Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 701 "Stay Away"

Chapter 701 "Stay Away"

Chu Qishui looked at Liu Fufeng, her first apprentice disappeared from his sight.

After drinking, he seemed a little drunk, and actually took Liu Fufeng for Liu Yu.

And also to test.

Chu Qishui found it incredible.

Liu Yu is definitely dead, although she doesn't want to admit it, but this is the fact, that senior sister died in front of her.

But why would she want to test Liu Fufeng.

Is she crazy?

Chu Qishui, who came back to his senses, found it extremely incomprehensible.

That is, at a certain moment, she suddenly felt that Liu Fufeng might be Liu Yu... So she called out "Senior Sister"...

As a result, after Liu Fufeng heard it, he hurried back and asked her if she was not feeling well...

This is the most normal reaction.

If Liu Fufeng left without looking back, without any reaction, then Chu Qishui would wonder if there was something wrong with Liu Fufeng.

Therefore, Chu Qishui felt that it was inconceivable that she would have the illusion before. What is even more strange is that she actually opened her mouth to test it out. Now that she thinks about it, even if Liu Fufeng showed abnormalities, she would not believe this apprentice. It will be that senior sister.


The flawless body interfered with her senses.


Sitting in a corner drinking.



Liu Fufeng stayed away from Chu Qishui, there was no big fluctuation on her face, and she couldn't tell what was going on in her heart.

No need to look, she must be thinking about her A Ling, nothing else matters.

Liu Fufeng returned to the room, at this time everyone had finished eating, Xifeng even cleaned up the dining table and the room, Lu Ling was playing with Xuechen, Zhao Yingge was reading a book, Xifeng just took off her apron.

"Are you back? What did Master tell you?" Xifeng asked with eyes lit up when she saw Liu Fufeng come back.

"Tell me to practice hard." Liu Fufeng shook his head helplessly, and told everyone what happened before. After hiding some details, Chu Qishui really became a good master who cared about his apprentices. Of course, apart from her irresponsible Besides, there is nothing to say.

Lu Ling wasn't surprised either. Her junior sister's talent is said to be the best in Lingshan now, so she didn't worry about her junior sister's resources for a long time, and it doesn't matter if the master came to ask her junior sister's cultivation situation now, so it's better to say no It's weird to ask.

[Xiaoxue, do you think the space talent is really that powerful?My junior sister is now able to shuttle back and forth in the formation used by Master Feng. 】Lu Ling hugged Xuechen and rubbed her face.

Mao'er was intoxicated, and didn't know what Lu Ling was talking about, and didn't ask carefully, but said: "It should... be... very powerful... One of the five elements of earth, feng, shui, fire and space...]

Her memory loss was severe, and she didn't know much about the cultivation system of the human race, so she casually slapped Lu Ling off.

The main reason is that although she will listen to Liu Fufeng's words because of Lu Ling, in the end, no one will pay attention to this little girl except her master, let alone care about it. Liu Fufeng is such a big rival in love , Xuechen was going to be worried all day long, how could she be in the mood to pay attention to her cultivation progress.

On the other side, Liu Fufeng, Xifeng and the others chatted about the daily life, more or less mentioned in the conversation that they should take good care of Lu Ling in the future, both of them agreed, and Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Zhao Yingge is very unreliable on the surface, in fact he has a delicate mind, without the slightest roughness, and he is confident and generous, so he can be a good example for Lu Ling.

As a woman who was a city lord, Xifeng has been dormant for many years. She is a master of ninja and has an exquisite heart. She also cares about Lu Ling very much, and she complements Zhao Yingge perfectly.

If she lived with them, Lu Ling must have grown up very well, not to mention Li Zhuzi was there to guide her.

She can rest assured.

It's just that Xifeng and the others' cultivation is also a problem.

But she can't help them, and the advice she can give is to practice early.

"Sister Zhao, Sister Xifeng. Especially Sister Xifeng, who is now in the soul-dividing state. The root bone of the practice of Lingshan is relatively old, and the speed of progress is relatively fast. It takes about three months to build a foundation and a soul. Have you considered going to Tianguang?" Take a look at Xu Huiwu."

"Seeing the world?" Xifeng chuckled, with a little interest in his eyes.

Zhao Yingge didn't speak. Her cultivation speed was relatively slow. After all, she couldn't be older than Liu Fufeng... But Gu Xiao told her before that with her natural power and the pill given by Master Luanfeng, her physical strength recovery speed Very quickly, if you can learn a suitable set of marksmanship, with the help of spiritual power, you can fight with those old guys who are in the lowest level of martial arts in Tianguangxu... It's not that you don't have no resistance at all.

