706 Mist
She has endured a lot because of Lu Ling.

In any holy place, it would not be thought that an elf would go to the orchard and cooperate with the human race in doing research.

And she did.

The ice beauty abandoned the meaning of her own cultivation, because she felt that if she could make Lu Ling the best among the highest elves...then her contribution to the world would be much stronger than that of her being a high elf. You can also convince yourself, not to mention, she may not be able to move forward.

Moreover, every day when I open my eyes, I can see the little girl by my side. What kind of enjoyment should it be... After thinking about this matter, the ice beauty finally decided to leave with Lu Ling, although leaving the secret realm may affect her life. Cultivation, but with the highest elves, who can say for sure?

Being able to transform into a human body into the highest elf... is an unimaginable ability. If she can follow a girl who has been favored by heaven, there is a great possibility that she can break through the existing shackles. It is a secret place full of cold air, but there is something to gain if you give up.

The most important thing is... She felt that she liked this girl and wanted to stay by her side, even if she could only learn from the human race and be a maid.

But now, all her goals have not been realized.

She didn't live with Lu Ling, it didn't matter, Liu Fufeng took care of Lu Ling, and Lu Ling liked Liu Fufeng very much.

She didn't have a suitable place to practice, so it didn't matter if she wanted to release the cold air instead, because it was a deal to stay in Lingshan, stay with Lu Ling and Lingshan.

She has no way to be Lu Ling's maid now, but what she is doing is beneficial to Lu Ling. Every time there is any progress in the small longevity fruit, the first person to send it to eat is also Lu Ling. After all, it is of ice attribute. For Lu Ling Said to be a great tonic.

But... After all, this is not what she wants to do, what she needs to do.

It's just that she can bear what she can personally. As a noble elf, she thinks it doesn't matter.

As long as Lu Ling likes it, everything is fine.

But now, Lu Ling's growth has been hindered, she can't bear it anymore, absolutely can't bear it.

She could deeply feel that Lu Ling was degenerating, perhaps this degeneration was in preparation for evolution, but she still couldn't stand her master, a top elf who was now caught in an inexplicable trap.

She had to confirm Lu Ling's status and her safety.

"I need to check her status." The ice beauty was notifying Master Luanfeng.

Master Luanfeng is full of things at this time, because Liu Fufeng's departure is already exhausted, and the matter of the elves is also very important, and must not be exposed, but...

Looking into the elf's eyes, she couldn't help it.

Nowadays, Liu Fufeng is more important, she has no way to accompany this elf in Lingshan, if she arrives at the Great Sad Valley one day earlier, the search for Liu Fufeng can be done a little earlier.

"Don't reveal your identity," Daoist Luanfeng said.

"It's natural." The ice beauty nodded, she more or less understood what her race meant to Lingshan.

"You...you can move freely." Master Luanfeng said after contemplating.

She originally wanted the elves to only surround Lu Ling, but found... In fact, this does not have any specific effect, it is better to liberate her directly.

"Okay." As Daoist Luanfeng thought, the elf's complexion improved a bit.

In fact, even if there were no such words, she would just follow Lu Ling and obey Lu Ling's orders. She had nothing to do and wandered around on Lingshan.

"And... I'm not sure whether Lu Ling will meet you, we can't interfere, you understand." Master Luanfeng reminded the ice beauty.

From Lingshan's point of view, the relationship between this woman and Lu Ling... shouldn't be that close, otherwise Lu Ling wouldn't have visited her once.

The ice beauty nodded.

These matters belonged to her and Lu Ling, and naturally had nothing to do with Lingshan.

"That's how it is." Master Luanfeng nodded, and then left in a hurry, preparing for the etiquette of going out.

The ice beauty closed her eyes to perceive Lu Ling's position, and was suddenly held by Tang Keyu's hand.


Lu Ling's aura was chaotic, and her sight was blocked by a rush of heat. It was difficult for her to find Lu Ling's position. She was about to sense carefully when she interrupted her, feeling displeased.

"Let's go together." Tang Keyu said softly: "It's convenient to come with me."

The elf nodded.

If Tang Keyu is there, her identity can be explained, otherwise... such a beautiful woman suddenly appeared on Lingshan, how could it not cause a sensation.

