Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 657 Han Xue's Relationships

Chapter 657 Han Xue's Relationships

As far as the scene in front of me is concerned, those who don’t know it think that the ignorant girl was imprisoned by gangsters and then it’s indescribable, indescribable, indescribable for a long time...

Han Xue is really miserable now. Her cultivation base has been completely sealed by the real Luanfeng. As long as she is not in danger of her life, she is an ordinary girl. She can't even break free from a slightly thicker rope. Her fair body There are bloodstains and bruises all over the body, some were hit by the real Luanfeng, some fell by herself, most of them were just now when the real Luanfeng was not there, she tried to escape and was rubbed by the white jade pillar...

The skin that can be broken by blowing bombs has suffered a lot today.

But at this time, just when Han Xue was about to break free, there was a sudden knock on the door. The girl was so frightened that she ignored everything, twisted her body inarticulately, apologized frantically and begged for mercy, hoping that the other party would not If you abuse her again, she will be obedient and won't think about running away anymore.

"Senior Sister Feng, what did you say...I, I listened, I knew I was wrong...don't hit me...I'm in pain..."

The girl's long hair was messy, which almost covered her expression, and she couldn't see her expression clearly. Water stains mixed with tears crackled on the ground, breaking into countless sprays.

Sobbing, grievance, fear and other emotions spread in the silent bathroom.

Finally, with the sound of footsteps, Chu Qishui walked in from the door and stopped in front of the girl in front of her.

Han Xue trembled, but did not dare to look up.

"...It's me." Chu Qishui said calmly.

Although she saw an amazing scene, she still didn't feel much.

Hearing Chu Qishui's voice, Han Xue just looked up quickly and then immediately lowered her head, her thin arms trembling slightly.

"Senior Sister Feng, don't test me...I know I was wrong."

Han Xue is now a chivalrous woman in distress, and she is also the kind of chivalrous woman whose spirit has almost collapsed after being subjected to inhuman abuse...

"It's really me, why did you become like this? What did Senior Sister Feng do to you? You just stole the key... Oh, you really should be taught a lesson," Chu Qishui said.

The girl raised her head in disbelief when she heard the familiar tone.

"... Jue'er? Is it really you?"

"Otherwise?" Chu Qishui tilted his head.

After confirming the person who came from Chu Qishui, Han Xue's temperament suddenly changed drastically. She breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head, and stopped struggling, sitting on the ground like a dead fish, panting.

"You scared me to death. I thought it was Senior Sister Feng who came back. When she found out that I wanted to run away, I was about to be beaten. Although it didn't hurt, it was still very shameful. Fortunately, you came to save me, but why did you Have you left Peak Nine? Oh... Senior Sister Liu is not here..."

It turns out... the appearance of her victimized girl is all pretending...

And Chu Qishui saw through her from the very beginning, so she wasn't worried at all.

Han Xue muttered to herself, then shook her head, Liu Hai returned to her original position, and looked up at Chu Qishui with dissatisfaction.

"Jue'er, you still see, save me, or break my seal..."

Chu Qishui shook his head and untied the rope.

"Ah... finally relaxed." Han Xue stood up, shook her hands, and moved her body.

"Senior Sister Feng is really ruthless. If you say hit me, you don't hold back at all. After all, I am also from the Xuanjing Division, so she is not her sister... She was burned and sealed, and she still hit me. butt."

Han Xue's tone was full of deep dissatisfaction with the real Luanfeng.Enough complaining, she looked at Chu Qishui, her eyebrows twitched.

Jueer is very different today.

She didn't drink, and she didn't have a wine gourd around her waist.

The most important thing is...she is carrying a sword.

But Han Xue was just stunned for a moment, without asking, she rushed up and hugged Chu Qishui's arm.

She just needs to watch the matter of Jueer, she has always thought so.

"How did you do this? She wouldn't go too far." Chu Qishui looked at the girl beside her and frowned.

"Oh, I pretended to be dizzy and was discovered by her, and then she wanted to take a bath for me for no reason, and then she suddenly disliked the smell of alcohol on my body, so she kept rubbing for turned red." Han Xue pointed at her stomach: "Then I said a few words back, because I had already broken free at that time... I just said a few words like before I left, and then I was caught."

Han Xue touched her head in embarrassment.

She only remembered that her cultivation was similar to that of Luanfeng Daoist, they were both real people, but she forgot that this was Lingshan, the home of Luanfeng Daoist, so she was directly imprisoned by an enchantment, and then her cultivation was sealed...

"Just running away, you won't be beaten." Chu Qishui looked at her: "What did you say before you wanted to run?"

Han Xue hesitated for a moment, then muttered softly: "...I just said that I am from the Xuanjing Division, and she...can't catch me."

Chu Qishui: "..."

