Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 675 Hong Ling's Calculations and Lu Ling's Paralyzed Lower Body

Chapter 675 Hong Ling's Calculations and Lu Ling's Paralyzed Lower Body

Xuechen was lying on her lap, while Lu Ling was watching quietly. She could "see" that her legs had turned blue... It was a strong cold air, and the severe cold wanted to make her feel blue. She devoured her whole body.

It's a pity that Lu Ling's butt was protected by the warmth of Huo Liuli.

Now, each of these two attributes occupies half of Lu Ling's body and soul. The cold air wants to eat Lu Ling completely, make her fully awaken, become the strongest ice attribute monk in the world, and reawaken the glory of Xuenv.

It's just that Lu Ling may experience unimaginable pain, just like what Xuenv experienced back then, but it's nothing, there is no free lunch in the world.

As for the other warm and gentle, she just guarded the upper part of Lu Ling, without any intention of expanding. Although she was not aggressive, she was like an iron wall, not retreating a single bit.

Maintaining this delicate balance is good for Lu Ling, and she will not feel pain.


This is the "Tao" of Lihuo Hongling's master, the Immortal Lord, and it is also the strongest way recognized by all races among the three thousand ways... It's just that this kind of extreme moderation is very difficult even from the peak of the introductory way In the world, apart from the Immortal Lord, I have never seen anyone who can reach the Ninth Level of Life Tribulation... But because of that woman, balance is the strongest way.

It's just...for the sake of the human race, the fairy master finally broke the balance, thus losing the possibility of going further.

This is all a thing of the past.

On the contrary...the ice bloodline also has the same effect.

But even Xuenv, facing the "balance" method controlled by Lihuo Hongling, can only obediently put her strength in Lu Ling's lower body, and cannot enter an inch.

Lu Ling could feel the state of her body. What made her feel strange was that the upper body was warm and the lower body was cold. Although she couldn't feel the temperature, she could see the nature of power.

It's as if... my body is a Tai Chi gossip.

Bear the yin and embrace the yang.

Such a word flashed through my mind.

She thought of Li Wangsheng's Tai Chi, and Lianshan and Guizang in her mind.

Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and rushes into harmony.

A lonely yin does not grow, and a single yang does not grow... It is so similar to my own situation.

With her... cough, butt as the dividing line, the body is divided into two areas, one Yin and one Yang, one ice and one fire.

To Lu Ling's disappointment, she is now purely separated by yin and yang, and does not really appear to hold yin and embrace yang. That is to say, her fire is pure fire, and there is no ice in fire or ice in ice. state of fire.

Xuechen continued to check.

Liu Fufeng's eyes were also on Lu Ling from time to time.

And Lu Ling's own thoughts were flying all over the sky.

Not afraid yet.

Even after realizing that her body has become divided into two levels like it is now, Lu Ling is still very quiet.

Because it doesn't hurt, if it hurts, she can't hold on until now.

Looking back at her junior sister, Lu Ling sat quietly.

Junior sisters are the most important here.

Follow your heart, be at ease with the situation, Lu Ling has always been like this, think about it carefully, since when did she become that soft girl who shed tears at every turn?

After meeting Liu Fufeng and being raised by Liu Fufeng as a daughter, she naturally formed the state of a daughter.

This is also a kind of peace of mind, and it is also what Lu Ling wants. She has always wanted to live a peaceful life.

Just think about Lu Ling's appearance when she first arrived at Jiufeng, she was not weak at all at that time.

The current appearance is what Liu Fufeng is used to.

She loves her junior sister.

Lu Ling was rarely calm today.

Because, she is not that soft Lu Ling now, but "Lu Ling".

That Li Lu Ling.

Can't see it.

She was already able to control her emotions, and Liu Fufeng was the only one who found the abnormality. When Li Zhuzi was still there, Liu Fufeng knew that Lu Ling was different.

Lu Ling sat on the ground relaxedly, looked at the anxious cat in her arms, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Why do I have to go out for a walk today? There is no negative emotion, because... today is a very important day for her—the awakening of Liu Fufeng's talent.

Lu Ling felt that the awakening of her junior sister was also very important to her.

This is related to whether she can continue to live under the wing of her junior sister.

If Liu Fufeng can't move forward, then... sooner or later, he will leave her, Lu Ling knows this better than anyone else.

Maybe it's lifespan, maybe it's vision, maybe it's the younger sister's voluntary departure.