And for Tang Keyu, Lu Ling is also her student, she is considered half of her child, how could she not worry about Lu Ling.

"Don, do you know where she is?"

"I know." Tang Keyu nodded.

Where will Lu Ling be?
Where can Lu Ling be?

Now, anyone who knows her knows that she has only one place to go.



Li Zhuzi's room.

Lu Ling fell asleep peacefully, and her husband just sat by the bed, taking the place that should have belonged to Liu Fufeng, looking at her quietly, his face full of tenderness and sorrow.

Hong Ling was also looking at Lu Ling.

She temporarily cut off the connection between her sister and Lu Ling, otherwise, Xuechen would have rushed over by now.

Regarding Liu Fufeng's death, Hong Ling was in a daze.


She was stunned.

This is the first time since its birth that this kind of brain has been blank.

This kind of feeling is like, after you are reborn, you have an old enemy. You know everything about the future and his strength, but you feel that you have lived a new life, and you will definitely be able to step on him and feel proud.

Just when you were about to work hard... your greatest enemy in life committed suicide.

It's over before it happens.

Should it be a surprise?
Do not……

There will be no joy.

With that comes a sense of uncertainty about the future, and a fear of the unknown.

Hongya will not be afraid.

So she was puzzled.


She knew there was a good explanation.

Liu Fufeng realized that he might hurt Lu Ling, so he chose to die.

Perfectly clothed.

But... she is not alone, Hong Ling is not clear about what is behind her, but will Liu Fufeng's biggest backer let her die like this?
probably not.

But unfortunately, she died like this.

Hong Ling's delicate face was full of seriousness, and she found that... things were really far away from all the development routes she thought.

In the past, if she didn't want to be a pawn, she could break the game violently. The easiest thing was to kill Liu Fufeng.

Although Liu Fufeng has an immortal body, her immortality has two disadvantages. One is that it has no effect on a rule judge like Xianjian, and the other is her suicide.

Liu Fufeng chose the latter.

And her death also deprived Hong Ling of her only means of breaking the situation.

For the first time, Hong Ling realized that the matter was completely out of her control, and the other party's purpose... seemed not to be Lu Ling, nor their two fairy swords.

Or... not just them.

good appetite.

A sternness flashed in Hong Ling's eyes.

She was angry.

Anger at being unable to control the direction of the future, and anger at Liu Fufeng's plan for his own death.

Liu Fufeng didn't know what her death meant to Lu Ling?

Does Liu Fufeng think that Lu Ling will forget her departure after a few months?
If so, that would be naive.

Hong Ling knows better than anyone else how much Lu Ling depends on Liu Fufeng, and it is definitely not to the extent that she can leave.

Doesn't Liu Fufeng understand how sad Lu Ling is?



This girl who has not yet awakened may really not know... Maybe Liu Fufeng's death was just the inducement of her subconscious mind, and she was plotted by herself.

All of this is just Hong Ling's speculation, just her worry that things are out of control.

If she really wanted to say something, she thought for a while, maybe Liu Fufeng's death was a good thing for Lu Ling. Only after getting rid of Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling could really grow up, and the fairy sword would not be bound.

The chain that Liu Fufeng had prepared for someone was completely broken.

However, the fog is getting worse.

But Hongya figured it out.

She only wants Lu Ling.

She doesn't care about all the other calculations, this is what she decided from the very beginning, but... She is very upset to be calculated like this.

That's it.



nine peaks.

The Taoist nun suddenly appeared and fell into the snow, not as calm as before. If you look carefully, her dark pupils are constantly impacted by chaotic breath, and silver light is shining from time to time.

"Her... Master?"

At this time, Zhao Yingge, who was practicing marksmanship, was sweating all over, put down his silver spear, and looked at Taoist nun's position suspiciously.

Looking at the staggering back, she got up and wanted to check, but in the end she didn't move, as if she didn't see anything.

Back Mountain.

The Taoist nun walked to a quiet place and looked at this small world with complicated eyes.

water pool.

running water.


Did Liu Fufeng really leave on his own initiative?

If others don't know, why doesn't she know.

