Chapter 708 coma
For Tang Keyu, a man is a very distant word. Compared to Lingshan, she is not beautiful, nor strong, and has almost no sense of existence, and because she likes to do research, she has delayed her cultivation...

It never occurred to me that I might have a Taoist companion.

So that later, she directly skipped the love stage and became a mother... And now, Tang Zheng's physical problems make her worry all the time, and she can't be distracted to talk about love.

At this time, Tang Keyu looked at Mo Qing's nervousness and Li Zhuzi's appearance, and his breathing became a little heavy.

There is such a trace of envy.

She also wanted to have someone she could rely on, after all... the burden on her shoulders was a bit heavy.

Of course, it's just a simple thought, she doesn't like Mo Qing.

On the other side, Li Zhuzi thanked Mo Qing.

For her now, Dong Shenhai's help is very important.

Li Zhuzi led Mo Qing into her boudoir.

Tang Keyu watched from behind, but did not follow in. After all, Lu Ling needed to rest at this time, and the fewer people to disturb, the better.


Mo Qing looked at Li Zhuzi's back, his heart beat faster, his handsome face was very red, his chest was throbbing like a drum, I believe he couldn't hide it from Li Zhuzi's ears.

But there is no way.

He... This is the first time to enter Li Zhuzi's boudoir, and it is also the first time in his life to enter a woman's boudoir. You must know that he has never been in his apprentice.

Before drinking tea and chatting with Li Zhuzi, it was only in the stone pavilion outside the house.

open the door.

A faint scent of women mixed with the fragrance of bamboo rushed towards his face, Mo Qing was stunned for a moment, and then a blue light flashed on his body, forcibly stabilizing his beating heart, and at the same time, he did not dare to look at Li Zhuzi's figure in front of him.

That does not work.

Now Lu Ling doesn't know what's going on, he's here to relieve Li Zhuzi's worries, not to take advantage of others' dangers.

Now with all kinds of nasty thoughts, Mo Qing herself feels that she is very obscene and cannot accept it.

Thinking of that cute, smart and lovable Lu Ling in her mind, Mo Qing gradually calmed down.

Look around.

The aroma of bamboo mixed with incense permeates this small world, which is refreshing.

Mo Qing took a deep breath, and her whole body became much more energetic.

This hut has the charm of the hermit's residence in the previous life. Li Zhuzi walks lightly in front of him, and his whole body is integrated into this small world. It is as comfortable, quiet and comfortable as before... Unfortunately, these are just appearances. At this time, Li Zhuzi Even Mo Qing could see the restlessness under the silence.

The interior of the house is also very simple, the overall brown-green color is similar to the clothes on Li Zhuzi's body.

A bed, several bamboo cabinets, several tea sets and a half-carved bamboo tube on the table.

a screen.

This is all about Li Zhuzi's boudoir.

Mo Qing just glanced at it, and didn't continue staring impolitely.

how to say……

very suitable.

This style is where Li Zhuzi should live. This is the place he can think of, the most suitable place in the world for Li Zhuzi to live.

Bypass the screen.

In an instant, Li Zhuzi's shadow was lost in Mo Qing's field of vision, and there was only that pale, small figure in his eyes.

Lu Ling?

Mo Qing held her breath, restrained all her breath, and gradually approached Lu Ling's side.

Glancing at Li Zhuzi beside him, he saw that the other party had no expression, but his eyes were always fixed on Lu Ling.

Li Zhuzi made a gesture, and Mo Qing understood it.


He looked at the girl lying on the bed.

The girl's brows were tightly knit together, and one couldn't help but want to calm her nightmare.

His face was pale, his lips lacked a trace of blood, and the beauty mole on the corner of his mouth added a bit of sickness and weakness.

Ah did she become like this?

This is not the skin color of a normal person at all, and it is not a trivial matter to have this kind of problem when one is already at the Soul Competence Realm.

Mo Qing didn't know about Liu Fufeng, he only knew that Lu Ling had been hurt a lot at this time, no wonder Li Zhuzi also looked deeply hurt.

If you shouldn't ask, don't ask.

Although she was worried about Lu Ling, Mo Qing understood the rules.

He gently held Lu Ling's hand.

Not the one with the ring.

Water attribute spiritual power penetrated into Lu Ling's body.

In an instant, Mo Qing seemed to be stung by a scorpion, and quickly withdrew his hand, only to see a strange blue color appeared on his whole hand.

cold poison.

Three seconds later, Mo Qing's hand returned to normal color.

Looking at Lu Ling again, he has lost the connection with his spiritual power.

With a conclusion in mind, there is no further temptation.

Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling on the bed worriedly, shook her head, and exited the room.

Li Zhuzi followed immediately.

"How? Do you have any clues? Is it related to the ice blood?"

Li Zhuzi's series of questions made Mo Qing show a helpless expression.

