Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 674 Jealous Lu Ling

Chapter 674 Jealous Lu Ling

In Zhao Yingge's arms lay the half-dead blue kitten, and the little guy's light blue phantom tail remained motionless.

I was completely immersed in the gentleness, and I didn't even feel that my master came back.

The light shone on the cat's small face, and the little guy covered his eyes with his paws, making a "meowing" sound, unwilling to open his eyes.

Lu Ling: "..."

Xuechen, your master has returned.


Lu Ling looked at Sister Zhao, and then at her Junior Sister... Xindao was completely lost.

Lu Ling didn't pay attention to such things before, but after this "awakening", she also began to care about these things.

[Snow dust! 】


The sleeping cat seemed to feel something and trembled, but it was still asleep.

Lu Ling took a deep breath.

【Xiaoxue!Your master is back! 】

After using some spiritual power, Lu Ling felt that Xuechen should have heard this time.

But the fact made Lu Ling's face dull, and the cat's ears drooped down, as if it heard something that she didn't want to hear.

Lu Ling's anger was rising, and she looked at Xuechen angrily.


Zhao Yingge saw Lu Ling looking at her body with pain and hatred, and two question marks appeared on her head.

This little girl... what's wrong?
Zhao Yingge lowered her head and looked at the snow dust on her body: "This little guy didn't have any energy just now. I thought it was cold, so I hugged it to warm up for a while... the effect is not bad, the little guy slept soundly."

She is very gentle to small animals, so gentle that before Xifeng watched her warm Xuechen with her body temperature, she didn't complain...

"En." Lu Ling gritted her teeth and nodded.

Can you sleep soundly?

Lu Ling felt very wronged.

Not dissatisfied with Sister Zhao, but Xuechen.

This girl always says that she is her most important master... She always puts her master's name on her lips, but she couldn't see her when the cold broke out before, so Lu Ling can forgive her, because she didn't let her Xuechen came out of the Nine Peaks.

But she came back, and her physical condition was very bad, she didn't even have a word of concern.

Lu Ling endured the more she thought about it for a while, and the more she took a step back, the more she thought about it, the more she suffered.

Lu Ling secretly glanced at Liu Fufeng's direction, and found that Liu Fufeng was taking a pen to make notes for Xifeng, and turned her head to sing to Zhao Ying.

"Sister Zhao, move over here."

Zhao Yingge nodded and approached Lu Ling.

Immediately afterwards, when Zhao Yingge entered Lu Ling's attack range, she grabbed Xuechen's head one by one, and tore her off Zhao Yingge's body.


Just like that, Lu Ling held the phantom cat up in the air with one hand holding its head.

"..." Zhao Yingge looked at Lu Ling inexplicably.

It was the first time she saw... so... Lu Ling who was not angry, but very strange.

Lu Ling was angry.

She heard the reluctance from Xuechen's meowing just now... This girl even showed her claws to grab herself...

Lu Ling angrily threw Xuechen onto her lap, then pinched her nose.

Cat started kicking.

In fact, Xuechen can't be blamed...

The main reason is that this room smells like Lu Ling, as if her master is by her side... Then, Zhao Yingge is someone recognized by the master, and she can't go against the other party's request, so she just lay on her body.

At the beginning, she was still very resistant, after all, this woman is not her master.

Zhao Yingge reminded her of her former master, Xue Nu.

Xuechen dreamed of his former master.

So even if Lu Ling came back, she still didn't wake up...

She always misses her former master, but the current master... Lu Ling doesn't take her anywhere, she also wants to die but she can't disobey the master's order, so she can only immerse herself in the gentleness, Feel a little bit of tenderness from the master in the dream.

It's still because she is young, her memory is incomplete, and her memories about Xue Nu are fragmented... If it was Luo Qianhan, she would never get close to any woman other than Lu Ling, no matter how good she was.

This is a matter of principle.

The same is true for Xihuang.

They are all people who belong to Xuenv... To get close to other women without authorization is cheating.

And Lu Ling... Now there is a feeling of wanting to forgive everything, feeling that Xuechen doesn't love her anymore.

very angry.

Lu Ling ravaged Xuechen's face desperately, venting her dissatisfaction.

Finally, being so ravaged by people, the cat finally opened its eyes.

"Are you awake?" Lu Ling asked coldly.

