Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 686 Lu Ling's Teacher

Chapter 686 Lu Ling's Teacher
The stars are bright.

weather is good.

Ever since Liu Fufeng began to practice Yuemingfengqingjue, the weather in Yifeng has not been bad. Whether it is a natural condition or not is only known by Master Luanfeng. After all, in this kind of weather, Yuemingfengqingjue can best be used potential.

At this time, it was around eight o'clock in the evening, and Lu Ling logically said that she had finished her day's study.

However, she doesn't go to bed until twelve o'clock at night every night... Naturally, she won't be playing all the time during this period.

"It's almost time." Liu Fufeng said.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, lying on the wheelchair and looking at the starry sky.

A meteor flashed by, and a man appeared in the sisters' room.

Unclear age, probably middle-aged, dressed in a simple white robe, like a poem and picturesque, with a broken wooden sword on his waist, and a bamboo that is as crystal clear as jade, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. , with small holes, seems to be a musical instrument.

It is worth mentioning that there is a lifelike slender bamboo leaf on this bamboo, which is exactly the same as the one on Lu Ling's cane.

The long hair that hasn't been carefully taken care of is tied behind her back, her starry eyes are cloudy, her eyebrows are like varnish, and her chin is stubbled.

There is a strong sense of vicissitudes.

At the same time, he was holding a wine gourd in his hand, and his body also smelled of alcohol. From the eyes of others, he looked like an alcoholic.

The strong smell of alcohol made Liu Fufeng's brows knit together unconsciously.

Although she has seen it many times, she still can't accept it. Fortunately...her A Ling doesn't hate this smell.

Lu Ling was used to it, she drove the wheelchair to the man's side.

"Uncle, why are you still dirty? Didn't you let you shave yesterday?"

He was obviously clean when he was in the secret realm, but now he is as unshaven as Luoyan City.

The person who came, Liu Fufeng, had also seen it before. He and Dongfang Lianren were sitting at the same table chatting in Luoyan City.

Li Wangsheng.

A strange light flashed in Liu Fufeng's eyes, but no one else noticed.

"You don't like it?" Li Wangsheng squatted down and looked at Lu Ling closely.

"I don't like it." The corner of Lu Ling's mouth twitched. Although she had hung on Li Wangsheng for a long time, he was very clean at that time.

Lying on a man's back, that was her first time... probably the first time.

Although she doesn't like men, Lu Ling has to admit that a man's broad back still gives her a lot of security, which her junior sister can't give her.

Of course... this is also related to having no other choice. At that time, she was accidentally injured by the fourth senior sister. After knowing that she would die if she was ten meters away from Li Wangsheng, she left behind everything Liu Fufeng and Qin Qin had taught her.

A woman's reserve?
Can that be eaten as a snack?
No, just wait.

But now Li Wangsheng has become decadent again, and Lu Ling likes clean people, although she doesn't like the current Li Wangsheng, but if she has to find a man in the world, Lu Ling is the closest...

It wasn't Mo Qing, it wasn't Bai Yunfan, but this man who had saved her life and had intimate contact with her.

Hmm... that great monk is not bad either.

For Lu Ling, it may be the feeling of an elder.

"I don't like you the way you are either."

At this time, another voice appeared, and then a woman in orange clothes suddenly appeared in the room.

It is Luanfeng real person.

When Daoist Luanfeng appeared, he waved his hands and blocked the entire courtyard with a barrier, and then she looked dissatisfied at the man in white.

"Li Wangsheng, Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan are still in Lingshan. Although you were sent back in advance and they were asked to live on the second floor, you still have to pay attention. If such a flamboyant Yujian comes here, what if they are discovered? ?”

"Senior Sister Feng." Li Wangsheng took a step back respectfully. In the past, he was Master Luanfeng's senior brother, but now, according to the rules, he still called him Senior Sister. Also because of his attitude, Master Luanfeng did not call him senior brother again.

Li Wangsheng then shook his head.

"I won't be discovered. Only Han Xue is qualified to trace my aura in Lingshan."

This is true.

As a director of the Xuanjing Division, Han Xue has a deep feeling for the devil energy, and now Li Wangsheng is under the power of "yin and yang transformation" that he has comprehended, even if Han Xue wants to catch him. After expending a lot of energy, Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan may be stronger than Han Xue in terms of strength, and Mo Qing is still a water attribute venerable, but if it is to sense magic energy...they Yujian can't catch up with Han Xue.