"The spiritual power in the little girl's body is completely disordered. It stands to reason that this situation will only occur when... the ice bloodline has not been fully awakened. After all, after awakening, these spiritual powers will be manipulated. But now, her The spiritual power appears as an unowned thing, which is extremely aggressive." Mo Qing frowned: "And... it is targeting her body."

"..." Li Zhuzi nodded.

When Lu Ling was not awakened, she had been living in the negative effects brought about by her talent.

To put it simply, blood is deducted continuously every day.

will die.

"Is there any danger?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"Her personality belongs to the fire of earth, wind, water, and fire, which controls the temperature, and the five elements belong to water. She should have some magic weapon of the five elements of fire on her body, which can dilute the cold poison of ice." Mo Qing shook his head: "There will be no danger for the time being. ...but...this situation has nothing to do with the ice bloodline."

"I understand." Li Zhuzi nodded: "Then... is there no way?"

Mo Qing looked at Li Zhuzi, but shook her head after all.

Now, he has no choice.

"Unless there is a neutralizing force to balance her spiritual power, but..." Mo Qing did not continue.

Li Zhuzi understood what he meant: "However, Ah Ling's cold poison is too overbearing and cannot be balanced."

"That's it." Mo Qing also showed a powerless expression at this time. As a water attribute venerable, he can best understand how poor Lu Ling's body is at this time.

Once there is a problem with the ice blood, it is not a trivial matter, and he has nothing to do.

"Changshengguo, is Changshengguo okay?" Li Zhuzi asked suddenly.

"Longevity fruit?" Mo Qing looked at Li Zhuzi.

Does she... still keep the longevity fruit?
Although surprised, Mo Qing still shook her head: "No, the power of the longevity fruit is too overbearing, and Lu Ling's cold poison is even worse. After taking it, it will only make her body worse. And even if there is no problem, the longevity fruit At least you have to go to the habitat before you can take it."

"..." Li Zhuzi stopped talking.

This doesn't work either, that doesn't work either.

Could she just watch Ah Ling suffer?

The disappearance of Liu Fufeng brought Lu Ling a double collapse both psychologically and physically, which appeared very quickly.

Will I... be so powerless?

Perhaps, the seabed ice brought by the elves can stabilize the disordered spiritual power in Ah Ling's body.

Li Zhuzi also realized one thing, that is, Lu Ling is really degenerating.

And degraded very badly.

It's just that I don't know... Is this just a simple physical degeneration, or is there a psychological...

Even though he is calm now, Li Zhuzi still showed a strong look of worry.

Mo Qing who was watching was worried for a while.

He... really can't help Lu Ling. As a water attribute venerable, he is very good at transforming spiritual power. There are only three people in the entire world of cultivating immortals who can surpass him in pure water and spiritual power.

Water contains everything.

It can also be converted into ice.

But even so, it would be directly swallowed by Lu Ling's cold air, and it would not be able to regulate it at all.


Perhaps only the extremely precious treasures of heaven, material and earth can have an effect on Lu Ling, but even if it is Wannian Xuanbing, it is hard to say whether it will be a good thing or a bad thing for Lu Ling to absorb it.

Although Lu Ling's life is not safe for the time being, it's really hard to say how long she can last.

Moreover, she can't wake up for a short time unless she has enough energy to replenish and regulate her body.

And these, Mo Qing can't do it.

For a while, he didn't know how to comfort Li Zhuzi.

He also didn't know why Lu Ling became like this, Mo Qing didn't ask, because it was meaningless, Li Zhuzi definitely wouldn't want to see this kind of thing, but since it happened, he wouldn't ask.

Mo Qing didn't speak any more, and quietly retreated to Tang Keyu's place.

"How is it?" Tang Keyu asked in a low voice.

Mo Qing shook his head.

Tang Keyu sighed, although he had expected it, but... still very sad.

"Take care of her, I...don't disturb her for now." Mo Qing said suddenly.

Let Tang Keyu look at him with admiration.

leave at this time...

Isn't now the best time to brush up Bamboo's favor?

Why is this man...

Mo Qing turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

Of course he knew that now was the best time, but he would not take advantage of others, especially Lu Ling now... Moreover, if he was around, he would only cause trouble for Li Zhuzi.

It's better to grab someone to calm down and see if you can think of any way.

If it doesn't work... contact Master Mingyue.

The [Snow Girl's Tears] passed down by Xuenv may be able to save the little girl.

Mo Qing left.

Li Zhuzi sat down quietly.

Drink tea.


Fortunately, with Tang Keyu by her side, everything is fine.

Next, many people came to see Lu Ling, but none of them could enter Li Zhuzi's room.

Everyone knew about Lu Ling's condition.

The last one to enter Lu Ling's room was Dongfang Lianren.

