Chapter 718 Resolved
1 minutes passed.

Another 1 minutes passed.



Sweat stains appeared on Hongya's hair.

Her control is constantly weakening, and at the same time her heart is constantly sinking.

However, she is still working hard.

Only at this moment can it be seen that Hong Ling is really nervous... She is too nervous Lu Ling.

Her own master is also the master of her younger sister, she cannot die, she must not die.

Hong Ling doesn't believe that Lu Ling will die. Unlike Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling doesn't have the courage of Liu Fufeng, and she has too much calculating smell on her body. Even if she wants to die, Hong Ling believes that the people who play chess behind the scenes will not Let her die so easily, and the mother will not.

But if you won't die or you won't die, how things will go is another matter.

Liu Fufeng has already escaped her control, and if Lu Ling is the same, Hong Ling feels that she might really lose control.

But now, she tried her best to save Lu Ling... but she made clear her own attributes.

She discovered that she was really... a scumbag.

Using the words in Lu Ling's memory, this is the best description for her.

Compared with the "Book of Changes", which you know you can't learn without even reading it, the "Tao Te Ching" is a practical scripture, and she feels that she can understand it to some extent.

Then she found herself thinking too much.

The first sentence stunned me.

[Tao can be Tao, very Tao; name can be named, very famous. 】

Please speak humanly.

[Those who once had the one, the sky was cleared by the one, the earth was calmed by the one, the gods were spirited by the one, the valleys were full by the one, and all things were born by the one.]

Hong Ling: "..."

[It's the cause.If the sky cannot be cleared, it will split, and if the earth cannot be calmed, it will explode. 】

Hong Ling: "..."

Read it line by line.

Hong Ling began to feel numb.

So far, I haven't understood a single word.

Finally, for the first time in her life, this aloof woman showed a very unladylike gesture of grabbing her hair.

"What are these..."

Hong Ling sighed, and then... had no choice but to continue reading.

Although she didn't think Lu Ling would die, she couldn't tolerate Lu Ling getting out of her control, and Hong Ling couldn't put all her hopes on the people behind the scenes.

It's fine that Liu Fufeng is a chess piece... But Hong Ling now feels more and more that Liu Fufeng is not just a chess piece, at least on the chessboard, the opponent's weight may even be greater than her fairy sword.

Who can tell right from wrong?

Even if you don't understand it, you have to read it.


In fact, I can't blame Hong Ling for being a scumbag. The simplest thing is...she has a different culture from Lu Ling, and how could she understand those words that are not in her world.

For example, there are few orthodox Chinese people in Lu Ling's world who can understand the "Tao Te Ching", and "Lian Shan" and "Gui Zang" have long been lost. The texts all come from ancient times, and these Lost things are only a part of "Book of Changes"...

It is the most correct choice for Hong Ling not to choose the Book of Changes.

It's really not that she is a scumbag, Hong Ling has always been a top student, and she helped explain what the master didn't understand about the exercises before.

Now I feel powerless.

In fact, in this world, even if her mother came, she probably couldn't perform much better than her. How can the Dao of the Great Thousand World be so easy to understand.

Otherwise, there would be no need for Lu Ling to appear. When Lu Ling cultivates to a great success, this kind of Taoism will naturally merge into this world. Before that, how could people who are not chosen by the Heavenly Dao of the Great Thousand World be able to easily understand Lu Ling's Taoism.

The "Tao Te Ching" is still the same, the "Book of Changes" which is the first of all classics... Not to mention, it is estimated that except for Lu Ling, no one can get a little bit of knowledge from it.

It can be understood as encrypted.

However, if Lu Ling has read and understood it, and she has told others about it, then this article can be integrated into this world and become understandable.

Hong Ling is betting because she knows this.

Even a little bit of Daqianshijie's works about "quietness" is enough for her to digest and make Lu Ling's body calm down.


Just when Hong Ling was about to lose her hold, she finally found a sentence that she understood.

It is a scripture that Lu Ling has thoroughly understood, which is equivalent to having the commentary of this world. This sentence is——

[Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and is full of energy for peace. 】

It's a very familiar sentence, and the words [Yin Yang] and [He] mentioned in it are used to solve her current predicament no matter how you look at it.

Hong Ling quickly plunged into it and began to understand.

"This time, it should be fine."

Yin and Yang are two aspects united within a thing, they are constantly changing, and balancing the forces between them to produce harmony is conditional, temporary, and transitional.

"There is hope!" Hong Ling saw a door and continued to analyze.

Harmony is relative.Dissonance is absolute.But the degree of dissonance can indicate how bad things are, and if they are to be balanced...

The following is a series of introductions about abilities, and a small piece of practice is also attached. It is not used for direct cultivation, but a means to differentiate yin and yang.

Hong Ling looked at Lu Ling, knowing that her time was about to run out, and Jian Xin was beating in a hurry.

"[Chong Qi] is an important regulating effect on all things, and [Harmony] is the result of the balance between Yin and Yang. I found it!" Hong Ling's eyes lit up.

By God's blessing, the only sentence she understood happened to be an explanation that could balance the forces of conflict, and it also came with a method.

