Chapter 713 Conclusion
"Ayao, you promised me...en?"

The man raised his head and closed his mouth after speaking halfway.

From his angle of view, what he saw was Liu Yao's trembling back and the opposite Chu Qishui who was facing him.

I froze for a while.

No matter how many times she has seen Senior Sister Chu's appearance, she is always so amazing.


That kind of undisguised tenderness reminded her of Liu Yu, and he was as stunned as Liu Yao for a moment.

Liu Yao looked at the foolish Li Wangsheng and became anxious.

"Who let you in, get out, I'm going to be angry."

At this moment, Liu Yao seemed to have been bumped into something, she turned her head and lost her temper at Li Wangsheng.

"Come on!"

"Okay, okay." Li Wangsheng nodded helplessly, then met Chu Qishui's gaze, hesitated for a while, but still didn't ask.

He didn't know why Chu Qishui put on the mask, as if he didn't know why he took it off now.

Maybe a good thing, though.

And just like before, this senior sister Chu didn't have the slightest intention to greet him, and completely ignored his existence.

It seems that the extra softness is also to be divided.

Li Wangsheng retreated full of doubts, and before leaving, he wisely added the enchantment that Liu Yao had dissipated.

After going out, Li Wangsheng smiled.

He knows some of Liu Yao's obsessions.

Although, these years, A Yao's mind has been a little distorted, and the murders in her hands exceed the sum of him and Chu Qishui, and in the eyes of outsiders, she is second only to Shen Canghai... But Li Wangsheng will not forget that year The mascot of that team.

Liu Yao has always been the kindest of them all, a true fairy.

Although Liu Yao herself didn't pay attention and acted that she didn't care about Chu Qishui anymore, she didn't realize that when she was drinking with herself, Chu Qishui was mentioned the most.

Not hate, more of a disappointment.

Liu Yao knew that Chu Qishui cared about her, and knew that blind resentment was useless, she had already shown it clearly, all she wanted was for the other party to cheer up and let her have someone to talk to, that's all.

The one who was wrong and escaped was always Chu Qishui.

Liu Yao is not wrong, she, the anti-Chu Qishui "leader" of Lingshan, is actually the one who sees it most clearly.



Seeing the person in the way leave, Liu Yao turned around with an awkward expression, as if she was very unwilling to face the woman opposite.

Obviously, I have been waiting for this face for many, many years...

Indeed, this series of operations by Chu Qishui completely disturbed her heart.

"What's wrong?" Chu Qishui looked at Liu Yao worriedly.

Liu Yao: "..."

She looked at the woman on the opposite side, and this time she finally changed her mind. Today, she not only took the initiative with herself, but also faced herself head-on...

At this moment, when he was almost about to give up on her.

Is it intentional?
She really... eats herself to death.

Liu Yao's mood was very complicated. This time, she didn't make excuses to say that Chu Qishui was just pretending, and she didn't want her to put away her tenderness and return to the senior sister she was most familiar with.

Compared with the decadence before, she really has cheered up a lot, hasn't she?

Maybe... What she should do now is not to put on a face, but to help her.

Liu Yao thought so.

She didn't hate Chu Qishui because of that incident, at least not now, the hatred is only because of her fragility, but now that she has such thoughts, Liu Yao also understands her heart.

She will not give up on Chu Qishui easily.

After the other party cheered up a bit, the unsuitable person turned into himself.

After silence.

"What did you say before?" Liu Yao said suddenly.

"Huh?" Chu Qishui froze for a moment.

"I said... before Senior Brother Wang Sheng came in..." Liu Yao unconsciously tapped her fingers on the table, she could see that she was very nervous.

"En, thank you for your hard work." Chu Qishui spoke again.

Liu Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, with a wave of her hand, she lifted her disguise.

A silver light flashed, Zixu Daoist disappeared, and a young girl in a black and white Taoist robe appeared on the spot.

Although it was the same clothes, the girlish temperament in front of her was completely different from Zixu's real person. She lost her sophistication and was a little more youthful.

The soft black hair, delicate face, clear eyes, and the fresh and natural breath exuded from the inside out, combined with the black and white Taoist robe, paint a beautiful picture.

This is a very beautiful girl, with creamy skin, her eyes are shyly closed, and the long black eyelashes tightly cover her pair of water-cut autumn pupils trembling slightly.

Zixu, who has regained her true face, has an aura that makes me feel sorry for her, making people want to hug her and love her.

At the same time, the girl's body exuded the faint fragrance of orchids.

This is the real Liu Yao.

