really mastered some incredible power, and it's still related to space.

"Ms. Li, Uncle Li, what should I do now..." Liu Fufeng looked at the black lightnings floating on the surface of her body, so anxious that tears were about to fall.

"I... If I do this, I will hurt Ah Ling, but..."

She wanted to practice to get close to Ah Ling, not to leave her.

Surprisingly, Li Zhuzi didn't answer her, but just shook his head.

"I can't help you with this."

 written on the car, pain
(End of this chapter)

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