Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 679 An Alternative Way of Getting Along

Chapter 679 An Alternative Way of Getting Along

Starting today, Liu Fufeng will gradually change, with heavy calculations on his back, he will naturally walk to a position that suits his identity step by step.

Her talent is so good that people can't understand it, but relatively, this girl's weakness is also very obvious.

Lu Ling.

Master Luanfeng estimated that she would do whatever Lu Ling asked her to do without hesitation.

On the other hand, Lu Ling is different.

She doesn't have much weakness.

Judging from the details of Lu Ling's life on Lingshan, this girl's dependence on Liu Fufeng is not as deep as imagined. After all... she is a newcomer, which is different from Liu Fufeng.

"It's normal to be hungry after an outbreak of cold air beyond one's ability." Master Luanfeng looked at Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng, glanced vaguely at Lu Ling's lap, and continued: "I have a kitchen at home, but I don't have any kitchen utensils. Go to the dining hall to eat something today. I will have people deliver food to you every day starting tomorrow. In the future, try not to leave the main hall, so you can go back later tonight, let’s go and relax. I still have some Things, wait to find you in the canteen."

"Understood." Liu Fufeng nodded.

It's normal for the uncle's house to have no kitchen utensils. It can be seen from the fact that Senior Sister Xu can't cook. The uncle in front of him is probably a skilled cook.

Just like Teacher Li doesn't know how to make up and dress up at all, he has his own shortcomings.

"Senior sister, let's go to the dining hall of the first peak and see what's the difference between it and the second peak, and I'm a little hungry." Liu Fufeng said.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, and was pushed away by Liu Fufeng.



Seeing the two little girls leave, Master Luanfeng turned around.

She left a small imprint on Liu Fufeng's body. If her power got out of control, she would send it over immediately through the coordinates. But now she is full of confidence in Liu Fufeng, and feels that there should be nothing wrong with her.

There are other things... She is busy.

In a blink of an eye, Luanfeng Daoist appeared in the bathroom where Beiyuan had an accident just now, and she almost forgot one thing.

She has put away Xu Xu's physical body, but there are still a few people left.

The "bath water" in this place has been completely transformed into black ice, which may be a rare refining treasure, and what Lingshan lacks most right now is the ice magic weapon.

She was going to move the house straight away.

However, the ice sculptures of Liu Fufeng, Qin Qin, and Luo Xian are still here... There is still some commemorative significance, but their lower bodies are completely integrated with the water, and because they are the closest to Lu Ling, the statues of these girls are The purest and highest black ice here has reached the level of treasures.

Master Luanfeng thought, pulled out the hairpin on his head, and slid across the ice, dug out the bodies of the three girls, carefully preserved them, and then put the whole room away, throwing it to Tang Keyu at that time.

As for the use of the bodies of the three girls, she didn't think about it.

Walking out of the bathroom, Master Luanfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at the sky of Lingshan Mountain, it was quiet and quiet.

How long can this life last?
Yihuagong and Qionghua directly pushed Lingshan to the cusp of the storm, and the movement of Tianguangxu, I heard that the other side is not peaceful...

This melancholy lasted only a little while.

The so-called peaceful life has actually never come...

She looked sad.

I was thinking about going to see Luo Hanyi now, but I gave up after thinking for a while, Luo Hanyi must be in a bad state of mind right now, let's talk about it after Dongfang Lianren comes back.

She turned into a rainbow, appeared in the second peak, and entered the main hall.

In a certain room, a woman surrounded by sword light opened her eyes and then closed them again. She was about to enter the stage of extinction of her true energy, so she couldn't be distracted.

At the same time, Shen Gui also came out, wearing a light pajamas, it seemed that he just got up from the bed.

Although many things happened today, she was still able to fall asleep.

"Master Feng." Shen Gui looked at Luanfeng Daoist who fell from the sky, and bowed to salute.

"The recovery is not bad." Master Luanfeng looked at Shen Gui happily.

"I figured it out a bit." Shen Gui also smiled.

She hadn't had a dream for a long time just now, and in the dream she was severely scolded by the miss... The life the miss gave her was not for her to be hypocritical and worry all day long.

After a little bit of cheering up, I was a little unbelievable that I could get rid of the inner demons like this, but I was still injured. It would take a while for the soul injury to recover, but it was harmless.

"Very good." Master Luanfeng was very happy.

Fortunately, it was Shen Gui who recovered his vitality so quickly.

"Uncle, you came at this time, is it because my junior sister is back?" Shen Gui asked.

