Chapter 659 Flawless
After Liu Fufeng changed her clothes, she was looking at the girl in the mirror in disbelief.

this is me?

In the mirror, a different girl appeared there.

The skirt drooped naturally, black as ink, long and tall, smooth and gorgeous, under the tight waist, it showed the girl's slender and graceful figure to the fullest, the goose-yellow skirt hung just an inch above her knees, revealing The snow-white part makes people fantasize, and the flat belly sets off the symmetry of the chest. Although it is not plump enough, it is full of sunshine and cuteness of a young girl.

The slightly upturned face is exquisite and clear, the skin is as beautiful as porcelain, the lips are like cherry blossoms, and the gentleness in the calm and gentle eyes.

It was not until the eyes of the girl in the mirror that there was disbelief that Liu Fufeng believed that this fairy-like girl was herself.

After putting on Xu Xu's clothes, Liu Fufeng seemed to have that kind of aura of light and dust. Xu Xu gave people the feeling that she was playful and calm, contradictory and elegant. Liu Fufeng was different. Now she was more like She is a gentle big sister next door, but she is a big sister with a fairy air.

"Not bad, very good." Master Luanfeng looked at the girl in front of him admiringly.

Liu Fufeng is much more temperamental than she imagined... Such a girl is full of aura from the inside to the outside, she doesn't know why she almost didn't stay on Lingshan because of the inspiration... Just talking about appearance, the current Although Liu Fufeng is not the top, she can still be ranked in the first row... Moreover, she hasn't bloomed yet, just a flower bone is so attractive.

Master Luanfeng is very satisfied with Liu Fufeng.

She is indeed the girl chosen by her apprentice... from appearance to talent to character, she is all excellent, the more she looks at Liu Fufeng now, the more she likes it.

I like it more than Shen Gui.

Although Shen Gui and her apprentice are childhood sweethearts, they grew up together... It's not that she doesn't like Shen Gui, Shen Gui is also very good... However, when she is with Shen Gui, she feels that her apprentice is always the one who gives , and with Shen Gui, Xu Xu may not have a few good days to live. After all, Shen Gui is a cultivator madman, which will inevitably affect her apprentices. She doesn't want Xu Xu to be like Shen Gui, wandering around all day on the tip of the knife.

In comparison, Liu Fufeng is much more suitable. Look, after not knowing each other for a long time, Xu Xu was influenced by Liu Fufeng and started to try cooking—whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, but for Xu Xu That said, it's definitely a good thing.

Real Luanfeng wanted Xu Xu to become a perfect woman, and then naturally gave up the position of the senior sister to do what she wanted to do.

So, the more she looked at Liu Fufeng, the more she liked him.

Liu Fufeng's smile from the bottom of his heart is as clear as a drop of water, and the kind of slightly inferiority complex has a strange elegance. Anyway, Luanfeng really likes her very much.

It has the feeling of Li Zhuzi when he was young, just like the clear bamboo in the courtyard that is neither tall nor short, elegant and clear.

"Very beautiful." Luanfeng said.

"Thank you uncle." Liu Fufeng said with a blushing face.

"It's young after all, this skin..." Master Luanfeng circled around Liu Fufeng, making tsk tsk tsk sounds, not at all the appearance of the serious uncle in front of the others.

"Uncle..." Liu Fufeng shrank his neck, then glanced in the mirror, and was taken aback.

Not right.

Just forgot... Is her skin so good?

Liu Fufeng immediately lifted up his skirt and glanced at his thigh.

No... gone?
"What's wrong? What's missing?" Immediately, Master Luanfeng took out the booklet and pen, and looked at Liu Fufeng.

"Uncle... I seem to be whiter than before..." Liu Fufeng said in surprise.

Under the light, his complexion was as crystal clear as jade, like a crescent moon giving birth to dizziness, it was even more beautiful than that white jade.

Fu Ningxue is talking about her.

Where is this fairy running out of?

Her original skin is definitely not so good. After all, she has been living in the secular world. Although she has been transformed by Jiufeng Lingquan, she has not stepped into cultivation after all, and she has not yet transformed into a mortal.

Liu Fufeng checked a few more places on his body and was finally sure.

"Uncle, the moles on my body... are all gone." Liu Fufeng looked at his hands and said.

