Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 703 Movements of the Sea Clan

Chapter 703 Movements of the Sea Clan

Lu Ling didn't notice anything unusual at first.

Her cultivation base is not enough, she can't detect the strong spiritual power of Luanfeng Daoist, and her mind has already collapsed at this time, she just lowered her head and stuffed things into her mouth.

Soon, many people gathered in Yifeng's dining hall.

Lu Ling's ears moved.

Turning around, I saw many people.

Mo Yu, Dongfang Lianren, Liu Yao... Many Lingshan people who came back from outside were shocked at this time.

If it was normal, she would be very curious, but now... just glanced at it and then lowered her head, unable to arouse any interest.


junior sister...

where did she go.

Lu Ling very much hoped that everything was a joke played by her junior sister to test how much she loved her.

Come back soon.

She softened.

In the future, I will say I love her several times a day.

Nor will it be capricious.

I don't want my junior sister to help her dress.

Will help with the dishes.

Beg her to stop punishing herself like this.

Lu Ling was short of breath, the breath was very long, and each breath was a deep breath, but in the eyes of the people around, this girl seemed to be out of breath, her chest heaved more and more, but her face became more and more serious. ugly.

The strangeness of the little girl naturally caught the attention of the group of Lingshan people.

At this time, Li Zhuzi hadn't come yet, but Master Zixu frowned when he saw Lu Ling's state. She was already very serious, but frowning like this made her even more terrifying.

She didn't want to hurt Lu Ling, but she felt distressed.

Master Zixu is about to come out to take care of Lu Ling.

But was stopped by a person.

There was a tinge of anger in Zixu's eyes, who is so short-sighted, didn't see that the little girl was in a bad state?

Although she has now stepped down from the position of the deputy peak master of the six peaks, the people in Lingshan have never looked down upon her.

Liu Yu's younger sister, Liu Yao, the deputy peak master of the six peaks, has never been a good-natured woman. The blood on this woman's hands is second only to Shen Canghai, and she is also a recognized existence on Lingshan that cannot be offended.

Zixu looked over.

After a moment of stunned, all the anger dissipated.

Those who stopped her were Dongfang Lianren, her only few friends.

Dongfang Lianren has always stood by her side, hating which "faction" of Chu Qishui together, of course, Zixu knew that Dongfang Lianren was just taking care of her...

After all, Liu Yu is gone, Dongfang Lianren has always regarded herself as her and Luo Hanyi's sister.

"Dongfang?" Master Zixu looked at her suspiciously.

"Don't move, look at Senior Sister Feng first, it's better." Dongfang Lian shook his head lightly.

Why doesn't she feel sorry for Lu Ling.

But now the problem is not with Lu Ling but with Senior Sister Feng. She suddenly activated the spiritual array, and the spiritual energy gathered on one person must be doing something very important, and Senior Sister Feng chose this position, which means she was taking Lu Ling to dinner. , The emergency she encountered made her have to activate the formation in the dining hall instead of calling them together to decide whether to use the formation.

At this time, everyone should not come within ten meters of her body and give her enough time.

At this time, most of the new force in Lingshan gathered in this restaurant, including some old women from that unknown place, who also cast their sights here.

At this time, many women established a sea of ​​knowledge bridge, asking each other to find a clue.

The sudden opening of the spirit array is really strange. After all, Lingshan has not been so high-profile for a long time, and the spirit array has not been used for a long time since the last time it was opened. After so many years, the spirit array has also undergone self-evolution, and now it is suddenly carried out for thousands of miles. Linghai's manipulation undoubtedly exposed some cards to the world.

In this turbulent time, it is not a good thing.

It's not that they are afraid of the holy land of the human race, but the demon race. If a war starts, the other party will definitely be aware of it and take precautions.

Moreover, the use of the formation will make Lingshan's aura unable to maintain balance for a long time, and even affect the virtual space of the Dojo. It is impossible for Senior Sister Feng not to know the seriousness of the matter, but she still chose a person to directly activate the formation. What she has to do is imminent.

Everyone is waiting for an explanation. Lingshan's mountain protection formation is one of Lingshan's most important trump cards, far more important than Xueluo Qianhan.

Including Yun Shu and the others are also waiting for a reason. They sit in Lingshan and have not found any abnormalities, but Yun Shu has already discovered that Master Luanfeng is using the power of the spirit array to find someone.

Find someone.

I can't understand, because Master Luanfeng didn't find what he was looking for with the two divine senses, he directly used the formation... What happened to her?Why are you so restless.