It's ridiculous, as a master, she clearly saw the girl's will to die, but she unilaterally thought that she was enlightened by herself to untie the knot in her heart, which led to Liu Fufeng's "disappearance".


She never thought that it was gone.

She thought of that figure from behind, and Liu Yu.


This is what Liu Fufeng chose.

Her apprentice... is dead.


Why is this again.

The nun shook her head lightly, her expression gradually calming down.

She was still just as incompetent, she didn't know what happened and fell into the current situation.

But when she saw the junior sisters set off to look for Liu Fufeng, she couldn't express her guess. She knew that she was in Lingshan, and her words... no one would believe her. Even if she believed it, it would only bring more trouble .

Liu Fufeng...

The nun's face suddenly twisted, and her eyes seemed to change in an instant, revealing half of her face.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

It was a temperament that could not be described in words, as well as an indelible sadness and sorrow.

This situation only lasted for a short moment, and the Taoist nun was still the same Taoist nun.

She is very guilty.

He did not stop Liu Fufeng.

But it's more about sadness.

Liu Fufeng was her apprentice, she really... liked her very much, but she didn't show it.

And now, just die.

Unlike others, the nun can be sure that Liu Fufeng did not disappear, but committed suicide.

And... as far as she could think of, the most suitable place for Liu Fufeng to bury his bones might be here.

She brought Liu Fufeng to this place full of Lu Ling's aura yesterday to enlighten her, but in the end she personally chose a tomb for her apprentice, what kind of joke is this.

The Taoist nun looked at the Wangqing Pool, and didn't go down, but just sat on the bank in a daze.

She did not look for Liu Fufeng.

Because it was meaningless, she couldn't find it in the mountain protection formation, and she had no other way, but she was able to detect a trace of flawlessness, perhaps because of her relationship with Liu Yu.

drink wine.

Is all she can do is drink...

At this time, Chu Qishui couldn't arouse the slightest interest in drinking, and once again, she realized her own powerlessness and compromise.

Liu Yu's death dragged Chu Qishui from the nine heavens into the mortal world, endowing her with cowardice and humanity.

In a sense, she ruined her.

Liu Yu exchanged her own death for a living Chu Qishui, but for the latter, she hoped that the person who died was herself.

Who said that the Juexian who only has the sword in his eyes and the supreme strength is not really alive?Do you have to have emotions and desires like ordinary people to be alive?
These are not important, Liu Yu is already dead, and her death will drag Chu Qishui into hell.

But now, Liu Fufeng's death brought her something else.

Chu Qishui stood up, and left here without looking back.

She... has things she can do.

She has long been unwilling to practice, but as Liu Fufeng's master, she must protect what Liu Fufeng cherishes, and Lu Ling is also her apprentice.

Liu Fufeng might be the same as Liu Yu, but Chu Qishui never hoped that Lu Ling would be like him.

She also has a deep worry.

Liu Fufeng...does he really not know what his death means to Lu Ling?

She pushed Lu Ling into hell with her own hands, and cut off all possibilities of Lu Ling with her own death.

Did Liu Fufeng really not know?

Chu Qishui thought of the characteristics of the flawless body, and fell silent.

She didn't want to think about it any more.

She couldn't figure out what Liu Fufeng was thinking, just like she still couldn't understand what Liu Yu was thinking at that time.

Liu Fufeng is naturally kind to Lu Ling, she values ​​Lu Ling more than her life.

But... If Chu Qishui were to choose a method that could maximize the damage to Lu Ling, then it would be Liu Fufeng's death.

Why did Liu Fufeng hurt Lu Ling, and in such an extreme way?
This was something Chu Qishui didn't want to think about anymore.

Liu Fufeng is her favorite apprentice.

Liu Yu is her best senior sister.

These two people have a very high similarity, just like the meaning of escaping Liu Yu's death back then, now...she won't think about it anymore.

Her apprentice is dead.

Grab what's still there.

Lu Ling, Zhao Yingge, Xifeng.

But now, Lu Ling is like duckweed in the wind, she is in danger and needs to be rescued.

Fortunately, Lu Ling didn't know that her junior sister died, and this was the only thing that could save her.

(End of this chapter)

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