Here, there are also the inside of the right thigh, the pinna of the ear...there should be faint moles, but now they have all disappeared. Liu Fufeng believes that if there is an image of her before, then she is absolutely different from her before. If there are two people, the aura, skin, and skin color are not at the same level.

And a little change is enough to make her beautiful from a good foundation.

"Mole..." Daoist Luanfeng also froze for a moment, and finally understood why she felt something was wrong just now.

She walked up to Liu Fufeng, opened her skirt and clothes and looked at her. Although Liu Fufeng was very shy, she still didn't say anything.

"That's not right..." Master Luanfeng frowned, even though Liu Fufeng reorganized her body because of the space storm, her soul remained the same, and under normal circumstances, this would not happen.

Moles, in the world of cultivating immortals, are mostly accompanied by congenital. In the previous era of secrets, the human race would not remove moles in order not to cause any problems, and congenital moles have never been a symbol of ugliness... There are even many girls who want to be beautiful. As for the behavior of having a mole, the mole mentioned here is red cinnabar, mixed with spiritual power and dotted on the face or body.

It is a symbol of charm.

It's strange that Liu Fufeng is cleared automatically.

Unless it is, all the moles on her body are acquired pigmented moles, so during the process of shedding, she has returned to her original appearance.

"Did you remove it on purpose when you reshaped your body?" Daoist Luanfeng asked.

Liu Fufeng shook his head, she didn't do anything.

"Is there any problem?" Liu Fufeng was a little scared when he saw Luanfeng's serious expression.

"It's nothing, shedding mortals, it's all like this, to get rid of impurities in the body." Master Luanfeng said so.

Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief.


Actually, not so.

Master Luanfeng discovered something was wrong with Liu Fufeng from this trivial matter.

Lu Ling's beauty mole is also a congenital mole... It is a symbol of imperfection. Even if she cultivates and transforms into a mortal, her beauty mole will still be there. It is a part of her body.

But Liu Fufeng didn't... It may mean that this girl was born perfect... It's just that the acquired pollution in the secular world turned her into her later appearance, and after Luanfeng's inspection, she confirmed that the current Liu Fufeng is a flawless body.

From the appearance to the distribution of meridians in the body, all are top-notch. At her age, she can get the best meridian width and soul power distribution...

A born protagonist.

There was a flawless body in front of them, and they hadn't noticed it for so long. If Liu Fufeng hadn't reshaped his body on his own, they would probably have been kept in the dark.

The Flawless Body is a special kind of kinship, which has only appeared once in the entire world of cultivating immortals, and only Lingshan has a little understanding of this physique. Girls with this physique can display abilities at different ages and stages of cultivation. , talents are at their best.

Also known as perfection.

Are you born perfect...

Master Luanfeng wrote something on the paper.

It should be said that she is indeed a girl favored by the heavens. I am afraid that there is no girl in the whole world who has a flawless body like her.

"Liu..." Master Luanfeng looked at Liu Fufeng as if he saw some treasure, but... his expression was complicated.

Only Lingshan has the concept of this flawless body, which can explain a lot of things.

That's right, the last person who brought the concept of the flawless body to Lingshan was Zixu's elder sister, Chu Qishui's senior sister, Liu Yu, who was recognized as the strongest new generation in the world of cultivating immortals.

Her physique is that no matter what age and cultivation level, her body and soul are the best.

The whole body is like flawless jade, without a single mole.

It was because of this that Yun Shu doubted what happened back then. Liu Yu, who was in the best condition of soul and body, would not make a muddled choice, so she couldn't understand how to turn the road into a mortal when there was life.

"Liu?" Liu Fufeng looked at Master Luanfeng in puzzlement.

"Thinking of some past events." Reverend Luanfeng shook his head and chuckled: "Our Lingshan once had this talent of yours...but you still have a lot to grow up."

Compared to Liu Yu, Liu Fufeng's flawless body is not flawless enough, and it's not certain, it's just a suspicion. After all, the concept of the flawless body left by Liu Yu to Lingshan is that even the soul remains in an absolutely perfect state, while Liu Fufeng Fufeng... Her biggest problem is mental state.

Maybe... with Lu Ling by her side, she might even be flawless.

"Uncle, the change in my a good thing, right?" Liu Fufeng asked nervously.

"Of course." Master Luanfeng replied without any hesitation, which made Liu Fufeng heave a sigh of relief.

