Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 661 The plan of Luanfeng real person

Chapter 661 The plan of Luanfeng real person

"This is……"

When Liu Fufeng saw Xu Xu's sculpture, he was very surprised.

When the disaster happened, because Liu Fufeng was too close to Lu Ling, he just sensed the possible disaster and saw Qin Qin's frightened eyes, but in fact she didn't have any consciousness, and she didn't feel any pain. When she woke up, she was in an inexplicable state. And in daily life, Liu Fufeng has anxiety attacks when Lu Ling is not around.

Especially in case of an accident.

When Ah Ling wasn't by her side, she was very worried, her heart beat faster, she couldn't calm down, and her whole body seemed to be short-circuited.

So her surprise was justified.

"The concentration at this location... is almost in the middle of the reincarnation state. This girl doesn't seem to resist too much. It should be for the sake of transmitting data to me." Master Luanfeng nodded, looking up and down at his apprentice.

This sculpture is quite good, it has the temperament of her apprentice, and Master Luanfeng still likes it very much.

Real Luanfeng touched it with his hands, and the spiritual power penetrated directly from the lifelike sculpture slowly.

"This quality..." Master Luanfeng was surprised for a moment.

The quality of the mysterious ice transformed by Lu Ling is much better than she imagined, basically comparable to some intermediate magic weapons.

Speaking of which, Tang Keyu applied to let Lu Ling visit the should be a very correct choice, not to mention anything else, the mysterious ice in this bathroom should be able to replace the magic weapon consumed by Lingshan. You must know that Lingshan cultivates Xiao Changsheng As a result, basically all the magic weapons of the ice system were exhausted, and even Lingshan could not withstand such a large consumption.

"Senior Sister's current is it?" Shen Gui coughed and asked.

Liu Fufeng: "..."

After hearing Shen Gui's words, Liu Fufeng finally realized what the uncle meant by compensating Senior Sister Xu before. She originally thought that Senior Sister Xu was taking care of the current Ah Ling, so what if she was injured... She didn't expect it to be this way...

Died directly?

Aya did it?
Liu Fufeng's heart is complicated, she is just an ordinary little girl, seeing a big living person frozen into a popsicle, can she not be afraid?Of course... what she fears the most is that her A Ling will be punished.

Hearing Shen Gui's inquiry, Master Luanfeng was poking Xu Xu's hard face with his hand, with an expression of interest, making people think that she wanted to take this lovely Xu Xu home.

"Ahem." Li Zhuzi coughed dryly, reminding Master Luanfeng.

No matter how cute it was, it was also the corpse of her apprentice.

"Cough cough." Master Luanfeng also coughed dryly after waking up, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Oh, the physical body is gone, and there are no other problems. Let me see what she is doing now."

After finishing speaking, Master Luanfeng closed his eyes.

Although Liu Fufeng was anxious to know how her Ah Ling was doing now, seeing Senior Sister Xu was in danger, she couldn't tell others to take her to look for Ah Ling, so she could only watch on the spot.

However, according to what my uncle said, Senior Sister Xu should have no problem... The fairy is just so powerful that she can't die if she freezes into ice.

Shen Gui and Li Zhuzi looked at each other, and Li Zhuzi led Shen Gui to Xu Xu's ice sculpture. The two seemed to have reached a tacit understanding and began to comment.

Li Zhuzi is a master of bamboo carving.

Shen Gui was influenced by Li Zhuzi since she was a child. Although she doesn't like bamboo carvings, she likes ice the sculptures that appear this time are within Shen Gui's professional scope.

This pair of teachers and students basically had nothing in common, but on the issue of carving, they were able to match the signal unexpectedly.

The art of carving pays attention to the trivial and complicated parts, and there is a very significant difference between ice sculpture and bamboo carving. Bamboo carving pays more attention to details, such as patina, and Li Zhuzi's bamboo carvings are all very old. , Playing and touching can feel the vicissitudes of the years behind, paying great attention to color, feel, traces, cross-section, concave surface, and even weight.

