Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 694 Bai Yunfan's Calculation

Chapter 694 Bai Yunfan's Calculation
The sudden knock on the door startled the woman on the couch, and her shaking legs froze.

Was she less vigilant because she was in this room...?
She looked at Mo Qing suspiciously.

This is Lingshan, it's so late, who would come to see him at this time?It's not something serious, if Lingshan has something to do, he will naturally look for him during the day... At night, women naturally want to avoid suspicion.

As for the formation on Yifeng's head, she knew it might be related to Li Wangsheng, but she didn't check it out either. Senior Sister Feng was there, so there was no need for her to take action.

Hearing the sound, Mo Qing paused holding the pen, put down the pen, and looked back at the woman on the couch suspiciously.

"Who is it?" The woman made a lip gesture to him.

Mo Qing shook her head, expressing that she didn't know, and sent a voice transmission to the woman: "I'm looking for you."

Find me?

how is this possible.

She didn't tell Senior Sister Feng about her return, otherwise she wouldn't even have a moment's rest.

But Mo Yu would not tell Mo Qing about this kind of thing.

She shook her head, indicating that it was impossible for her to come looking for her.

"Dong dong dong." There was another knock on the door.

Mo Qing closed her eyes and sensed her breath.

Nothing at all.

Without a breath, either this person has no strength or is stronger than him.

who can that be?

In Lingshan, you can't use your spiritual sense to check.

Mo Qing hesitated.

Originally, it was enough for someone to knock on the door and open it, but this is Lingshan, and Mo Qing was also afraid that something bad would spread to his reputation, and the most important thing was that it would make Li Zhuzi dissatisfied with him.

As for the woman on the bed, it was his elder sister, so he didn't pay any attention to it, and naturally he didn't notice that her elder sister's delicate face that had been plain for a hundred years had a little rouge on it.

Looking at the book in his hand, and some of the elementary skills of the Eastern Shenhai that he wrote silently around him.

A few days ago, Li Zhuzi found him and handed over to him the exercises that were supposed to be cultivated by Lu Ling in the Soul Realm. This was Li Zhuzi's deliberate behavior. Lu Ling was also of the blood of ice, Dong Shenhai said to him Xuenv's understanding must surpass theirs... Lingshan paid some price, made some promises, and reached an agreement with Dongshenhai.

Since they all want to make Lu Ling stronger, there is no conflict of purpose... So, this exercise improved from "Moonlight Wind Clear Jue" entered Mo Qing's hands, and it was modified according to the basics of Eastern Shenhai.

Mo Qing has been doing this kind of thing for a month.

and many more.

suddenly think of.

Could it be Li Zhuzi who came to look for him at this time?Discuss the matter of exercises.

A look of emotion appeared on Mo Qing's face, she stood up abruptly and was about to open the door, but...

The knock on the door did not ring again.

He just stood there awkwardly.

Mo Yu behind him looked at his expression, expressionless.

She knew what her younger brother was thinking, couldn't be Li Zhuzi's. He still knew too little about Li Zhuzi. Li Zhuzi might go to Bai Yunfan late at night, but it was absolutely impossible to come to see him.

Which woman will it be?

Like his brother's disciple?

It is possible.

Mo Yu has already identified the person outside the door as a woman.

There are only two other men in Lingshan. Li Wangsheng must be in a state of desperation right now, and Bai Yunfan is even less likely.

Mo Qing stood where she was, neither advancing nor retreating.

Regret my own ink marks... how can there be so many troubles when opening the door early.



The person outside the door...was none other than Bai Yunfan.

Like Mo Qing, he also stood there with an embarrassed expression on his face.

All his cultivation bases were sealed, and of course he didn't have the slightest breath.

He... There is no other way.

A few days ago, his only and most beloved apprentice, who was in charge of his daily life, sent him a message saying that he wanted some Lingshan clothes.

How could Bai Yunfan say no.

His apprentice is also a woman, Shushan's clothes are only one color, white, only Lezheng Luoting that alien can wear red...

Speaking of which, the apprentice told him that Lezheng came to Lingshan. It was not the teacher's idea, and he probably couldn't stop her. The next place where Zhengluoting will appear is Tianguangxu.

The good name is experience, but in fact... it's more like expulsion.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the clothes she likes to wear for Lezheng Luoting to become a different kind. It's all because of her surly personality. She can tell from the fact that Moyuan Demon Sword took the initiative to recognize the owner, but it's true that women like beautiful clothes .

When it comes to clothes, they are naturally the most beautiful here in Lingshan.

His apprentice is completely different from Le Zheng Luoting. He is well-behaved, obedient, and very talented... Now that she wants some beautiful clothes from Lingshan, Bai Yunfan must bring some for her even if he spends all his money. pieces.

Then the money runs out.

Lingshan clothes are not simple fabrics, some of them can be regarded as magic weapons... Bai Yunfan knew that his little money was definitely not enough, but the other party sold it to him anyway... He didn't look good, so he took the initiative to sell all his property, The spells were sent out.

