Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 680 Lu Ling's shadow is about to leave

Chapter 680 Lu Ling's shadow is about to leave
Compared to Shen Gui's incomprehensible behavior, Liu Fufeng is simply an angel.

She looked at Lu Ling wolfing down her face, her eyes sparkling.

"Eat slowly, have you forgotten what I told you to eat carefully?" Liu Fufeng stretched out his slender fingers and tapped on the table.

Lu Ling, who was eating happily, trembled for a moment, and her speed slowed down for an instant, becoming more orderly.

"That's good." Liu Fufeng nodded, and continued to look at Lu Ling, his face turned red.



There were no people in the dining hall at night, only a few cooks gathered together to chat, and they looked at Liu Fufeng from time to time, discussing something.

This fairy's relationship with her junior sister is a bit like a mother and daughter.


In the empty dining hall, Lu Ling's ears twitched.

Staring at the lean meat porridge in the bowl.

It's all... I'm eating by myself.

She raised her head, and immediately met Liu Fufeng's gaze, her face flushed red.

"Junior sister, you eat too, don't just look at me..."

While speaking, her little face was hot.

"What's there to be shy about?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand. She and Lu Ling could be regarded as "old husband and wife". Why hadn't I seen her A Ling so sensitive before? When she washed her body, she didn't She blushes, now she just wants to watch her have a meal...

"Eat." Lu Ling muttered, took out a bowl and filled Liu Fufeng with a bowl of vegetarian porridge, and then ordered a side dish.

"Alright." Liu Fufeng picked up the spoon.

She was still the same as before, she couldn't eat meat at all, so she couldn't eat with Lu Ling.

Seeing Liu Fufeng started to eat, Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

She's already used to her junior sister...but it's different now.

The younger sister is really beautiful.

Even Lu Ling, who was used to Liu Fufeng for a long time, couldn't help but feel hot when she was looked at with loving eyes by such an overwhelmed person.

Lu Ling took a big mouthful of porridge, swallowed it down with a gulp.

This can't work, she has to hurry up and get used to such a junior sister.

Thinking about it, Lu Ling secretly raised her head and glanced at the opposite side, only to see Liu Fufeng holding a spoon in one hand, and lifting the side hair beside her ear with the other, sipping some white porridge.

Lu Ling felt her heart skip a beat.

Undoubtedly, she was instantly killed by Liu Fufeng again.

"Junior" Lu Ling said unconsciously.

Liu Fufeng smiled helplessly when he heard her words.

"Senior Sister, this is already No.17 tonight...why don't I feel that I have changed so much?" Liu Fufeng said, picking up a handkerchief to wipe away the stains from the corners of Lu Ling's mouth.

"I don't care, it's pretty anyway." Lu Ling blushed, and then said forcefully.

"It's fine to change the word." Liu Fufeng raised the spoon, she was naturally very happy when A Ling praised her, but she didn't feel surprised even if she just said one word back and forth.

"That's... nice."

"Forget it, it's still pretty." Liu Fufeng sighed, his eyes turned, he deliberately avoided the meat on the table, stared at the cooks not far away, and started talking to Lu Ling.

"Sister, don't you have anything to tell me?"

"..." Lu Ling trembled violently when she heard the words, and the spoon fell into the bowl. In about two seconds, the handle of the spoon was completely inserted into the porridge.

Lu Ling bit her lip in a daze.

The cooks who were not far away saw Liu Fufeng's gaze, and turned around not to look at this fairy.

"Why are you so careless?" Liu Fufeng took out Lu Ling's spoon, put it in his mouth, and then handed her his own spoon.

Lu Ling just looked at it and didn't speak.

She thought... Junior Sister would wait for her to finish eating before asking.

Under normal circumstances, a mother beats her child after she is full...

"Okay, okay, I won't blame you." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's appearance, showing a little bit of confusion and worry.

As long as she was worried about Lu Ling, it was not Lu Ling's fault that she had such a problem, and Lu Ling was sensitive now, so she asked about it.

But Lu Ling felt that it was her fault, because it was the reason why she wanted to wear the fire glass...

Not wearing it is not enough, because she can't control her own power very well.

Lu Ling felt that it was useless for her to worry her junior sister again, and her heart was full of guilt towards Liu Fufeng, which was why she behaved like this.

And...she was also afraid that Liu Fufeng would get angry.

After all, he said that he would rely on her forever, but he didn't tell her about such a big thing.

Lu Ling was extremely afraid that Liu Fufeng would get angry.

In the secret realm, the appearance of the mask he gave to Fourth Senior Sister and the meaning of the mask flashed through his mind.

