Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 656 Liu Fufeng's "Husband"

Chapter 656 Liu Fufeng's "Husband"

Li Zhuzi looked down at the damaged clothes on his chest.

Liu Fufeng undoubtedly collapsed the space around her, forming a space crack. Although the power was too small to pass through the barrier of her body, it was a space crack after all.

The most important thing is that Liu Fufeng seems to have the ability to ignore the enchantment, which can be seen from the fact that she can easily break through the imprisonment enchantment of Master Luanfeng.

And now no one finds out.

Li Zhuzi was injured.

Although it only recovered in an instant, Liu Fufeng did hurt her, and it was on the premise that she had already become vigilant and launched a defense.

Under normal circumstances, although space cracks can ignore many rules and cut everything off, there is no way to use a high-level barrier. Li Zhuzi can easily block it from the body...

But also said, this is normal.

Just now, Liu Fufeng should have broken through the barrier covering Li Zhuzi's body in an instant, and then made some small cracks close to her, destroying her body. You know, most of the human body is very fragile. Yes, even the venerable is the same, so Li Zhuzi was really hurt, but because he was running the "Good Fortune Jue", he recovered from the injury in an instant, and then rebuilt a layer of enchantment to stick on the surface of the skin, Separated her from Liu Fufeng, thus avoiding the harm.

Li Zhuzi looked at the flustered Liu Fufeng and frowned.

This girl is much more dangerous than Lu Ling.

You know, Lu Ling's cold air is already at the top level, close to the original existence... and Liu Fufeng's space crack is still at the lowest level... Space cracks are not only able to destroy the body, they don't have to be top-notch. Even the venerable didn't dare to touch those cracks above. It breaks not only space, but also time, even life, and those illusory things that are the source of spiritual power.

As Lingshan's teacher, Li Zhuzi was very worried about Liu Fufeng's growth.

Things are serious, much more serious than it appears.

This girl can ignore the enchantment, it is too "unreasonable".

Lu Ling's spells and spells can break defense by a few percent. For example, she can ignore resistance when she casts spells on Li Zhuzi, and it can cause weak damage to the soul that ignores defense like the demons. This is already against the sky. .

After all, it ignores defense.

And Liu Fufeng... Lu Ling is a younger sister in front of her.

All defenses except the physical quality of the Great Sad Valley rely on barriers, and Liu Fufeng...she can completely ignore these barriers, as long as she touches the opponent's body, the body can easily pass through the opponent's defenses, and then can ignore the defenses and directly form a space Crack hits the opponent, tearing apart the opponent's body.

The gap between 3% penetration and 4 or [-]% is the gap between Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

One hundred and eight thousand miles away, and... Don't ignore Liu Fufeng's current cultivation, she can even attack the Venerable effectively through touch at this moment, so what about in the future?
Li Zhuzi looked at Liu Fufeng worriedly.

She is really dangerous.

But Liu Fufeng became even more impatient when Li Zhuzi looked at him with worried eyes.

Master Luanfeng looked at everything and suddenly raised his head.

In the sky, the scenery of the bright moon and the clear wind disappeared, the sky seemed to be covered with a layer of veil, and there was a gap in the space.

Because of Liu Fufeng, the surrounding low-level spaces all showed unstable characteristics, and might collapse at any time.

Master Luanfeng is both nervous and excited now. The nervousness is the treatment that Liu Fufeng may receive next. Imprisonment and control will still have a great impact on a person's character. If Lingshan wants to imprison Liu Fufeng, he needs to consider There are too many things to prevent possible problems in the future, the disciple's rebellious psychology, and Liu Fufeng's talent cannot be suppressed.

In fact, the best development of a disciple like her is still left unattended, just like today, let Liu Fufeng "play" by herself, you must know that Liu Fufeng is different from Lu Ling, she is much more sensible, but here comes the problem, Liu Fufeng The threats shown now are there. If they are not controlled, there will definitely be problems. Who knows what the space talent is like. After all, the existence of the entire space storm can be swallowed by a mortal body.

The good thing is that Liu Fufeng is quite sensible, basically he doesn't need to deal with his disciples' psychological problems.

Well, Master Luanfeng is still very cunning.

This group of old women can see very clearly that as long as they treat Lu Ling well, they can hold Liu Fufeng firmly in their hands. Anyway, Lu Ling is the key training object.

Buy one, get one free... No, it's not a purchase, it should be a silver tael, and it turns out that the silver tael is the key to a huge treasure house.