Now he offended Lu Ling again.

Li Zhuzi told her what Lu Ling likes, food and entertainment, most of them are for money, some of them still need to spend Lingshi... Bai Yunfan really can't get a penny now.

Shushan also asked him to observe what happened to Lu Ling and why she became the center of the situation. It is absolutely impossible for Bai Yunfan to return to Shushan at this time.

Thinking about it...

It's come to this point.

Borrow money from Mo Qing.

Anyway, both of them are Lu Ling's teachers, and Lu Ling never gave him face in front of Mo Qing, and it's not the first time she's embarrassed in front of Mo Qing... Tyrants borrow money.

Who knew that he had lost his face, but the other party didn't even open the door for him.

At this point in time, it is impossible for Mo Qing to go to other places.

Bai Yunfan had the idea of ​​throwing up his sleeves and leaving.

In the end it was suppressed.

He...not all here to borrow money.

There are important things.

It is necessary to meet the Lord of the Southern Territory, and after that... Bao Buqi will take Mo Qing to meet the real Luanfeng once to ask some clarifications.

As for borrowing money... There is no better choice. There is no difference between him being ashamed once and twice in front of Mo Qing. Anyway, Mo Qing's rival in love is Ye Zi and not himself. He is also a dead pig and is not afraid of being scalded.

He had only this choice, otherwise, if he borrowed money from the little girl in Lingshan, he would really be a joke in the future, and then he didn't know how Shen Canghai would deal with him.

Take a deep breath.

Knock the door again.

"Dong dong dong."



inside the house.

Little did he know that Mo Qing was also relieved when he heard the knock on the door again, and got up quickly.

Mo Yu put on her shoes and hid in the back room.


Mo Qing straightened her appearance, opened the door, and said half a word: "Bamboo..."

"good evening."

Bai Yunfan's smiling face appeared in front of him.


In the blink of an eye, the door closed, blocking Bai Yunfan from the door.

Bai Yunfan pushed open the door angrily and rushed in, saying loudly.

"My surname is Mo, what do you mean by that!"

"Keep your voice down." Mo Qing rubbed her ears, frowned and looked at Bai Yunfan: "This is what I want to say, what are you looking for me in the middle of the night for?"

Although these two people don't like each other, they are definitely not enemies, and they are both in Lingshan, and they are getting acquainted gradually.

Mo Qing was not particularly hostile to Shushan, otherwise he would not be regarded as a friend by Venerable Ye.

Bai Yunfan has always been picky, and he doesn't care about the differences between the two factions, so he only came to Mo Qing when he was in trouble.

Anyway, it's all like this, Bai Yunfan is not shy, and sits on Mo Qing's bed, raising one foot, not going to leave for a short time.

Mo Qing didn't bother to chase him away, and... the breath of this man made him feel a little familiar, which was unbelievable.

"Are you just writing a book when you're nestled in your room for a month?"

"Otherwise." Mo Qing didn't ask directly, but smiled, and looked at Bai Yunfan: "Why did you make it like this, you couldn't be beaten by someone because you fell in love with a girl from Lingshan."

Bai Yunfan's face darkened suddenly.

Mo Qing said half of this.

Bai Yunfan was about to fight back when he was taken aback suddenly.

The nose moved.

This is a woman's rouge scent...his apprentice also uses it, and Bai Yunfan is very familiar with it.

His face suddenly became weird.

"The surname"

"What's wrong with me?" Mo Qing was very strange.

"It's nothing... It's just that people can't be judged by their appearance..." Bai Yunfan looked Mo Qing up and down: "Tsk tsk tsk, it's no wonder that he is the merciful son... Bai is willing to bow down."

Although Bai Yunfan is light-hearted, he is still single so far, not to mention a couple, he doesn't even have anyone who is eye-catching. Bai Yunfan was a venerable when he was young, with excellent looks, but there are female cultivators who throw themselves into his arms, and there are many excellent ones People... But Bai Yunfan didn't agree.

Without him, no matter how good a woman is compared to Shen Canghai, she is nothing but dirt on the ground.

Bai Yunfan didn't like it.

He originally thought that Mo Qing was the same as him, but now it seems... not necessarily so.

A woman had definitely been in this room, and stayed for a long time.

On the surface, he admires Li Zhuzi, but in fact he does not change his flair. He has to tell Li Zhuzi about it when he has time.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Mo Qing was confused by Bai Yunfan, even if she had a good temper, she couldn't help it.

"I came to see you, of course I have a business to do." Bai Yunfan didn't change his face.

"Are you looking for me? It's business? I heard it right." Mo Qing looked at him suspiciously. This Venerable Fanyun is unreliable in Shushan, so what business can he have.

"Aren't you curious about how I made it like this? See for yourself." Bai Yunfan got up from the bed and stretched out a hand.

Mo Qing gave him a disgusted look, but finally couldn't resist the familiar feeling, and held Bai Yunfan's hand.