"That's right. I don't belong to Lingshan anymore. It was a mistake for her to arrest me." Han Xueyue said louder, as if to convince herself, she waved her hands: "Who knew she was so angry, It's really scary. I've never seen Senior Sister Feng want to eat people when I grow up...Look at my thighs, there are still bruises here, here, and here...It's okay to beat me, and I'm not allowed to speak , You know, I haven't eaten for several days... It's too much."

She was really beaten to the point of crying.

"Fortunately, Senior Sister Feng didn't know where to go. Jueer, you saved me so fast, thank you." Han Xue hugged Chu Qishui's arm, very happy.

Chu Qishui: "..."

She... didn't know what to say.

The relationship between Xiaoxue and Senior Sister Feng is very good. Before she and Han Xue had said anything, the two were like sisters.

If I were her older sister, I would be angry if I heard such words.

But, I didn't expect that Master Luanfeng would seal her and then punch and kick should I put it...

Luanfeng, who looks mature and steady on the outside, is surprisingly childish in front of certain people—Li Zhuzi belongs to this "certain people".

"It's time to fight." Chu Qishui said so, and nodded Han Xue's head: "Idiot girl."

"You say the same about me." Han Xue shook her head in dissatisfaction, pinched the soft flesh around Chu Qishui's waist, and then suddenly saw the sword on Chu Qishui's back.

"Jue'er, what are you...doing?"

"It's nothing." Chu Qishui sighed, after thinking about it, she still couldn't untie her enchantment. Daoist Luanfeng used an enchantment on Lingshan, and she couldn't untie it unless she used a sword. She had to wait for the time of confinement to pass.

Should be a day or so.

Han Xue also knew this, so she didn't force Chu Qishui to undo the barrier seal for her, as long as she could move herself.

"I told her, I will take you away." Chu Qishui said, "How is Jiufeng's house, the blueprint, how are you doing?"

"Oh, I just said that you won't come to save me for no reason." Han Xue curled her lips: "It seems that your good mood today is related to those two little girls again."

Turn your back, sulking.

Angry on the surface.

Actually... somewhat relieved.

Since the appearance of Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng, Jueer has changed a lot... I just don't know if this change is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Aren't there other people?" Chu Qishui asked.

"Zhao Yingge and... Xifeng, I know, after they get together, let them choose the house by themselves." Han Xue said indifferently.

Then I was a little curious.

"Jue'er, although I have been sealed, but... did something serious happen on Lingshan? First, the cold burst out, and then... the sky seemed to explode... Which sister made trouble again."


"Look at your can't be your apprentice." Han Xue froze for a moment.

Although it feels cold, but... that amount...

"Well, I guessed it too." Han Xue said so.

Not lying.

She had hoped that it would be Lu Ling, she was the number one fan of Xue Nu.

That's why I wanted to escape from here and take a look.

Han Xue was very excited.

"Jue'er, can I take a look later? Take me to take a look, I want to know what happened, you are not allowed to tell me."

"..." Chu Qishui shook his head and didn't say anything.

As long as this girl is happy.


"She's also at Lu Ling's side." Chu Qishui pointed to Luan Feng's bed.

Han Xue froze suddenly.

Apparently, she didn't have any psychological shadows about what happened just now...

Turning around and seeing Chu Qishui's unwavering eyes, Han Xueqiushui's pupils dilated a little.

It seemed that he was a little annoyed.

"Don't, don't underestimate me, isn't it Senior Sister Feng! I'm the Secretary of the Ninth Peak now, and Lu Ling has a problem, why don't I go and see it?" Han Xue stammered.

This is simply the perfect reason.

And... Jue'er said that Senior Sister Feng asked her to come and take her back, so she should... probably not be angry.

Think so.

Chu Qishui: "..."

This girl... don't say that she is from Xuanjing Division now.

"Let's go." Chu Qishui said, raising her foot, she also wanted to know how Lu Ling was doing.

"Well, wait for me." Han Xue said, walked into Luanfeng's bedroom, and when she came out, she was wearing an orange-red dress with long sleeves, and Han Xue, who had been wandering outside, was obviously not used to it. This kind of feminine clothes, the walking posture is weird.

"Jueer, my clothes were torn by Senior Sister Feng, I will wear hers first... There should be no problem, Senior Sister Feng has no right to be angry, right?" Han Xue walked out holding her skirt.

"..." Chu Qishui continued to remain silent.

This girl... Forget it, it's not the first time I've met her.

"It doesn't fit very well." Han Xue jumped twice on the spot, the shoulder straps slipped off, and she was a little naked.

"Senior Sister Feng is a lot taller than me,'s a bit big here." Han Xue tugged at her chest, revealing a little snow white, and generally speaking, it was loose.

The girl suddenly realized something.


Turn your head.

I will wear it soon.

"Jue'er, let's go!" Han Xue muttered and left first.

Why is this girl suddenly angry?

Chu Qishui didn't understand.

She really didn't understand, but she still followed, and blinked when she saw Han Xue in front of her picking up the pastry on the table.