Lu Ling is that key.

Master Luanfeng was thinking about how to arrange Liu Fufeng. Of course, she ignored the flustered Liu Fufeng and decided to hand it over to Li Zhuzi. As Liu Fufeng showed, if she stayed with Lu Ling, they would be two Bomb, what is this?

Moreover, Master Luanfeng felt that Liu Fufeng's control ability should not be as good as Lu Ling's, because Lu Ling has always controlled it very well, and after today's transformation, Liu Fufeng obviously has no ability to adapt. The entire space under her belt is unstable, so she absolutely cannot move freely on Lingshan.

"Ms. Li, I...wouldn't hurt Ah Ling, what should I do...what should I do..." Liu Fufeng was so anxious that tears were about to flow down. Crackling sound.

Li Zhuzi wanted to say something, but finally shook his head.

"I can not help you."

"Can't help me..." Liu Fufeng took a step back, his eyes dim.

Teacher Li's words meant that she really couldn't control her own power, and being with Lu Ling would definitely hurt her.

Seeing Liu Fufeng's expression of being abandoned for a moment, Li Zhuzi sighed, and hugged the little girl in black and cracked clothes into his arms.

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Why... because..." Liu Fufeng was about to say something, but suddenly froze.

Teacher Li means...

"Just understand, let's go find her." Li Zhuzi looked at Liu Fufeng in relief.

Liu Fufeng's eyes were red, she understood what Li Zhuzi meant, she wanted to find her own master by herself, just like today when the master appeared to help her.

Liu Fufeng has inexplicable confidence in her master. She doesn't know why, but she thinks that her master should be a very powerful person, and she has a very high degree of affection for Chu Qishui from the beginning, which may be a preconceived notion.

When mentioning Chu Qishui, Liu Fufeng seemed to grasp at straws.

"But..." Liu Fufeng showed a hesitant expression.

She was afraid of hurting A Ling and didn't want to be separated from her. What does this have to do with Master?What can Master not help her with?
"You need someone to rely on, and there is no one more suitable than her." Li Zhuzi said.

"Girl Liu, don't be too pessimistic. You haven't determined your body yet, may not hurt Lu Ling." Luan Feng said: "Believe in my master, believe in Lingshan, believe in your uncle and me .”

"Yes." Liu Fufeng took a deep breath and adjusted his state.

She chooses to trust her uncle and Li Zhuzi.

It wasn't really a problem she was worried about.

As the master of Yifeng, Master Luanfeng also knows how good Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling are, so if someone wants to separate the two of them, Master Luanfeng will be the first to disagree. What is the explosion?Because as long as they can be together, neither of them will care about the hardships they may suffer. What a perfect girl, this is simply the best way to adjust the emotions and psychology of the two disciples. How could Daoist Luanfeng let her go.

Therefore, what Liu Fufeng is worried about is not a problem at all, Lingshan will help Liu Fufeng and the others solve this problem, and will not tear them apart.

Li Zhuzi saw through this point, so he asked Liu Fufeng to go back to Chu Qishui and listen to her opinion.

Moreover, Li Zhuzi felt that Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling... might be a good medicine for Chu Qishui.

"The important point, the important point is still..." Master Luanfeng suddenly appeared beside Liu Fufeng, looking at this naked girl, as if studying something.

"Master..." Liu Fufeng blushed, all her clothes were gone... Destroyed by her own cracks, but fortunately there are quite a few space cracks around her, which made her not look so awkward, but instead had a special charm .

"What are you shy about? They're all women. Others don't think they have such great power." Master Luanfeng waved his hand and patted Liu Fufeng's buttocks, ignoring the little girl's red and bleeding face.

"Hmm..." Master Luanfeng looked at the wound on the palm of his hand that had been cut off with visible bones, and then the palm healed automatically, and when he turned his head, he saw Li Zhuzi's dissatisfied eyes.

Of course Li Zhuzi was dissatisfied, but what Master Luanfeng didn’t know was that most of the reason for Li Zhuzi’s dissatisfaction was because she spanked Liu Fufeng’s ass. Liu Fufeng's, but this matter has to be dealt with separately later, but the real Luanfeng took the lead, can you feel comfortable?

"Zhuzi, I didn't research it in advance, understand." Master Luanfeng explained, and then looked at Liu Fufeng with brighter eyes: "When you touch the opponent's body, you will completely ignore the opponent's enchantment and defense. It's too strong, and most importantly, Liu girl, you don't even have the energy to condense..."

