714 Legacy
The time is set for tonight.

The time to choose is naturally that the colder the better, and since the snow began to fall on Lingshan, there is no need to worry about the amount of coldness. In addition, because the spiritual power of Luanfeng Daoist has mobilized the spiritual power of the mountain protection array, it has temporarily lost its role in regulating the spiritual power. Lingshan can be said to be the dominant ice element.

The girls with fire-type spiritual power were so suppressed that they couldn't hold their heads up, while those girls who practiced water-type and ice-type ushered in a New Year-like atmosphere.

Although there is no shortage of cold air in Lingshan, since it is related to Xueluo Qianhan, it is natural to do everything to the best.

The midnight of the full moon is the time when the cloudy air is the heaviest, and correspondingly, the cold air will be heavier, so the time is set at midnight.



In the middle of the night, the moonlight fell on Denglingtai, covered by dark clouds, blocking the light.

There are two people in front of the teleportation array.

"A Ling, I'll leave it to you." Dongfang Lianren carefully manipulated Lu Ling, who was wrapped in an enchantment, and handed it over to Li Zhuzi.

It could have started earlier, but the activation of the Immortal Sword required the removal of many seals, so it was delayed until now.

"En." Li Zhuzi nodded, took Lu Ling, held her in his arms, and stood on the teleportation formation.

At this moment, it looks like there are two people on the surface. In fact, I don’t know how many people’s eyes are focused on them at this time. When Li Zhuzi enters the Nine Peaks, most of these eyes will disappear, and only the previous Lingshan people will continue. Keep an eye on them in case something unexpected happens.

Li Zhuzi pressed Jiufeng's position, and disappeared at the same time as Lu Ling's figure, leaving Dongfang Lianren with a worried face.



"Is this the Nine Peaks..."

On the edge of the cliff, Li Zhuzi walked down the teleportation array with Lu Ling in his arms. Looking at the surrounding white snow and the whistling wind, he tightened his body.

It's really cold.

At this time, she didn't say that she hadn't been here for a long time, but that she had never been to Fengjiu at all. The reason why she had an impression of Fengjiu was not because of Chu Qishui, but because of...the special Moon Grass here.

Li Zhuzi's eyes fell everywhere, trying to see clearly what kind of place her Ah Ling was living in.

At this time, Han Xue was trembling in the wind alone. After seeing Li Zhuzi, she rushed over in surprise.

"Senior sister...you are here, I have been waiting for a long time, Jueer is already waiting in front of the seal."

"Well, lead the way." Li Zhuzi nodded. Although she was a married girl, she was quite familiar with Han Xue.

It was almost ten minutes past midnight, and they all moved faster.

Said to lead the way, but the two walked side by side.

Han Xue looked at the pale Lu Ling in Li Zhuzi's arms, and her steps gradually became heavy.

"Is it... so serious?" Han Xue whispered.

"If it's not serious, why would you use the fairy sword?" Li Zhuzi shook his head.

Her affection for Han Xue was not only because of his character, but also because Han Xue was Lu Ling's benefactor. Without her, this girl would have suffered so much.

Suddenly, all the pain in Han Xue's eyes was put back, replaced by confidence.

"This trivial matter is nothing to Ah Ling."

Han Xue's energetic voice stunned Li Zhuzi for a moment, and he looked at her with admiration.

"After all, I have seen her at that time." Han Xue pretended not to care and mentioned something, reaching out to touch Lu Ling's face, but finally gave up.

She still remembered the beggar in Luoyan City...

The girl in sackcloth with yellow calluses on her feet, at that time Lu Ling not only endured the malice of the world, but also was devastated by the unawakened ice blood, she survived that time, let alone now.

Han Xue whispered: "But...some of them have gone back."

It was about Lu Ling's complexion.

Li Zhuzi didn't speak, she knew Han Xue's thoughts, but obviously, the first woman who came into contact with Lu Ling didn't know much, although Lu Ling might have been more sad before, but now she lost Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng.

A mountain that Li Zhuzi can never get around when thinking about problems from Lu Ling's perspective.

This girl's departure was more terrifying to Lu Ling than all the tortures, even those memories that Lu Ling didn't want to recall were not worth mentioning compared to Liu Fufeng's departure.

It is precisely because of this that Li Zhuzi was not as optimistic as others, but fell into despair for a while.

The simplest thing is, even if Lu Ling wakes up, so what?
Can she accept Liu Fufeng's departure?
Lu Ling's ring reminded Li Zhuzi that even if there was a [-] in [-] chance, Liu Fufeng did not leave the ring by accident, but left premeditatedly... that is betrayal.


