Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 712 Another pair of sisters

Chapter 712 Another pair of sisters

late at night.

In the side hall of the main hall of the auxiliary peak of the six peaks.

A wooden table.

Two women sat facing each other.

The atmosphere was solidified, full of chilling atmosphere.

Outside the door, a man in white was sitting quietly on the steps, drinking from a gourd of wine, looking back into the room from time to time, his eyes full of worry.

This is Li Wangsheng.

Although Master Zixu had already left Lingshan with most of the Lingshan people to carry out the mission about Liu Fufeng, but before she left, she still informed Master Luanfeng to drag Li Wangsheng into her own six peaks, calling it a guard.

In fact, it was just chatting and drinking with him.

Anyway, Li Wangsheng doesn't need to teach Lu Ling for the time being, so it doesn't matter if Master Zixu takes him away.

It is worth mentioning that Zixu Zhenren has not yet resumed her position as the deputy peak master of Liufeng, because she does not want to, but she does not resist the work, and she is still handling all the affairs.

Like most of the Lingshan people, although they left Lingshan, they kept a connected avatar in Lingshan. Although doing so would reduce the strength of the main body, but if the purpose of this trip is not for fighting, this is the most convenient , because you can call everyone to a meeting to make some decisions at any time. Of course, these avatars basically have no combat power. Their strength is equivalent to that of ordinary monks, and most of the time they are unconscious. They are just a medium. Only then can it act as the movable body.

It is very inconvenient, so although Master Luanfeng left a clone, he still has no time to deal with the affairs in person, and the weight of the clone is obviously not enough for the guests who may come, and it will also give people a feeling of disrespect, so this responsibility is only I can hand it over to Li Zhuzi.

Master Zixu left in the same way, leaving behind a clone, but... it seems that because of Li Wangsheng, she stayed on the clone for longer than the real body. If you can see it, you will find that the real person is Zixu She has been flying in the sky with her eyes closed...but the clone in Lingshan has been very active.

Tired of being with Li Wangsheng all day long.

Drinking, playing around, even... She also wanted to guide Li Wangsheng to practice, Li Wangsheng's slovenly appearance was also forcibly cleaned up by Zixu, and he became a little handsome.

Facing Liu Yu's younger sister, Li Wangsheng was naturally used to her, after all, this was one of the reasons why he didn't seek death.

Liu Yao really likes her senior brother.

And this time...

Li Wangsheng was sitting on the steps in front of Zixu's room, and for the first time he felt uneasy on his fair face, but unfortunately there was an enchantment behind him, so he couldn't hear the voices in the room at all.

Stand up suddenly, then sit down again.


There's no way... Who knows who are the two people staying in the room now, it's impossible for them to sit still.

Chu Qishui, and Zixu Zhenren.

Just be alone in that room right now.

In the middle of the night, Chu Qishui's sudden visit gave Li Wangsheng a big jump, and then he was kicked out by Master Zixu, feeling a little nervous.

Fortunately, Zixu's avatar has no power, so there is no need to worry about her mistreating Chu Qishui.


Li Wangsheng took a sip of his wine, his eyes were a little blurred.

It's embarrassing... Senior Sister Chu has become like this now.

It wasn't the first time we met, he found out that this senior sister had changed, she was completely different from before, and he could somewhat understand A Yao's resentment towards her.

I hope... this pair of former teachers and sisters will not make too much noise, otherwise he will start nagging Liu Yao.

Li Wangsheng did not regard himself as an outsider.

For Lingshan, the grievances between Master Zixu and Chu Qishui are not easy to intervene and cannot be intervened, but Li Wangsheng is not in this list, he regards himself as the brother-in-law of Master Zixu, and the former also regards him as an elder, so naturally There is a lot less estrangement.

In fact, if you really want to say it, he is still on the side of Master Zixu.

"Ayao promised me, at least if I'm here, I won't do too much."

Another sigh.

This time it was not because of the two sisters.

He didn't understand why Chu Qishui came, and he didn't want to know, but if he guessed, it might have something to do with her disciple, that is, Lu Ling.

Li Wangsheng was aggrieved.

He managed to find a genius disciple who could pass on all his swordsmanship and kendo. After Li Wangsheng went back, he was excited for a whole night, and then he was going to pass on everything he had in his life to Lu Ling, as if he wanted her to be his own daughter. read.

