Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 670 Reaching a Consensus

Chapter 670 Reaching a Consensus
Li Zhuzi was very dissatisfied with Master Luanfeng suddenly wanting to take off Han Xue's clothes, because Lu Ling was still here...but she had nothing to do.

But Senior Sister Feng suddenly drew fire on her, and she was stunned for a moment.

In particular, even Shen Gui followed suit.

And Liu Fufeng's envious eyes.

What are you looking at... She didn't do it on purpose. Is it wrong to develop well?Li Zhuzi has never been proud of such things... that is, the superficial women in Lingshan would think that big breasts are an honor, and Li Zhuzi doesn't like that kind of vanity.

That is, I have been used to it for so many years... When I was young, it was very inconvenient.

Especially when it's hot... When I first entered Lingshan, Li Zhuzi's spirit stones were basically used to buy magic weapons to cool down.

She absolutely cannot sweat.

No one else has experienced that kind of pain.

I'm a little bit dissatisfied with Lu Ling, she is a little girl who doesn't want to study hard now, but actually starts to care about this kind of "things outside her body".

But she wasn't really angry. After all, Lu Ling would always be nurtured in Lingshan, but it was only sooner or later, and she was not surprised.

At this moment, everyone focused on her.

Li Zhuzi: "..."


She is not stingy, let alone shy, she is already past that age.

But even she still felt it was sudden and at a loss, but fortunately Li Zhuzi forcibly calmed down.

"This kind of clothes don't suit me."

she said so.

"En... that's right." Master Luanfeng looked Li Zhuzi up and down, and nodded: "This dress is too fancy, and I rarely wear it... I think Zhuzi seems to be the most suitable for you to wear this kind of long gown, of course it may be I'm used to it."

Shen Gui nodded, agreeing with Master Luanfeng's words, she also felt that Master Li was the most suitable right now.

Liu Fufeng didn't know anything, she was just envious.

Pay attention, it's not that I want it because of envy, but I just think that it would be best if Lu Ling could have Li Zhuzi's figure in the future.

After all, Master Li is the woman with the best figure she has ever seen... Although she is dressed very plainly, Li Zhuzi's good figure cannot be stopped by just relying on the long gown. As a woman, she is obviously perfect.

The character is as quiet as a pine valley, like a clear bamboo.

However, her figure is bumpy. A fresh short ponytail behind her neck gave her a bit of sophistication. Her slender thighs, even a long gown, couldn't cover her temperament, showing her perfect figure.

She is definitely one of the most outstanding people on Lingshan.

But Li Zhuzi didn't evade, he looked directly at the questions of the crowd, and the topic ended with him being inappropriate.

This is how it should have ended.

Lu Ling pulled Liu Fufeng to Li Zhuzi's side, and tugged at Li Zhuzi's sleeve.

Li Zhuzi lowered his head and saw Lu Ling's clear eyes.

"I think...sir, you should be quite suitable...because you are very beautiful."




Lu Ling's words made the venue temporarily quiet.

Shen Gui didn't understand, isn't this girl very afraid of Master Li?She's also very timid, why is it like eating a leopard's gall today, after a while... First Master Feng, then Master Li, won't she read the atmosphere?
Oh, she really can't.

Shen returned to help the forehead.

And Liu Fufeng didn't know what Lu Ling was going to say, so he was also taken aback, thinking that Li Zhuzi would be unhappy, but he was taken aback when he saw it.

Li Zhuzi was looking into Lu Ling's eyes at this time, and she could tell that this was Lu Ling's true thoughts.

Shame is something that laymen have.

Li Zhuzi naturally has a ruler in his heart to measure the importance of things.

Lu Ling... really thinks that she might be very beautiful in clothes.

Seeing Lu Ling's clear eyes, Li Zhuzi looked at Master Luanfeng who was taking clothes off Han Xue, thinking.

For the first time, she thought seriously about what she would look like in this kind of clothes.

After a while, Li Zhuzi shook his head.

It's really not for her.

Li Zhuzi stretched out his hand and rubbed Lu Ling's head, seeing the little girl stumbling around, Li Zhuzi said, "I said it's not suitable."

"Oh..." There was a little disappointment in the little girl's eyes.

Lu Ling is not stupid, and she also knows that this dress is not suitable for Li Zhuzi, but she really thinks it is very beautiful, and her husband is also very beautiful, wouldn't the two beauties be more beautiful when combined...

