Chapter 717

It's a ridiculous thing to say.

Xue Nu's body was actually rejecting Xue Luo Qian Han's spiritual power.

This is something that Hong Ling never thought of. Leaving aside the relationship between Xue Nu and Xianjian, there was no rejection when Xue Chen took over Lu Ling's body in Shushan, but now there is a violent conflict.

Ever since the condensed cold air entered Lu Ling's body, Hong Ling carefully observed the reaction of the two contacting each other. As a result, what happened was much smoother than Hong Ling imagined, and the spiritual power from the fairy sword was very soothing. With Lu Ling's violent spiritual power, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe, these cold air can not only make Lu Ling more comfortable, but can directly wake her up—— Hong Ling thinks so.

So she just watched quietly. If Lu Ling was still awake, Lu Ling would naturally open her arms to embrace these powers that belonged to Xuechen. Some irreversible changes in Lu Ling's heart.

So, by the time Hong Ling realized something was wrong and wanted to stop it, it was already too late.

The external cold caused Lu Ling's subconscious to fight back fiercely. At that time, all the cold air had spread all over Lu Ling's body, eroding her soul. The violent explosion took Lu Ling's body and soul as the battlefield.

This girl didn't seem to care that it was her own body that was destroyed, and forced to expel the other party, but the matter was beyond Lu Ling's control. In just a few seconds, every inch of her body became a small battlefield. It is a struggle of ice and fire.

If Hong Ling hadn't reacted immediately to protect Lu Ling's body, the first conflict would have killed Lu Ling.

"Now...what to do." Hong Ling gritted her teeth, her body trembling slightly.

Although she is strong, she is strong in killing and knows nothing about balance.

I still remember seeing the Taiji Formation Diagram in Luoyan City, she could force the Ice and Fire to merge temporarily, but it could only go so far, after a quarter of an hour, the Ice and Fire Diagram in her hand would be annihilated, whether Hong Ling wanted it or not, And release a lot of destructive spiritual power.

And what Hong Ling is doing now is to use her tyrannical strength to forcibly prevent Lu Ling's body from becoming a "battlefield".

But this is only temporary. Although her ability cannot be used up, her control is limited. According to previous experience, when she loses control...then Lu Ling's body will be annihilated like the previous yin-yang fish. The unknown fire element and Xueluo Qianhan's spiritual power reaction... the power produced is probably unimaginable.

If Lu Ling was still awake, she would definitely be able to control this force with ease, but these are useless thoughts.

Hong Ling closed her eyes, thinking hard.

Time to burn around?
No, she was able to give Lu Ling more time because of Lu Ling's particularity. She used authority to temporarily isolate Lu Ling from the world, and Lu Ling's own time flow rate would not change.

Think, think, think.

Hong Ling has not been in trouble for a long time.

This time, a big one came as soon as I came.



Let me emphasize that the conflict between ice and fire seen by Lingshan people outside, the fire in it did not come from Huoliuli, that is to say, it was not the conflict between Lihuo Hongling and Xueluo Qianhan.

Hong Ling and her younger sister have been together for so many years, how could she not pay attention to this point and make fun of Lu Ling's body.

And she always thought that apart from her own flame, there was no fire in the world that could compare with her sister's ice, and that was exactly the case.

But now the fire is not hers, that is to say, it is Lu Ling's.

Why is there such an extreme flame on Lu Ling's body?

Although this irritable fire element did not gather into a burning flame, it can be seen from its collision with Xueluo Qianhan that its tyranny may not be comparable to her flame, but it is definitely superior to Xihuang's Phoenix fire.

What concept is this?
On the first peak, there is a huge flame cliff on the back of the mountain.

If several places in the world of cultivating immortals were marked as dangerous, the back of the first peak of Lingshan would definitely be ranked in the top three.

The sea clan cemetery, the demon queen's private hall, and the Flame Mountain, regardless of the front or back, if someone breaks in without permission, it is undoubtedly a doom, and the soul will be wiped out.

On the back of the emerald green cliff is a hundred miles of raging flames. The temperature of the flames is extremely high, burning the space, and even distorting the flow of time...

This is the real purgatory.

Flames, the whole world is full of fire, all kinds of red flames, the color is from light to dark, the edge of the back of the mountain is still red flames, and then gradually turns into strange white flames, and then in the center is golden continuous, hundreds of feet high unknown things.