If she is in the Soul Realm and Liu Fufeng has not condensed her energy, then Lu Ling will change, and it is impossible for her to remain innocent, because the junior sister will be worried... such a thing happens, most likely, it belongs to the The naive Lu Ling will gradually disappear, leaving behind Lu Ling who can be alone.

Fortunately, Liu Fufeng survived, and his talent is very good.

In this way, she can continue to be her own "little junior sister", act like a baby with her junior sister, live under her junior sister's wings, and rely on her junior sister to grow up.

You can keep that one, the initial false "innocence".

Lu Ling touched her face.

It's false innocence... It's just the beginning. In fact, she discovered not long ago that sometimes she can't tell who she is. Is the disguise too much?
If Liu Fufeng hadn't awakened, the falsehood would have disappeared and what remained was the truth, but now that the junior sister has awakened... then, will the disappearance be the truth?

Lu Ling shook her head.

It's really hard to say the other way around. She's gone all the way to this day, and it's hard to tell who is real and who is fake.

Lu Ling knew in her heart that there was only one Lu Ling.

At the beginning, she hated the weak mask she put on, named "Lu Ling", because she enjoyed everything she needed... That's why she would take her own life to bet with others.

She enjoys that madness.

After being enlightened by Liu Fufeng, she didn't change, but she hid it deeper. As for whether she had deceived Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling really didn't know, her junior sister was terrible, even if she changed even a little bit, she couldn't escape Liu Fufeng's eyes were the same as they are now.

Let's take a step by step.

Lu Ling thought so.

Moderation, this is Lu Ling's way of cultivation, and also her way of survival.

If there is a crazy and tough side, there will naturally be a gentle and weak side. They together constitute the incomplete existence of Lu Ling.

The reason why Lu Ling got to where she is today is also greatly influenced by the various classics in her mind. Lu Ling's current state can be described in four words.

Move more and stay in the center.

From the fifth volume of "Tao Te Ching", the original text is: Emptiness but not yielding, moving and getting out, talking too much, it is better to stay in the middle.

It probably means that there is no need to say too much about the truth, but if you listen too much, you will fill your heart with it.It's better to keep your heart empty, to experience and understand by yourself.

This is also a portrayal of every Xeon who comprehended the rules of the first generation and walked out of his own way.

Instead of thinking so much, it's better to experience it slowly by yourself. What is shown in Lu Ling is to be at ease with the situation and follow one's heart.

Zhongyong, that is, salted fish, was also her initial state, but who knew that Zhongyong, who was raised by Liu Fufeng, disappeared and became a moth who completely depended on her junior sister for life.

Life is truly amazing.

All right, just think of it here.

Lu Ling felt that her thoughts were a little messy, and it was all because her body turned into this "moderate" appearance, which aroused her memories.

【Xiaoxue, check out and see if there is anything. ] Lu Ling asked.

【No, no...】

The girl's crying voice came to Lu Ling's mind.

[What did you find, tell me. ] Lu Ling touched her comfortingly, and then asked.

She has already made all the psychological preparations, even if she may be a lower body paralyzed person in the future, it doesn't matter.

【It's like this...】 Xuechen stammered an explanation to Lu Ling.

Probably, the power in her blood is going to be awakened for the second time. This is a good thing, as long as Lu Ling absorbs all the coldness in her body, not only is it not a bad thing, but it is a great good thing... But the problem is, these coldness I don't know why it can't be absorbed at all, and because of the power from her master, she can't drive it away without listening to her fairy sword.

After Xuechen's careful inspection, she found that these cold airs were against the warmth of the upper part of Lu Ling's body, and if it was any less, it might be swallowed by the other party, thus losing the initiative over this body, so Lu Ling could not absorb these cold airs at all, thus As a result, Lu Ling's body was suppressed by the cold air, and her current soul has been divided by this balance of yin and yang energy.

Because the upper body is not fire, but another kind of gentle energy, not as overbearing as ice, so Lu Ling did not lose the right to use the upper body.

[In other words, if one of the two forces wins, I will recover, right? ] Lu Ling asked.

[Yes, it is like this. 】 Xuechen sobbed.

【Will it affect my cultivation? ] Lu Ling asked.

[Probably not, but in this way, the master's ice talent will be temporarily unusable. 】As Xuechen said, he secretly glanced at Lu Ling.