What a heavy word.

Naturally, people like Li Zhuzi would not think that Liu Fufeng was a traitor, but what about Lu Ling?

This is what she has been worrying about...

She couldn't imagine what Lu Ling would become.

People in Lingshan thought that she could be Liu Fufeng's substitute, but Li Zhuzi knew that this was impossible.

Turning to look at Han Xue's spiritual eyes, all worries turned into a sigh.

At the moment, it is Lu Ling who wakes up first to be able to do the following things.

"Senior sister, that's where Ah Ling and... Zhao Yingge and the others live." Han Xue pointed to the thatched cottage that was still lit in the distance, and said to Li Zhuzi.

"Well, I saw it." Li Zhuzi withdrew his gaze.

Living in such a place, it's no wonder that the little girl always looks at her with envy in her house, and also likes to pick her thorns, saying that the bed is uncomfortable or something, so hard-spoken.

"Let's go."

Li Zhuzi and the others went up the mountain along the stream.




At the window, Xifeng retracted her head.

"What did you see?" Zhao Yingge was sitting cross-legged on the ground at this moment, practicing, with a sleeping cat lying on her lap, and asked casually.

"I can't see clearly, but I can see that Uncle Han is talking to someone alone, probably the master." Xi Feng curled her lips.

She had noticed that Han Xue was freezing there before, and thought something was wrong.

"Cultivate, you don't feel tired after so many thoughts all day long." Zhao Yingge glanced at her.

"You don't care about me, go play with your Xuechen." Xifeng rolled her eyes back.

snow dust...

Now it is at the stage of life and death, speaking, since Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng went to practice, it has been weak.

It's not her fault either. Without Lu Ling by her side for a long time, she felt like she was going to die... But she dared not disobey the master's order.

In addition, in her perception, Lu Ling's body is very normal, there is no problem at all, and she will not disturb the master, let the master hate her.

Therefore, the recent Xuechen feels a bit like eating and waiting to die.

Xifeng looked away from Mao'er, and said, "I just miss Ah Ling... I saw Uncle Han waiting for someone earlier... I thought she was going to pick up Ah Ling."

"I miss them."

This is the truth.

Zhao Yingge didn't taunt anymore. Speaking of which, she also missed Liu Fufeng.

I don't know how Sister Liu and A Ling are doing with their cultivation.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yingge became inexplicably agitated.

He was in a bad mood, so he didn't want to practice mental skills anymore, so he put Xuechen on the blanket, picked up the silver gun beside him, and said.

"I'll go out for a while."

"Go, go, stay away from here, don't disturb me, and remember to take a shower after you come back, I'll boil the water for you." Xifeng waved her hands in disgust.

This woman is here again. She stays up all day and most of the night and goes out to play with spears. Every time she comes back sweaty, she... almost got used to it?
Really bad adaptability.



Zhao Yingge held the spear and poured spiritual power into it. Now under Gu Xiao's teaching, she can already master some elementary marksmanship.

Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling flashed in his mind.

The main thing was the way Liu Fufeng and the others met the last night.

Weird isn't it?

She didn't believe that scheming bitch Xifeng didn't find out, it's just that the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't mention it.

In Lingshan... No matter how you think about it, nothing will happen.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yingge became more and more irritable.

And Luo Hanyi.

This silly woman hasn't seen her since she went up the mountain.

Zhao Yingge's eyes became dangerous.



seven peaks.

Luo Hanyi lay on the bed, looking at Feng Jiu with worry on his face.

"Xian'er, I..."

"No." Luo Xian blocked her mouth.

"Uncle Dongfang said that he can't let you out."

Almost every time Luo Hanyi sees Lu Ling, she will cry so hard that she can't find Bei... Plus she has a relationship with Zhao Yingge, so it is necessary to ground her feet and let her calm down.

Compared to Luo Hanyi, Luo Xian is much calmer.

This kind of calm made Luo Hanyi dissatisfied for a while.

"I didn't come out to forgive you, I just helped Uncle Li handle his affairs." Luo Xian pressed Luo Hanyi on the bed, and at the same time muttered a few words: "You actually think that I and other women..."

A look of dissatisfaction.

"Xian'er...how did you become so heartless." Luo Hanyi looked at Luo Xian with tears in his eyes.

The heartlessness here is not that Luo Xian does not forgive her, but that Lu Ling's illness is so serious that she is not worried at all.

