Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 693 Unlucky Bai Yunfan

Chapter 693 Unlucky Bai Yunfan
Hearing Bai Yunfan's words, Li Zhuzi and Master Luanfeng looked at the woman in purple in front of them, their complexions changed slightly.

"..." The woman ignored him.

"What happened?" Master Luanfeng asked Bai Yunfan.

At this time, Bai Yunfan was still sealed by the cold air, and after saying a word, it seemed that some restriction was affected, but he couldn't utter a single word.

Li Zhuzi stepped forward and bowed to the woman in purple.

"This senior sister, Bai Yunfan is a guest of Lingshan."

The woman in purple glanced at Li Zhuzi in front of her, and was a little moved.

Li Zhuzi and Liu Fufeng gave her a different feeling, because they were sincerely kind to Lu Ling, and... Lu Ling was also very dependent on her.

If you don't give this face, you have to give it.

"It's not a courtesy." The purple-clothed woman turned her body sideways, and at the same time gave Liu Fufeng a courtesy, waved her hand to release Bai Yunfan's restraint, and said coldly.

"Rest for three days, just don't use the sword energy."

Master Luanfeng also realized something. At this time, there was a slowly rotating sword picture in the sky. Shadows flashed over her body, blocking Bai Yunfan who was about to speak, and gave him a wink.

Bai Yunfan waved his sleeve angrily and left.

To be precise, I went to find Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling.

He really broke Lu Ling's heart this time. In contrast, although this senior sister who broke in suddenly made him very upset, it was not very important.

Bai Yunfan was also unlucky.

Although he had the idea of ​​making Lu Ling vent his anger, he was not stupid. The moment he unfolded the sword diagram, he sensed that huge energy was brewing, and he couldn't stop it, so when Lu Ling's sword diagram was not unfolded, It turned into a sword light and escaped.

As for where he escaped to, he didn't care, he only paid attention to the location of Nanyuan, Li Zhuzi's school, which he was familiar with, and he didn't have to be afraid of embarrassing him when he met a female student at night.

After stopping, he was terrified by Lu Ling's energy when he was suddenly attacked by someone.

Although he felt when the other party attacked, but because Lu Ling's Taiji diagram was too mysterious, he was intoxicated by it, so he missed the opportunity to counterattack immediately, so he was frozen in an instant.

Everything from the soul to the sword energy to the body was sealed, without even a chance to resist.

That's why Bai Yunfan asked the other party why he harmed him as soon as he woke up. Bai Yunfan can be sure that he has never seen this woman before, and the reason why he didn't pester him is because he also felt ashamed.

That woman looked so sick, he was captured and sealed just like that.

But even though she seems to be in a bad state, this woman's strength is definitely going to crush him. It is conservatively estimated that she is at least the seventh-fold life robbery, or even... the eighth-fold is also possible.

So he could only leave with a whole body of resentment.



After Bai Yunfan left, Master Luanfeng looked at the woman in purple who was looking up at the Tai Chi picture in the sky, and gave Li Zhuzi a wink.

For some reason, this woman seemed to have a good impression of Li Zhuzi.

Li Zhuzi nodded, not surprised at all, the two of them have been neighbors for so many years, maybe they know her.

"Sister Shen... do you have any problems with Bai Yunfan?" Li Zhuzi asked.

The woman withdrew her gaze from looking at the Tai Chi diagram and shook her head.

No holidays?

Both were stunned.

It's not so hard to attack during the holidays...

It's just that she didn't expect this sickly woman to have such strength. Li Zhuzi didn't pay attention to it for so many years. Now that she observes her closely, she finds that she can't see through her at all... In other words, this woman is suffering from a severe soul injury. Under the circumstances, the strength is even more than her.

Seeing Li Zhuzi hesitated to speak, the woman in purple opened her mouth.

"I do not like him."

To be precise, he didn't like the breath of the other party.


She hates this breath very much. It is the opposite of her affinity for Mo Qing. Recently, she has recovered some strength because of Lu Ling, including some memories. Although she still doesn't know who she is, she has no memory of Lu Ling, but she remembers It made me hate Shushan very much.

Not killing Bai Yunfan is already a great deal of face.

"Why?" Li Zhuzi subconsciously asked.

The woman in purple took a deep look at her, then shook her head: "He... entered my yard."

As she said, Bai Yunfan's sword light instantly left the sword picture and stopped in Li Zhuzi's yard next door.

Isn't this a mouse breaking into a cat's nest to seek death?

Master Luanfeng: "..."

Li Zhuzi: "..."

The result was beyond the two people's expectations, and they looked at each other helplessly.