Actually, there is a solution.

【Master, although I don't know the reason, but the problem should be... that fire glass...】

This thing could actually suppress her master's talent, Xuechen never knew what was going on.

In the final analysis, the reason for such a problem today should be that Huo Liuli did not have the power to suppress her master's talent, but she could still suppress half of it, so the current power imbalance appeared.

Theoretically speaking, it would be enough to just take off the fire glass... At that time, not only will her master not be paralyzed, but the power purification system will be upgraded to a higher level.

But Xuechen dared not speak.

Clever, she has already noticed something from Lu Ling's attitude.

"Liu Li? You can't pick this thing." Lu Ling didn't hesitate.

It will hurt her junior sister.

This damn talent.

As I said before, Lu Ling's dislike for her cold talent is no longer disgust, but disgust or even hostility.

The current situation made Lu Ling dislike it even more.

Can't even the Huo Liuli given by your husband be completely suppressed?
This broken talent gave her a headache.

Lu Ling looked at the tearful Xuechen and didn't say such words, but her attitude was obvious.

It is impossible to pick it, even if it is paralyzed, Lu Ling can't bear the fact that her power is out of control and will hurt Liu Fufeng, and she can't even accept this possibility.

[Sure, this state won't affect my cultivation, and it can also restrain my ice talent? ] Lu Ling asked.

【kindness. 】 Xuechen nodded pitifully, she didn't dare to speak at all, for fear that the master would transfer that disgust to her.

[That's how it is, it doesn't matter if you can't move, you don't need these legs anyway, there is not much difference between lame one leg and being unable to move both legs. ] Lu Ling said so.

Picking is impossible, lame is lame, after a little weighing, Lu Ling got an affirmative decision.

In fact, for Li Luling, having this kind of yin and yang balance and a moderate body is not a bad thing, and she can always remind her not to forget who she is.

If you don't remind yourself, maybe she will really disappear.

Xuechen meowed, stopped talking, and shivered on Lu Ling.

Lu Ling understood her physical condition, and knew that it was just a negative effect brought about by the suppressed talent, but what she gained was that the ice talent was restrained, and she would no longer suddenly lose control against her will... Lu Ling's expression eased a lot.

And Liu Fufeng at the side noticed this scene, and also heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems... not a big deal.

Liu Fufeng didn't ask, she waited until the two of them were together before asking, and she was about to leave, she didn't want Xifeng and Zhao Yingge to worry too.



A woman in red in an unreal space.

She watched the interaction between Lu Ling and the cat expressionlessly.

Although I thought about not disturbing Lu Ling's growth, it really didn't work.

The culprit who caused Lu Ling's entire lower body to be paralyzed was her, but this was not intentional, she just released some of Lu Ling's ice talent, because she felt that it was not good to suppress Lu Ling's ice blood all the time. This will affect the speed of Xuenv's awakening. After all, paper can't contain the fire. After Luo Qianhan knows that she has done this kind of thing to Lu Ling, he will probably fight her desperately.

So the suppression can't be too deadly.

But... Don't forget, Lu Ling is not only Luo Qianhan's master, but also her Hong Ling's master is very likely... So everything is just right.

She released some fire attributes, which can not only suppress Lu Ling's talent, but also divide Lu Ling's body, one ice and one fire, just in balance.

This just allows Lu Ling to adapt to the "Tao" of Hong Ling's master in advance - balance.

why not?

If the master's remnant soul is really the current Lu Ling, even if there is only a part of it, then any ice bloodline is just a floating cloud. Her strongest talent should be "moderation", "balance", and the real means in the legend. Yin and Yang metaplasia].

Hong Ling felt that Lu Ling could grasp the ultimate law from another great world by relying on the classics from another world. This kind of thing is definitely not something that an ordinary girl can do, and Snow Girl can't do it.

But if there is the master's remnant soul, everything can be explained clearly. The master himself is the strongest in the way of balance, and it should be a matter of course to digest the laws of the other world.

Thinking of this, Hong Ling began to intentionally train Lu Ling.

As for why she didn't change Lu Ling's physique into a Tai Chi look, holding the yin and embracing the's because she couldn't do it, she could only force it together like this.

Fusion is something that only Lu Ling can do.

Generally speaking, now Lu Ling's talent and soul have mutated, half of which is ice and half is fire, so it should be regarded as... dual attributes in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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