I thought so.

Speaking of which... she has a lot of clothes in her mind, and she will always find one that suits her husband.

While the adults watched Li Zhuzi's actions towards Lu Ling, they all remained silent.

Including Shen Gui... a little envious.

She seldom has this kind of emotion, but today it happened twice at once.

One is because of the purple-clothed woman before, and the other is Li Zhuzi... The latter is the most important, and all the people who are facing this little girl...

Shake his head.

It's just a little emotion.

Master Li really loves the little girl... If he and Senior Sister Xu had asked this question before, they would definitely have been repaired, but instead of Lu Ling, Master Li actually had serious consideration.

Master Luanfeng was also very surprised, but he soon recovered. Of course, Li Zhuzi could listen to what his daughter said, but... Master Luanfeng took out his notes and recorded something in the opposite direction.

It's about yourself.

She likes beautiful things.

Dressing up... is probably the only hobby of this Yifeng first seat.

After all, under the heavy pressure, it is difficult to find a suitable hobby. She doesn't have much time to make a cup of tea quietly like Li Zhuzi, and drink it all afternoon on the rest day... let alone get along with others Time for chess and painting.

So in this case, the only thing to do is to change clothes and dress yourself up... It doesn't waste time but also looks good, and the time is still short.

The first seat of this peak is quite miserable.

I have tried enough on myself, and her temperament has long been determined. You can tell at a glance what clothes are suitable and what is not, and gradually lose their meaning. After traveling in the world for so long, Xu Xu has her own set of clothes. standard, and simply did not listen to her master's advice.

There was also this element in the training of Han Xue at the beginning, but Han Xue made her useless, and many beautiful clothes were useless, and she always thought that the best dress-up dolls were Li Zhuzi, but because the other party Due to his temperament, Master Luanfeng has never seriously thought about this matter, because it is impossible.

The sudden mention of Li Zhuzi just now was because of this mentality at work...

However, after Lu Ling spoke, Li Zhuzi's hesitation gave Daoist Luanfeng a little bit of hope.

If Li Zhuzi could let her manipulate her...she has a lot of clothes.

"???" Seeing Luanfeng's eyes, Li Zhuzi was stunned for a moment, and looked over, only to find that the other person had returned to normal.

Is it an illusion?

Probably not.

Looking down at Lu Ling, she was startled again.

She saw the same thing in Lu Ling's eyes as Luanfeng's, and she felt that the two of them should be thinking the same thing.

Li Zhuzi: "???"

what's the situation.

Even she couldn't know what Lu Ling and Master Luanfeng were thinking...

At this time, Lu Ling was thinking that Mr. wearing all kinds of clothes designed by her... would be very beautiful.

Unknowingly, he actually sucked a mouthful of saliva at Li Zhuzi.


Girls like beautiful things, and Lu Ling is no exception.

The q version of her doll that her junior sister gave her, Lu Ling liked it very much, and she always hugged it to sleep at home... But this doll has a bad point, it can't be changed.

Little girls like to play dress-up games because they have just formed a concept of beauty at that age... Lu Ling is like this.

Her concept of beauty is still not perfect. She was influenced by the so-called past life before, so she thought that girls who were more handsome were more beautiful, but today, because she awakened the importance of body shape to girls, she shifted her attention from Shen Gui and Liu Fufeng. Li Zhuzi's body.

It's a pity... Mister won't let her mess around.

Lu Ling was very disappointed.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ling felt that someone was watching her, and when she looked up, she found that it was Master Luanfeng, who she didn't like very much at first.

She felt that the uncle's eyes were a little weird.

Master Luanfeng vaguely sensed something when he looked at Lu Ling.

This girl... just kept looking at the bamboo, she couldn't be thinking the same thing as me...

Master Luanfeng blinked at Lu Ling, then looked at Li Zhuzi, waved his hand and pulled Han Xue's skirt again.

Lu Ling was taken aback.

She met Luanfeng real person channel.

Lu Ling nodded vigorously.


Master Luanfeng laughed.

She used to like Liu Fufeng very much, but now... she also started to like Lu Ling.

Why is this girl so cute, my God.

Materials that can be made, materials that can be made.

Li Zhuzi: "???"

She glanced at Master Luanfeng and then at Lu Ling, not knowing how the two reached a consensus.

Even she doesn't understand everything.

Let alone her, even Liu Fufeng and Shen Gui didn't understand this time.