"Is Uncle Han so good..." Lu Ling smiled foolishly.

"Okay, you still have to be careful in the future." Master Luanfeng nodded helplessly. Now that Lu Ling had already been to Qionghua Secret Realm once, it was really not a good choice for Li Wangsheng to stay there, so when Li Wangsheng asked to come back She agreed right away.

It's just that he didn't expect that Li Wangsheng really agreed with Han Xue to teach Lu Ling the way of swordsmanship.

In a sense, Li Wangsheng's way is more terrifying than the way of killing gods and filial piety. Although he was not Liu Yu's opponent back then, Liu Yu said at the time that if she really reached the state of venerable, she might not be Li Wangsheng. Forgetful opponent.

He is a ghost in the absolute sense. When he pursued the way of swordsmanship in Shushan, he pursued the existence of "Qi" and perfectly integrated it into his own way of swordsmanship... Although his cultivation base has not improved, he has comprehended the meaning of [Yin Yang Transformation] Li Wangsheng, Daoist Luanfeng is already somewhat confused.

This is...the potential of the Tai Chi sword diagram that Lu Ling gave him.

At Li Wangsheng's request, he has now become Lu Ling's master, responsible for teaching her how to control the sword with qi every night, and at the same time guiding the hidden power in her body that belongs to the Taiji diagram.

Li Wangsheng's Taiji Sword Turing Mountain has been studied for a long time, but there is no progress, so it can only be handed over to Li Wangsheng.

Unexpectedly, Li Wangsheng really agreed, and he would not let it go every day. You must know that Li Wangsheng has no reason to help Lingshan, and he is too lazy to shave his beard, but he is willing to teach Lu Aya.

Lu Ling doesn't know anything, so it is naturally very difficult to teach.

But for Li Wangsheng, it's not that difficult for Lu Ling to have the foundation of Shu Mountain... He promised in the secret realm that Lu Ling would teach her, this... is his first apprentice in this life.

"It's getting late, let's start, Uncle." Liu Fufeng bowed and saluted, without even glancing at the man beside him.

She admitted she was jealous.

It's just that she has told her about Ah Ling and him, she will not get angry with her benefactor, but she will definitely not get close to this man.

These nights, Master Luanfeng was responsible for maintaining the barrier after Li Wangsheng appeared, and then taught Liu Fufeng the knowledge of the literary soul and personally tried to develop her space talent.

She is able to skillfully use the space unit to carry things is the credit of the real Luanfeng.

That is to say, during the night, the two sisters learned their own things.

"Well, come with me, Li Wangsheng, whether Lu Ling can shine in Tianguang Market in the future depends entirely on you, uncle." Master Luanfeng nodded to Li Wangsheng, and then took Liu Ling Fufeng went out.

"That's right." Master Luanfeng's voice rang in Li Wangsheng's ear.

"Ayao is coming back, you...take care of her more."

"Understood, she is my younger sister." Li Wangsheng said.


under the moon.

Master Luanfeng sighed.

"younger sister……"




It can be seen that under the instruction of Master Luanfeng, Liu Fufeng has already started his daily space jumping training to avoid the flames released by Master Luanfeng and improve his reaction power.

For a moment, the entire courtyard was filled with silver light.

The flames reflected in Li Wangsheng's pupils.

Suddenly, Lu Ling gently pulled Li Wangsheng's finger.

"Uncle, have you seen enough?"

This man has already carried her on his back, so Lu Ling doesn't care about those things anymore.

"..." Li Wangsheng turned to look at Lu Ling expressionlessly: "Your uncle Zixu told you how to call me, have you forgotten?"

"...I don't want to call you uncle, don't scare me with uncle Zixu." Lu Ling looked at her dissatisfied.

"Senior Sister Caifeng just told me that Ah Yao is coming back." Li Wangsheng reminded her.


Lu Ling trembled visibly.

She is not usually afraid of Liu Yao.

"Li, Uncle Li..."

Li Wangsheng saw Lu Ling trembling under his lustful power, and pitifully called "Master Uncle", and immediately felt a lot better.

Especially, after he thinks that Lu Ling is very talented and a good successor, he sometimes likes to tease Lu Ling.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, you can call it whatever you want, and your uncle Zixu is not that scary." Li Wangsheng gently touched Lu Ling's head.

This is what Luanfeng Daoist has always wanted to touch but has never touched.