In this center, the concept of time no longer exists, and burning the sky and refining the sun is just a thought.

That is Xihuang's phoenix fire, known to be the strongest flame other than the Lihuo red silk, and even in the eyes of many people, the immortal sword is stronger in the killing of sword energy, and the flame alone is not as good as the phoenix fire.

It's such a flame, Lu Ling... there is a stronger one on her body?And it doesn't belong to the known type of flame, but it is enough to compete with Xueluo Qianhan in the state of basic elements without gathering into flames.

Hong Ling couldn't understand that she thoroughly tested Lu Ling's body the first time she entered Lu Ling's body. Lu Ling definitely didn't have any talent for fire.

This is also because Hong Ling didn't know what happened between Lu Ling and Xihuang, otherwise there would never be such a mistake.

At that time, Lu Ling, who was not completely blackened, could play with Xihuang's flames on her palms, and make clothes to wear on her body... But Xihuang was so surprised that she still hasn't untied it. Confused, in the end I only thought it was Xue Nu's legacy.

This has nothing to do with fairy lords.

Hong Ling herself knew that her master was very strong, stronger than everyone else, and she was in control of her, but the fairy master was different from the snow girl. In fact, she didn't have much control over flames, and it was even more impossible for her to control the Phoenix Fire with a ray of remnant soul, otherwise, Xihuang, the immortal species, would be too cheap.

Is it because of the mother again?She gave Liu Fufeng space, and then gave Lu Ling flames for fairness?
No, it's impossible, Liu Fufeng's space may not have been granted by his mother, the latter just opened a permission.

Could it be... something from another world?

No, the rules are different. Even in the Great Thousand World, only the top-level ones can be manifested in this world, such as the way of Tai Chi. Others must follow the rules of the world.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Hong Ling's mind, but only a few seconds passed in real time.



After 1 minute, Hongya opened her eyes.

Then, there is only one possibility.

So, after all kinds of thinking, Hong Ling came to a conclusion.

Lu Ling didn't actually have a flame.

These sudden fire elementals are not flames.

It sounds weird, but it's understandable and the only explanation.

Ice itself belongs to fire and changes in temperature... Then if Lu Ling's ice has reached an extreme, it is possible that extreme changes will occur under the guidance of certain events.

In particular, when Lu Ling had just mastered [Three Talents Transformation], the Three Talents Transformation originally contained Li Wangsheng's highest way [Yin and Yang Transformation], and Lu Ling had just awakened the talent of Tai Chi, and Tai Chi was in the In Hong Ling's eyes, it is the highest level of balance.

Under these conditions, it is impossible for Lu Ling to only have ice in her body, which is not conducive to Lu Ling's cultivation of the way of balance.

Hong Ling knew this a long time ago, so she used her own fire to occupy half of Lu Ling's body to suppress Lu Ling's cold air, and at the same time to form a delicate balance in her body, helping Lu Ling deepen her understanding of Tai Chi mutual generation and restraint.

Lu Ling is not only Luo Qianhan's master, but also very likely to be her Hong Ling's everything is just right.

She released some fire attributes, which can not only suppress Lu Ling's talent, but also divide Lu Ling's body, one ice and one fire, just in balance.

This just allows Lu Ling to adapt to the "Tao" of Hong Ling's master in advance - balance.

With Lu Ling who is sober and practicing exercises, her fire and Lu Ling's ice can coexist very well.

This wasn't a problem at all.

And after Lu Ling fell into a coma, Hong Ling didn't just withdraw her power, but just now Lu Ling was about to come into contact with Xueluo Qianhan's power, Hong Ling completely withdrew from Lu Ling in order to avoid the conflict between her sister's unconscious power and her Aya's body.

There was a problem with such a withdrawal. Lu Ling, who had already adapted to the mean and balanced, had already automatically derived the corresponding fire attribute talent when Hong Ling settled in her body, but she was usually suppressed by Hong Ling and couldn't see it. .

This is the scary part of the way of Tai Chi. Lu Ling herself has the ultimate talent for ice, but because of the transformation of balance, she has automatically derived a new fire-attribute affinity... Moreover, because ice is the ultimate temperature change of water , then the corresponding fire is naturally not an ordinary flame.

