Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 669 Lu Ling's Awakening

Chapter 669 Lu Ling's Awakening

Lu Ling wasn't supposed to be like this.

Because her power was out of control, she was in a very weak state before, mentally and physically weak, and very restless, the kind that she couldn't live without Liu Fufeng.

But now things have changed.

There are only three people in the world who can give her a sense of security, her junior sister, her husband, and this uncle Han Xue, who is born with a high degree of affection.

Don't talk about snow dust.

That girl will not give her a sense of security, only Lu Ling can give her a sense of security.

So when Liu Fufeng, Li Zhuzi, and Han Xue were all present, Lu Ling suddenly became less afraid, and then things turned around.

It was Liu Fufeng's turn to feel uneasy.

This little girl was a little flustered today, because she had just awakened, and there was a mess of voices in her head... I don't know what happened, but because Lu Ling was by her side, and her condition was very bad, Liu Fufeng kept suppressing, Ignoring the messy thoughts, he concentrated on taking care of Lu Ling.

But after Uncle Han appeared, everything changed.

Her A Ling... seems to have a feeling of being snatched away...

No joke.

Liu Fufeng's mood fell to the lowest point in an instant.

Looking at Lu Ling's obsessed eyes, she felt very uncomfortable.

Because Lu Ling has never looked at her with that kind of eyes... At this time, she is beside Ah Ling, but she is looking at other people... Doesn't she know that she will be unhappy?
Coupled with the discomfort after awakening, Liu Fufeng even saw some not-so-good illusions.

Shaking his head, Liu Fufeng pulled himself together and glanced at Lu Ling.

But Lu Ling did not disappoint her, she knew that she would be unhappy, so she held her hand.

But at this time, Master Luanfeng opened his mouth and changed the situation.

"Take off Han Xue's clothes for me." Master Luanfeng said after walking around Chu Qishui.

"..." Lu Ling trembled.


This... this is a foul.

I hope my junior sister can understand me... Lu Ling thought about raising her head, but before she could raise her head, she bumped into something.

That was Liu Fufeng's chin.

"Junior sister... are you alright!" Lu Ling immediately turned her head, looking at her junior sister distressedly.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all." Liu Fufeng shook his head, then half bent down to look at Lu Ling.

The senior sister in front of me...has never grown tall.

What does the mind say...

She knew that Lu Ling was very mature, essentially.

But she is indeed naive, she just magnifies her side... because living like this is not tiring, for the sake of a relaxed daily life.

And my wish is that Ah Ling can live happily.

Then, she can't make Lu Ling feel tired, especially when it comes to her own problems.

I shouldn't be jealous.

Let her do whatever she wants.

Liu Fufeng stroked Lu Ling's messy and smooth long hair, then looked at her softly.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling was startled for a moment, looking at Liu Fufeng, Junior Sister is not angry anymore?

Do you understand yourself?

For a moment, Lu Ling forgot about Han Xue, and was completely swallowed by Liu Fufeng's eyes, unable to extricate herself.

"It's nothing..." Liu Fufeng shook his head, and pulled Lu Ling out of Ruanrouxiang.

Ah Ling was so kind to her that she became a little greedy.

From the very beginning, her original intention was not to keep Ah Ling by her side.

"I'm a little weird today, but I'm not angry, it's just because of cultivation." Liu Fufeng said so.

Lu Ling: "..."

She didn't speak, but she could feel Liu Fufeng's emotions.

When the junior sister was angry before, she still wanted to see Uncle Han, but she didn't because she was afraid. Now that the junior sister has changed her attitude, she doesn't want Han Xue anymore...

"Hush, Uncle Feng seems to be angry." Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling's hand and looked over.

Lu Ling nodded, since her junior sister asked her to watch it, then she should just watch it.

She also liked Uncle Han very much.


On the side, Li Zhuzi knew why Master Luanfeng was angry, and Chu Qishui could also guess a little bit.

Master Luanfeng looked at the girl who was held in Chu Qishui's arms, and then stretched out his hand to pinch Han Xue's chest in full view of everyone.


Although she was in a coma, after some time passed, she changed from a coma to a deep sleep, and she could still feel the pain. Daoist Luanfeng did not touch her, but a ruthless hand.

It is estimated that they are all pinched.

Chu Qishui didn't speak.

And the real Luanfeng's hand was in Han Xue's arms along her chest all the way up, and finally stopped at the collar. Looking at the empty multi-layered carvings, she became angry.

"I just said, my clothes can't be supported by a dead girl, so I have to find this one to wear."

Li Zhuzi: "..."

It turned out that Senior Sister Feng was not angry about Han Xue wearing her favorite clothes, but whether she could stand up...