The women discussed.

"What happened?"

"I don't know."

"Can you tell how long Senior Sister Feng will take?"

"do not know."

"It should be soon, Senior Sister Feng simply spread out the spiritual energy, but it is useless, so wait a little longer."

"Strange... why do I look at Senior Sister Feng as if she is looking for something..."



This time, Bai Yunfan and Mo Qing stayed in the room obediently, not going anywhere, the energy gathered in one place, even Mo Qing restrained his aura, and let the situation around him be exposed to the public. The eyes of the real Luanfeng.

This spiritual power is really overbearing.

Luanfeng real person is not simply looking for, in Mo Qing's eyes, she has not let go of the deep space, not even everyone's space magic weapon and space bag can escape her detection.

Although Mo Qing didn't think that there was anything in her magic weapon of space that could not be seen by others, but just being exposed in front of Luanfeng Luanfeng's eyes, her complexion was always ugly.

Naturally, Bai Yunfan did not escape, and compared to Mo Qing, he was even more frustrated.

His space bag is full of gifts bought for Lu Ling.

Snacks, cute dolls...

There are also several sets of women's clothing.

After being seen by others, he felt that if it got out, he wouldn't have to mess around.




Li Zhuzi didn't know what happened, he was very curious, and there was a little worry in his eyes looking at the sky, but after all, he didn't go to Yifeng to check the situation like other Lingshan people, but he nestled himself at home and burned a pot Tea.

She doesn't like trouble.

Before Lingshan people were not in Lingshan, she would go to help Senior Sister Feng, but now...she prefers to be quiet.

Just follow orders.

The same is Nanyuan.

The woman in purple opened her eyes, letting the tyrannical spiritual power sweep over her body, the yard.

There was surprise in the ice blue eyes.

This formation... reminded her of something.

It seems very familiar.

The woman in purple could easily penetrate this huge spiritual power. Following her instinct, she intercepted a small part of Luanfeng's consciousness, and immediately realized what happened.

"Liu Fufeng is gone?"

Liu Fufeng...

That girl who made her feel extremely afraid and wanted to kill her once disappeared out of thin air?


The woman in purple couldn't understand. To be honest, she had recently felt that Liu Fufeng had become a climate, and she couldn't kill him anymore, so it had become a matter of concern.

Now Liu Fufeng left Lu Ling by himself.

Can't understand.

It stands to reason that she should have breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't. If Liu Fufeng stayed by Lu Ling's side, even though she was uncomfortable, the other party had traces to follow... She wasn't worried that Liu Fufeng would make something happen. , but now the disappearance of the other party is like a dragon swimming in the sea, and there is no trace of it anymore.

It's tricky.



In addition to the woman in purple, there was also a short-haired woman in a golden yellow robe who discovered the meaning of Luanfeng.

After realizing that Lingshan used the spirit array to protect the mountain, Xihuang immediately withdrew the consciousness of guarding Tianguangxu avatar, Xuenv... No, Lu Ling lives in Lingshan, and nothing can happen to Lingshan.

Xihuang stood up and intercepted Master Luanfeng's intentions.

Found one thing.

Liu Fufeng disappeared.

Find someone.

Find someone……

Find someone?

Xihuang also showed surprise, she knew that Liu Fufeng was someone Lu Ling relied on very much, her rival in love, but seeing what Luo Qianhan said, the two of them combined could not be worth Liu Fufeng's one in Lu Ling's heart hand.

Xihuang didn't want to believe it, but she couldn't believe it... Lu Ling really relied on Liu Fufeng very much.

Now Liu Fufeng's disappearance made her feel a little lucky, and immediately worried about Lu Ling... This girl must be very sad now.

But calmly, she didn't go to see Lu Ling. Lu Ling needed to grow up, and Xihuang, who had been staying in Tianguangxu, discovered something strange on the other side of the [door].

A long time ago.

Demons are too quiet.

But's become quieter, the atmosphere of the entire race is extremely serious, and something big will definitely happen.

As a long-lived species and her own family, Xihuang can't intervene in the war between races at will, otherwise she will be sanctioned by the Dao of Heaven or the Immortal Sword before she makes a move. The catastrophe is approaching, Lu Ling must grow up quickly.

The disappearance of Liu Fufeng is not a bad thing for Lu Ling.

Xihuang could not always protect Lu Ling.