[After letting go, who will hold you. 】

Liu Fufeng's joking words had unknowingly become the biggest shadow in her life.

It was far more than what she had in the black box in her memory.

Lu Ling has never been stupid, just stupid, there is a big difference between the two.

In Liu Fufeng's sight, Lu Ling's face turned pale in an instant, and at the same time Dou Da's tears fell into the bowl in front of her, endlessly.

Liu Fufeng was taken aback, and quickly stood up and walked to Lu Ling, hugged her, and comforted her.

It was this hug that became the trigger, Lu Ling hugged her and began to sob softly.



Liu Fufeng didn't know what happened, but he had some feeling...

Senior sister, what does she know?
"Why are you crying, you can't move your legs and you're not afraid, I'm here." Liu Fufeng gently comforted Lu Ling.

It doesn't work at all.

Liu Fufeng is very beautiful now, so beautiful that Lu Ling feels strange.

This is why Lu Ling emphasized it seventeen times to her.

The junior sister gave her a very unreal feeling.

Lu Ling was very disturbed, but Liu Fufeng didn't realize where the source of Lu Ling's anxiety was. She thought that she hadn't changed much, but in Lu Ling's eyes, her junior sister had undergone subtle changes from appearance to personality. So Lu Ling was very flustered from the very beginning.

It was rare for Liu Fufeng not to understand Lu Ling's thoughts, but this time he really didn't understand, so he simply stopped talking and put his arms around Lu Ling, as long as her A Ling was in her arms, she would always recover.

Sure enough, after a while, Lu Ling stopped crying, but tightly hugged Liu Fufeng's waist as if trying to melt herself into it, and raised her head with red eye circles.

"But... what if you're not here, Junior Sister?" Lu Ling asked.

"Not here? Why am I not here." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling: "I won't leave you, unless it's Senior Sister, you let go first."''

As he said that, Liu Fufeng's arms around Lu Ling became tighter.

Still the same as before, as always.

Lu Ling: "..."

That's not what she wanted to hear.

If there wasn't the following sentence "Unless it's Senior Sister, let go first", then Lu Ling would be able to recover immediately, but with the addition of this sentence, Lu Ling's uneasiness continued to magnify.

She doesn't feel like letting go.

But if she lets go, the junior sister will leave, this possibility exists.

"Don't cry, it doesn't look good anymore." Liu Fufeng shook his head: "Be obedient."

Lu Ling shuddered and put away her tears.

Very obedient.

The cook behind her also saw the movements of the two sisters and laughed a little.

"Did you see that others laughed at you, you are such a big man." Liu Fufeng said, completely unaware that he was coaxing a child.

She still didn't understand where Lu Ling's uneasiness came from.

Lu Ling had already put away her tears.

There must be a limit to being uneasy...You can't make your junior sister feel uncomfortable, after all, she is just in a bad mood for no reason... Lu Ling doesn't want to let her junior sister stay, she will make trouble for no reason.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling let go of Liu Fufeng's waist.

Liu Fufeng frowned for a moment, then let go of Lu Ling, then left her seat and returned to his place.

"Okay?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded.

"Then I asked." Liu Fufeng looked at this senior sister who she always felt mysterious: "Senior sister, what happened to your leg?"

Lu Ling cautiously raised her head and said: "...the talent has awakened, but I can't control it very well, but the fire glass given by my husband..."

Lu Ling told Liu Fufeng everything she knew in a low voice.

"Huh." Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

As long as there is no danger.

Liu Fufeng's mood immediately improved, and she was afraid that Lu Ling's health would go wrong.

"That's it?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"That's it." Lu Ling nodded. What she was afraid of was not something innate.

"Senior Sister, you scared me!!!" Liu Fufeng stood up, his voice raised a lot.

Lu Ling also shivered, shrank her neck, did she do something wrong?

Of course Liu Fufeng was angry.

Looking at Lu Ling's appearance, she thought it was a big deal... Ah Ling was startled by crying so helplessly.

"Junior sister...did I do something wrong..." Lu Ling asked in a dazed manner.

"You scared me." Liu Fufeng knocked on the table, took a deep breath and calmed down: "Senior sister, are you sure that there is nothing wrong with your body? It's really just because of Huo Liuli... legs No problem..."

"No problem, I'm sure." Lu Ling nodded vigorously, and her junior sister yelled at her, and her uneasiness disappeared in an instant... There was a sense of peace of mind for no reason.

Maybe this is cheap... Even the gentle and gentle she is uneasy, and she blushes when yelling at her.