If you look at it this way... It seems that this senior sister can't be blamed... Everyone in the Lingshan music circle knows that this person is rare, very cold, and has a withdrawn personality. Under such circumstances, a man broke in? ? ?
Master Luanfeng felt that if it was her, he would be furious.

Bai Yunfan could only blame himself, he was not injured because of Lu Ling, but was beaten up because of another incident.

"Did this... that girl named Lu Ling made it?" the woman in purple looked at the sky and asked suddenly.

"Yes." Master Luanfeng nodded, this woman is also very mysterious, maybe she knows something about Lu Ling.

The facts let her down.

"It's really her." The woman in purple lowered her head, the aura that disgusted her was also present in Lu Ling's sword picture, half of it to be exact, and it was stronger than Bai Yunfan's.

Awe-inspiring spirit.

"Why..." The woman fell into deep thought. If possible, she wanted to go to Lu Ling to check the situation now, but unfortunately, she and Yun Shu agreed... Lu Ling can take the initiative to find her, but she cannot take the initiative to find Lu Ling.

Moreover, her strength has just recovered and has not stabilized. If she gets too close to Lu Ling, it is not a good thing.

Looking at the pensive woman in purple.

"What... what's going on?" Master Luanfeng poked Li Zhuzi.

"I don't know either." Li Zhuzi shook his head.

" you know what's going on?" the woman in purple asked them suddenly.

"I don't understand, it's a very strange rule." Master Luanfeng said directly.

"En." The woman in purple nodded, it's normal for them not to understand.

This picture is very mysterious, even in her eyes, it is the same, but the power of the person in memory... is still too far away.


She needs memory.

Go back to rest and restore your cultivation and memory as soon as possible.

Before this.

She was annoyed by the Taiji diagram in the sky, was maintained by "her" power... In the eyes of the woman in purple, this Taiji diagram was the illusion of certain rules, and it should have belonged to Lu Ling's power. But because of Lu Ling's forceful use, she is now in an extremely weak state, so the figure that should have dissipated is actually accumulating strength...

What is it going to do?
Do you want to deny Lu Ling, or continue to absorb Lu Ling's soul power?
The woman in purple knew that Lu Ling must be very weak at this time, unable to bear the exhaustion.

The map is very mysterious, she has no way to do it, but the cold energy that drives and maintains the sword map... is from the same source as her, it is not easy to defeat, but it is very simple to guide it to disperse.

The woman blinked, her pupils turning ice blue.

Cracks appeared from the inside of the Tai Chi diagram that was not yet a complete body.

"Picture! It's gone!" Daoist Luanfeng suddenly said.

Li Zhuzi looked up.

It was as if the sky had cleared after the rain, and the wind was raging. In the blink of an eye, the huge sword pattern that was still covering Yifeng suddenly collapsed, and then those scattered forces rushed towards one direction quickly.

It was Lu Ling's position.

"It seems that they broke up, maybe it's Lu Ling's wish." Luan Feng said, it's a pity, she hasn't studied it carefully yet.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded.

The woman in purple was slightly out of breath.

So much spiritual energy is enough to repair Lu Ling's body, and... far from being used up, I hope it can help her sometime.


The woman in purple turned around and left directly.

"...she...what's going on." Master Luanfeng was puzzled.

"A very strange person." Li Zhuzi nodded, and continued: "She has the smell of Lingshan, and..."

Did not go on.

Master Luanfeng nodded.

There is also the breath of the Eastern Divine Sea, without any cover.

"Master Yun let her go up the mountain." Master Luanfeng mentioned.

"Understood." Li Zhuzi nodded.

In other words... there won't be any major problems.

"We'll discuss about Senior Sister Shen later. The problem is...Lu Ling really gave me a surprise." Luanfeng said, with a tone of joy or worry.

"I can't hide it." Li Zhuzi said.

"Well, people in Shushan may not think that Li Wangsheng is in Lingshan, but... it must have something to do with us, or we know something." Master Luanfeng sighed.

"Not necessarily." Li Zhuzi shook his head lightly, looking in Lu Ling's direction: "If it's Ah Ling...she's better than Li Wangsheng."

Why is it that Li Wangsheng taught Qi Dao?
Li Zhuzi believes that if Lu Ling is really the master of the new rules, then the theoretical knowledge she can provide is much better than that of Li Wangsheng. When the time comes, throw it in front of Shushan, and no one can say that Lu Ling was taught by Li Wangsheng .

In fact, she was not taught by Li Wangsheng. In a sense, Lu Ling was still Li Wangsheng's teacher.

Master Luanfeng said: "After today's incident, the martial soul that Lu Ling it going to develop in this direction?"

"Let's take a look first." Li Zhuzi shook his head, although this rule is scary, but just to be on the safe side, it's better not to neglect the practice of Spirit Sword.