"Well, I brought Qin Qin back. Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling also went to Yifeng. I would like to trouble you to make a few more trips recently. As for Qin Qin, I have already prepared it. If you let her out, she will naturally recover." Master Luanfeng gave Shen Gui a jade pendant, and then left.

Holding the jade pendant, Shen Gui walked into his room and injected spiritual power.

After a burst of orange-red dazzling light, silver threads danced in the room, and shock waves roared in Shen Gui's empty room. Unfortunately, apart from the floor, Shen Gui's room only had a bed, a mirror and a wardrobe, and Shen Gui was standing there. In front of the mirror, so the impact didn't damage any furniture, only Shen Gui's hair and clothes whirled.

After a while, the wind stopped.

A tall woman came out of the void, with long hair draped over her shoulders and a cold face.

No clothes.

After landing, the woman shook her head and blinked, as if she had changed into a different person.

An anxious look on his face.

look around.

"What are you looking for?" Shen Gui frowned.

"Senior Sister?" Qin Qin was taken aback, then looked at her surroundings.

This is... Shen Gui's room?

"What happened?" Qin Qin asked.

Shen Gui told her about the matter.

"...Uncle Feng took me home directly? Does that mean that everything has been dealt with? And Yifeng..." Qin Qin twitched the corners of her mouth.

She actually missed the best time to comfort Ah Ling and Junior Sister Liu.

Qin Qin was very upset.

It shouldn't be... Why didn't Uncle Feng let her out?

The woman's intuition made her feel that she seemed to have been calculated, but she couldn't find the reason why her uncle plotted against her, so her eyebrows frowned.

She naturally didn't know that in order to find a spouse for Xu Xu, her uncle wouldn't even give outsiders the chance to get a good impression.

Forget it.

Qin Qin lowered her head and glanced at her body. You could see in the mirror how crazy this body was, but Qin Qin didn't care at all. She looked at Shen Gui's empty room, walked to the wardrobe next to the mirror, and pulled Open the cabinet door.

Sure enough, besides the pajamas, it is a Taoist robe...

"Senior sister, you... just forget it's okay." Qin Qin sighed.

It was her own problem, she actually wanted to find a skirt in Shen Gui's room to wear.

"Go back to sleep." Shen Gui said coldly.

"Senior Sister, I don't want to go back today." Qin Qin turned to look at Shen Gui and smiled.

Normally, she wouldn't give Shen Gui such a good look.

But today is different, she still remembers the message that Shen Gui gave her specifically, saying that he went out to eat if he didn't come back, that was asking her for instructions, which showed that the senior sister still cared about herself.

Qin Qin was very happy, so even her dissatisfaction with Master Luanfeng disappeared, and Shen Gui's cold face became softer in her eyes.

"Not going back?" Shen Gui frowned.

"I was frightened today and want to sleep with you." Qin Qin took a few steps forward.

Shen Gui: "..."


Shen Gui knew better than anyone what was behind Qin Qin's talkative appearance. They grew up together, and Qin Qin had been her senior sister for a while... Back then, Qin Qin was just sitting in the piano room practicing piano , never said a word to her, basically without any human emotions, would she be afraid like this?
Shen Gui looked at her: "Go back to your own room and sleep."

"I don't want to go back." Qin Qin snorted.

What's the matter, are you going to make yourself angry again?

I just gave her some good looks... But Qin Qin didn't get angry, because the small thing that Shen Gui did before was really important and very happy to her.

Qin Qin could be bruised all over by the sword qi because Shen Gui ate out without telling her, but on the contrary, she would naturally be overjoyed because of such trivial things.

Shen Gui looked at her, and finally spoke.

"If you don't want to go back, where do you want to sleep?"

"Here, sleep on your bed." Qin Qin tilted her head: "Don't tell you that you dislike me, I don't think your bed is too hard."


Shen Gui felt that Qin Qin was very strange today.

She rarely talks to herself in this tone.

Normally, she could draw out her sword and threaten Qin Qin, but today...

For some reason, this girl's mood is very good, so she always exudes a greasy breath.

Shen Gui felt uncomfortable all over.

"Hurry up and go back, don't make me say it a second time." Shen Gui turned around, ready to go to bed and rest.

"Don't be so heartless." Qin Qin said, looking at Shen Gui's back.

The senior sister is a little taller than her, with a well-proportioned body, wearing black pajamas, not feminine, but a pair of slender thighs that cannot be ignored. Shen Gui is a very iconic woman.

Very safe.

So in the next second, Qin Qin opened his arms and rushed towards Shen Gui.

At such a close distance, Shen Gui didn't expect that she would pounce on her directly. Qin Qin was rarely so close to her, and she didn't slow down for a while.

