Chapter 702 Search
It was still early morning.

It was around six o'clock. Every time Lu Ling got up after taking a bath in the hot spring, she would wake up very early. Because of her good sleep quality, she was very awake now.

Patting the bed board, Lu Ling tried to sit up.

It's a pity that after losing all the strength in her lower body, it also affected most of the strength in her waist. It took a lot of effort for Lu Ling to prop herself up and sit up, and then she could only be in a daze.

Unable to get out of bed.

Give up.

It was like this every morning, she would try to act alone, but unfortunately, her body was washed by two waves of energy, she couldn't do it at all.

Not doing it.


Hungry growling.

Lu Ling looked at the bottom of the room, the junior sister must have cooked the meal, I don't know what delicious food the junior sister cooked this morning.

"Cough cough." Lu Ling pretended to cough a few times and closed her eyes.

Count silently in my heart.




Usually, as long as she makes a noise, she can definitely hear the footsteps of the junior sister going upstairs within three seconds.

But today is different.

After the three beeps, Lu Ling opened her eyes in a daze, listening to the dead silence in her ears, she felt a little flustered.

Where is the junior sister?
Yesterday...they took a hot spring together, and then...she passed out and didn't know anything.

It should be the junior sister who sent her back.

She said she was flustered, but Lu Ling didn't lose her composure too much. Maybe her junior sister was out busy. After all, her current talent has caused a lot of trouble.

But thinking about it this way, she was like a late parent and child waiting at the school gate. Even though she knew it was just a simple lateness, her heart was still full of fear.

Lu Ling stared at the door of the room, waiting for the sound of footsteps outside, and amplified her hearing to the maximum, hoping to hear Liu Fufeng's voice, even the sound of cooking.

Unfortunately... nothing.

All she could hear was the sound of the wind blowing through the lake in the courtyard.

The confusion in Lu Ling's eyes became even stronger.



in the afternoon.

Master Luanfeng finally found time, put down the annotated file, stretched his body long, and stood up.

Glancing at the time, it was already after lunch.

She had been waiting for Liu Fufeng to come to practice in the morning, but Liu Fufeng never came, so she waited for her while working, and did not force her to find him.

This girl has never been late before, but last night the two sisters returned to Jiufeng and came back in the middle of the night, probably playing crazy, of course, Liu Fufeng will definitely not stay in bed, so the real Luanfeng thinks that Liu Fufeng must be taking care of Lu Aya didn't look for her.

She gave Liu Fufeng time.

It's's already afternoon, lunch time is over, and her work has been dealt with, why hasn't Miss Liu come over yet?
Yesterday, Liu Fufeng was able to perfectly evade her attack, which made her praise her vigorously.

Are you proud?

She felt the need to hit Liu Fufeng.

Go find them, if you're not here, Liu Fufeng is either at Shuyuan or at home.

Closing his eyes, seeing the Shuyuan with the closed gate, Master Luanfeng froze for a moment.

I felt something was wrong.

Xu Xu still hasn't come out in the void, the book garden is given to Liu Fufeng, so this girl will go to the book garden on the first floor every morning to open the door, and then read in it, and occasionally she will bring Lu Ling with her.

If she is not in Shuyuan, a sign will be put up.

But now, the first floor of the library does not appear to be open.

more importantly……

Liu Fufeng has never been a proud person.

Master Luanfeng finally realized something, turned around and went straight to the courtyard of the two sisters.



The yard is the same as before, very quiet and beautiful.

"Dong dong dong."

Knock on the door.

She didn't check the two sisters' rooms directly with her spiritual sense, which was the most basic respect for the children.

"Dong dong dong."

After knocking on the door, Master Luanfeng listened to the movement inside the house.

very quiet.

It's like no one is there.

"Dong dong dong."

After a few minutes.

Nothing but three.

It looked like no one was there, but... she sensed a little bit of weirdness, and without hesitation, Master Luanfeng pushed open the door of the small building.


The scene in front of him made Master Luanfeng stay where he was.

very quiet.

Everything in the room was arranged in an orderly manner, but... there was a small figure in pajamas leaning against the threshold, motionless.

Lu Ling sat alone at the door of the kitchen, staring blankly at her hands, her big eyes were not as lively as before, but full of emptiness, without any emotion.

Joy, sadness, despair, and other emotions do not exist, there are only empty sights.

At this time, through Lu Ling who was wearing pajamas, the real Luanfeng could see that there were patches of bruises on her body, and the crystal clear jade nails that had been cared for by her junior sister were also stained with blood.

