Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 709 Lu Ling's Degeneration and Everyone's Growth

Chapter 709 Lu Ling's Degeneration and Everyone's Growth

Seeing Bai Yunfan leave, Dongfang Lianren remained silent.

However, there is always hope.

Because Lingshan... There is really no other way.

During the period when Lu Ling was in a coma, Lingshan used all the means available, but nothing worked. Even Yun Shu, who had just left Lingshan, turned back, but she was not an ice element herself, and her strength was sharp, so she couldn't play a role against Lu Ling. help.

Dongfang Lianren was a little helpless.

I hope Shushan and Dongshenhai can help them.

Thinking, Dongfang Lianren stood up and glanced at the time.

It's time to wash the little girl's body.

Dongfang Lianren had already boiled hot water, and after turning it to a comfortable temperature, she lifted the quilt from Lu Ling's body.

The little girl didn't have any clothes on her body at this time, her body...had completely changed into the color that made people frightened when she first went up the mountain.

The white is terrifying, and icy cold.

Lu Ling's appearance is very beautiful... But now, no one can recognize that she was the same as the person in bed a month ago.

At this time, when Lu Ling said that she was a monster, some people would believe her.

Weird colors, temperatures...

Under the cold air, ordinary people can't get close to Lu Ling, let alone touch her body. The current Lu Ling will give people a very strange feeling.

But Dongfang Lianren didn't feel strange at all, she skillfully helped Lu Ling up, and simply wiped her body.

Lu Ling won't get dirty.

There is no room for water droplets in the cold body, but Dongfang Lianren still does this. She needs water to activate the cold air in Lu Ling's body, and reduce the burden on her body as much as possible without stimulating Lu Ling's body.

In her eyes, Lu Ling is not that scary look, but more like a delicate doll. She treats Lu Ling carefully as if she were her own child.

Now that something like this happened to Lu Ling, she completely forgot about the letter in Xifeng's hand.

Every day... Dongfang Lianren takes care of Lu Ling.

Luo Hanyi would come here occasionally, but she couldn't help, and would cry every time, so Dongfang Lianren had already forbidden Luo Hanyi to go out, in case she ran into Zhao Yingge.

Luo Xian also came out again, and after seeing Lu Ling once, he returned to his place to help Li Zhuzi handle the basic affairs of Lingshan and relieve the pressure.


Dongfang Lianren gently wiped Lu Ling's body, and let out a sigh.

A good pair of sisters, they were fine last month... Liu Fufeng's delicacy and Lu Ling's innocence and loveliness are still in front of my eyes.

Now it's all shattered.

After wiping her body, she tidied up Lu Ling's long hair, covered Lu Ling with the quilt again, and then just sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her.

According to Senior Sister Feng... After discovering that Liu Fufeng had disappeared, although Lu Ling panicked, she was not so serious and could still speak, but her state was very unstable and she might collapse at any time, so she knocked Lu Ling unconscious. I hope that the first thing Lu Ling sees after waking up is Li Zhuzi, so that Li Zhuzi can comfort her panic and trauma.

This approach is naturally correct.

But who would have thought that after Lu Ling passed out, she collapsed immediately, without even a buffer. This made Master Luanfeng blame herself extremely, and left Lingshan with a heavy heart, heading for the Great Sadness Valley.

I also have some thoughts in my heart... maybe those monks who are compassionate and compassionate will have a way.

Lu Ling's state has mobilized the hearts of the entire Lingshan high-level people, just like Liu Fufeng's disappearance, making people unable to stop worrying.

Lu Ling's physical and mental state is very complicated, and Luanfeng Daoist can't understand it, so it contributed to Lu Ling's result today.

There is only one Lu Ling in the world, so whether it is the innocent and lovely one, or another "Lu Ling" who is mature and opposite to her, it is her, or the former is just a mask for the latter.

But after Liu Fufeng appeared, because of Liu Fufeng's importance to Lu Ling, in order to make her junior sister happy, she couldn't take off her mask after putting it on.

Perhaps if this continues, the real Lu Ling will be overwhelmed, or completely turned into a schizophrenic.

Unfortunately, on this road, Liu Fufeng suddenly disappeared and left on his own initiative.

In this way, the meaning of the mask is threatened.

But because Liu Fufeng had just left, Lu Ling hadn't completely broken yet, but Daoist Luanfeng knocked her out... so Lu Ling became the most primitive Lu Ling, and the mask... was put away.

Liu Fufeng disappeared...

Junior sister abandoned her... Junior sister...

Don't want her anymore.