As for Chu Qishui... She has always been marginalized there, basically no one cares about her except Liu Fufeng.

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble, you hurry up and go back and make arrangements, come to my peak to rest today." Master Luanfeng glanced at Lu Ling appreciatively, then waved his hand and said: "It's not that I don't give you time, mainly because today Metamorphosis, there may be any changes, it's best to stay with me all the time."

Liu Fufeng glanced at Li Zhuzi and Chu Qishui, nodded: "Yes."

After receiving the inexplicable signal with Master Luanfeng before, Lu Ling felt that this uncle must be a good person, so she didn't reject her anymore.

Those who like her husband must be good people, just like Mo Qing.

After knowing that Mo Qing had a crush on Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling felt that Mo Qing was closer than that idiot Bai Yunfan, and of course he was closer in terms of strength.

And Master Luanfeng stripped Han Xue clean, folded the clothes neatly and put them into the magic weapon of space, Master Luanfeng frowned when he saw the naked Han Xue.

"This girl... don't you know how to wear underwear when you change clothes? No wonder you can't hold it up at all... Oh, my model is not suitable for her, but Xu Xu is suitable, but even if it is this girl's face, it is impossible Go and wear Xu Xu's underwear." Master Luanfeng shook his head.

"That's it, can I take it back?" Master Luanfeng looked at Chu Qishui.

Chu Qishui nodded and waved, a layer of pitch-black "cloth" appeared on Han Xue's body, barely covering her face.

"Okay..." Master Luanfeng nodded.

In fact, she originally wanted to change the Taoist robe on her body for Han Xue. After all, she is her own sister, and she is also a high-level executive of the Xuanjing Division...

Yes, Han Xue is a senior executive of Xuan Jing Division.

But since Chu Qishui said that she doesn't need to wear it, then forget it.

"That's it, Shen Gui come with me, don't you have something to report? I still have some medicine here, let's take a look at your body." Master Luanfeng took Shen Gui's hand, and then turned to Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling said: "You go back with your junior sister to deal with things first, and come to me with your clothes."

Liu Fufeng nodded, pulled Lu Ling and walked behind Chu Qishui, and Chu Qishui nodded while holding Han Xue.

Then Li Zhuzi was left alone.

"Zhuzi... are you going to go back to rest?" Master Luanfeng asked Li Zhuzi.

"That's what I thought." Li Zhuzi glanced at the sky.

It was nearly dawn.

"Forget it, Bai Yunfan was originally asked to come over tomorrow, but tomorrow is still rest, I'll go find him." Li Zhuzi said.

She must not be able to fall asleep, so she will ask Bai Yunfan about Lu Ling, and then... Take the time to talk about Shen Canghai.

"Go to Bai Yunfan?" Master Luanfeng was taken aback, this was something she hadn't expected, but it was okay.

"Zhuzi, remember to change your clothes before you go." Master Luanfeng reminded Li Zhuzi that before Li Zhuzi's coat was worn by Liu Fufeng, his underwear was also torn a lot by space cracks...

"If you go like this, if Mo Qing sees it, it will affect the relationship between Shushan and Dongshenhai at that time." Master Luanfeng said so.

"..." Li Zhuzi twitched the corners of his mouth, saluted and left, looking in the direction of going home.

"Well... Zhuzi feels pretty good today." Master Luanfeng said, parted ways with Lu Ling and the others, and went back to Yifeng.

"Let's go." Chu Qishui took Han Xue in his arms and took a step.

Seeing this, Liu Fufeng also hugged Lu Ling with his hips.

They were a pair of master and apprentice, the master was holding Han Xue who was naked, and she was holding Lu Ling who was also naked, and the two walked one after the other... It looked very strange.

And because Lu Ling was afraid of meeting people, she began to pretend to be an ostrich, hiding in Liu Fufeng's arms without saying a word.

She is also not good at dealing with her master...

Although she found out that Chu Qishui had expelled her cold poison back then... she knew what kind of person Master was, but she still found it strange.

Fortunately, it was already late at night, and I didn't meet anyone along the way.

After all, everyone on the Lingtai on the first floor has a low level of cultivation and still needs to sleep, unlike other disciple peaks where many people are cultivating immortals without sleep all night.

And Liu Fufeng walked behind Chu Qishui, wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

She looked at Master's back and felt the temperature and skin of A Ling in her arms.

Never been so safe.

(End of this chapter)

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