Immortal Luanfeng soon realized something, Lu Ling couldn't move her legs, did she go downstairs?
And what supported her to come down from upstairs alone.

What about Liu Fufeng?

Didn't she never leave Lu Ling's side?For her, landing Lu Ling hungry is a great sin, let alone getting injured.

Real Luanfeng cautiously walked to Lu Ling's side, knelt down and looked at her, his eyes were full of distress, and after living with Lu Ling for a while, how could she not like this girl, and by observing Lu Ling, she One thing is confirmed.

Lu Ling has been in this state for at least one morning.

Master Luanfeng thought for a while, and then he understood that Liu Fufeng must have disappeared, otherwise, Lu Ling couldn't be like this.

It's just surprising that the girl didn't cry, and there were no tears on her face.

She couldn't understand that fear prevented Lu Ling from even thinking about crying.

Master Luanfeng injected a beam of energy into Lu Ling's body, calling her softly.

"A Ling, A Ling..."




Is it her?

There was a little struggle in Lu Ling's closed heart.

Junior sister is back.

There was a gleam in the big eyes, and when he turned his head, he saw Master Luanfeng, the fire of hope was shattered in an instant, he didn't care about the pain coming from all over his body, he grabbed the skirt of the uncle, and there was a bit of begging in his voice.

"Uncle, my junior you..."

The little hand trembled, and pressed on the heart of Master Luanfeng.

Master Luanfeng looked at Lu Ling, shook his head, picked Lu Ling up from the ground, put her on the wheelchair, and then faced her.

"what happened?"

Seeing that her junior sister and senior uncle were not together, Lu Ling fell into a daze again, but when she heard the voice of Master Luanfeng, Lu Ling seemed to grasp the last straw and told her teacher everything that happened yesterday. Bo.

Said everything.

If there is still one person who knows where her junior sister is now, it is only Senior Luanfeng.

It's just that... Lu Ling hid her left hand behind her back when she was talking, and Master Luan Feng felt sorry for Lu Ling, so she didn't notice this for a while.

"I see, don't worry, I will find her." Master Luanfeng stroked Lu Ling's hair, comforting her.

My heart is full of dissatisfaction and strangeness towards Liu Fufeng.

Where did this girl go?
Didn't she know that girl Lu Ling couldn't leave her for a quarter of an hour?

In the past, the two sisters could live well in Lingshan and Luoyan City because of force majeure, but... if two sisters lived together and one of them disappeared suddenly, Lu Ling would absolutely not accept it.

It was such an important matter that Liu Fufeng even ignored Lu Ling.

It's just that Master Luanfeng felt that he could find Liu Fufeng, so he wasn't very worried. This girl is nothing more than on Lingshan.

Not only is Liu Fufeng safe, she has her master here, as long as she can't afford to fight, Lingshan is the safest place, and this is Lingshan, so she won't have any accidents, even if she loses her body in an accident, her soul is immortal. He won't die, Master Luanfeng is just curious about what Liu Fufeng is doing.

"You're hungry... go eat with me first." At this moment, Master Luanfeng was like an aunt, pushing Lu Ling's wheelchair.

Who knew, Lu Ling shook her head, still looking at her expectantly, her voice trembling.

"Not hungry... Master, help me... find... her."

Lu Ling herself didn't realize that her... her speech became more and more difficult, as if she had returned to the time when she was just learning to speak.

"Go and eat first, and then I'll help you find her, be obedient." Master Luanfeng brought Lu Ling to the dining hall.


"If you don't eat, I won't look for it."


Lu Ling could only nod her head.


She was already hungry, but now she couldn't take a bite of rice, so she could only sip the porridge, and at the same time... the throbbing and panic in her heart made her almost unable to breathe.

Junior sister... left her a ring.

Inside were her changed clothes, and the token that her junior sister never left.

Like saying goodbye to her.

Liu Fufeng said that she would not bid farewell to anyone, but in fact, she left something behind to say "goodbye" to Lu Ling.

It's okay, because this kind of behavior is easier for Lu Ling to accept than her sudden disappearance. After all, the latter may have accidents, while the former is a voluntary choice. She left, and Lu Ling wanted to find her. The power is even stronger.

These are not important, in the final analysis Liu Fufeng still has selfish motives.

She didn't want Ah Ling to forget her, but with this ring, which was nearly infinite in space, it would be convenient for Lu Ling, and she... would remember her too.

