Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 687 Lu Ling's Path

Chapter 687 Lu Ling's Path
"Uncle, if you are lonely, I can introduce my husband to you..."

Li Wangsheng: "..."

"My husband is very beautiful, you should know... Besides, you have a gift from your husband, so she probably doesn't hate you." Lu Ling thought for granted.

Her husband has always lived alone. Lu Ling has asked Uncle Feng, and she has known her husband for many years.

Looking at it this way, the two are quite a match.

Lu Ling thinks so.

As for Mo Qing... this man has long been eliminated in Lu Ling's heart.

Just kidding, although Teacher Mo is a very good person and likes her husband very much, but her husband doesn't like Mo Qing. This month, Lu Ling also bumped into Mo Qing and Li Zhuzi when they were together. The sense of distance is that she can feel it, but Teacher Mo can't feel it.

Lu Ling knew at a glance that they were impossible.

And Lu Ling feels that a person can like her husband for so many years but has been enduring it...


Really silly.

And very cowardly.

Lu Ling felt that Mo Qing was more cowardly than she was. No matter how good such a weak person was, in Lu Ling's heart, she would not be worthy of her husband, let alone give her happiness.

Lu Ling felt that she wanted to say it if she liked her, and she always thought so, just like she would tell her junior sister every day that she liked her.

It's not a good thing to hide something.

So... Lu Ling felt that Li Wangsheng might be a good candidate. Although he was not very clean, Lu Ling thought he was very pleasing to the eye.

In the end, being pleasing to the eye is more important than anything else. If she likes it, she just wants her husband to like it.

Not to mention, if it was Lu Ling's idea, Li Zhuzi would probably really consider it, but her more thought would be whether Lu Ling wanted fatherly love.

Women in Lingshan are all maternal love, and Li Zhuzi has always cared about what Lu Ling lacked.

"How about it? Think about it? My husband will definitely refer to my opinion." Lu Ling bumped Li Wangsheng lightly with her arm.

"You girl...I really do." Li Wangsheng was stunned for a while and finally realized, squatting down and pinching Lu Ling's face.

"It hurts..." Lu Ling cried out softly.

"You still know the pain. I thought you didn't know the pain. You never thought about what your teacher Li would do to you after hearing what you said just now? Your butt is itchy, right?"

Li Wangsheng is such a big man, and his nature is still a bit bold. After living with Lu Ling for a month, he was tempered by her a little bit, and his actions showed a little bit of pampering her.

"Come on." Lu Ling failed to break free, and looked at her dissatisfied: "Isn't my husband pretty?"

"Bamboo... Well, it's very beautiful." Li Wangsheng thought for a while, he was going to teach Lu Ling a few days ago, and Li Zhuzi came to talk to him.

"You don't like it because it's pretty?" Lu Ling looked at him suspiciously.

This man is sick.

Li Wangsheng: "..."

By the way, as mentioned before, the man who can get close to Lu Ling has been erased from her consciousness as a man. In Lu Ling's world view, bad guys = men, so people who are not bad are not men. It's not a woman, and Lu Ling doesn't bother to think about what it is.

So she didn't think about what her bridging behavior meant.

"It doesn't mean that you have to like it just because you are beautiful." Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling patiently. This girl's world view is still forming, so he has to be more patient than her rough appearance.

"Why? I just like beautiful senior sisters." Lu Ling looked at him suspiciously.

Lu Ling now regrets what she said to introduce her husband to him just now. Li Wangsheng took so much trouble chatting with her, let alone her husband.

Li Wangsheng knew that Lu Ling's idea was to beat her up on the spot, he didn't dislike Lu Ling yet, this girl actually disliked him.

"..." Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling and was speechless. He didn't feel so helpless when he was hunted down by the heads of the Xuanjing Division.

He understood that explaining to Lu Ling was tantamount to playing the piano against a cow.

He squeezed Lu Ling's face a little harder.

"Uncle, if you pinch my face again, I'll tell Uncle Feng." Lu Ling bared her teeth.

"You never thought about what your husband would do to you if he knew what you said just now?" Li Wangsheng pinched Lu Ling's face with one hand, and pressed the corner of her mouth with the other, and said, "I really don't know if you are A beauty spot or a matchmaker spot."

Lu Ling yelled and knocked off his hand, rubbing her flushed cheeks, and said dissatisfied.

"It hurts to say it all! Besides, why are you angry, sir? I didn't do anything wrong. If you don't say it, don't say it. Now you want me to introduce me to you, but you still don't want to."