Because of him, Lu Ling forcibly used the three-talent metamorphosis, so she was weak for a while. It doesn't matter, Li Wangsheng is still excited, and he is doing "teaching plans" for Lu Ling, and this time he also received strong support from Lingshan.

Then, Lu Ling was on the verge of death.

Li Wangsheng almost lost his breath.

It is not clear what was hit.

He also went to see Lu Ling, and it turned out that like everyone else, there was nothing he could do. Even this time he used his own sword drawing, but he couldn't make Lu Ling any better. Even Dongfang Lianren's poison could be suppressed. Sword map, this is the only time that it doesn't work.

It's not that Lu Ling exceeded his upper limit, but because Lu Ling didn't regard her current state as a negative state at all... Even if she committed suicide, she would know that it was harmful to herself.

Dongfang Lianren subconsciously regards her own poison as an enemy, and Lu Ling, she is voluntary. Originally, if she hurt herself, Li Wangsheng could also block that kind of damage, but Lu Ling's coldness is not within the rules. In addition, Lu Ling herself is the master of this new rule.

Li Wangsheng had no choice.

He really had no choice but to watch Lu Ling suffer here.

I hope... Bai Yunfan can bring rescue soldiers from Shushan.

Li Wangsheng remembered that Lu Ling was related to Young Master Xiao, if it was that person, he probably wouldn't just watch her die like this.

I don't know who Lu Ling is.

Li Wangsheng looked back at the room.

No matter who Lu Ling is, she is now his student, the apprentice of Senior Sister Chu.



inside the room.

The two women sat facing each other, one face was middle-aged and serious, with fine lines on the sideburns, and the other was ordinary and couldn't be more ordinary.

Interestingly, both women wore masks when they met.


Chu Qishui was very clear about one thing, and that was the matter of using the fairy sword. The person who needed to beg was not Li Zhuzi, but Zixu Zhenren.

Li Zhuzi is Lu Ling's teacher, everyone can see how much she likes Lu Ling, so there must be no problem with Li Zhuzi, the point is that Zixu is real.

If she doesn't object, then a lot of people won't.

Zixu Zhenren, as the deputy peak master of the six peaks, is actually the peak master, and also Liu Yu's younger sister... Her influence in Lingshan is large enough, and her decisions are often very important.

But this woman is also calm.

Chu Qishui knew her well, and he was not sure whether Master Zixu would really agree to take risks because of Lu Ling.

If she is persuaded, then this matter should be stable.

Chu Qishui is psychologically unwilling to see her... She is sorry for Liu Yao...

However, Lu Ling is her student after all, so she came here.



Zixu Zhenren was also surprised.

This was the most unexpected time in her past hundred years. She ushered in a guest who she thought was absolutely impossible.


She looked at the nun opposite with a calm face.

Didn't smell the slightest bit of alcohol.

Have you given up drinking?
There was a trace of disdain in the corner of his eyes.

Her mind was terribly calm, because when Liu Fufeng disappeared and Chu Qishui left in despair, she had already said that she would no longer have the slightest expectation of this woman.

Not at all.

Even when Liu Yu died, she was never disappointed. Even if she apologized to herself, she would forgive her.

What I got in exchange was to avoid, to be disappointed day by day, and finally to give up completely.

The Chu Qishui back then was dead, and what was left now was just a body, and she was no longer her sister Chu.

You can tell from this face that is still avoiding yourself, can't you?
Master Zixu is very clear, the reason why Chu Qishui changed his face was nothing more than to escape, to avoid his own identity, and not to let her junior sister see.

Maybe it was because she was afraid of bringing back her memories, but she was no longer that fragile A Yao.

Even now, the nun in front of her still doesn't know why their previous relationship has fallen to this point.

Zixu Zhenren was very disappointed, disappointed until he gave up, and gave up until he was calm.

Very peaceful.

It was impossible for Li Wangsheng to worry that they would fight.

No one spoke all the time, both of them just looked at each other's body, avoiding each other's sight.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to see Senior Brother Wang Sheng?" Zi Xu finally spoke first, and others would definitely be surprised by his indifferent mood.

Is this still the real person Zixu who usually goes berserk whenever he hears about Feng Jiu?
Li Wangsheng?
The nun shook her head.

"I'm sorry." She said softly.