Compared to Xifeng, Zhao Yingge had already decided to go and see, even if she was beaten badly, this was the way she had to go.

She may learn the cherry blossoms and singing that her mother expected, but at present, force is still the most attractive to her.

Xifeng thought about it and said.

"Go and have a look, and see what the fairy gates outside Lingshan look like."

Liu Fufeng nodded.

Her current personality has not been completely affected, so in the last time, she can prepare some opportunities for them in Tianguang Market in advance.

She has a feeling, if you give her some more time, maybe she will really disown her six relatives.

As for those memories in his mind that seem to be like fairy tales, whether all the chances and exercises are true or not... Liu Fufeng can't care so much now.



Some more time passed.

"Senior Sister, it's almost time, it's time to go back." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling and said.

"Ah?" Lu Ling obviously still had some unfinished business and was not so willing to leave.

"Can't you stay here for a day?" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng pitifully.

Liu Fufeng did not speak.

Knowing Liu Fufeng's dilemma, Xifeng opened her mouth.

"Where do you want to sleep, girl? The ground is enough for Zhao girl and I to sleep. You stay and I sleep outside? I don't want to go back because I live in a big house. I really don't know what to say about you."

"..." Lu Ling curled her lips when she heard the words, she knew it was just an excuse.

Although she was reluctant to part with Xuechen, she wouldn't make things difficult for her junior sister.


"Junior Sister, I want to go to the hot spring. Let's soak in the hot spring and then go back. I haven't had a bath at home for a long time." Lu Ling chose the next best thing.

This time Liu Fufeng agreed.

Aya reminded her.

Starting from the spiritual spring of Jiufeng, she knew that Lu Ling was her younger sister, so everything... ended at the spiritual spring, that's fine.

Seeing that Liu Fufeng agreed, several people set off for Lingquan.


The snowflakes are still falling.

However, the area around the Lingquan was steaming, and several beautiful girls were enjoying the spring water with their bare skin.

When Liu Fufeng was not around, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge would never come here to take a bath. They also knew the importance of Lingquan, and Liu Fufeng had the token of the peak master and Chu Qishui, so they could enjoy it with peace of mind. .

About 5 minutes later, Lu Ling was killed in the hot spring, floating there, and Xuechen lay on top of her, almost unconscious.

At this time, Lu Ling was as red as a crayfish, her eyes were blurred, and her face was flushed.

His eyes turned white, and there were no pupils. From Xuechen's blurred eyes, he could see a little bit of Lu Ling's current state.

Still like that, even if she is in harmony now, has the suppression of Huo Liuli, has learned Shenlan, and comprehended the original way of balance...but as long as she has an ice-type physique, she will not be able to escape this hurdle.

At this time, there were still three girls in the hot spring who were bathing in the bath without reservation and met each other frankly.

While the heat was steaming, snowflakes fell from the sky and fell into the spring water.

"Aling... is she okay?" Xifeng looked at Lu Ling's appearance and was very worried. Although it was not that she had never seen this scene before, she still found it very strange.

Although this Lingquan is very comfortable, isn't Ah Ling's performance too exaggerated?

Liu Fufeng shook his head, and hugged Lu Ling in his arms, feeling his and Ah Ling's skin close together, his face flushed slightly.

Last time.

She gently stroked Lu Ling's long hair.

"Let the senior sister soak for a while, I will take her back later."

Xifeng and Zhao Yingge naturally had no objections, they were also enjoying the warmth around them.

Between mist.

No one noticed that Liu Fufeng dug up the space and stored something in the soil on the shore.

a wooden box.

Inside is a mask, hair, a piece of yellow paper.

The hot spring here was the first place where she saw Lu Ling as her younger sister, and it was also the place where Lu Ling first let go of her wariness... It is the best place to make a "mound".

As for the blood butterfly... She kept it by her side, because it was given to her by Ah Ling, and it was different from other things.

Ah Ling said that she looked good in it, so she would wear it even if she died, it was the only thing that accompanied her.

From now on, all worries will be let go.

Although there are still many trivial things, such as the housing problem, Ah Ling wants to learn the teacher of painting... She also promised to pierc Lu Ling's ears, and even wanted to choose jewelry for her by herself, and wanted to know what Lu Ling looked like when she grew up , choose skirts and clothes for her... etc., Liu Fufeng wanted to arrange for Lu Ling one by one, but she didn't have much time, so she could only try her best not to think about it.