Inside the room, Mo Yu took a look, then was taken aback.

I only saw that Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan were so close that they were about to touch each other, and Mo Qing was still holding Bai Yunfan's hand.

Immediately, she was out of breath, she was hot-tempered, she was well-dressed, but Mo Qing only cared about the job Li Zhuzi gave her, now that a man came, she was very affectionate.

Keep watching.

In her sight, Mo Qing suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had discovered something unbelievable, he grabbed Bai Yunfan's hand, and the moisture on his body was full of moisture, covering Bai Yunfan.

Mo Yu looked at it, breathing heavily.



Bai Yunfan suddenly heard something, and looked at the back room thoughtfully.

Raising his eyebrows, his thoughts on Mo Qing changed again.

This man is quite courageous...much stronger than his Senior Brother Ye Zi.

I didn't think Mo Qing's character was bad or anything, on the contrary, I admired it a little.

He didn't say anything, but looked at Mo Qing.

"You can almost let go, and you can be so excited with a man's hand." Bai Yunfan coughed dryly.

Hearing this, Mo Qing let go of her hand and looked at him seriously.


"How is this going?"

Seeing Mo Qing's abnormality, Bai Yunfan nodded: "Is it really the Eastern Divine Sea..."

"No, it's mainly Lingshan's unique martial soul and spiritual power. I won't admit that the strong cold air and Lingshan's separate soul govern it." Mo Qing said: "But... it is indeed the breath of the Eastern God Sea."

Mo Qing didn't say a word.

It's not just the breath of the Eastern Divine Sea.

Such pure cold air and water vapor are just short of the fabled ice bloodline, and can seal Bai Yunfan's true energy so easily, he has seen the unique magic spell of the East Shenhai in this simple method. The shadow of Shenhai] drained his vitality and sealed his soul, which was clearly the result of being hurt by Fengshenhai.

Fengshenhai is a secret technique that frightens the demons. It is second only to Shushan's fairy sword [Lihuo Hongling], and it is different from Lihuo Hongling in that the latter is too expensive to use once, while the price of Fengshenhai is acceptable , so among the middle ranks of the Demon Race, the deterrent power is even greater than that of Immortal Sword Lihuo Hongling.

Even if it is the Eastern Divine Sea, it can only be used to gather the power of [Snow Girl's Tears] to get out of the Sea of ​​Conferred Gods...

how come……

Mo Qing would not be wrong.

With this kind of attainment, the opponent's ability is far higher than his. After going to this level, the opponent's spiritual energy is also far superior to him. Perhaps only Master Mingyue can be slightly better.

Naturally, Bai Yunfan didn't know why Mo Qing was so surprised, he just felt the smell of the Eastern Divine Sea, but he didn't know how he was sealed.

"What's going on here?" Mo Qing finally got serious at this moment.

Things are getting bigger.

Feng Shenhai is Dong Shenhai's housekeeping skill, which can only be driven by the unique spiritual power of Dong Shenhai, so he is not afraid of leaking it, but he doesn't know... what kind of senior it is.

Mo Qing smelled a strange smell.

"Now you know that I'm talking about business." Bai Yunfan smiled and saw Mo Qing's serious expression, his tone faltered, and he put away his light pick: "The thing is like this..."

Bai Yunfan told the story of meeting the woman in purple and then being attacked, including the words and deeds of the other party.

I don't feel ashamed of being defeated at all.

Mo Qing knew the inside story, and he didn't show any surprise when he heard that Bai Yunfan was easily defeated. With that skill, even if he was a quadruple Venerable, he would probably end up in the same way.

When did Lingshan have such a strong man... I haven't heard the masters say it...

"By the way, what you said earlier was a woman in purple?" Mo Qing remembered something.

He was in Lingshan... It seemed that he had met a woman who gave him a strange feeling, but it was just a back view, and he didn't know what she looked like or what strength she had.

"Yes, Ziyi, it looks...sick. He must have suffered a serious injury, or a soul injury, and his strength must have dropped a lot," Bai Yunfan said.

As for why he told Dong Shenhai about this... Then he has his own calculations.

borrow money.

Yes, it's that simple.

Although there is a lot of room for manipulation in this matter, and Shushan can also drive a wedge between them, or even seek some benefits, Bai Yunfan did not do it. He just told the truth and never thought that if Dongshenhai and Lingshan reached an agreement, what would happen? It will not be detrimental to Shushan.

People in Shushan never think about this kind of problem, especially when the situation is turbulent now.

The closer the holy land is, the more Shushan wants to see it.

Bai Yunfan quietly waited for Mo Qing to think.

Mo Qing said: "I want to know the weapon used by the woman who sealed you, her appearance, and..."

"Everything is easy to talk about." Bai Yunfan interrupted Mo Qing.


"Speak up if you have something to say." Mo Qing is really not in the mood to go around with him now.

"Atmospheric." Bai Yunfan chuckled and rubbed his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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