Is this how a normal woman thinks?

She didn't quite understand.

Chu Qishui didn't understand either, and Lu Ling didn't understand either.

On the contrary, Liu Fufeng inexplicably heard the meaning of hating iron but not steel in Luanfeng's words.


Liu Fufeng glanced at Lu Ling, and suddenly seemed to understand what Uncle Feng was thinking...

True Luanfeng is of course also angry at Han Xue for messing with her clothes, but what is even more angry is that her clothes don’t look good at all...and she treats Han Xue as a younger sister... Otherwise, Han Xue and her The relationship can not be so good.

The real Luanfeng back then was just like Liu Fufeng, and Han Xue was Lu Ling.

She wanted to train her younger sister to be the best younger sister and the most attractive woman in the world, and Han Xue was also very aura when she was a child, she was a beauty.

Who knew that the hair was crooked, and there was also a strange aura of wind and dust... It can't be said to be wind and dust, but it can be regarded as quack air.

This kind of her is very unsuitable for Lingshan, so she went to Xuanjing Division.

Then... This girl has been a little brainless since she was a child. Some say she has a big chest and no brains, but this girl has a small chest and no brains. In Lingshan, it seems that she has a good figure and is smarter, such as Li Zhuzi.

And Han Xue not only disappointed real Luanfeng with her personality, but also lost all her charm as a woman. In the end, only her figure was left, which was not particularly good.

In other words, Master Luanfeng's cultivation of Han Xue was a complete failure.

Today this girl said that she is not from Lingshan anymore, can Master Luanfeng not be angry?It was a shame not to beat her to death.

"This dead girl has no idea, she can't see my clothes at all, take them off quickly, what should I do if they get dirty?" Saying this, Master Luanfeng touched the hollow pattern on Han Xue's waist, Then put it on his nose and sniff it, and then showed a disgusted expression.

Alcohol is prohibited in Lingshan.

But with Chu Qishui present, she didn't say anything, but everyone present could feel that attitude.

"It's been washed like this and it can't be washed clean. It smells like alcohol. This alcoholic...but it's okay. I drank strong alcohol before. Recently, it seems to be fruit wine. It has a little fragrance. It can barely be regarded as adding a little bit of femininity. .” Master Luanfeng sighed.


Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling looked at each other, and both understood what the other meant.

From the looks of it, Uncle Han is a friend of the master, so it turns out that the withdrawn master also has friends.

Now Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng don't know that Han Xue is their Si Shi.

Lu Ling paid more attention to other issues.

Master Luanfeng has already made up his mind to strip off Han Xue's clothes, which are her favorite clothes, and now her heart is bleeding when she thinks of being smelled of alcohol.

At this time, she saw Lu Ling's eyes and turned to ask.

"what happened?"

"..." Lu Ling was a little scared, but after seeing Han Xue, she still mustered up her courage.

"That... Uncle... I think Uncle Han is still very beautiful."

When she said this, everyone present was stunned, including Shen Gui, who looked at Lu Ling like a fool.

Does this little girl know what she's talking about?

Didn't you see Master Feng was angry?Chu Qishui knew it was Han Xue's fault and didn't speak, but Lu Ling jumped out.

And Lu Ling... She felt that she was right.

Uncle Han was already quite beautiful. He was hugged by her master and princess, and her skirt was like a waterfall, giving her a lot of immortality. Lu Ling didn't know anything about aesthetics, she only knew that what looked good was beautiful to her.

Liu Fufeng was also taken aback.

"Uncle, don't be angry, my senior sister is just..."

"Okay, okay, why are you nervous." Master Luanfeng couldn't laugh or cry, is she that scary?
The answer is yes.

From Shen Gui and Li Zhuzi's point of view, they have never seen Daoist Luanfeng so angry... Including in East Shenhai, they just kept a straight face.

But Liu Fufeng was the only one present who vaguely sensed the feeling of hating iron but not steel, and resonated with it.

The main reason is... Except for Liu Fufeng, none of the people present were normal women.

Would a normal woman be covered in blood on the front line of Tianguangxu?
Do normal women have no clothes of their own and just wear boring gowns all day long?

As for Lu Ling, a little girl is not considered a woman.

"I'm angry that this girl is overthinking her own abilities," said Master Luanfeng.

"Out of control?"

"You think she's beautiful because she's passed out now, that idiot's aura hasn't shown, she's a bit feminine." Master Luanfeng sighed, then looked at Chu Qishui.

This former senior sister, but now she wants to call her junior sister. It feels awkward, but there is no way.

"Junior Sister, can you put her down?"

"En." Chu Qishui nodded, then let go of one hand, and then Han Xueruan stood on the ground, Chu Qishui helped her.

