Chapter 660 Explore
Liu Fufeng rushed in according to his memory, and before he had time to see clearly the situation in the room, he bumped into a person, and when he was about to fall to the ground, the other person put his arms around her waist.

"Teacher Li..." Liu Fufeng opened his eyes and said.

"Yeah." Li Zhuzi nodded, looking at Liu Fufeng in surprise.

Was this girl so beautiful before?
It seems... that transformation is not that simple.

"Ms. Li, Ah is Ah Ling?" Liu Fufeng was out of breath, and asked about Lu Ling's situation before he recovered.

At this time, Luanfeng Daoist walked in.

"Don't worry, control, don't forget to control, this is your senior sister Xu's clothes, and what will happen to Lu Ling if there is a large-scale space collapse here."

Because of Liu Fufeng's excitement, the space around him seemed to have reduced pixels again, entering a stage where it might collapse at any time.

"A's..." Upon hearing this, Liu Fufeng didn't have time to look ahead, so he quickly closed his eyes to calm down.

"Master Feng." Shen Gui coughed and walked over.

"Shen Gui, are you injured?" Master Luanfeng was taken aback.

Judging from the fluctuations on Shen Gui's body, the injury was not serious, and it was not a traumatic injury, but a mistake in cultivation. This kind of mistake can only heal itself, and the recovery speed is extremely slow.

what happened?

"I was also about to ask." Li Zhuzi looked at the blood on the corner of Shen Gui's mouth, and then glanced at the ice field not far away.

It should have nothing to do with Lu Ling.

"It's my own practice that went wrong, I'm not mature enough, but there is no problem, just recover." Shen Gui respectfully said: "Let Master Feng and Master Li worry."

"It's good to recover, come to me tomorrow to get an elixir to restore the injury, forget it, let other people watch it closely, it is more effective than the panacea." Master Luanfeng said.

"Yes, Master Feng, but the little junior sister's healing is unnecessary, this time... it's the problem of the inner demon." Shen Gui said.

"Demon?" Daoist Luanfeng frowned, he could only rely on himself.

Li Zhuzi was also surprised.

She knew that her own student, Shen Gui... would actually have demons...

She also knows a little about the name "Afu", but from her point of view, Shen Gui should have eliminated the demons long ago, especially after returning from Luoyan City this time, half of his foot stepped into the realm of rebirth. The demons have all disappeared... and now how come they are made into this state by the demons, not only have they retreated from the past life state, but even the cultivation base of the virtual transformation state is a little unstable.

In this case, either the inner demons are hiding deeply, or they have been stimulated by something. Li Zhuzi personally prefers the latter.

Something must have happened.

"..." Master Luanfeng also realized the seriousness of the matter, looked at each other with Li Zhuzi, and understood what the other party meant.

Shen Gui... never need them to worry, she can handle it by herself, before she really realizes that she can't do it, it's better for them as elders not to intervene without authorization, let Shen Gui know that she has a layer of backing. up.

"Shen Gui, I won't say too much, come out as soon as possible." Daoist Luanfeng said: "However, in your current state, you should not be able to recover before the martial arts meeting in Tianguangxu, so the main thing is to stabilize the realm, don't break through without authorization, Understand?"

"Understood." Shen Gui nodded, and then she looked at Liu Fufeng who had stabilized, and understood what was wrong with Liu Fufeng, but at this time the more important thing was to deal with Lu Ling's problem, so she looked at Master Luanfeng.

Li Zhuzi has been waiting for her because he has not moved rashly.

After all, every situation about the Ice Bloodline needs to be recorded.

"Now, the bodies of Luo Xian, Qin Qin, and Xu Xu have completely transformed into Xuan Bing, and Lu Ling has been in a closed-spirited state for an hour." Shen Gui said briefly, then paused, not ignoring the purple-clothed woman. Tell me about the matter, and plan to report carefully tomorrow after her condition has been adjusted. After all, her current condition is really bad.

Then, Shen Gui talked about the reactions of her body and soul after she first came into contact with the ice field, and Master Luanfeng carefully recorded it.

Here, Liu Fufeng came to his senses. At this time, it seems that some changes have occurred due to the long time of ice element gathering. As a result, the cold air in front of him is blurred. It is impossible to see the contents of the fog.

And these fogs are the external manifestations of cold air.

Liu Fufeng could sense that Lu Ling was inside, but he couldn't confirm Lu Ling's condition. He was anxious and couldn't disturb his uncle's work, so he could only look at Li Zhuzi for help.