"Hehe..." Li Wangsheng shook his head helplessly, and then with a movement of his eyes, the wooden sword on the wall flew in front of Lu Ling: "It's getting late, let me see how your three-talented swordsmanship is doing."


As soon as she heard that she was going to practice, Lu Ling immediately became serious.

In fact, Lu Ling never thought about introducing a lover to her husband... She just thought that Li Wangsheng might be a good friend.

Lu Ling doesn't have a clear impression of her husband and marriage now.

Lu Ling held the wooden sword.

Start with a heavy heart.

This is the spiritual wood sword that Bai Yunfan gave her, which is just suitable for the introduction of Shushan swordsmanship.

Three talents swordsmanship... This swordsmanship is not so much taught to her by Li Wangsheng in class, as it is homework after class, because he only demonstrated it to her before leaving at night, and did not teach her in detail. She said that there are some bullies.

But Lu Ling is not weak. Under Fang Qiuyu's training, as long as she holds the sword, she doesn't want to admit defeat.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Ling held the sword in her forehand, pointing the tip of the sword to the sky, and stroked the grid with the other hand. The whole wooden sword instantly lit up, emitting a cold light. Then Lu Ling held the sword and drew a circle, turning at a strange angle. After a circle, the tip of the sword pointed to the ground, and the ice-blue cold light left starlight in the air that hadn't dissipated for a long time.

The next step should be to turn around and adjust her body to turn the sword, but she couldn't move... she could only force it.

Lu Ling gritted her teeth, enduring the pain, twisting her arms...


Holding her wooden sword with one hand, the cold light on the tip of the sword dissipated in an instant.

"Do not force."

When Lu Ling looked up, she saw Li Wangsheng's calm gaze.

She shivered a bit, avoiding his eyes.

"Very good, it's beyond my imagination." Li Wangsheng still couldn't hide his surprise on his face: "I rehearsed it yesterday, and with your memory, you shouldn't fail to remember it, even if it's a little blurry. It's completely different from what I taught you today...Moreover, I can use moves that don't require body skills...Why are you using completely different from what I used yesterday?"

"Am I... wrong?" Lu Ling asked.

"Of course not." Li Wangsheng shook his head, Lu Ling had clearly understood the true meaning of the Three Talents Sword, and the simple two and a half moves just now were proof.

But he didn't understand, it was only half a month before and after he taught Lu Ling, Lu Ling already understood what "Qi Sword" is?

"Tell me your understanding." Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling eagerly, the flames in his eyes made Lu Ling shrink back unnaturally.

"I'm wrong, uncle, don't be angry." Lu Ling cautiously looked at the other party and nodded, then said: "Sancai swordsmanship... The so-called Sancai should refer to heaven, earth, and people. Yuyang, the way of the earth, softness and rigidity, the way of man, benevolence and righteousness... and your sword yesterday, Uncle, was very exciting, but it is not suitable for me...after all..."

Lu Ling glanced at her legs, she was crippled now, how could she be taught the Lightness Sword.

Li Wangsheng understood something, and looked at Lu Ling with fiery eyes.

"So, uncle, what you showed me yesterday should be sword intent, but I'm rather stupid, and I don't understand anything about sword intent. ... Just now I wanted to try to see if I could use Xingyi, but in the end it really didn't work..." Lu Ling said, a little disappointed.

She learned these things in the basic swordsmanship. When she just heard the Sancai swordsmanship yesterday, she didn't take it seriously, because in Lu Ling's subconscious, it should be a high-end product, and she broke the door with the five tigers in the swordsmanship. The knife is as low-level, but in order not to disappoint Li Wangsheng, she went to the Daozang in her mind to find out what the three talents are... and stayed in the [World] for two full days before she had some experience.

But in the end it still didn't work out, and it fell short.

The uncle should be very disappointed, after all, such a small thing can't be done well.

When Lu Ling raised her head, what she saw was a pair of eyes that were so hot that they would melt her. Li Wangsheng seemed to eat her.


Absolute genius.

Not only is he a genius of kendo, but he is also a genius who is naturally sensitive to "Qi"...Only Li Wangsheng understands how difficult "Qi" is. His way can be described as evil in Shushan. It seems that the cart is putting the cart before the horse, so even if Bai Yunfan came to his swordsmanship yesterday, he would not understand what he wanted to express.

But Lu Ling broke the core in one bite.

Heaven, earth, people.

This is what he meant by the three talents.

This is the sword intent he only comprehended after he comprehended "Yin and Yang Transformation", but Lu Ling pointed it out. This is not a genius, so what is a genius?