"Look, do you still think it's pretty?" Master Luanfeng looked at Lu Ling.

She felt that this was a good opportunity to educate Lu Ling.

Lu Ling looked over.

Han Xue is not tall, so she is a little stronger than Liu Fufeng. She has delicate features and doesn't usually wear makeup. Because of practicing martial arts, she has a sense of firmness that many women in Lingshan don't have.

Fortunately, she has long hair, so she is still attractive.

If the hair is also short, Shen Gui exudes a strong aura of Yujie, and Han Xue... probably is the kind of authentic chivalrous girl, carefree, like a manly woman.

The charm value drops by [-].

Just looking at his face, she still thinks Uncle Han is very beautiful.

And... this dress is really beautiful.

All kinds of patterns are hollowed out just right, and the color gradually changes from red to orange, giving it a very noble feeling.

If possible, she'd like to see how she looks in clothes... later, of course.

Lu Ling has always liked beautiful and beautiful things, is there any conflict between her wanting to wear gorgeous clothes and her wanting to be a woman like Shen Gui?

When Lu Ling was about to say that she thought Han Xue was very beautiful, she saw Han Xue's breasts.

Blood collapse.

It was originally used to highlight the beauty of a woman. The clothes used multiple layers of brocade materials to highlight the woman's figure and charm, but it was a dry piece on Han Xue's body... let alone the ditch, it looked flat Yes, skinny...

This woman... is flat-chested.

Lu Ling opened her mouth wide.

This is the first time she felt... It turns out that breasts have such a great influence on a woman...

The uncle, who was pretty at first, became even a little funny because of his flat chest.

Lu Ling covered her eyes, unable to bear to watch.

"Understood." Master Luanfeng looked at Lu Ling's appearance and smiled: "Han Xue is lying down so she can't see her shortcomings. In fact, she insulted my clothes."

Liu Fu nodded involuntarily.

The real Luanfeng said: "Lu Ling, you can't be picky eaters. The most important thing is to get spiritual energy from food to change your soul and physique. Otherwise, what should you do if you become Han Xue in the future... Oh, but you don't have to worry, you still have to worry about it. It hasn't started growing yet."

As she spoke, she looked Lu Ling up and down, seeing her bewildered look, and said to herself.

"It feels... almost the same."

She looked at Liu Fufeng.

"Liu girl, have you taught her yet?"

"Not yet." Liu Fufeng shook his head.

"Okay, it's okay if you're here anyway." Master Luanfeng shook his head.

"...Junior Sister, what are you talking about?" Lu Ling tugged Liu Fufeng's sleeve.

"I'll talk to you when I get back." Liu Fufeng avoided the topic.

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded, then looked at Master Han Xue and blinked.

She used to think that figure was not important.

But... a little change has taken place now.

How should I put it, with her junior sister here, she can basically put an end to the idea of ​​men's clothing and short hair, and it is impossible for her junior sister to agree.

But... if you wear skirts all the time...

Lu Ling looked down at herself, then shrank behind Liu Fufeng.

Oh shit, it's over.

What is the solution?She remembered that she seemed to can make up for it if you eat well.

Lu Ling racked her brains.

She doesn't want to be so beautiful now, but just doesn't want to be ashamed. Although she doesn't quite understand, Lu Ling has already noticed the most competitive thing in Lingshan from Han Xue's example.

Is it Miss Master?
As an aside, Liu Yu is a perfect woman, perfect in every sense.

Lu Ling thinks that her junior sister should have a solution. Haven't you heard of some food supplements?

Lu Ling blushed, and decided to take a side-swipe at her junior sister after going back...


Master Luanfeng looked at Lu Ling's small movements and was very satisfied.

Buildable material.

It's not at all like Han Xue used to, let her eat nothing, and finally developed like a little chicken.

And Liu Fufeng looked at Master Luanfeng with a little gratitude in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Ah Ling began to care about this kind of thing now. In fact, she has always been very worried that Lu Ling doesn't care about her girlish appearance... Now it seems that something has appeared turnaround.

After going back, cucumbers and rose hips will be fed until her A Ling wants to vomit.

And here, Master Luanfeng has already started to take off Han Xue's clothes.

Starting from the skirt, he muttered while taking it off, and then seemed to think of something suddenly, looking at Li Zhuzi.

"By the way, in fact, this bamboo dress should be the most beautiful for you."

Hearing this, Lu Ling who was trying not to look at Han Xue suddenly turned to look at Li Zhuzi, and Shen Gui did the same.

And it goes without saying where everyone's eyes fall.

Especially Liu Fufeng showed a look of envy.

Li Zhuzi: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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