Should she be angry?Still sad?
The imaginary revenge and madness did not appear, but was full of death desire. After confirming that Liu Fufeng had really left, Lu Ling's world turned gray and white.

Yes, Li Zhuzi is also very important to her, and may be able to help her, what Master Luanfeng thinks is right.

But Lu Ling never gave her husband a chance to persuade her, she remained in a coma until now, and she didn't hear a word Li Zhuzi said to her every day.

The whole world is chaos.

The junior sister is gone, and her life is meaningless.

Then go die.

Been wanting to do this for a long time.

So Lu Ling fell into a deep sleep, and indulged the already mature cold energy to return to the riot. Naturally, the spirit energy would not harm her master... But that was Lu Ling's wish, and they could only follow suit. Lu Ling's body was shattered by pulse strikes.

With her like this, even Li Huo Hongling could barely suppress the restless cold so that her body would not be completely destroyed.

This was Hong Ling's anger and heartache, how could Liu Fufeng not know what might happen after she left Lu Ling.

The happiness of losing the enemy never appeared, there was only anger towards Liu Fufeng and distress towards Lu Ling, but even she had no choice but to keep Lu Ling alive for the time being.

There is still a little chance.

Although Lu Ling has a will to die.But she was not so resolute, otherwise, even Hong Ling would not be able to keep her body, maybe she could protect her soul, but it would be impossible for Lu Ling to wake up.

The reason why he was not determined was not because Lu Ling did not dare to die, nor because Liu Fufeng was unimportant, but because of Lu Ling's thoughts.


Yes if.

If... Junior Sister knows that she is about to die.

Will definitely come back to see her.

That's why she became the half-dead look she is now.

Waiting for the prince to wake her up.

As for the degeneration of the body, there is no way to do it. Liu Fufeng's departure has caused too much trauma to Lu Ling's psychology. Even if she can wake up, her body and personality will be damaged to varying degrees, that's for sure.





After a sound of fighting, the courtyard was in a mess, and there were terrible ravines on the ground. It could be seen that a fierce battle had just taken place here.

The two girls leaned together panting, each holding a long gun in his hand.

Gu Xiao breathed heavily, with a strong joy on his face.

"Sister Zhao, you have become stronger again."

Although he was stronger than Zhao Yingge in terms of age and cultivation, but in terms of temperament... Zhao Yingge was more like an older sister, and their seniority was not chaotic, Lingshan had always been like this.

"It's you who taught me well, and I just have more strength." Zhao Yingge shook her head, it was just a simple fight just now... Gu Xiao didn't use any tricks of an immortal.

"Be stronger? It's not a little bit." Gu Chenxi walked over with a plate of fruit and took Gu Xiao's hand.

The girl's white palms were trembling slightly at this moment.


Because of Zhao Yingge's strength, a simple fight actually shattered her spiritual power and injured her body.

Gu Chenxi looked at Zhao Yingge like a monster, but finally said nothing.

Feng Jiu is a group of little monsters.

"Sixian! Sixian!" Gu Chenxi called Yu Sixian to come over and heal Gu Xiao's injury, then clapped his hands and shouted loudly.


A burst of cold air spread, and the voice spread far away.

As the voice fell, a figure suddenly appeared from the sky and fell to the ground.

It was Xifeng. At this time, she was sweating profusely, her Taoist robe was tightly attached to her body, exuding a strong femininity, and there were many wounds on her body.

Xifeng put away the dagger in her hand, took a bite of a piece of fruit, and showed a happy expression.

A moment later, another very thin girl with a ponytail and an indifferent face suddenly appeared from the air. Looking at Xifeng who was eating fruit, her indifference thawed and turned into a trace of helplessness.

" agreed, stick to it for an afternoon."

Xifeng waved her hand and threw a piece of fruit to Nie Yin.

"Okay, it's okay to rest for a while, you really want to train her to death." Gu Chenxi looked at Nie Yin dissatisfied.

Nie Yin didn't speak, but started eating snacks.

It's not that she is cruel to Xifeng, the main reason is that this junior sister is very talented, and also has the wind attribute, and is a short soldier, so she trains Xifeng every day, and the latter has not let her down. She doesn't know anything, and now she can "hide and seek" with her for an afternoon without revealing her figure.

Zhao Yingge and Xifeng are growing at an astonishing rate every day.

"Junior Sister Zhao and Junior Sister Xi are really talented." Gu Chenxi said with a smile.

This made everyone present think of another girl.

A girl who should have been taught by Fang Qiuyu.

If it was her, it is estimated that the progress will be faster. After all, Fang Qiuyu asked her to exercise the basics for a maximum of ten days.