"I accept your words." Liu Yao's eyelashes fluttered twice, her eyes complicated: "However, I will not forgive you so easily."

This sentence is true.

For some things, she may never forgive the other party in this life, but...she has already lost her sister, and she doesn't want to see Chu Qishui continue to degenerate. It is not terrible to lose her cultivation, but the terrible thing is that she is better off alive than dead.

Chu Qishui nodded.

She didn't expect Liu Yao's forgiveness either.

I really let her down all these years.

She also knew what she had done, but without experiencing what happened to her, she couldn't think that her depravity was weak.

Liu Yao was uncomfortable with Chu Qishui's gaze. After twisting a few times, she took a deep breath.

She can't go on like this, or she will lose her composure.

"Okay, although I won't forgive you so easily, but since you put your face down and came to me, let's talk about your purpose. I don't think you will come to me for no reason." Liu Yao said.

At the same time, calm down, as she said, what can temporarily cheer up that woman who only knows alcoholism?

Either Han Xue or Liu Fufeng.

"Let's talk about it first, I like Liu Fufeng very much, you know, but I can't help it, everyone is already looking for her." Liu Yao said.

"En." Chu Qishui nodded.

"It's Lu Ling."




I don't know what was said next, but after about an hour, Chu Qishui came out.

"Senior Sister Chu." Li Wangsheng was also a little embarrassed.

"..." Chu Qishui finally took a look at him, from head to toe, and finally nodded.

"Ayao, please take care of me."

"Ah, good... good." Li Wangsheng looked at the woman in front of him strangely.

She has really changed a lot.

It's better to say that that kind of gentleness has a bit of Liu Yu's flavor.

"En." Then, Chu Qishui just left.

It wasn't until her back disappeared that Li Wangsheng looked away, opened the door and walked in again.

Li Wangsheng entered the room and saw a weak girl lying on the table.

"Ayao?" Li Wangsheng called softly.

"Hmm." The girl with her head buried in the crook of her arms snorted as a response to him.

Li Wangsheng sighed, sat down beside Liu Yao, and reached out to touch her head.

"What is this?" the girl said suddenly.

Li Wangsheng paused for a moment.

"It's not about you." Liu Yao raised her head suddenly: "Senior brother, you said...I have been waiting for so many years, why do I doesn't make any sense at all."

Li Wangsheng: "..."

At this time, it's better not to talk.

Liu Yao didn't count on him, and said to herself: "I thought I would be happier, but why, I'm not happy at all, seems that I don't like her even more."

Liu Yao said, shaking her head: "Forget it, it's useless to tell you."

She looked at Li Wangsheng with contempt.

"Who are you looking at with this kind of eyes?" Li Wangsheng was not used to her, he pinched her face, others were afraid of her, but he was not, she was just a little girl.

"Cut." Liu Yao didn't resist and took out the wine glass.

"Tired, don't want to, there is still some time before we reach our destination, let's have a drink."

"Drink." Li Wangsheng took the wine glass and prepared to have a drink with Liu Yao's avatar, which was the only thing he could do.

Down a few glasses of wine.

Liu Yao was drunk.

The wine is not intoxicating, but she is still drunk.

"Brother, let me tell you, she came to see me because of Ah Ling..."

"Lu Ling?" Li Wangsheng cheered up instantly.

Seeing his appearance, Liu Yao curled her lips.

"Look, it makes you nervous." Liu Yao drank the wine and continued: "What did you say to help her...Really, do I look like such a rigid person? Even without could I be?" Oppose things that are good for the little girl, besides, even if I think about it from a larger perspective, I won't object, it's just unnecessary."

Then he muttered a few more words.

"However... she has been nesting in Feng Jiu, and Han Xue is a fool. It's normal for her not to know what's going on outside."

It's unnecessary, but it's a good thing for her, after all Chu Qishui has cheered up a little.

"and many more."

Suddenly, Liu Yao sat up and spilled some wine, which wet the clothes on her chest.

"She is doing this because of Ah Ling, if Ah Ling has another problem... no, no, no..."

She likes Liu Fufeng the most, and has a good impression of Lu Ling's words, but it is far from Li Zhuzi's feelings for Lu Ling.

At this time, Liu Yao realized the seriousness of the problem. She was not in Lingshan at this time, so she didn't know how serious Lu Ling was now, but now she realized the importance of Lu Ling to Chu Qishui.

"I won't drink anymore, brother, I'll go on my way with all my strength first." Liu Yao put down her wine glass.