As soon as Xuechen opened his eyes, he saw a small fair face very close at hand.

The big eyes blinked, and the pupils turned vertical.

After being stunned for a moment, he rushed towards Lu Ling's arms, accompanied by the sound of sobbing.


Lu Ling felt Xuechen rushing in all of a sudden, and saw Xuechen grabbing her hair and hanging in front of her, holding her claws, and at the same time making whining noises from her mouth, and within two seconds When the clock ticked, tears fell to the ground patter, forming things like crystals.

Is this little guy crying...

Attracted the eyes of Liu Fufeng and Xifeng.

Lu Ling was also dumbfounded.

What she heard was not cat meowing, but the cry of a young girl in her mind...

【Wuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Master, you are finally back...Master...Master...]


The young girl couldn't even articulate what she was sobbing, and Lu Ling could only hear the general idea.

"Are you... are you okay?" Lu Ling was at a loss for a moment.

Shouldn't it be me who was wronged... Why did she cry as soon as she came up, and she cried so distressingly, how could Lu Ling get angry now, and hurriedly hugged the phantom cat in her arms, gently stroke her back.

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you... Did you have a nightmare, it's okay, I'm here..." Lu Ling hurriedly comforted her.

Xuechen felt better now, feeling the warmth of her master's embrace, she cried for a long time before she calmed down.

Lying in Lu Ling's arms, she remained motionless.

After a long time, the immature voice of a young girl came from my mind.

【Master... I had a bad dream just now. 】

Lu Ling closed her eyes and looked at the young girl in the blue skirt sitting on the ground in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The pear blossoms on the small face are full of tears.

I am not wronged at all, only distressed.

【I dreamed of something. ] Lu Ling asked.

[No, it's nothing, it's all fake...] The young girl's complexion changed and she shook her head, obviously because the nightmare was too scary and she didn't want to talk about it.

All she could dream of was Xuenv's fall, and Lu Ling not wanting her...

And just now, these two dreams were superimposed together, and Lu Ling's body's cold burst made her feel the same, as if she was in the place of the snow girl back then, and then... things developed according to history.

This girl regained a little memory of living with Xue Nu.

Then I felt that Lu Ling was getting farther and farther away from her...

Thinking of this, tears began to fall again, and at the same time, the phantom cat outside kept burrowing into Lu Ling's arms.

[It's okay, it's okay, calm down, be good...] Lu Ling could only comfort her like this.

At the same time, he opened his eyes and looked at the cat with closed eyes in his arms, with helplessness in his eyes.

Obviously... She was the one who was wronged at the beginning.

Sure enough, whoever is young has the privilege...

Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng and the others, and spread her hands: "I don't know what's going seems like I'm having a nightmare."

"Nightmare?" Xifeng blinked, arousing her interest.

She only knows whether it is a pet or a spiritual pet, but is there any humanity?

"Mr. Li said that Xuechen is a spirit race, and a high-level spirit race, with his own thoughts." Liu Fufeng explained. If she remembers correctly, the Xuechen that Teacher Li said at the beginning should be a member of the spirit race. It is more noble, and Ah Ling is lucky to have it.

But... Liu Fufeng was very worried.

Also of the ice attribute, Xuechen's crying could not be because of Lu Ling's body...

She looked at Lu Ling worriedly.

"Do you have your own thoughts?" Zhao Yingge was also taken aback.

She just kept Xuechen as an ordinary pet, but she never thought that this little guy is like a human being... But she has been taking care of it for a day, and she feels like an ordinary cute thing, except for sleeping. ...

But if it's human... then she likes it even more.

"Is she okay?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"It's nothing serious." Lu Ling nodded, and then carried Xuechen out: "Quick, don't let Junior Sister worry."

The cat nodded, then raised its paw towards Liu Fufeng.




In an instant, all eyes were on Zhao Yingge.

Zhao Yingge: "..."

Her pretty face blushed quickly.

Neither Lu Ling nor Liu Fufeng spoke, while Xifeng looked at Zhao Yingge with a strange expression.


"You guys talk, I'll go out for a walk." Zhao Yingge stood up suddenly, drew out her silver gun, and went out without looking back.

"Sister Zhao, it's still snowing outside!" Liu Fufeng yelled, but Zhao Yingge just shook his head, stopping Liu Fufeng who was about to follow.

