Chapter 707 Calm down
Maybe it's because Chu Qishui is familiar with Liu Yu, so she is more familiar with the characteristics of the flawless body, and also understands the real Liu Fufeng better than everyone imagined. In this respect, Hong Ling is not as good as her.

If Hong Ling knew what Chu Qishui thought of Liu Fufeng, she might be able to deduce something.

And now... Liu Fufeng is dead, and the things behind the scenes must be revealed by time.

Li Zhuzi's room.

Lu Ling looked very painful, but she was still resting.

Behind the screen, Master Luanfeng was about to go far away, but he still came here for a walk.

Master Luanfeng was about to leave. Before she left, she came here and had something to say to Li Zhuzi.

"That's how things are." Master Luanfeng said.

Li Zhuzi nodded. She probably knew the meaning of Lingshan's actions, and they had only this way. What surprised her was... Yun Shu's departure.

It was really surprising.

"Should we keep the matter of Liu Fufeng a secret for now?" Li Zhuzi asked.

After all, Jiufeng's disciples still have a reputation among the new generation of disciples in Lingshan.

Including Zhao Yingge and Xifeng, it may not be very good now, let them worry about Liu Fufeng.

"Well, keep it secret for the time being, including...Fang Qiuyu and the others. After Lu Ling wakes up, you can tell her. As for Xu Xu and Qin Qin...they can't hide it and there is no need to force it." Luan Feng said.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded.

She knew that Luanfeng Daoist meant that they were not in Lingshan, and she needed to pay more attention to many things. Li Zhuzi was willing to help, after all, this was what she should do.

Master Luanfeng said: "I am going to the Great Sad Valley this time, and I will pass through Picheng first, which is Liu Fufeng's hometown, to see if she has gone back. If Liu Fufeng is not there, I will go to the Great Sad Valley."

"Last time, after picking up someone, who was the person who went to Liu's house in Picheng?" Li Zhuzi thought for a while and asked.

"The one who picked him up was Zhou Ruo, who was Si Shi from the Sixth Peak. It wasn't her who came into contact with Liu Fufeng, but Ayao." Master Luanfeng thought for a while, and continued: "And then... it was Dongfang who sent Caibo poor man."

Pity the East...

Li Zhuzi froze for a moment.

This is quite unexpected.

But she also knows that Dongfang Lianren doesn't like to stay in Lingshan, and likes to run around, and she will restrain her poison.

"Is the East pitiful..." Li Zhuzi hesitated.

And Master Luanfeng didn't quite understand what Liu Fufeng meant.

"That's what I think. This is our route to find Liu Fufeng." Master Luanfeng waved his hand, and a large map appeared in front of him, and then she drew several routes on the map.

It can be seen that dozens of routes start from Lingshan, tens of thousands of miles away, forming an encirclement trend, and in the middle of the encirclement circle is a small city, which is Liu Fufeng's hometown, Picheng.

The route arrived at Picheng one after another, and then spread to the surrounding area again.

This is what carpet search means.

"It's very comprehensive. According to your itinerary, Senior Sister, it is true that everyone arrived in Picheng at different times." Li Zhuzi nodded, and continued: "But what I want to say is that it is best to arrange for one person to stay permanently. Not the first batch to arrive, but it is necessary."

"You mean..." Master Luanfeng thought for a while.

"Picheng...Because of Lingshan's relationship, the Liu family's power is not bad, and the people they have come into contact with are the best. Is the East pitiful..."

Master Luanfeng thought.

It is not impossible.

"There is no better choice." Li Zhuzi shook his head and said, to know Liu Fufeng, have enough strength, and be familiar with the changes before and after Picheng, only Dongfang Lianren is sensitive to details.

"That's true...but if this happens, Dong Shenhai will arrange for other people to go." Master Luanfeng nodded, agreeing with Li Zhuzi's idea.

Master Luanfeng continued: "I don't force it. Dongfang should come to see Lu Ling. When the time comes, Zhuzi, tell her about staying in Picheng. If Dongfang is willing, let her go. If she doesn't want to, forget it."

Li Zhuzi nodded in agreement.

She felt that Dongfang Lianren would also agree... After all, for Dongfang Lianren, Lingshan...staying is still a little stressful.

Thinking of this, Li Zhuzi glanced at Lu Ling in the back room, full of thoughts.


Liu Fufeng's hometown.

If Lu Ling knew about it, she would definitely want to go. Well, Dongfang Lianren is the only one who can make Li Zhuzi trust and take Lu Ling with her for the time being. Moreover, she also wants to let Dongfang Lianren go with her during this period of contact. People should investigate the cold poison on Lu Ling's body and the weird cultural soul poison.