As for Luo Xian's affair... Although Luo Hanyi has the "evidence", she is now worried about Lu Ling and has no intention of arresting her for the time being.

"Unfeeling?" Luo Xian looked at her helplessly: "If I'm unfeeling...forget it, it would make me look stupid to care about you, Master."

Of course she wasn't worried.

Who is Lu Ling?

Being so close to sister Huang, maybe even her "husband", what is there to worry about?
Xihuang is the [King] of the Spirit Race. After leaving the Spirit Race, she can be called the longevity species of a race with just one person. She doesn't think there will be any problems with Lu Ling.

If Lu Ling was so serious, how could sister Huang be so calm?

So Luo Xian felt that this was probably Lu Ling's test.

"You've changed." Luo Hanyi whimpered.

Luo Xian didn't have any ideas. To be honest, she was more worried about the impact of Liu Fufeng's departure on Lu Ling than Lu Ling's body. After a short contact, she discovered how much Lu Ling depended on Liu Fufeng. I wonder if Sister Huang can handle this kind of emotional thing.


In fact, she thought too much.

Although Xihuang found out that Liu Fufeng had left, she didn't know Lu Ling's state at this time, otherwise she wouldn't have had any thoughts in Tianguangxu, and would have returned long ago.

Not because of Hong Ling.

They are all playing with fire. It might be a bit difficult for Hong Ling to shield Xuechen's induction. It took a lot of thought to simulate Lu Ling's fluctuations, but Xihuang's words... are too simple. Huohong Ling compared... the gap is still too big.

As for why Xihuang was not allowed to come back...

Just kidding, her fairy sword following the fairy master can't do anything to Lu Ling's body now, what can Xihuang, who is also of the fire attribute, do?
The biggest thing that little bird came back was to disturb Lu Ling's rest.

To be honest, she already has some opinions when she sees Lingshan taking Lu Ling around... Now Lu Ling needs energy, but it is definitely not ice-type. If you insist, there may be hope for fusion.

snow falling thousands of cold...

Half of Xueluo Qianhan is now on Lu Ling's body, even lying on Lu Ling's forehead with a black iron sword box, it doesn't seem to be of any use.

But when the people from Lingshan moved the fairy sword, Xiaoxue would definitely be touched, so Hong Ling was already considering whether to intervene.

Finally gave up.

She decided not to interfere with this kind of matter anymore, the chessboard has already been unfolded, she will not show up if she can't show up, as for being discovered by Xiaoxue... Hong Ling also figured it out, she can hide it for a while, and for a lifetime ?



But Lingshan people don't know this, they can only do what they can.

Do your best to obey the destiny.

Li Zhuzi followed Han Xue with Lu Ling in his arms.

Passing by a secluded pool, Li Zhuzi stopped suddenly.

Han Xue who noticed it turned around: "What's the matter? It's really beautiful here, and I was amazed when I came here for the first time, but now is not the time to care about the scenery."

"No." Li Zhuzi frowned, she naturally didn't care about the scenery.

It's just that Lu Ling in her arms seemed to move a little bit just now.

But looking at the past now, it is no different from before.

But Li Zhuzi can be sure that it is not an illusion.

Sure enough... Will it be different when I get home?Maybe it's the breath of Liu Fufeng here.

I'm looking forward to it, maybe the fairy sword will really work.

Li Zhuzi didn't think too much, and left with Lu Ling and Han Xue.

She never thought that Liu Fufeng would be here, after all, she couldn't even be found in the mountain protection formation, so she couldn't be in Jiufeng.

And Lu Ling...maybe sensed the aura of some junior sisters, but she still didn't wake up in the end.

Lu Ling was not the only one who responded.

Not Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng was already dead, even if Lu Ling was in front of her, she would not have the slightest reaction, but what she left behind was not certain.

Based on Lu Ling's current state, if Liu Fufeng was still alive, he would have been worried to death, but the appearance of Lu Ling's dying at this time triggered something that Liu Fufeng planned to return to Lu Ling in the future.

Therefore, even Li Zhuzi didn't notice that a pure energy was waking up.



Near the ice-blue cave, ice slag is everywhere, and the strong cold air forms light blue streamers, floating in the air.

There is such an environment hidden in the Nine Peaks jungle, and Lu Ling, a wild girl who likes to wander in the woods, has never discovered it.

This dreamy place is the biggest secret of Lingshan, where Xueluo Qianhan exists.

Chu Qishui was already waiting in front.

(End of this chapter)

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