A pair of plump just stuck to her back.

After being stunned for a moment, a tyrannical sword energy erupted from Shen Gui's body, knocking the woman behind him into the air.After the tearing sound, there was a bang.

Qin Qin bumped into the window and fell to the ground.

Qin Qin was attacked by the sword energy at close range. Although she opened her defense in time, she was still injured after all. Several deep wounds appeared on her fair skin, and at the same time, blood flowed all over the place, staining the ground of the sinking room red.

This newly recovered body was eroded by the sword qi and severely injured its vitality. Shen Gui's sword qi was not so easy to get rid of.

Turning his head, Shen Gui looked at Qin Qin who was on the ground, but did not speak.

This girl... shouldn't be hugged.

Just be angry.

Qin Qin, who had lost the ability to resist, knelt on the wooden floor, with a bloody wound on his face, bruises all over his body, even his plump body was no exception.

For a woman, this behavior is no less than insulting.

Tick, tick.

Qin Qin's blood dripped down his cheeks to the ground, the room was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the air was eerily quiet.

It was Shen Gui who spoke first.

"I said, let you go back and rest." Shen Gui was still so ruthless, as if the woman who fell on the ground was not her junior sister, but some irrelevant woman.

Qin Qin moved her fingers when she heard her words.

Immediately afterwards, a dangerous aura emanated from her, and even Shen Gui, who knew Qin Qin well, was taken aback for a moment.

Junior sister, she is serious.


She rarely saw killing intent in Qin Qin's body, it was still so strong.

But it's also true that it's unbearable for anyone to have her heart trampled on like this, but she won't apologize.

"Go back and rest." Shen Gui continued, his tone was unquestionable: "If you are dissatisfied, go back and get your sword."

"Master...sister." Qin Qin spat out a mouthful of blood, leaned on the wall and stood up with difficulty, her eyes were cold and frightening.

Excessive blood loss made her face pale as paper, and it was terrifying. The gentler you are, the more you should not mess with her.

The current Qin Qin is an example. The coldness in her eyes even made Shen Gui's complexion more serious.

Qin Qin walked up to Shen Gui step by step, ignoring the thick blood on the ground, and stared into her eyes.

Shen Gui was stunned for a moment, in Qin Qin's eyes... she didn't see any hatred towards herself, on the contrary, it was distressed.

Smelling the bloody smell and weak soul on Shen Gui's body, Qin Qin frowned tightly.

I even forgot to heal myself.

"Senior Sister, are you injured? Why." Qin Qin said, with deep worry for Shen Gui in his tone, and the murderous aura gradually faded away.

At first she thought that Shen Gui was injured, but she gave up this idea after she calmed down.

She knew many things, including some things about Shen Gui.

In Lingshan, her senior sister was also injured, so it means that it is a problem in cultivation.

Cultivation is no small matter.

She is worried.

As for her own injuries, they were all superficial injuries. You must know that her cultivation problems were much more serious than hers.

"A few small things." Shen Gui said after being silent.

"Does it hurt?" Qin Qin looked at Shen Gui distressedly, and stretched out her long, blood-stained fingers to caress her face.

"It doesn't hurt." Shen Gui took a deep breath and answered her anyway.

A woman covered in blood asked the person who killed her if it hurt, how strange it looked.

This time she didn't evade, Qin Qin's hand scratched her face lightly, leaving some bloody marks.

"You're a liar, it's impossible not to feel pain." Qin Qin shook his head vigorously, then walked a few steps forward, and said to her, "If there is something unhappy, why don't you tell me... the demon, it's very dangerous of."


"I won't leave today, even if you beat me to death." Qin Qin hugged her senior sister head-on.

Her body is very warm.

Because it's all blood.


"Stop the bleeding first." Shen Gui frowned.

Qin Qin smiled.

Saying this kind of thing means that her senior sister has given in and won't drive her away.

She said that she was good at dealing with Shen Gui or Shen Canghai. As for the injury, although it hurt a little, it was nothing.

She believed that the senior sister must be in more pain now.

The things brought by the inner demon... She has experienced it many times, and the most painful thing is always the thing that acts on the soul.

If the senior sister hurts her and can make her forget the pain for a while, she thinks it is worth it.

"I'm sleeping here today, take me to take a bath." Qin Qin said, wrapping his arms around Shen Gui's neck.

The latter really had nothing to do with her, picked her up and left the room.

The way this pair of sisters get along is always so unacceptable.

On the other hand, it is much more traditional.

In the food hall, Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's devouring, with a doting light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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