I have to say that Li Zhuzi is always the one who thinks the furthest.

After explaining everything that should be explained, Master Luanfeng left and went to Picheng first. In fact, she wanted to see Chu Qishui before leaving, because the other party's behavior made her very worried.

But finally gave up.

Seeing Chu Qishui's appearance today... she was somewhat disappointed, the Supreme Immortal back then was dead after all.

And she made a special trip to Li Zhuzi's place, and left behind her personal token and peak master order.

When she was not in Lingshan, Li Zhuzi could decide all matters in Lingshan by himself.

This is the result of many considerations. Li Zhuzi, as a quadruple venerable, has the highest cultivation level among the remaining Lingshan people, and has a stable and calm personality, which is very suitable for grasping the overall situation. In fact, Li Zhuzi was stronger than her back then. She is qualified to be the peak master of a peak, and even after Liu Yu's fall and Chu Qishui's fall, she is the most qualified to become a senior sister.

It's a pity... she is too lazy.

But now, with Lu Ling's relationship, Li Zhuzi has no intention of being lazy.

"Just leave it to me."

Li Zhuzi's words echoed in Luanfeng's ears, which relieved her depressed mood a little bit.

Once she leaves...Li Zhuzi will face a lot of trouble.

Mo Qing, Bai Yunfan, Li Wangsheng...

anything else.

Lu You, and Qionghua, and the elves.

Any one of these things can make Daoist Luanfeng feel overwhelmed, but now, they are all thrown to Li Zhuzi, and Li Zhuzi obviously knows the troubles in the future, but she doesn't flinch at all, as if it wasn't her who was very afraid of troubles in the past Same.

If she wants, she can take care of everything naturally.

Li Zhuzi would agree to Luanfeng's entrustment, the reason is very simple, one is because the Great Sad Valley really needs Luanfeng to visit, and two...

Didn't realize that all the troublesome things above are all related to Lu Ling?And it's all directly related.

As Lu Ling's husband, she naturally would not stand by and watch.

After Master Luanfeng left, Li Zhuzi returned to Lu Ling's side, quietly looked at the sleeping girl, sighed, and remained silent.

Lu Ling's health is getting worse and worse. It hasn't been an afternoon since she came here, and Lu Ling's face has not turned pale at all.


It's outrageously white.

This strange pale color reminded Li Zhuzi that Lu Ling's skin when she first went up the mountain was the appearance of the cold bloodline before awakening, but Lu Ling has already mastered the bloodline...

In other words, her Aya is degenerating.


Li Wangsheng...Elf...Mo Qing...

A series of names flashed in Li Zhuzi's mind.

Originally, Lingshan was going to let Lu Ling develop rapidly, but now that these things happened, Lu Ling...maybe she would not have the opportunity to participate in the Tianguang Market Martial Arts Competition, so there is no need to practice so quickly, or It's better to stabilize her mood first.

Although Li Zhuzi didn't have the ability to sense Lu Ling like an elf, but in her eyes, Lu Ling's condition at this time was also very bad.

Lu Ling was extremely weak at this time, and her strength seemed to be collapsing.

Li Zhuzi had no choice but to leave the room quietly, leaving Lu Ling to rest alone.



When Tang Keyu came with the ice beauty, Li Zhuzi had been waiting in the yard for a long time.

It is snowing.

"I didn't expect that the elves came first." Li Zhuzi boiled a pot of tea at this time and poured a cup for each of them. At this time, Li Zhuzi had entered a special state, and she would not let herself affect all her judgments.

Because of Lu Ling, she temporarily entered this state. As for saying that it might make her more cold-blooded... that's all for another day.

Tang Keyu sat down, breathed out a breath of air, warmed his hands while holding a teacup, and asked Li Zhuzi worriedly: "How is Ah Ling?"

Li Zhuzi didn't answer for the time being, but looked at Tang Keyu's side.

The ice beauty didn't intend to sit down.

Feeling Lu Ling's strength, the ice beauty could hardly bear it any longer. Seeing this, Li Zhuzi didn't stop her: "She's inside, go and take a look, don't disturb her."

After the words fell, the ice beauty rushed over and opened the door.

Tang Keyu frowned, and was about to say something, but a few seconds later, the ice beauty retreated cautiously, her face full of worry.

Tang Keyu was surprised.

She thought... this elf would stay by her side for being so entangled with Lu Ling.

Li Zhuzi looked up at the elf, and took a sip of tea.

It seems that this elf really cares about her A Ling... From this point of view, this person is not only not a trouble, but also a help.

"It's so weak." The ice beauty sighed after going out.

The moment she entered, she realized that she couldn't disturb Lu Ling's rest now, her energy was almost exhausted, and she couldn't replenish it with external objects, so she could only rest slowly by herself.