"Jue'er, I almost forgot to ask." Han Xue took the pastry and turned around and said, "Then what happened to the previous catastrophe? It should be Shen Canghai's escape...but then the space crack...and then suddenly disappeared It feels a bit weird that the mountain protection array has not been triggered yet."

While talking, he looked at the pastry and swallowed his saliva.

Didn't she just say that she hasn't eaten for several days? After being abused by Senior Sister Feng for so long, it's not too much to eat something from her...

The red lips parted slightly, and took a small bite.

"Liu Fufeng." Chu Qishui said, what she said just now was made by her apprentice, not only Lu Ling, but also Liu Fufeng.

"Who?" Han Xue was very surprised: "You mean, Liu...uh, cough cough cough..."

Before she finished speaking, Han Xue suddenly squatted down covering her stomach and coughed violently.

" is going to burn...water...water..." Han Xue showed a painful expression.

After she took a bite, she tasted it again. After the wheat aroma on the surface went down, there was something like charcoal inside, which was bitter and unpalatable to the point of incomprehensibility.

Originally her complexion changed drastically, and she wanted to spit it out, but because Chu Qishui said Liu Fufeng's name, she was surprised, and then just... swallowed it.

In an instant, Han Xue felt that she had swallowed a piece of soldering iron, her throat and the entire esophagus were scalded, and at the same time, an indescribable taste remained in her mouth, rushing straight to her brain, making her instantly lose her ability to think.

Not just unpalatable.

It's like eating poisonous magma.

Under Chu Qishui's gaze, Han Xue soon knelt on the ground and fell down with a thud.

Lost consciousness, the corners of his mouth are still a little crystal clear.

"..." Chu Qishui remained expressionless, picked up the bitten pastry on the ground and put it on the table, then put her hands through the bend of Han Xue's legs to hug her up.

She felt something was wrong with this pastry just now...not to mention the unpalatable, it was full of exploding fire spirit power, which couldn't be digested at all, and if it exploded inside, it would be very painful.

She felt that this might be the lesson Luanfeng Daoist taught Han Xue, after all, if you don't steal food, you won't be tricked.

It's not that the elder sister is reluctant to give her sister something to eat, but... in this situation, if Han Xue really has the heart of repentance, understands that she has done something wrong and feels guilty, how can she have the mood to eat.

Han Xue didn't know what was good or bad, and she didn't forget to steal her sister's food before leaving... But because she was sealed by an enchantment, she ate this kind of food with a mortal body, and it was a blessing in misfortune that she didn't die.

Of course, it's almost the same as dying.

Chu Qishui hugged Han Xue, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and sighed helplessly.

This girl has really learned her lesson now, after all, the "beating" that Daoist Luanfeng gave her before only looked fierce, but it didn't hurt in fact.

As for the last cake... it can only be said that it is worthy of being the peak master of Yifeng, and its ability to punish people is also very high.

Not only unpalatable, but also suffering.

In this way, Han Xue was tortured both psychologically and physically.

Go see Lu Ling.

Chu Qishui left with Han Xue in his arms.



at the same time.

seven peaks.

Luo Hanyi fell asleep.

Cried to sleep.

She completely, completely didn't realize that her apprentice had died in place, because Luo Xian's token was not with her, it was requested by Lingshan.

Facts have proved that this is the correct choice.

Otherwise, Luo Xian's sudden death would not have brought such a little trouble to Lingshan.

Lingshan has been afraid to tell Luo Hanyi and Liu Yu's death, so it can be seen that there are some problems.

With weak stimulation, Luo Hanyi can still be awakened, but if it is an excessive reaction, then the only way waiting for Luo Hanyi is destruction.

This seemingly silly, cute, and weakest girl who doesn't fight for anything is actually the most dangerous existence on Lingshan, bar none.

Lessons from the past, the teacher behind the car.

With Luo Hanyi as an example, Lingshan had to pay attention to Liu Fufeng with unlimited potential.

Defense breaking damage from direct contact... looks like a lot, but does it matter?

It doesn't matter at all.

Whether it is the soul of the soul or the soul of martial arts, it has little effect, but what others see through this phenomenon is the essence of Liu Fufeng's talent.

She needs to grow, grow rapidly.

Growth still needs a certain amount of stimulation.

The stimulus here refers to positive reinforcement.

Now using Lu Ling to stimulate Liu Fufeng's potential is a very good way, she doesn't know how to control her body, so... if it is for Lu Ling, she will definitely have a way to control it.

Daoist Luanfeng is confident.

She looked at Liu Fufeng and wrote in a hurry.

Li Zhuzi didn't know why this woman had such great confidence, but she didn't say anything, because she thought so too, not that Lu Ling was so important, how should I put it... After all, it was Liu Fufeng's own talent, she always There will be a way.

Liu Fufeng did not disappoint them either.

She was going to see her A Ling.

These space cracks, if you don't obey, you have to obey.

She counts.

(End of this chapter)

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