It would be fine if Lu Ling was an ordinary person, she can protect Lu Ling's safety in this life, but she is a snow girl, she has a great karma with the demons, and she is not a long-lived species.

When the catastrophe comes, the demons will definitely give all they have to kill Xue Nu. This is an endless hatred, and as long as the queen does not act, she, who is also a long-lived species, cannot intervene.

What can be done is to provide some help to Lu Ling at the risk of being punished by heaven, and the help cannot be immediate and affect the overall situation.

In fact, if there was no Luo Qianhan around Xuenv back then, even if she destroyed most of the demon clan's sealed land, the queen would not be able to take action against her. Unfortunately... it was Luo Qianhan who broke the precept first, and Luo Qianhan did not Hong Ling's power to destroy everything.

And Luo Qianhan in this life is still by Lu Ling's side, so it is possible to attract that woman from the Demon Race... So Xihuang can't get away most of the time, just in case, she needs to stop that woman.

In all fairness, Xihuang didn't hate the Queen, at least she was much stronger than that old woman from the Sea Clan, but she killed Xuenv, although it was true that the Queen wanted to avenge her children, but her position was different.

Xihuang's gaze crossed the space and landed on Lu Ling whose eyes were empty at this moment.


When the catastrophe started, she could only stop the queen, and Lu Ling still had to walk alone.

She has to grow.

Although now is the time to get close to Lu Ling and build a good impression, but she will not do this.

Lu Ling has her own way, and Xihuang also has her own way.

She felt that the time before Huo Hongling was born was approaching.

Fenghuanghuo and Lihuo... have to meet each other.

Closing her eyes, Xihuang continued to guard the seal in the depths of Tianguang Ruins.



deep sea.

Under the blue-blue environment like glass, the space is distorted, refracting colorful rays of light. That is not sunshine. There is no so-called sunshine under the deep sea, but there is another "sun".

The great sun shines across the sea, but the holy mountain is still dark.

In the temple, the woman opened her eyes. She raised her head and looked into the distance. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains were completely compressed. Her clear vision penetrated the space and saw the gate of Lingshan Mountain.

For a moment, the clear sky in her eyes was confused again, this time... Tian Dao even closed her vision.

At the last moment, she vaguely sensed something, and also saw a figure who seemed to be asleep, with a strong aura of heaven on her body.

It was a girl, a girl with a blood butterfly on her head.

chess player.

Is the entire Hai Clan her pawn?

For the first time, the high priest Wannian's cool and beautiful face showed violent mood swings. Even when Xihuang stole the sea tomb, she did not lose her composure. The enmity with Xihuang was more of a cause and effect. There are not too many personal factors. If you hit me, then I will pay it back.

But now, she was really angry.


Treating their entire Sea Clan as pawns, with such a big appetite, they are not afraid to last.


"High priest, you call me."

A mature woman with shining scales between her brows is lying in the hall, her skin is sickly pale, but there is a bit of majesty between her brows, which is the temperament brought to her by her high position all the year round. As the strongest race, the patriarch of the sea clan, a natural longevity race, this woman Except for Xihuang and the others, the most powerful women in the world.

But she was like this, but she knelt on the ground willingly.

"The catastrophe is approaching, look for the Holy Son."

To put it bluntly, when the patriarch woke up again, he had already been sent out of the temple.


what is that?
I've never heard of them having a holy son...

The high priest didn't say what the holy son looked like, but just asked them to look for it... The patriarch had a headache, but they would not disobey all the orders of the high priest.

The high priest meant that they would take the initiative to participate in this war.

It seems that another world war is about to start.

When the sea bell rings, tides come from all directions.

Starting today, Boundless Sea began to look for the so-called holy son who didn't know race, name, age, or gender.




The woman let out a breath.

I don't know if she made this decision impulsively.

However, since you want to eat, then come, I hope your appetite is good enough, and you can digest it if you can eat it, don't be too stuffed.

Ha ha……

snorted coldly.

The hall returned to darkness.



No one knows, the entire world of cultivating immortals has already started a huge turmoil, and now Lingshan only wants to know what the real Luanfeng has done.

The fluctuations in Luanfeng's body became more and more obvious, and she was about to wake up.

Tang Keyu stood aside, looking at Lu Ling worriedly.

After such a big incident happened, how could she continue to look at the orchard, not only her, but the ice beauty was standing beside her at this time, if she hadn't stopped her, she would have already rushed to Lu Ling's side.

 I wish you all good health
(End of this chapter)

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