Therefore, in Li Zhuzi's eyes, Xu Xu's sculpture was unqualified and too realistic, so Li Zhuzi shook his head.

But Shen Gui is different, her ice sculptures don't have so much art, they are just for restoration, but Shen Gui's restoration is not about the appearance, but the shape and temperament... Maybe there is a gap between Shen Gui's sculptures and the other person, but even if there is no The face can also be seen to know who is carved...

And Xu Xu in front of him was not very satisfied in Shen Gui's eyes either, it was also too realistic, without aura, every point was perfect, but lost the charm of Xu Xu.

Even though the sculpture in front of him was Xu Xu himself, neither of them were satisfied.

Liu Fufeng looked blankly at the side, completely unaware of what they were doing.

Li Zhuzi looked at Shen Gui, she likes her student very much, her ability, character, and even the level of sculpture are all deeply loved by Li Zhuzi. She likes bitter tea the most in her life, and then bamboo carving... Bitter tea is a hobby, Bamboo carving is a skill. As a teacher, she has not passed on the skill of bamboo carving until now.

"Although it's not suitable, but Guier, you can still learn something from it." Li Zhuzi ordered Shen Gui.

"En." Shen Gui nodded, and looked at Xu Xu's "corpse" very seriously, with extremely cold and heartless eyes, which made Liu Fufeng's back go numb.

Because Xu Xu turned into an ice sculpture while walking, she maintained her momentum. For Shen Gui, this was the part she lacked. The main reason was that this "Xu Xu" had Xu Xu's unique temperament, which was really Good subject to watch.

Because of the appearance of the purple-clothed woman, Shen Gui's longing for... that girl became more and more intense, and he really wanted to carve her appearance... the appearance in his memory.

Need to raise your level.

So... These two women who pursue art commented on Xu Xu's body, which was very strange.



At this time, the void where Xu Xu's soul hides.

The girl in the middle of a pile of snow lotuses suddenly shuddered.

I don't know why...Xu Xu now has a feeling of being completely overlooked by others, and a chill...


I shivered again.

Xu Xu looked at the blizzard around him with suspicious eyes.

Could it be that the time spent playing in this world of ice and snow has been frozen for a long time?That's not right... After her inspection, Ah Ling's cold air was not offensive at all, that is to say, everything in front of her was an illusion, so how could she feel the cold?
At this moment, there was a knock on the door in the void.

"Here we come." Xu Xu stretched out his hand and swiped at the sky, opened his Zifu Consciousness Sea, and let the other party in.

This feeling must be Master.

Sure enough, the person who walked in was Luanfeng Daoist.

"Master, are you here to pick me up?" Xu Xu sat back in the snow again.

"I'm here to save you." Daoist Luanfeng said, "Why not go out if you can? I checked, you won't be injured, you made...Shen Gui worry."

"Afu worried about me?" Xu Xu raised her head and blinked.

"I don't believe it, it must be just one click."

"Okay, let's go out, your junior sister Liu is also quite worried, after all, it was Lu Ling who caused the trouble." Master Luanfeng said.

"Master, let's discuss it." Xu Xu said suddenly.

"What?" Master Luanfeng was a little surprised.

"Don't reshape my physical body yet, I feel pretty good in this state now." Xu Xu said.


"That is to say... don't you think these snow lotus are very beautiful?" Xu Xu turned around in a circle, and the snow lotus on the ground also slowly rotated with her.

"It's beautiful, but..."

"Master, I'm grounded right now. I don't have anything to do in Lingshan, so I just take it easy. Anyway, Ah Ling's cold air can't hurt me. I still like this illusion, and I don't want to go out." Slowly embraced Luanfeng Daoist's arm.

"..." Master Luanfeng was a little helpless: "Is this possible? Then what about the management of your library?"

"Let Junior Sister Liu go, I will accompany her, I mean, give me a jade pendant as a carrier or something." Xu Xu said.