"Alright, let's go, go back and look at the little girl who surprised us, forget it... don't look at it, let Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng have a good rest, if there is anything else, we can talk about it when she recovers." Master Luanfeng said.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded in satisfaction.

She also didn't want Ah Ling to be checked when she was so tired.

To check, first check Li Wangsheng.

Master Luanfeng remembered something: "By the way, go and get Bai Yunfan away, don't let him disturb Lu Ling's rest."



When the two returned to the courtyard, they found Bai Yunfan standing in the courtyard dejectedly.

"Yunfan, what's the matter?" Master Luanfeng was in a good mood, asking him to ask about Li Wangsheng's whereabouts before, he asked for trouble.

"...Liu girl won't let me in."

Bai Yunfan sighed. In her impression, Liu Fufeng was a very obedient and gentle girl, but she directly blocked him from the door just now, her if looking at garbage, made him feel aggrieved, but There is no way to explain it yet.

The meek person gets angry.

Even if he is an uncle, a guest, or a venerable...Liu Fufeng will not give him any face.

Master Luanfeng, who had been in contact with Liu Fufeng for a month, fully understood this point.

"You think." Master Luanfeng patted him on the shoulder: "You made Lu Ling cry, and you want Liu Fufeng to give you a good face? You should go back and think about how to get Lu Ling's forgiveness."

"...Lu Ling is a natural sword master." Bai Yunfan shook his head: "After close contact with him, I can be sure that this is definitely not the way of senior brother Li Wangsheng, it is somewhat like the power of the Haoran sword formation, senior sister, I will add to you Trouble."

Bai Yunfan bowed deeply to Master Luanfeng and Li Zhuzi.

"That's all right, all right, why are you being polite." Master Luanfeng helped him up, and at the same time remembered the words Haoran Sword Formation.

Isn't this the strongest mountain guard sword array in Shushan?
The main function of the spirit mountain protection formation is to adjust the aura, which is used for the cultivation of the disciples, and the place where the Shushan mountain is built is just outside the Tianguang Ruin. If the battle is fought, the Shushan will bear the brunt, so the formation of the Shushan is mainly about killing and attacking.

Lu Ling's strength is similar to Haoran Sword Formation?

No deep inquiry.

"That... senior sister, I have something... to ask you."

Bai Yunfan's face suddenly showed a twist.

"Say." Master Luanfeng looked at the wet and pale Bai Yunfan.

Are you going to ask about the woman in purple?

Bai Yunfan looked at Li Zhuzi at the side: "I...ask Senior Sister Li."

"Well, I will avoid suspicion." Master Luanfeng stood a little farther away helplessly, and closed his hearing.

"You have to tell me something." Li Zhuzi looked at his miserable appearance, and all the previous dissatisfaction disappeared with a sigh.

Although he "bullied" Lu Ling, but... he must have learned some lessons.

Bai Yunfan looked around furtively, and only after a while did he hold back a few words.

"... Lu Ling likes something, I... I'll go buy it."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and blushed to the neck.

Li Zhuzi: "..."

A few minutes later, Bai Yunfan happily left.

Master Luanfeng came over, and instead of asking what Bai Yunfan asked, he said.

"What did he do?"

"I'm going to buy a gift for Ah Ling." Li Zhuzi said calmly.

Master Luanfeng covered his mouth and smiled lightly.

this man.

and many more.

Master Luanfeng had a strange expression on his face: "By the way, to buy gifts...does he have money? If I remember correctly, the little money and spirit stones he brought have all been spent on the Lingtai."

That's right.

Bai Yunfan still has some spirit stones, and then...he bought some clothes unique to Lingshan at the Lingtai, and sent them back to his disciples in Shushan. I heard that his disciples specially "called" to ask for them.

His spirit stones were not enough, but Lingshan girl saw him as pitiful, so she took all his poor spirit stones, and took a little money from the world, so she sold half of what he wanted and half gave him .

But the little girl from Lingshan never suffers, so Bai Yunfan was stripped of everything by the girls from Lingshan. He didn't have any money, so what would he use to buy gifts for Lu Ling?

Li Zhuzi ignored her.

Not interested, she glanced upstairs, her ears twitching slightly.

It was Lu Ling's even breathing.

Breathe a sigh of relief and fall asleep.

"I'm going back to rest." Li Zhuzi said and left.

Master Luanfeng nodded, glanced upstairs and went to rest.



at night.

A book was spread out in front of Mo Qing, and there was a thick stack of books.

At this moment, he is holding a pen and studying something.

There was also a woman on his couch, with one leg crossed, looking at his busy back.

"Dong dong dong."


(End of this chapter)

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