It is a matter of course that the flame transformed by the ice blood and Tai Chi is ahead of the Phoenix Fire in existence.

That is to say, when Lu Ling mastered Tai Chi for the first time in Luoyan City and started to read Dao Zang, she had already begun to cultivate her flame talent, and was "ripened" by Hong Ling's body recently.

With the Taiji Diagram that can balance Yin and Yang, ice and fire, Lu Ling's fire attribute is at least comparable to that of the ice blood.

If it is normal, this is a great thing for Lu Ling, because she can perfectly master this kind of rule, and Tai Chi is even more terrifying. If you have an ice-type physique, you can automatically generate a completely non-conflicting fire-type physique. ...If it's a multi-attribute's terrifyingly strong.

With Tai Chi alone, maybe he won't lose to Liu Fufeng.

But this is under normal circumstances. For Lu Ling at this time, the fire at this time is undoubtedly the deadliest poison. Not only is she unable to control it, she may even die due to the conflict at any time.

Everything is clear.

Rather than saying that it is the flame that conflicts with the spiritual power of the fairy sword, it is better to say that it is Lu Ling's potential on the side of the flame.

Hong Ling found the source of the problem.

But it didn't become easier because of this, on the contrary, it became more serious.

The source came up, but couldn't be resolved.

Totally unsolvable.

The Dao from the Great Thousand World, when it is not fully mature, no one knows what effect it has, just like the fire attribute talent that suddenly appeared in Lu Ling, it is a ticking time bomb at any time.

Hong Ling couldn't find the slightest clue, and didn't know how to reconcile the conflicting forces in Lu Ling's body.

When Lu Ling was watching Dao Zang, Hong Ling was not idle either. Whether it was [Book of Changes], [Lianshan], or even [Gui Zang], she was watching, but after reading it, and whether she could understand it It's two different things, but because of Lu Ling, she also learned a little bit about the "Book of Changes", the source of all Taoism, but this is far from solving Lu Ling's problem.

But at this moment she had no choice, the only way to solve Lu Ling's body was the way of Tai Chi, even if there was only a little fur, a little would be enough.

We must find a way to solve Lu Ling's problem.

She... is going to try to learn in this short period of time.

Bite the bullet and have to learn, this is the last chance.

Hong Ling began to think about all the daozangs she had seen in Lu Ling's mind before.

Among them, there are two books that are the strongest, and in Hong Ling's opinion, truly belong to Dao level.

One is "Book of Changes", which is said to be the origin of all things in the universe, and part of it is divided into three volumes: "Lianshan", "Guizang", and "Zhouyi". In fact, all the knowledge of the world called "Past Life" in Lu Ling's memory It basically comes from the last volume of "Book of Changes", which has been lost for a long time, but because of the trade between the world and the world, Lu Ling in this world has obtained all the lost things, that is, the entire "Book of Changes", and the potential for mining is unlimited .

The second is the "Tao Te Ching", the first "Te Ching" and the second "Tao Ching". It is said that it is the method of cultivation.

In Hong Ling's view, the "Book of Changes" is essentially a book that reveals change, which lies in movement, while the "Tao Te Ching" is the opposite, which lies in tranquility.

Therefore, these two Dao-level books themselves are both moving and still, and they are part of Tai Chi.

After thinking for a second, Hong Ling decided to start with the "Tao Te Ching". The "Book of Changes" is so obscure that she couldn't understand a word. "Most of them are real things, Hong Ling is naturally confused about the ideal things, and what she wants is for Lu Ling to calm down, not to move around.

In general, the "Tao Te Ching" itself is more like an existence born out of the "Book of Changes". The whole text is composed of seven characters [one yin and one yang are called the way], which is easier to understand.

What Hong Ling needs to do is to find a way to balance Lu Ling's spiritual power in the Tao Te Ching.

She had looked for it before, but couldn't understand it.

Now... Mostly she can't understand it, but at this time, she has no choice but to rush the ducks to the shelves.

At this time, if someone can see the scene in the cave, they will find an extremely strange scene.

A girl vomited blood continuously from the corner of her mouth, her body looked like broken ceramics, and beside her was a slender figure that was flickering, trying to read various obscure words in the air.

He looked like a scumbag.

(End of this chapter)

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