Liu Fufeng is still a mortal now.

"Look at what I'm doing, I also want to take you to find Lu Ling, but that girl is still unconscious, Shen Gui is watching her, so don't worry too much." Master Luanfeng said to Liu Fufeng, Shen Gui informed her just now, That's why she and Li Zhuzi took it easy: "If you don't want to meet your A Ling naked, then you'd better try to control your abilities, otherwise you won't be able to wear clothes."

Real Luanfeng reminds Liu Fufeng, and at the same time wants to use Lu Ling to stimulate Liu Fufeng to see if she can control her own power.

This is very important.

"Senior Sister Shen is there?" Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't worry about it when Senior Sister Shen was there, and then she was also very nervous when she heard what Master Luanfeng said.

Absolutely can't use such a shameful look to meet her Ah Ling... Otherwise, Ah Ling will definitely worry about her... Liu Fufeng can't let this happen, what she wants is for Ah Ling to rely on her, to relieve Ah Ling Psychological shadow today, not the other way around.

"I... I don't know how to control it." Liu Fufeng said at a loss.

"Try the instinct of the body, just like you have been doing today." Li Zhuzi reminded her.

"Okay, let me try..." Liu Fufeng nodded, then closed his eyes, handed over his body to his subconscious mind, and entered a state that seemed to be half asleep.



After a while, Li Zhuzi let go of his hand suddenly, only to see that Liu Fufeng didn't fall, but just flew in the sky.

"This girl doesn't know that she can fly." Master Luanfeng surrounded Liu Fufeng, writing something down on the paper.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded. At first they met Liu Fufeng who was standing in the void by himself, as if his feet were on the ground. Who knew that after regaining his spirit, he fell down. From this, we can find that Liu Fufeng's physical instinct is stronger than Her consciousness is ahead of her time...

This also reflects a problem.

This mentally defective.

literal meaning.

"Lu Ling... can't go wrong." Master Luanfeng wrote, and suddenly said these few words.

"En." Li Zhuzi continued to nod.

She understood what Master Luanfeng wanted to say.

At this time, the old women on Lingshan have already noticed Liu Fufeng's extreme personality under the surface... She is flawed, and the source may be the family's oppression of her.

Liu Fufeng is different from Lu Ling, her family is easy to investigate, the Liu family in Picheng has also become the richest man in Picheng with the support of Lingshan, Liu Fufeng's past can't be concealed at all.

She has shown the image of a very good girl since she was a child, kind, gentle, and obedient to her parents.

But she is still strong.

So that kind of emotion that other girls can accept was not accepted on her side, but she didn't resist, but endured it silently... But the depression didn't disappear, but in her heart, she was still gentle, obedient, She is a good girl in everyone's eyes.

However, often such girls... become black and can't turn back at all.

It is not that there is no such precedent in Lingshan, but Liu Fufeng is more extreme for some reason, perhaps because of his talent.

Although Liu Fufeng is powerful, she is still young after all, and cannot escape the eyes of these old women.

"She...why is she so dependent on Lu Ling?" Master Luanfeng looked at Liu Fufeng who was adjusting his body with his eyes closed, and asked.

"Who knows." Li Zhuzi shook her head, she was also curious about such things.

"Is this a good thing...or a bad thing." Master Luanfeng smiled and wrote something on the paper.

Such a flawed girl is very dangerous. Luckily, there is Lu Ling, who fills in this flaw... However, as long as there is something wrong with Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng will become different from what everyone thinks.

too obvious.

It is difficult to deal with, and we can only take one step at a time.

"Good things and bad things are all about their sisters, it's like...forget it." Li Zhuzi didn't say it.

"Like Chu Qishui and Liu Yu? I understand." Master Luanfeng nodded.

At this time, the space was a little more stable, and Liu Fufeng's efforts had worked.

"Look, as long as she says it's for Lu Ling, she can do it." Daoist Luanfeng smiled wryly: "Which of the two of them is more dependent on the other, Lu Ling even more?"

"I don't know." Li Zhuzi continued to shake his head.

She found that she really didn't know the pair of sisters very well, because she deliberately tried not to get involved in the lives of the two sisters.


Who depends on whom... She still knows.

Master Luanfeng also knows.

The answer is simple.