Sure enough, he is the master of the sword map, not only has a natural control over the way of balance, but also has extraordinary understanding.

Li Wangsheng now felt that Lu Ling was a treasure bestowed on him by the heavens, an elf sent by the heavens to take over his mantle.

How did Li Wangsheng know that Lu Ling knew the meaning of "Three Talents" as soon as he checked it... You must know that he had thought about it for a month before he came up with this name... In a sense, Li Wangsheng is also an extreme genius. After the yin and yang balance Tai Chi diagram, what he understood gradually coincided with the Daozang in Lu Ling's mind.

"Uncle...I...don't look at me like that." Lu Ling was a little scared.

"It's okay, you did a great job, very good." Li Wangsheng turned his head and praised Lu Ling fiercely.

"Really..." Lu Ling was a little happy.

"Of course." Li Wangsheng nodded, and continued: "Did you know? Senior Sister Feng asked me to teach you, and you also said that you wanted to participate in the Tianguangxu Martial Arts Competition, but the Tianguang Ruins Contest is about to arrive in three months. But you are only at the early stage of the Soul Composite Realm, and you don't even have the chance to choose a martial soul, even if you can choose, it will take a lot of time to adapt, so... let you and I learn the way of swordsmanship."

"Learning with Uncle... is there any difference from learning with Teacher Bai?" Lu Ling didn't understand.

"There is a big difference. Shushan's swordsmanship emphasizes that the sword comes first, and pursues the swordsmanship. Using the sword to control the mind and cut off all evil spirits is the authentic method of the world. If you practice it for hundreds of years, don't even think about getting started. Lingshanling The sword is born out of the Shushan swordsmanship, and there are naturally difficulties. What do you learn? Even if you are a natural sword master, you can only master two sets of swordsmanship, offensive and defensive. How can you participate in the Tianguang Market Martial Arts? Is it?" Li Wangsheng asked.

Hearing being beaten, Lu Ling nodded her head.

"...I don't quite understand." Lu Ling shook her head, but she knew that she didn't know anything at all, so she looked at Li Wangsheng with hope: "Shushan swordsmanship is very slow to you mean that?" Uncle, your swordsmanship can be done quickly, it's relatively simple..."

"It's even harder." Li Wangsheng's two words knocked Lu Ling into the bottom of the valley, with a bitter face.

"My sword is completely opposite to Shushan's sword. I pay attention to a qi and rhyme, especially after the fusion of the devil qi and the righteous qi on my body. There are many things that I can't even explain clearly, so it is a test of understanding... If you don't have savvy , Even if you have practiced for thousands of years, you will never get the skin of it." Li Wangsheng said.

"..." Lu Ling was a little desperate.

"However, if you have savvy, you can learn from me to use the ability to fight in the fastest time, and... you don't have to use your legs to control the rhyme." Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling: "And you... have savvy people."

"Really?" Lu Ling laughed immediately, Li Wangsheng was stunned for a moment by his cute face.

"En." Li Wangsheng nodded.

More than savvy.

Master Luanfeng asked Li Wangsheng to teach Lu Ling, but actually did not let Lu Ling learn his weird swordsmanship, because Li Wangsheng's sword moves are difficult to learn, and so many masters in Lingshan have studied Li Wangsheng's sword drawings for so long. She didn't see through any of them, including Yun Shu, she couldn't see it, and Master Luanfeng didn't have any hope for Lu Ling.

She just wanted Li Wangsheng to teach Lu Ling the basics of swordsmanship, and by the way, to study what the Tai Chi Diagram is...

Li Wangsheng knew that Lu Ling had a natural ability to control the yin and yang, but he didn't expect her understanding to be so heaven-defying. He taught Lu Ling for half a month to let her recognize the yin and yang. Yesterday was his first time. For the first time, he revealed the sword technique he had comprehended after his body mutated.

Who knew that Lu Ling would break the truth with just one mouthful.

How can you not be excited.

His swordsmanship is difficult to learn, but if he has a heaven-defying understanding, then he is the best swordsmanship in the world. As long as he understands the core, he is Dzogchen, and there is no great requirement for his cultivation.

Including the sword array that is similar to invincible and cannot be broken unless it surpasses twice its own cultivation level, there is no requirement for the realm.

Not only does Lu Ling perfectly meet the conditions, but she also has a strong control over Tai Chi. Others don't understand the core sword diagram, but Lu Ling understands it, and it is an upgraded version of holding Yin and Yang. If it is is very likely to perform extraordinary An unbreakable sword formation ten times stronger than his own!
Before he knew it, Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling like he looked at his own daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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