Her A Ling must be very helpless and needs her very much.

But this time, Liu Fufeng's power control was perfect, Lu Ling was in front of her eyes, and she didn't have any riots.

Master Luanfeng glanced at Liu Fufeng, turned the pages of the book in his hand, and recorded something.

Apparently, she now regards both Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling as investigation objects, killing two birds with one stone and killing two birds with one stone.

Li Zhuzi gave Liu Fufeng a reassuring look, and at the same time Master Luanfeng also put away the notebook, and it was almost time for her to tease Liu Fufeng... This little girl was about to burst into tears.

"Shen Gui, go back and rest first." Master Luanfeng said, Shen Gui's condition is very poor, very poor, but his face looks pale on the surface, but actually his body is covered with scars.

"...No need." Shen Gui shook his head, stood motionless on the spot, and adjusted his state with breathing techniques.

"You...forget it." Master Luanfeng sent a burst of true energy, and didn't say anything.

She couldn't let Shen Gui leave by force, after all, among the three people who "died" here now, two were very important to Shen Gui.

Both Qin Qin and Xu Xu...

Although Shen Gui didn't show any expression, it could be seen that she was still very worried.

And the person who showed eagerness on his face was Liu Fufeng.

"Relax." Master Luanfeng patted Liu Fufeng's shoulder, and then approached the edge of the ice field together with Li Zhuzi and Liu Fufeng.

In front, everything from water to furniture turned into ice, and before Liu Fufeng got close to the edge, he shuddered, and his breath also turned into white mist.

Within one step, the temperature plummets.

Hoarfrost appeared between Liu Fufeng's brows.

She can't go any further.

"Stop." Li Zhuzi thoughtfully blocked Liu Fufeng's front.

"Master Li..." Liu Fufeng's lower lip trembled slightly. Although she had reshaped her body, she didn't know how to use her ability to resist the cold, so she began to slur her words.

She wanted to know A Ling's status.

Li Zhuzi nodded, and held Liu Fufeng's hand. In an instant, a green warm current drove away the cold air on Liu Fufeng's body, and Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Master Luanfeng also took a step forward, and then retreated. She had already obtained the data.

"The destructive power is in the late stage of the mirror of reincarnation, with a space blockade. The strength of the center may have reached the mirror of reincarnation. No wonder these little girls don't even have the ability to resist." Master Luanfeng unfolded the barrier, watching the white mist unable to escape Her enchantment was blocked and she came to a conclusion.

"The pure coldness has nothing to do with my own cultivation... This girl is really amazing." Master Luan Feng looked at Lu Ling inside, very happy.

As for why she was just happy...that was because of the comparison of Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling was completely overwhelmed by Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng is truly zero-cultivation, and Lu Ling is the pinnacle of Soul Separation Realm.

Liu Fufeng can ignore the enchantment of her high-level venerable on Lingshan, and the initial value is far beyond the reincarnation realm, while Lu Ling... the cold air on the edge is in the reincarnation realm, and the concentration in the center may reach the reincarnation mirror.

In terms of ability, what is worse than Liu Fufeng is not 01:30.

But this is not a comparison, after all, Liu Fufeng has not shown any effective offensiveness for the time being, while Lu Ling is actually sealing her soul together.

It's just that in general, with Liu Fufeng blocking the front, Lu Ling's performance was not so amazing.

The test is complete.

The cold air around Lu Ling didn't pose any threat to these old women, and they couldn't do anything about it with the basic enchantment, but what it showed at her cultivation level was also against the sky.

Ice may be able to freeze space and even time, but it is clear that Lu Ling at this time is still far behind.

In Xuechen's eyes, this so-called eruption of spiritual energy is actually a very small thing... probably equal to a sneeze, so this girl is not worried at all... If her master really leaked some core energy, this How could the girl endure Zhao Yingge's ravages at Feng Jiu, she had already run over.

But this little "sneeze" is already a very strong blessing in the eyes of Lingshan people.

"Uncle, how is Ah Ling?" Liu Fufeng asked eagerly, the fog outside was too thick, she couldn't see anything.

"Painted out, very safe, there is no problem at all." Master Luanfeng said.

Compared to Qin Qin and the others, Lu Ling was much better, full of energy and blood, even if she was frightened, she was not in any danger.

But even if she said that, Liu Fufeng still looked worried.

She can't get in.

It's too cold out there.

Liu Fufeng suddenly remembered something.

"I'm going home."