She shattered the interface between the inside of her body and her soul, even Lingshan couldn't save her... At most, there are still a few hours left.

Even Chu Qishui didn't notice any abnormalities in her body, let alone other people.

Liu Fufeng didn't know where he died... Now her master, Chu Qishui also gave her the best choice.

The Youtan, which was full of Lu Ling's aura before, was really a beautiful place. To be able to sleep in such a place, it was as if A Ling was sleeping beside her. She didn't leave, but just fell asleep.

Shake his head.

In the last time, she hoped to be with Lu Ling.

Liu Fufeng hugged Lu Ling, and there was no way to conceal the deep nostalgia and reluctance in his eyes.

There was still a trace of killing intent, which was completely crushed by nostalgia at this time.

She won't let anyone hurt her A Ling.

Zhao Yingge and Xifeng on the side looked at Liu Fufeng hugging Lu Ling like this, looked at each other, and saw each other's helplessness.

It is impossible for anyone to have the opportunity to intervene in this kind of relationship.



As usual, Lu Ling passed out after soaking in the hot spring, and it will probably be the next morning when she wakes up.

Liu Fufeng bid farewell to everyone, put away Lu Ling's wheelchair, and carried her to Yifeng step by step.

It's been a long time.


Putting Lu Ling on the bed, Liu Fufeng changed her into pajamas, sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the flushed and charming face.

Aya... really cute.

If you look carefully, she has grown a lot compared to when she first went up the mountain. From her body to her will, she is no longer the incomplete product that just went up the mountain.

And now... isn't it him who hinders her growth?
Liu Fufeng wanted to reach out to touch Lu Ling's face, but he stretched out his hand for a while, and then took it back.

Focusing on Lu Ling's body, Liu Fufeng felt a sense of satisfaction on his face.

Aya has already started to develop.

Liu Fufeng raised the corners of his mouth thinking about the strangeness of Lu Ling's body that he saw in the hot spring before.

very happy.

So be it.

Liu Fufeng took out the space ring he had condensed for Lu Ling. Because it was not made in time, it was not very beautiful. It was just a simple silver ring with a mellow light. The material... was only silver, which was refined. Later silver taels.

Although there is no good refining magic weapon, the usable space is not comparable to any space bag. Before Liu Fufeng smashed his body, he used all his strength to create this ring.

There are some things she left for Ah Ling in it. They say they left it behind, but in fact there is nothing...all clothes, sundries and so on.

Liu Fufeng carefully put the silver ring on the ring finger of Lu Ling's left hand, and reluctantly let go of that warm little hand.

That's it.

She won't say goodbye to anyone, just disappear like this, it is impossible for Lingshan to find her... In this way, no one will know where she went, and no one will think that she just died... Probably, Lingshan's People would think that she practiced the talent of space, so the random teleportation disappeared, so that her A Ling's life would not collapse because of her departure.

All A Ling can do is to practice hard, and then look forward to finding her one day...

After a long time, she will be forgotten.

After all, Lu Ling is not really inseparable from her, she is not indispensable to Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng has always understood this.

Always understood.

Liu Fufeng bent down, kissed Lu Ling lightly on the side of the cheek, and raised his head satisfied.

"Good night."

Without saying goodbye, it is naturally not considered separation.



nine peaks.

Even Chu Qishui didn't notice that a girl turned back.

This is the upstream of the stream, opposite to the hot springs that everyone likes to go to.


Liu Fufeng changed into the simplest skirt and put on the blood butterfly, staring at the reflection in the water in a daze.

She...has really changed a lot.

With myself who just went up the mountain, no one will recognize it.

It would be nice if she didn't become beautiful, and didn't awaken that talent, she could always be by Ah Ling's side, even if she couldn't cultivate, even if she was old and couldn't look at her in the end, she was ugly and humble, but she could look at her...

But now, the greedy one can cultivate, possesses an amazing appearance and powerful talent, but loses the most important thing.

Liu Fufeng lay down, concealed his figure, and closed his eyes, with a deep reluctance on his face.

The body begins to crumble.



the next morning.

Lu Ling opened her eyes, yawned, and smacked her lips.

Show a little bit of happiness.

I slept happily and contentedly.

Every time she came out of the hot spring, she would sleep until dawn after being carried home by her junior sister, and the quality of sleep was extremely high.

And get up earlier.

Some are hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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