Close the dilapidated wooden door.

"Is it that cute?" Xifeng looked at Xuechen, the cat's face was blank, apparently she didn't know what happened.

"It's just so-so..." Xifeng muttered softly.

I don't know why Zhao Yingge likes small animals so much, but she doesn't like them anyway.

"It's very cold outside." Liu Fufeng looked out the window worriedly.

After Ah Ling returned home, the snow outside became heavier and heavier.

"It's okay, Zhao girl has rough skin and thick flesh, and she went with a weapon, and she probably wants to practice guns, and she will be sweaty by then." Xifeng said disgustedly, she had already taken a bath, But Zhao Yingge didn't. This woman had gone out to exercise once before, and she never wanted to take a bath.

"Will she be okay?" Liu Fufeng was very worried, the snow outside was still very cold... After all, it had something to do with her Lu Ling.

But Liu Fufeng thought for a while and didn't say anything more.

Because Master is still outside.

Xifeng liked Liu Fufeng's indecisiveness, so he hugged her, and then copied Zhao Yingge's exercises: "Sister Liu, girl Zhao also has a little question, I didn't understand what you asked me just now..."

"Alright." Liu Fufeng picked up the pen.

Continue with previous teaching.

She glanced at Lu Ling.

After going to Yifeng, the master will definitely find a way.



[Master... did I... do something wrong? 】The young girl shrank her neck, not knowing what happened.

"Probably...not." Lu Ling whispered, she didn't know why Sister Zhao went out suddenly.

"By the way, Xiaoxue, are you really alright?" Lu Ling asked, looking at the water stains in the corners of Mao'er's eyes.

[Thank you, Master, for your concern, I'm fine now, meow. 】The cat is very happy.

The master's concern made her not afraid of anything, and she began to pretend again, and her speech also took on the habit of mouth.

It was just a normal nightmare, and nothing made her happier than waking up with her master by her side.

"It's fine." Lu Ling glanced at her, "You're fine, I'm fine."


"Is sister Zhao better than me? I think you slept soundly just now." Lu Ling pursed her lips.

[Ah? Master, what are you talking about...] Xuechen had a question mark on his face.

"That is to say...forget it." Lu Ling shook her head, jealousy was not her strong point, and the discomfort in her heart was melted away under Xuechen's tears, but she felt a little uncomfortable.

She was thinking about whether to take Xuechen to Yifeng...

Or stay at home and let sister Zhao take care of her.

Although she was a little jealous, Lu Ling saw that Zhao Yingge liked Xuechen very much.

Finally made up my mind.


Or leave her at home.

Doesn't she like sister Zhao?Then enjoy enough.

Lu Ling thought so.

She glanced at Liu Fufeng and Xifeng were chatting intimately.

Nod vigorously.

The main reason is... She didn't want Xuechen to disturb the two-person world between her and her junior sister. You know, there may be fewer such things in the two-person world in the future.

"..." Looking at Lu Ling's expression, Xuechen suddenly felt a little cold, and had an ominous premonition that she would not feel cold, and this feeling often proved that something bad had happened.


He called out pitifully.

【Master, I'm a little scared...】

"What are you afraid of?" Lu Ling touched her head and smiled.

"It's me who should be afraid." Lu Ling hugged Xuechen, then communicated with her in her heart without saying a word.

[I can't move my legs. ] Lu Ling blinked.

Saying this, I'm not afraid at all... It's amazing.

With Junior Sister by her side, it really doesn't matter, because Lu Ling knows that even if she can't move anymore... Junior Sister will take care of her.

【ah?what's the situation? 】 Xuechen was also shocked, she didn't know what was going on, so she hurriedly got off Lu Ling's hair.

She didn't realize that there was something wrong with the master's body... She knew that something was wrong with Lu Ling before, but it was just a simple burst of cold air, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Lu Ling quietly waited for Xuechen's result.

In fact, she had already seen the system panel before, and there was no major change on the panel, it just said that the amount of cold in her body now exceeded the standard... She didn't say why she couldn't move her legs.

Hope it's not a big deal.

 I have a fever, and my health is worse than expected. It’s snowing heavily in Shanghai this afternoon. Everyone, please keep warm

(End of this chapter)

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