Master Luanfeng looked at the girl in front of him.

It is her apprentice who will do some unreasonable actions because of beautiful things.

"are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious." Xu Xu nodded, and then asked: "Master, the others are fine."

"No problem, everything is fine." Master Luanfeng nodded: "But, aren't you interested in things about Lu Ling?"

"To be honest...not very interested." Xu Xu shook her head. In her eyes, Lu Ling was just a cute little girl, not a disciple with special potential. Everyone had their own opportunities... What Xu Xu cared more about was , the relationship between these sisters, and their own life experience.

Other than that, not very interested.

Her personality is just like this, she is like the light, she does not show her sharpness, she resolves disputes, but she can frustrate people's sharpness.

Such Xu Xu is not suitable to be a senior sister.

As Xu Xu's master, Master Luanfeng knew exactly how much her apprentice wanted to be a master sister...

In fact, the position of the senior sister is not attractive to her at all, and she wants to "compete" with Shen Gui to deepen her relationship.

"And I guess once this matter about Lu Ling comes out, Master, you will definitely take Lu Ling to various tasks. At that time, Junior Sister Liu will not be idle, and so will Afu. She has various jobs. Why should I go out? Shuyuan is me again. Alone, I don't want it." Xu Xu gently shook his head, his bun shaking.

"Okay...well, you just want to be happy." Master Luanfeng really had no other choice now, as long as her apprentice was happy.

"Come out by yourself whenever you want, and I'll find you a jade pendant." Master Luanfeng said so.

"En." Xu nodded. Since Lu Ling had such a big incident, Liu Fufeng naturally couldn't have time to get too close to Luo Xian, so she didn't feel nervous.

And why not stay by Liu Fufeng's side...

She knows Liu Fufeng very well, and letting her face it by herself is the best way to increase her favorability, so she is unwilling to leave.

Immediately afterwards, Master Luanfeng turned and left.

Xu Xu didn't see the smile on the corner of her mouth.


The soul re-entered the body, and Master Luanfeng stretched his waist.

"It's a really easy job."

Xu Xu didn't leave, which was actually what she wanted to see the most. From the very beginning, Master Luanfeng said something because of Xu Xu's inability to perceive the outside world and his trust in himself.

Not lying, just hiding something.

For example...Liu Fufeng's physical problems, her top-notch talent, Master Luanfeng believed that if Xu Xu knew about Liu Fufeng's heaven-defying talent, he would definitely come out and stick to Liu Fufeng's side to observe her... This would affect her understanding of Liu Fufeng. Fufeng's investigation.

So she hid it.

Similarly, Li Zhuzi was waiting for her outside, and Shen Gui was injured.

She didn't want to say about Li Zhuzi... her apprentice thinks about Li Zhuzi all day long, so she... is still a little jealous.

And Shen Gui...she couldn't say, she could understand the look Shen Gui gave her before, Shen Gui didn't want Xu Xu to worry about her.

Can you not worry?
Maybe it will affect Xu Xu's recent breakthrough state of mind... Therefore, it is the best state for her to stay like this and not come out, at least wait until Shen Gui's trauma is almost healed, and she can't detect it without in-depth contact before coming out.

Just wait until you break through to the reincarnated realm slowly.

This period is still very sensitive.

As for Xu Xu...she didn't come out because of this aspect. You must know that she is not just playing in the sea of ​​consciousness, but she is also working hard to cultivate...Xu Xu herself also has the idea of ​​breaking through directly when she goes out.

Therefore, now Xu Xu continues to stay in the illusion of her own sea of ​​consciousness, which is what she would like to see the most.

"Master, how is Senior Sister Xu?" Liu Fufeng asked eagerly.

"It's fine, she's having fun and doesn't even want to come out," Daoist Luanfeng said.

"You don't want to come out?"

"Well, I also told you to do the work of the book garden."