With the disappearance of power, it is not known whether Lu Ling has degenerated or not.

In this state of dead heart, to be honest, even she has nothing to do but turn to Li Zhuzi, a human being, for help.

"Is there a way?"

"No." Li Zhuzi shook his head. The best thing now is to let Lu Ling have a good rest. Maybe she will wake up after falling asleep.

The best medicine is Liu Fufeng's return, and the next best thing is Liu Fufeng's news can also be regarded as a good medicine.

Li Zhuzi has many ways to wake up Lu Ling.But she did neither, rest, is a good way.

"Take care of her. I'll go find some mysterious ice under the sea, maybe I can replenish her energy." The ice beauty said suddenly.

"Thank you." Li Zhuzi nodded slightly.

Surprising, but not surprising.

The mysterious ice under the sea... maybe only elves can get it easily. As for whether it can help Lu Ling replenish her vitality, I don't know.

The ice beauty turned around and left without delay.

She has already confirmed that Lu Ling's condition is quite bad, but she has nothing to do, so she can only find some natural materials and earthly treasures, hoping to come in handy, if she can meet a top elf, maybe Can ask her for help.

After the ice beauty left, Tang Keyu was very surprised. She didn't expect to solve the elves so easily. She thought it would be troublesome.

"How is Ah Ling?" Tang Keyu asked.

"Very bad." Li Zhuzi lost the mood to drink tea while holding the teacup.

"A Ling's power is losing, including the spiritual power in her sea of ​​consciousness, like... a deflated bag. This didn't happen at the beginning. Looking at it now, it should be that the balance in her body has been broken." Li Zhuzi road.

"Is there a way?"





Tang Keyu wanted to say something, but still didn't speak.

Is it that serious already?

She glanced at the silent Li Zhuzi, and thought of her apprentice, Tang Zheng.

Perhaps, bamboo's mood is the same as his own.

"There will be a way." Tang Keyu comforted Li Zhuzi.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded, and continued: "I'm not depressed."

She just felt sorry for Lu Ling, and now Li Zhuzi was in a state of absolute calm.

"My name is Mo Qing. He is from the Eastern Shenhai, and he may know a little about the Frost Bloodline." Li Zhuzi said indifferently.

"Mo Qing...does she know about Liu Fufeng?" Tang Keyu asked.

"Maybe I don't know, but it's not important." Li Zhuzi shook his head: "Mo Qing is here."

"Li...Junior Sister, you call me." The man walked into the courtyard, and he could tell that he was very nervous. Outsiders would never think that this is the famous Mo Qing.

The relationship between him and Li Zhuzi has eased a lot, and he is no longer called Venerable, but called Junior Sister, which is also in line with the rules.

It's just that he felt the distance from Li Zhuzi to him. Since he mentioned Lu Ling's father last time, Li Zhuzi never gave him a good look, even if he was asking him to help Lu Ling write exercises At that time, the temperament of repelling people thousands of miles away did not ease in the slightest.

But now, Zhuzi actually took the initiative to find him.

Mo Qing was extremely excited, when he heard the news, he left all his work, changed his clothes and rushed over.

All of a sudden, the discomfort of being peeped by the mountain protection spirit array dissipated.

"A Ling...something happened."

At this moment, before Mo Qing could stand still, Li Zhuzi cut straight to the point and said calmly, "I need your help."

Hearing this, Mo Qing froze for a moment.

Something happened to Lu Ling?
what's the situation.

For a moment, Mo Qing became nervous.

Lu Ling... means a lot to Dong Shenhai. He should have been worried about the interests of Dong Shenhai, but now he can't bring up any thoughts.

Don't forget that Lu Ling is Li Zhuzi's daughter.

For a moment, in Mo Qing's eyes, Li Zhuzi's calmness and tranquility became the disguise of an anxious mother after her daughter fell ill. For her daughter, even if the other party was a man who decided to avoid him deliberately, she also issued her own appeal for help.

He knew that Li Zhuzi was deliberately avoiding him, but because of this, he felt sorry for Li Zhuzi even more.

Looking at Li Zhuzi's calm face, Mo Qing seemed to see the panic and worry behind him, and was suddenly worried.

"If you need my help, just say, as long as it is something I can do, I will never refuse." Mo Qing stood up solemnly, and then added: "I am not an outsider, don't care about Dong Shenhai, I am Mo Qing now."

"Thank you." Li Zhuzi nodded.

Tang Keyu watched the conversation between the two, looked at Li Zhuzi, and then turned to look at Mo Qing.

Gentleman... No, it's a little bit different from Venerable Ye's character.

An infatuated person.

For a moment, I suddenly felt that this man was still very reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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