"I don't know where Ah Ling went to practice." Xifeng said, sighing.

She missed Lu Ling.

The news from Lingshan was that Master Luanfeng and Liu Fufeng went out to practice, and they brought Lu Ling with them, and no one doubted it.

"Master Feng is powerful, but if you snatch someone's apprentice, you can't be happy if you put it on someone." Gu Chenxi said, and glanced at Fang Qiuyu in the corner.

Fang Qiuyu was too lazy to talk to her.

She is in a bad mood.

Naturally, it wasn't because of Lu Ling. Lu Ling liked Liu Fufeng so much, and it was normal to leave with Liu Fufeng. It wouldn't be too late to train again. She was thinking about other things.

Liu Fufeng also left.

After a long time no see, she found that...she was still anxious.

It's a very strange feeling.

The relationship between her and Liu Fufeng is not that good, it's just because of Lu Ling's relationship that she often sees each other every day... Who knows, now she often thinks of Liu Fufeng, the girl who always treats Lu Ling tenderly.

Could it be that she... fell in love with Liu Fufeng?

Fang Qiuyu has been immersed in this matter these days.

And... Tang Zheng's matter also made her feel very depressed.

very tired.

Seeing the exhaustion on Fang Qiuyu's face, Gu Chenxi froze for a moment, then stopped talking, walked over and sat beside her.

Fang Qiuyu didn't avoid it like before, and was still in a daze.

Seeing this, Gu Chenxi stuffed his own, peeled fruit into her hand.

After Fang Qiuyu took it, he subconsciously took a bite.

Seeing this, everyone smiled tacitly, and began a harmonious rest time.

Obviously, in the eyes of some disciples, although Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling disappeared from everyone's sight, they did not notice the slightest abnormality. On the contrary, they continued to practice fervently every day to prepare for the future trip to Tianguang Market .



Lu Ling still didn't get better, and her complexion was getting worse day by day. In fact, she didn't have any complexion at all.


Li Zhuzi dealt with Lingshan affairs during the day and came back to take care of Lu Ling at night. Fortunately, Dongfang Lianren and Luo Xian helped her, which made her adaptable.

At this time, Li Zhuzi was sitting in front of the bed, looking at Lu Ling's face.

Dongfang Lianren suddenly spoke.

"Zhuzi, recently... Master came to visit again."

Li Zhuzi heard her and looked at her.

"How's it going?"

If something happened to Lu Ling, it was a big deal. Not only them, but also the old women who were in office did not have time to live, including Li Zhuzi's uncle who was still living here, and they all ran to Lu Ling's place.

"...There is still no way." Dongfang Lianren sighed.

"Sure enough..." Li Zhuzi stretched out his hand and gently stroked the corner of Lu Ling's lips, hoping to disappear.

Many people... have no choice.

"By the way, that Senior Sister Shen came during the day, but I didn't let her come in to see Xiaoling. I asked her to come back at night, so it should be about the same time." Dongfang Lianren thought of something and said.

"Senior Sister Shen?" Li Zhuzi was taken aback.

What subconsciously thought of was Shen Canghai.

"It's not Shen Canghai." Dongfang Lianren immediately knew what Li Zhuzi was thinking, if it was Shen Canghai, how would she dare to stop her, she would have run away long ago.

"It's that...the one who likes to wear purple clothes." Dongfang Lianren described it.

"You said... her?" Li Zhuzi glanced at the direction of the yard next to him.

"It's her." Dongfang Lianren nodded: "I didn't let her in, you can talk to her yourself later."

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded, but his thoughts drifted away.

The identity of the woman in purple is very strange. Recently, she took over as the master of Yifeng and found some files about her. There is a layer of fog about the identity of this woman.

She is a disciple of Lingshan, but she has the aura of the Eastern God Sea. Moreover, a few days ago, she killed Bai Yunfan instantly by herself. Li Zhuzi witnessed this with her own eyes.

A very strong woman, it's hard to imagine how tyrannical she would be if she hadn't been injured.

Moreover, Li Zhuzi feels that this woman's attitude towards her is different from others, and she gave her a lot of face last time, but Li Zhuzi can't think of what he has to do with her, maybe he has seen her before and then forgot. .

Generally speaking, she still has a good impression of this Senior Sister Shen, and she doesn't know why she wants to see Ah Ling.

She seems to have always been interested in Ah Ling, apparently because of Lu Ling's musical talent, but Li Zhuzi always felt that it was not that simple.

Li Zhuzi is very vigilant, but he also has expectations.

That woman also has ice aura, will it... help Ah Ling.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

She is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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