"Oh, you don't have to worry about this for now. You have to be able to control your own strength to let you go to the Shuyuan." Master Luanfeng said, looking at Li Zhuzi and Shen Gui, frowning.

What were these two doing to her apprentice's body?

"Bamboo." Master Luanfeng said, waved his sleeves, and slowly put away the ice sculptures.

The two of them calmed down here.

"Zhuzi, Xu Xu doesn't want to come out, it's good to practice in it for a while,'s not an illusion, that girl doesn't seem to notice it." Luanfeng said.

"Isn't it an illusion?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Well, the wind and snow all over the sky are soft ice-type spiritual power, which can be decomposed at a high rate, but it cannot be absorbed, but it is a good place for cultivation, which can amplify people's five senses." Daoist Luanfeng said: " It's a pity that it can't be absorbed, otherwise it can play a role in repairing Shen Gui's injury."

"Lu Ling herself doesn't know what she did." Li Zhuzi shook her head, "Xu Xu doesn't want to come out, and I don't know how the other people are doing."

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

As he said that, Master Luanfeng opened the barrier, and everyone's vision returned to normal.

"A Ling!" Liu Fufeng was anxious when he saw Lu Ling kneeling on the ground naked.

"Go and have a look." Master Luanfeng walked over with Lu Ling.

There are the same three ice sculptures, but they are different from Xu Xu outside, because they are in the bathing pool. Everyone's bodies are embedded in the pool, and the lower body is integrated with the water. Sitting, only the part above the chest is exposed on the water.

It is clear at a glance who is in good shape.

"A Ling." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling kneeling and sitting on the open space, she stepped on the black ice, and stretched out her hand to pull Lu Ling.

"Don't touch her! It's dangerous!" Master Luanfeng pulled Liu Fufeng back.

"Uncle..." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling on the ground with red eyes, and began to have trouble breathing, but because Lu Ling was by her side, she still controlled her ability well and did not cause the space to collapse, but she could see Come out, Liu Fufeng is struggling now.

Now that Master Luanfeng is maintaining the barrier, he can clearly feel how powerful the chill is emanating from Lu Ling at this time. It really looks like the chill that is close to the source...

She wasn't sure whether this kind of cold energy similar to the original source had the same ability as the original source... If so, then touching Lu Ling rashly might hurt her, and her barrier might not be able to block it.

In the past, Daoist Luanfeng would never think that a little girl could pass through her barrier, but now there is Liu Fufeng?Just to be on the safe side.

"Shen Gui, how does it feel?" Master Luanfeng asked.

"Lu Ling, it's very dangerous." Shen Gui said.

As an ice element, Shen Gui now feels that the ice aura is boiling all over her body. Just standing next to Lu Ling, her ability has been increased by [-]%... It's incredible, and Lu Ling herself is extremely dangerous.

In Shen Gui's eyes, Lu Ling is like a source of ice, which is likely to cause irreversible harm to people.

"Then should wake up Lu Ling first." Master Luanfeng looked at Li Zhuzi, who nodded, and then, the two of them set their eyes on Liu Fufeng.

"Don't cry, wake her up, this girl is not injured, she just fainted, and the coma is not deep yet." Master Luanfeng looked at Liu Fufeng and said helplessly.

This girl... isn't she a little too fragile.

"..." Liu Fufeng wiped his eyes.

She also knew that Ah Ling was not injured, but she just couldn't help it.

"Forget it, don't touch her yet, calm down." Master Luanfeng looked at the dark crack beside Liu Fufeng, and rubbed his forehead.

"Control..." Liu Fufeng was in poor condition.

Ah Ling was unconscious beside her, she couldn't hug or coax her, how could she calm down?

"Readjust, I'll go and see the other two victims." Master Luanfeng looked at the three ice sculptures beside Lu Ling.

Leaving aside Liu Fufeng, there are Qin Qin and Luo Xian waiting for her to save them.

These two girls probably don't want to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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