Question [-]—Is it true that Lu Ling cannot leave Liu Fufeng?If Liu Fufeng left, what would she look like?What changes will occur.

Question [-] - If Lu Ling leaves Liu Fufeng, what will the like.

In contrast, it is clear at a glance who the two sisters are.

At this time, Master Luanfeng kept writing the changes that Liu Fufeng was undergoing on the paper, and he seemed to speak inadvertently.

"Zhuzi, tell me... what would have happened if Liu girl hadn't been taken to Lingshan, or if she came to Lingshan and left because of a problem with her inspiration?"

"You mean, the loss of Lingshan? Two treasures will be lost." Li Zhuzi said casually.

Master Luanfeng shook her head, she wasn't talking about this...but about Liu Fufeng's personal problem.

Seeing her expression, Li Zhuzi understood a little, became serious, thoughtful.

If you don't go up the mountain...

Startled for a moment.

She can awaken her talent without condensing her qi... a mortal body with a flawed personality.

If he hadn't entered Lingshan, according to the family's arrangement, Liu Fufeng would marry a young man facing the street. The other's family was pretty good, but... already had a regular wife.

Will Liu Fufeng resist?
Li Zhuzi looked at the girl with her eyes closed in mid-air, her lips curled up because she thought of Lu Ling.

She...wouldn't fight back.

Submissive, but with her own persistence, such a girl will explode one day, don't doubt it, and in the case of her extremely terrifying talent.

She doesn't need to have skills, but just needs an opportunity to awaken her talent, and then, a witch with a space crack in the secular world will appear.

Li Zhuzi didn't want to think about what the blackened girl would do.

The final outcome, either becomes stronger and stronger, or is dealt with by Xuan Jingsi as a polluted monk, the latter... no, the former is more likely, after all, the first space talent, the blessing of heaven is not Kidding.

Is this what Senior Sister Feng wants to say?

"It is our luck to be able to enter the Lingshan Mountain." Li Zhuzi concluded, Senior Sister Feng should think about mutual achievement, but Li Zhuzi doesn't think so.

Lingshan is not Liu Fufeng's luck, but Lu Ling is.

"You really dote on her, is it because you like Lu Ling?" Master Luanfeng didn't refute, but just looked at Li Zhuzi with a smile.

"No." Li Zhuzi shook his head: "Lu Ling... In fact, Liu Fufeng is much more likable than Lu Ling, and also more dazzling, as you all know."

"Okay, okay, but Lu Ling is cute, right?" Master Luanfeng jokingly shook his head.

Li Zhuzi didn't continue talking, and the topic between them ended like this.

She thought of something else.

How does Liu Fufeng view his family?And... what does she think, because her entire Liu family became the overlord of Picheng.

Shake his head.

She is really cheesy.

However, when Lingshan took their daughter away, they always had to give something, which was Lingshan's rule.

Liu Yatou should not care about those family members, she has only Lu Ling in her family.

No hate, no miss.


This is Liu Fufeng's attitude.

Li Zhuzi thinks so.

The girls in Lingshan this year...are really outstanding.

True Luanfeng recorded the data around Liu Fufeng, while Li Zhuzi quietly waited for Liu Fufeng to control his own power... If he can fully control it, then the possible imprisonment of Lingshan is also beneficial. Although it will not be cancelled, the level It won't be that high either.

No one knows about spatial talent, so everything can only be left to Liu Fufeng himself.

It depends on how deep Liu Fufeng's love for Lu Ling is.



at the same time.

Chu Qishui took the token and opened the gate of Luanfeng Daoist's palace.

After entering the living room, she saw the pastry on the table. After staring at it for a while, she walked around a little and went straight to the bathroom.

open the door.

What I saw was Han Xue who was struggling desperately and was tied to a pillar with a rope.

At this time, the heroic girl was miserable, naked and tied to a pillar, her whole body was still covered with bruises, her eyes were a little injured, and her hair was a little burnt, she couldn't be more embarrassed.

Han Xue still had unwashed soap horns on her body, and she was twisting and twisting as she was trying to unbutton the buttons behind her.

When she heard the door opening, Han Xue froze.

"Senior Sister Feng, I was wrong, I didn't run away, it was...I...I was wrong, don't hit me...I dare not steal Jue'er's key anymore...I must think more about things in the future..."

The girl kept bending over to apologize, and there was a red mark on her belly from being strangled by the rope.

It looked like it was scared of being cleaned up.

(End of this chapter)

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