Liu Fufeng didn't know that it was best that Lu Ling had forgotten her.

But she can't.



After discovering what was in the ring, Lu Ling couldn't believe it at all, and then broke down directly.

After waking up, that kind of fear prevented her from telling Master Luanfeng about the ring... If, if the junior sister really left, then... what will she do in the future...

The huge pressure made Lu Ling unacceptable, and unconsciously began to escape from reality.

There was nothing else she could do.

Others couldn't understand her fear when she fell all the way down the stairs and saw the empty kitchen with kitchen utensils safely placed on the chopping board.

Her junior sister didn't cook her breakfast.

What was behind her made Lu Ling suffocate.

Remember the meaning of the mask?In fact, Lu Ling never forgot.

The fourth senior sister had told her before, but Lu Ling never dared to ask why Liu Fufeng gave her this, just like now, she chose to escape.

The sound of fast cooking.

Lu Ling's pupils dilated to hollow, and the speed of eating in her hands also accelerated, like a starving ghost, swallowing the food on the table.

She no longer knew what she was doing.

All her hopes were pinned on her uncle.

Seeing that Lu Ling was willing to eat, Master Luanfeng breathed a sigh of relief and closed her eyes. In a flash, her consciousness swept across various places in Lingshan. Of course, she skipped some more private places where the children live. .

She wasn't worried that she wouldn't be able to find Liu Fufeng if he was in someone else's room, even if that was the case, she could still find traces of Liu Fufeng's existence in front of someone else's door.


She miscalculated.

Master Luanfeng opened his eyes, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.


She didn't find any trace of Liu Fufeng's existence, not even a single trace, and it was only at this time that she realized one thing, when she passed by the courtyard and checked the library, there was no trace.

Why not?

Master Luanfeng closed her eyes suspiciously, and searched again. This time, she stepped up her efforts, and after a while, she got the same result as before. At this time, she had given up protecting the privacy of the children, and her divine sense swept the entire Lingshan Mountain away. After searching again, but still did not find Liu Fufeng, instead it attracted many people's attention.

Li Zhuzi, Bai Yunfan, Mo Qing... even Li Wangsheng.

These people have all sensed the spiritual consciousness of Luanfeng Daoist.

But Master Luanfeng still got nothing.

Liu Fufeng disappeared out of thin air.

No, it shouldn't be.

Originally, according to the procedure, she should call a meeting, start with the people below one by one, maybe she can find Liu Fufeng, or directly transmit the sound to Lingshan.

But Daoist Luanfeng noticed something strange, and faintly felt that something serious happened.

Not to mention Liu Fufeng's significance to Lu Ling, her significance to Lingshan is also immeasurable. A delay of even a second now may have a very big impact, so the real Luanfeng directly used the last step.

Master Luanfeng glanced at Lu Ling, gritted his teeth, and closed his eyes again.

But this time, huge energy began to overflow from her body.

She connected with the Lingshan Mountain Protector Array, gathering the power of the entire Lingshan Mountain to find Liu Fufeng's trace.

Among the people with this authority, there is only Daoist Luanfeng among the people in Lingshan.

At this time, the disciples of the nine disciple peaks on Lingshan looked up in surprise, and saw a colorful formation with the nine-story Lingtai as the eye of the formation, forming a huge formation, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, with endless energy like a flood The torrent flooded the entire Lingshan in an instant.

Run into the sea.

The Spirit Mountain Formation is essentially a formation to control spiritual power, with the Nine Peaks as the base and the Lingtai as the eye, the attack and defense are integrated, the mystery is infinite, and it can exhaust all the spiritual power to bless the people in the formation.

The last time this formation was used...was when news of Liu Yu's death came and Lingshan went crazy and killed many demon kings.

Now, it was once again used by Master Luanfeng.

The purpose is... to find someone.

With the blessing of the formation, countless spiritual powers are used by Lingshan, not only on Lingshan, but also within tens of thousands of miles around, within the perception of Luanfeng Zhenren. As long as she has spiritual power, she can find Liu Fufeng, even if this girl falls into it Space cracks, space turbulence, she can also pull her out.



Originally, the spiritual consciousness that Master Luanfeng had passed by twice had already alarmed many people.

But now that she used the spirit array, everyone couldn't sit still, including Mo Yu and Li Zhuzi, who rushed here at this time, and even Yun Shu, who had agreed to leave things alone, put down the novel.

(End of this chapter)

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