"Can you tell the uncle?" Liu Fufeng asked Lu Ling in a low voice. To be on the safe side, she wanted the uncle to see it for himself, and she could rest assured only when she was sure that it was all right.

But Liu Fufeng knows that her senior sister has many secrets that cannot be revealed, just like her.

That's why Liu Fufeng asked Lu Ling.

"Yes, why not." Lu Ling glanced at her junior sister strangely, and quickly said, "It would be the best if... if the master could also get rid of the other half of my cold talent."

"Eliminate?" Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

"I don't like this talent." Lu Ling told Liu Fufeng truthfully, there was nothing she couldn't tell her junior sister, including system, background and so on.

Still the same sentence, as long as her junior sister wants to know, she can say and do anything.

"I don't like talent..." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling's expression, and finally confirmed that her Ah Ling was not joking.

"I'll talk to my uncle about it."

Liu Fufeng's words surprised Lu Ling a little.

"Junior Sister, don't you think I'm capricious?"

"Senior sister, you have never been a willful person." Liu Fufeng said so.

Since Lu Ling felt that it was inappropriate, she naturally would not talk about other things, because Lu Ling would not be willful, she naturally had her own considerations.

Lu Ling was moved by Liu Fufeng's words, and quickly lost all anxiety, enjoying every minute and every second with her junior sister is what she should do.

"By the way, junior sister, how's your talent?" Lu Ling asked.

"It's not very clear yet." Liu Fufeng shook his head, opened his white palm, and pressed it tightly in Lu Ling's field of vision, a translucent cube appeared out of thin air in Liu Fufeng's hand.

"what is this?"

"It's my current ability." Liu Fufeng said, this thing is something she extracted from the space, Liu Fufeng thought it should be the basic unit of the space, so he showed it to Lu Ling.

"What kind of ability is this???" Lu Ling was full of question marks. With her common sense of martial arts and swordsmanship, she could understand a little bit, but Lu Ling had no way to understand such abstruse things as space.

She remembered that junior sister could still jump through space.

It should be quite powerful.

To be honest, Lu Ling's current cultivation is infinitely close to zero. She doesn't know what kind of ability can be considered powerful, but according to her uncle and husband, her junior sister is very powerful.

"It's still early to talk about these things, after all... the real cultivation has not yet begun." Lu Ling said to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling was about to nod her head when she heard the laughter of a sister Yu.

"Liu Yatou is right, don't speculate here, the road will become clearer as you go."

Liu Fufeng turned his head to look over, and found that it was the real Luanfeng, so he hurriedly got up.

"All right, all right, how come there are so many etiquettes." Master Luanfeng pushed Liu Fufeng down, and then said to Lu Ling, "Are you full yet?"

"Senior Sister?" Liu Fufeng asked her.

"I'm...almost." Lu Ling blushed a little.

"Master, let's wait a little longer." Seeing this, Liu Fufeng didn't know that her Ah Ling was not full?It's all because she insisted on asking, interrupting the senior sister's meal time.

"It doesn't matter, you guys continue to eat, go back after eating, anyway, there is still time." Master Luanfeng did not look surprised, and made it next to Liu Fufeng, asked for a pair of chopsticks, and ordered a few small dishes, it seemed that he wanted to eat with them .

Liu Fufeng was a little embarrassed, but Lu Ling didn't feel much, but was slightly dissatisfied with her junior sister for exposing her.

"I think Lu Ling's condition is not bad. Her teaching will start tomorrow. I'll let Fang Qiuyu and the others come over." Master Luanfeng said.

"But don't you want to observe..." Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

"Yes." Master Luanfeng looked at Liu Fufeng: "Observation is observation, do you think you are locked in a cage to watch? Of course it is carried out in daily life. Of course, there are necessary experiments, but it does not affect Everyday life of your sisters."

"So that's the case? Sister, you heard me, don't be afraid." Liu Fufeng said to Lu Ling.

"En." Lu Ling nodded and continued to eat.

It's just that the junior sister thinks that she will be afraid. In fact, she is not afraid if the junior sister is around. What she fears most is that the junior sister will not want her, and everything else is trivial.

Just study, it doesn't matter, she will work hard, not to disappoint her junior sister, and let her junior sister see her value.

Master Luanfeng looked at the pair of sisters and nodded in satisfaction.

This is like a pair of sisters who love each other... Unlike Shen Gui and Qin Qin, she didn't mean to sneak a peek just now, but she had something to explain and turned back, only to see Shen Gui beating Qin Qin That's a miserable...


(End of this chapter)

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