At this time, Dongfang Lianren, Tang Keyu, and Li Zhuzi were sitting on the stone table together.

Dongfang Lianren has been persuaded by Li Zhuzi, and she will go to Picheng in the near future.

"Zhuzi...Xiaoling...can you really be with me now?" Dongfang Lianren's face turned pale when he thought of Lu Ling's appearance.

She likes Lu Ling very much.

After seeing Lu Ling, my heart ached to death.

Although she didn't get along with Lu Ling for a long time, she really fell in love with this girl. Although Lu Ling was sometimes weird, Dongfang Lianren still liked her very much.

"It depends." Li Zhuzi shook his head.

She also didn't expect that Liu Fufeng's departure would hit Lu Ling so hard... She even skipped crying and went directly to the collapse stage.



Dongfang Lianren decided not to leave for the time being.

She stayed with Li Zhuzi and took turns taking care of Lu Ling with Li Zhuzi.

After all, during the day, Li Zhuzi still has to attend classes.

And Li Wangsheng...

Lu Ling is already like this, how can he learn his kendo?

So he was going to teach Lu Ling the sword move, but now he only learned one move [Three Talents Transformation], and stayed in the room again and was not allowed to go out.

I can only worry about Lu Ling.



Time just passed a month.

After being lively for a few days, Lingshan returned to the cold period.

Everyone is busy preparing for the Tianguang Market Martial Arts Competition.

Liu Fufeng... was not found after all.

The failure to find information about Liu Fufeng for a month meant that the search for her had entered a long seesaw period.

In Lingshan, Liu Fufeng's disappearance was kept secret, including Xifeng and Zhao Yingge, they only thought that Liu Fufeng went to practice, and Lu Ling followed, they had no doubts.

Xuechen was temporarily cut off by Hong Ling, and had no idea that his master had been lying down for a month.

During this month, Lu Ling's health became worse day by day.

Conned many people.

But Qin Qin has to teach Lu Ling every night, and he is the core of Lingshan's new generation, after all, he can't hide it from her.

So is Xu Xu.

However, neither of these two people knew exactly what happened. They only thought that there was something wrong with Lu Ling's cultivation, and Liu Fufeng... the real Luanfeng gave the statement that they went to practice space talent with her.

how to say……

You can hide it for a day.

Lingshan's search for Liu Fufeng will always be exposed, but now that Xu Xu and Qin Qin are both grounded in Lingshan, the news is temporarily blocked.





Li Zhuzi is still in class.

In the room, Qin Qin left the room with a gloomy and worried expression as usual, with heavy steps.



whispering softly.

After Lu Ling passed out from a coma, Qin Qin seemed to be a different person. She was no longer as cheerful as before, and her heart was full of worries, and she never held another concert.

All she can do is pray, pray that Lu Ling can recover.

Regarding Lu Ling's serious illness, but Liu Fufeng was not at home, she did not have the slightest doubt, because Qin Qin thought that Lingshan probably didn't dare to let Liu Fufeng know that Lu Ling was ill, because if Liu Fufeng knew, it would probably appear Irreversible situation, as everyone knows, things are completely reversed.




Bai Yunfan looked at the pale girl with a heavy expression.

He also wanted to ask Lu Ling for forgiveness, and bought a lot of delicious food...

Who knew that Lu Ling would become like this.

Bai Yunfan watched the girl on the hospital bed no longer as lively as before, and remained silent.

The girl who would scold him has been in this state for a month, like a candle in the wind.

Bai Yunfan felt distressed.

Suddenly, he spoke pitifully to Dongfang who was beside him.

"Senior Sister Dongfang, please tell Sister Zhuzi that I will go back to Shushan and will come back."

His master is the Taoist companion of Master Dongfang Lianren.

This sentence is a personal request.

"What are you going to do?" Dongfang Lianren asked, but he had already seen through his thoughts.

"Shushan... will there be a solution?"

Dongfang Lianren's tone was surprisingly gentle.

Although she didn't think that Shushan could help Lu Ling, but... she took care of Lu Ling for a month, seeing Lu Ling's health getting worse and worse, and now she was only breathing in but not venting, and felt very uncomfortable.

"Try it, isn't Mo Qing already gone?" Bai Yunfan said.

Yes, Mo Qing left Lingshan a day ago.

He went to Tianguang Market to find Mingyue.

Although Bai Yunfan didn't know the details, he also knew that he was looking for a way to wake up Lu Ling.

After getting Dongfang Lianren's consent, Bai Yunfan left the room.

Shushan... has been passed down for so many years, and there will definitely be a way.

When the little girl wakes up, he will apologize to her, and he will be willing to let him do anything when the time comes.

Unknowingly, Bai Yunfan discovered that he had treated Lu Ling as an apprentice, or even a more intimate existence.

(End of this chapter)

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