Zixu was majestic, and his eyebrows were knit together.

what to say sorry...

This woman must be sick.

If she came here just to apologize to herself, then she was not disappointed, but contemptuous.

You know, she has been waiting for this apology. Even though Chu Qishui said it some time ago, she still can't accept it. What she needs is a more serious occasion and more heart, not the kind of embarrassment. apology.

Normally, this sentence of sorry would not satisfy her, it would only make her angry, but at this time, Zixu's mind was terribly stable, and she was perfunctory by himself for a sentence that she had been begging for a hundred years.

She has given up on this woman.

"I accept your apology." Master Zixu replied simply, and then looked at her with obvious meaning.

and then?
But unexpectedly, the Taoist nun on the opposite side shook her head first.

"Junior Sister, what I mean is that I shouldn't have asked you to speak first today." Chu Qishui looked up into Zixu's eyes: "I haven't been to your place for a long time, I'm a little distracted, I'm sorry."

Master Zixu was stunned.


Staring at the woman opposite, as if meeting her for the first time, he was speechless for a while.

Someone will ask, does this matter?
If she really calmed down after a few years, then it wouldn't matter, but now... Zixu is not as heartless as he thought after all.

She looked at Chu Qishui with complicated eyes.

She... didn't apologize to me because of my sister's death, but because of the meeting between the two, as a senior sister, she didn't say hello first, such a trivial matter...

Master Zixu panicked for a moment.

"No, I should have been first." After a while, Zixu calmed down and said.

Then he felt Chu Qishui's gaze.

Master Zixu was taken aback again.

Why do you say that?Why did he speak first.

Is she admitting that she is Chu Qishui's junior sister?After all, it is only natural for junior sister to speak first when she sees senior sister.

Immortal Zixu raised his head and looked into Chu Qishui's eyes, but what he saw was not suppressing his complacency, but a touch of concern.

For a moment, she seemed to be back when she was a child again, being suppressed by her everywhere, and even simple conversations were under the control of the other party.

The ordinary nun on the opposite side seemed to have become the former senior sister again, just sitting there like a mountain, making her breathless.


"" Master Zixu's chest rose and fell violently, and he shook his head gently.

These are just illusions and shouldn't be like this.

She raised her head and looked at the ordinary face opposite, with a trace of happiness in her eyes.

Look, she still doesn't dare to face me with her true face, everything is just pretending that she wants something from me.

Thinking of this made him calm down a lot.

He looked Chu Qishui up and down.

Although it gave her an illusion like a mountain, it was only an illusion after all. The simplest thing is that Chu Qishui still wears a "mask", and there is a weird kind of tenderness. Gentleness shouldn't appear on her, right?
After all, she can't change back.

Master Zixu breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't notice the disappointment in his eyes.

"You've worked hard all these years." Chu Qishui spoke again abruptly.

Liufeng's work, pressure, distortion, external evaluation... her life has never been satisfactory.

When Master Zixu heard it, he was taken aback.

What is this nonsense?

What kind of talk is this?

Sure enough, this woman is still so weak, does she think she will feel the same pain as her?
What qualifications do you have, and where do you stand to say such words?Sister, are you worthy?

This is the feeling of being betrayed, which made Zixu feel boundless anger. She slapped the table hard, stood up, and said angrily.

"What on earth do you want to do!"

This clone doesn't have any strength, and now the mental fluctuations cause the barrier to collapse directly.

But I saw that the Taoist nun on the opposite side had no expression, just stood up, and sighed after a long time: "I was actually a little nervous when I saw you, Ayao, so maybe I didn't express it very clearly, and I forgot some necessary things. is my problem."

"No." Master Zixu gritted his teeth.

"En." The nun didn't force her anymore, she just made a salute to Master Zixu, and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

After raising his head, that simple face disappeared, and what caught Zixu's eyes was a stunning face, which could vaguely see the cold and gorgeous Xuanbing back then, but the difference was that the ice was melting, full of is soft.


Real person Zixu, or Liu Yao was really dumbfounded after seeing this face.

What about escaping?
you can not do that.

I, I'm not ready yet.

Just when Liu Yao was at a loss, the door behind her suddenly opened.

Li Wangsheng barged in, he heard the sound of the table being slapped, and thought it was a fight again.

"Ayao, you promised me...en?"

The man raised his head and closed his mouth after speaking halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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