"What are you doing at home?" Master Luanfeng looked at her suspiciously, and Li Zhuzi turned his head.

"I...have a... Liuli who is not afraid of the cold." Liu Fufeng briefly explained.

The ice glass that Ah Ling gave her asked her to stay at home for Sister Xifeng and the others just in case, otherwise, with the protection of the ice glass, she should not be afraid of the cold.

"Liu Li with a cold-repelling spell?" Master Luanfeng shook his head, it should be useless, after all, the air around Lu Ling is no longer cold, it is more like something close to the source, even the sword energy can be frozen, and said What cold.

Li Zhuzi frowned.

She remembered something.

Now that I think about it, the ice glaze of their sisters... the power contained in it is more like the power similar to Lu Ling... maybe it really has an effect.

If Xuechen knew about it, he would probably laugh out loud.

It will definitely work.

Although Bing Liuli was only the power of Lu Ling extracted from the sky at the beginning, it was just a small ice aura that could increase the power of the ice element, but after gaining Lu Ling's attention and giving it to Liu Fufeng... Xue Dust strengthens it.

In the small ice glaze, not only her master's power is hidden, but also some of the origin of her fairy sword. After the last forced awakening failed, Xuechen melted her extra power into Lu Ling's ice glaze middle……

As long as it is worn by someone Xuechen approves of, regardless of the boost effect, at least one with ice attribute immunity is a must.

So Xuechen once thought that this small piece of ice glaze should be the most precious magic weapon in the world. After all, it has the origin of Xuenv and her Xueluoqianhan, isn't it amazing?
What Xuechen didn't count on was that she would always be a younger sister in front of her elder sister, and Hong Ling's hiding her spirit body directly in Lu Ling's fire glass was something Xuechen could never have dreamed of.

In other words, ice glaze is useful.

There is no need to be afraid of Lu Ling hurting the people around him, as long as he carries it... But Master Luanfeng doesn't know about it, and Li Zhuzi is not sure.

"You girl, what are you thinking about?" Master Luanfeng shook his head, and nodded Liu Fufeng's head.

Shen Gui also sighed.

She, Junior Sister Liu, hasn't fully integrated into their big family yet.

"I'm right by your side, why do you need to get some cold-proof beads?" Then, Master Luanfeng blamed himself: "It's also my problem, and it's been procrastinating, mainly because Lu Ling's problem is not a big deal compared to what happened just now... It was my fault that I forgot how you feel about being a senior sister."

"Master, what do you mean?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand.

Li Zhuzi let go of her hand: "It's just some chill, we just take you in."

"Is that so?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned red.

It's not that she looks down on the masters... It's just that she is anxious and forgets that she can still do this.

Then, Li Zhuzi looked back at Shen Gui, she didn't want to bring Shen Gui in, she'd better rest now...

Shen Gui performed a disciple ceremony.

She didn't show her own thoughts, she did whatever Master Li asked her to do.

Forget it.

Li Zhuzi shook his head: "Senior Sister Feng, you take Miss Liu with you. I will take care of Gui'er myself. Her injury is a bit serious."

"Okay." Master Luanfeng nodded, although she didn't want Shen Gui to take risks, after all, Shen Gui suddenly committed a demon today, and it was hard to say that it had nothing to do with Lu Ling.

Master Luanfeng looked at the ice sculptures inside, and thought of Shen Gui's hobby of sculpting since he was a child.

But... with Master Li Zhuzi around, she couldn't speak.

So according to the distribution, Master Luanfeng led Liu Fufeng, and Li Zhuzi took Shen Gui's hand, and helped her into the ice region.

Or Ice Hell.

After entering the fog, the whole world turned blue, and the visibility was less than two meters.

Liu Fufeng walked on the slippery ice surface. Although there was an enchantment, he couldn't feel the temperature, but... it seemed that because of being able to sense space, Liu Fufeng's condition was worse than others imagined.

It wasn't cold around, but she showed frostbite, and some frost blossoms appeared between her eyebrows.

Fortunately, it's not that serious, it's just plain cold.

"Don't...don't worry about me." Liu Fufeng trembled when he felt other people's gaze.

Master Luanfeng just shook his head.

She had already opened the barrier, but Liu Fufeng still felt cold... and she looked at it, but couldn't dispel it.

It should be the negative effect brought by the space talent.

Solve Lu Ling's problem as soon as possible, otherwise, Liu Fufeng may also be hurt.

Everyone took a few steps forward.

I saw Xu Xu.

To be precise, it is Xu Xu's sculpture, or corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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