Li Wangsheng felt dizzy when he heard it, what and what.

However, it is probably an internal matter of Lingshan, so I didn't ask in detail.

I hope... what happened today can tear down the barrier between Senior Sister Chu and A Yao.

He knew there was little hope.

But at least there is still progress compared to the previous death and life.

"Go to work." Li Wangsheng nodded, and at the same time skillfully cleaned up the wine and wine utensils on the table.

"Well, I'm leaving." Liu Yao nodded, and then her body seemed to have lost her soul, lying on the table motionless.

Seeing this, Li Wangsheng sighed.

Although it's just a clone, she's still Liu Yao after all, just passed out next to a young man, I don't know if it's because of her nervousness or something else.

He packed up his things, picked up Liu Yao's body and put her on the bed, got rid of her alcohol smell and covered her with a quilt.

Waiting for this girl to wake up next time.


Start to ink.


Looking at the past, he has already finished a book.

What is recorded in it is his kendo, which is similar to [Sancai Huasheng], but it is full of strange symbols and theories, which ordinary people can't understand at all, and the power of the meridians running is very strange. When you see it, your first reaction is definitely that this is a cheating practice book.

If someone cultivates according to the above things, it is impossible to withstand the conflicting aura. If it is mild, the meridians will be swollen and painful, and if it is severe, it may not be certain to die.

But this is relative to others.

Lu Ling can easily master [Three Talents Transformation], so these skills are very simple things for her.

When Lu Ling wakes up, he will give this thing to her. Even if he has any accidents, I believe that with Lu Ling's heaven-defying comprehension ability, reading books is enough to learn.

Li Wangsheng had an inexplicable trust in Lu Ling.

When Li Zhuzi was in despair, Li Wangsheng suffered a little blow at most...

I felt that even if Young Master Xiao didn't help Lu Ling, she wouldn't have any big problems.

Li Wangsheng understands the potential of the Taiji diagram better than anyone else... He thinks that this thing is much more terrifying than any fairy sword, but he hasn't told anyone about it, and they won't believe it.

It was enough for Li Wangsheng himself to know.

What about Lu Ling?
It can almost be concluded that she is the master of the new rules. Even if this kind of person with destiny falls into this state, Li Wangsheng doesn't think she will die so easily.


At most... it can be regarded as some hardships.

Therefore, Li Wangsheng's love for Lu Ling was greater than his worries. After all, he was still a little girl, so he would inevitably feel uncomfortable.

Rather than saying that he has confidence in Lu Ling, it is better to say that he has confidence in the hidden destiny.



In the following time, Li Zhuzi held a meeting, and there was almost no objection or dissent, and everyone made a decision to let Lu Ling get in touch with the fairy sword.

The fact that Master Zixu was the first to agree surprised many people, but considering her character and the importance of Lu Ling now, it is understandable.

After all, although Zixu Zhenren often seems to be emotional, all her decisions are deliberate.

So, the matter was settled.

But how to let Lu Ling get in touch with the fairy sword is another problem.

The Immortal Sword is in Jiufeng, and is not easy for them to get in. Don't look at Liu Yao's attitude towards Chu Qishui, but in fact, since that incident happened, things are not something that Liu Yao can suppress. Yes, from Liu Yu's importance to Luo Hanyi, it is not difficult to see the popularity of this senior sister.

In the end, there are only a few people who are close to the fairy sword.

Li Zhuzi, as the venerable of the fourth-fold life robbery, she is not weaker than the previous generation of Lingshan people, and she is Lu Ling's teacher. She is equivalent to Lu Ling's mother in cognition, and is now the acting peak master of Yifeng. The most important thing is Li Zhuzi never got involved with Liu Yu and Liu Yao's affairs, and never even went to festivals... Although some people criticized her, she was indeed the most suitable.

Then there are Chu Qishui and Han Xue. The former is Lu Ling's master and the peak master of the Nine Peaks. He should appear both emotionally and rationally. As for the latter...

A married girl is not qualified to go to the forbidden area, but who made this place a spiritual mountain?
No one treats her as an outsider, and Han Xue is foolish about small things and unambiguous about big things, and often goes in and out of Jiufeng, so she is restricting Chu Qishui.

Just these three people.

No matter how many people there are, it is not safe. After all, it is a forbidden area, and there is no need for more. After all, the forbidden area is directly connected to the high-level of Lingshan, and there are many people watching.

What Li Zhuzi needs to do is the real Luanfeng's work, recording and analyzing the reaction between Lu Ling and Xianjian.

The time was chosen tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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