"Don't think it's a bad thing when I frown." Master Luanfeng picked up Liu Fufeng's perfect face, and looked at the girl in front of him: "I just... can't believe that such a perfect girl with unlimited potential was picked up by our Lingshan ..."

Looking at the uncle who was so close at hand, Liu Fufeng's face turned red instantly.

"Uncle, don't be joking..."

"Well, your biggest problem right now is that you don't have enough confidence." Master Luanfeng took Liu Fufeng's hand and decided not to tease her anymore.

"Are you going to see Aya?"

"En." Master Luanfeng nodded.

What she feels about Liu Fufeng now is probably that the mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at her son-in-law, the more she likes it, and Liu Fufeng's talent is already so heaven-defying, even if she has an extra flawless body, it's just an addition to the thick ink, it's nothing .

"Girl Liu, what do you think of your Senior Sister Xu?"





Fang Qiuyu and the others sat at the door, discussing something.

"The uncle who went in just now... do you know each other?"

"I know you, Teacher Li. He is the teacher of A Zheng and A Sheng. I have met him many times." Yu Sixian said.

"Is she the one who handles this matter?" Gu Xiao asked, not because she didn't believe Li Zhuzi, but...a disheveled "primary school teacher" really couldn't be trusted.

"It should be. Of course, it might just come to have a look at Lu Ling." Nie Yin said calmly. After all, he is Tang Zheng Tang Sheng's teacher, so he probably is Lu Ling's teacher.

at this time.

Master Luanfeng arrived with Liu Fufeng.

"What are you doing sitting here?"

"Ah, it's Master Feng!" Gu Chenxi immediately got up from the ground, and after a while, Nie Yin and the others all stood up from the ground and performed a disciple salute.

Liu Fufeng stood behind Master Luanfeng and saluted with a smile. These are her teachers from Ah Ling, so she has to be polite.

Although Fang Qiuyu had escaped from the illusion at this time, she was still in a daze. She looked at Liu Fufeng, just like her four sisters, looking at each other with doubts in her eyes.

This Junior Sister Liu... is she different from before?

Is she that pretty?
At this time, Gu Chenxi, who has always been quite confident in her appearance, looked at Liu Fufeng and began to doubt her life.

The five sisters stood in front of Liu Fufeng like this and felt that there was no scum left. At first glance, they thought it was Xu Xu and Senior Sister Xu who appeared in front of themselves and others.

Nie Yin was the first to react.

"Master Feng, we are guarding here to prevent other disciples from disturbing Senior Sister Shen, but just now a senior uncle entered, we don't know each other, but we didn't..."

"Didn't stop her? Well done." Master Luanfeng nodded: "Leave this matter to me. Don't worry, they don't have any safety issues, it's just that something went wrong in their cultivation."

After hearing her words, the heart that Gu Xiao had been holding on to finally returned to his stomach.

The little girl is fine.

"Then Master Feng, you..." Gu Chenxi wanted to say something.

"I have to come and take a look, you sister Xu, you have seen it all." Luanfeng's attitude was very relaxed, with a kind smile.

And her ease also let Gu Xiao and the others breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that it is really not a big deal, not only is it not a big deal, but looking at Master Feng's appearance, he seems to be in a very good mood.

They seldom saw Luanfeng Daoist smiling all over his face, so they must have encountered something good.

"What's wrong with Fang Qiuyu?" Luanfeng Daoist looked at the silly Fang Qiuyu, a little puzzled, it seemed like the sequelae of the illusion, but no one would use illusion on her.

"Oh, Qiu Yu asked for it on her own, that's an uncle I've never seen before..."

"Haven't seen it?" Master Luanfeng frowned.

Gu Chenxi's status is not low anymore, where are there so many uncles who have never met before, and when he was about to ask, Liu Fufeng tugged at her sleeve.

She could feel that A Ling was ahead, and she couldn't wait any longer.

Master Luanfeng nodded.

"Okay, you girls go back to rest first, I will call you tomorrow, don't think it's all right."

"Yes." Gu Chenxi nodded dejectedly, knowing she was in trouble.

"Uncle, Junior Sister Liu, let's go." Yu Sixian and the others said.

Seeing the four people leave, Liu Fufeng and Master Luanfeng entered the small building.

A Ling, don't be afraid, I'm coming.

Liu Fufeng rushed in.

 I recently had a check-up at a hospital in Shanghai, and it was quite busy... so the number of pages is only 20 pages, and I will write more if I can! ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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