"Oh..." Lu Ling nodded, obviously she didn't listen to her words, Liu Yao... really cast a lot of shadows on Lu Ling.

Lu Ling looked at Li Wangsheng and looked at the yard.

He was clearly looking at his junior sister.

This is not the first time.

Lu Ling pushed the wheelchair to the window and asked cautiously.

" won't like my junior sister, right? Others...even my husband, I can help you...but my junior sister can' can't scare me with uncle Zixu."

Hearing Lu Ling's voice, Li Wangsheng trembled.

He turned around with an extremely weird expression on his face.

"What did you say?"

"I... I didn't say anything." Lu Ling wanted to back up, but the wheelchair couldn't do it for a while, so she could only look at Li Wangsheng in fear, and finally closed her eyes and fought it out.

"I don't care. Anyway, you are not allowed to like my junior sister. I know my junior sister is very beautiful now, but that's not okay."

Lu Ling finished speaking quickly, and then looked resigned to her fate.

"You girl."

Lu Ling felt a pain in her head, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Li Wangsheng dumbfounded.

"He's not a big man, his mind is full of stuff."

"You...don't like my junior sister." Lu Ling stared at her blankly.

"Otherwise? It's just because your senior sister's talent is amazing." Li Wangsheng was amused by Lu Ling.

How could he fall in love with Liu Fufeng... The reason why he keeps looking at her is just because of her flawless body.

The woman he loved so deeply was flawless.

He taught Lu Ling every day, so he wanted to get close to this person who had the same physique as Liu Yu.

He will never forget that woman, even though she has passed away for many years, the other person's figure in his heart has not weakened in the slightest.

The reason why he is still alive is that he can't forget him, and he has to take care of her sister...

So the moment he saw Liu Fufeng for the first time, he was absent-minded for a long time.

This breath is absolutely flawless.

If it wasn't for the eyes, he even suspected that Liu Yu had come back to life, but after calming down, he was sure that it was not Liu Yu, but a junior with a flawless body.

But even so, when he looked at Liu Fufeng's back, he still couldn't help but throb.

Not because of Liu Fufeng, but because of Liu Yu.

The flash of affection was captured by Lu Ling, so there was a misunderstanding.

"Amazing talent? Uncle, don't lie to me. Look at the eyes of my junior sister, it's not a talent." Lu Ling looked at him dissatisfied, and was very angry that he lied to herself.

That look is very similar to Teacher Mo looking at her husband, and like Senior Sister Qin looking at Senior Sister Shen... Lu Ling would not believe such an amazing talent.


Hearing Lu Ling's words, Li Wangsheng choked.

That's right, Lu Ling just looks a little stupid, but she is definitely not stupid. The one who treats her as a fool is the real fool.

"Your junior sister is just like an old friend of mine." Li Wangsheng told the truth after sighing.

"My old friend... Uncle, do you like her?" Lu Ling was curious.

"I like it, but she doesn't like me." Li Wangsheng shook his head, there was no bitter expression on his face, only indifference.

But thinking of Luoyan City back then... such an ordinary man was more attractive than herself in her eyes.

It was also from then on that he gave up pursuing Liu Yu and just followed her as a team member.

He had given up on Liu Yu a long time ago, and the only thing he couldn't let go of now was her death.

in front of my eyes.

He has no ability to protect her.

Still no.

It's just that there is another flawless body, also surnamed Liu, and is Chu Qishui's apprentice... Maybe this is God's will.

He couldn't stop caring about this girl named Liu Fufeng, and this kind of caring certainly wouldn't have any impure thoughts.

It's as if his relationship with Lu Ling is similar, just like an elder.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Lu Ling said apologetically. Although the uncle was very indifferent, Lu Ling always felt that...she did something wrong.

"You girl." Li Wangsheng shook his head.

She's really... very likable.

"Let's practice swordsmanship, how is the Sancai swordsmanship I taught you yesterday?" Li Wangsheng asked Lu Ling.

But Lu Ling didn't draw the sword immediately, but hesitated for a moment and looked at Li Wangsheng's waist.

It was a bamboo that was crystal clear like jade, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, with small holes on it, like the calender of Lingshan, but it was not.

It has the imprint of plum bamboo on it.

Lu Ling hesitated, then gritted her teeth and said.

"Uncle, if you are lonely, I can introduce my husband to you..."


(End of this chapter)

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