Hongya has learned.

Then use.



Seeing the unconscious Lu Ling, she was stunned.

Why didn't it work.

She hurriedly looked through the previous notes again, and this time she finally understood that although she learned the method of balancing spiritual power through this scripture, it was based on the premise that the other party already had a complete "Tai Chi" system in his body. Fine-tune and improve capabilities.

Otherwise, anyone who understands it can use it, how can it be so simple.

The point is, Lu Ling only has the power of conflict in her body now, but she doesn't have a complete Tai Chi system...

This is over.

The scumbag studied hard, and when he finally thought he could solve a problem, he found that the problems were all wrong.

Hong Ling is now in this kind of despair.

"never mind……"


She has already worked hard for what she should have done. If there is really no other way, it can only be said that she is not good at calculating and is led away by others. What else can she say?

Moreover, she had a great responsibility in the first place, and she caused Lu Ling to suffer this kind of harm... In essence, she was no different from that Xuechen who only caused trouble.

Hong Ling had already given up.

With her protection, Lu Ling's soul will not be damaged. If there is no other way, she can also send Lu Ling into the wheel of heaven and earth, and then release it to be reborn after 1000 years. She still has this authority.

Don't panic.

Lu Ling's death this time is fundamentally different from the death of the Immortal Lord and Xue Nu. The latter two broke the rules, and their deaths are irreversible. Relatively speaking, Lu Ling's death this time is nothing, and sending her to reincarnation is not a big deal either. What a violation.

Hong Ling has done many violations.

This is the real reason why Hong Ling is not so desperate. It is best if she can be saved. If she cannot be saved, everyone will rely on their own abilities after 1000 years, and it is not a bad thing that Lu Ling is really dead. At least it shows that the layout of the people behind the scenes has lost its effect. He wants to wait until at least 1000 years later.

How could the other party agree to come another 1000 years.

Therefore, Hong Ling felt that Lu Ling couldn't die, and her death was a very, very bad thing for everyone, neither Hong Ling nor the opposing side could accept such a loss.


It's too late to say these things now, Hong Ling has no way to save Lu Ling.

Giving up and going to study Daozang again, Hong Ling quietly hugged Lu Ling in her arms, letting her face stick to her collarbone, and at the same time broke off the suppression of Lu Ling's body.

She is already at her limit.

" must be the master." Hong Ling looked at Lu Ling's face very tenderly.

Bursts of fluorescent light flashed from Lu Ling's body, and her body began to shatter.

After discovering that the power suppressing him has disappeared, the struggle between ice and fire is about to begin.

Hong Ling glanced at a group of women outside who were trying to break the seal, but said nothing.

She will take Lu Ling away, and let her go at the ends of the earth, otherwise, this annihilation will probably deal a huge blow to Lingshan, and may directly abolish the "logistics force" of the human race.

Absolutely not.

It's not that Hong Ling likes Lingshan. Lingshan is essentially the cemetery where Xueluo Qianhan fell. How could she like it, but... Lingshan is very important. If Lu Ling destroys Lingshan in half, it will seriously affect the situation of the world. disrupted the balance.

This is not to say that strong people cannot intervene.

It is okay to intervene, but there cannot be a fairy sword. The fairy sword destroys the balance. The fairy sword is not punished, but the master is punished.

Shushan has used Lihuo Hongling's venerables in successive dynasties, and without exception, all of them have lost their souls.

And Lu Ling has the power of Xueluo Qianhan in her body, Hong Ling dare not bet.


The sound of glass breaking.

There were some cracks on the tip of Lu Ling's right finger. Gradually, the fine lines started from the fingertips of her right arm and gradually spread upward, spreading upward like a terrible plague.

Small explosions finally began to completely destroy Lu Ling's body.

From body to soul, everything dissipated.

"Crack, crack..."

In just a few seconds, Lu Ling's entire right hand turned into dots of fluorescent light and disappeared into the air, but it did not annihilate, because Lu Ling had not died completely, and the ice and fire that originally belonged to the right arm were transferred to Inside Lu Ling's body.

Continue to collapse.

The lower right arm completely disappeared.

The only good thing...maybe there is no blood.

Hong Ling looked at Lu Ling, bit her lip, feeling distressed, but there was nothing she could do.

She knew that when Lu Ling's body was finally shattered, those forces that had nowhere to rest would explode violently.

Before that, she had to take Lu Ling away.

And at that time, Xiaoxue was unwilling to hide it.

She couldn't imagine what would happen when Luo Qianhan knew about Lu Ling's death.

In particular, Hong Ling is also indelibly responsible for Lu Ling's death.

Perhaps, her sister will really confront her with swords.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Ling's entire right arm disappeared from her shoulder, and not a single bit of flesh and blood could be seen at the fracture. Her body had already become hollow like a shell due to the battlefield, emitting light blue and red light. Lu Ling's calm face was extremely strange.

Hong Ling hugged Lu Ling with one hand, and stroked the slender Xueluo Qianhan in front of her with the other, sighing continuously, her eyes full of love.

Taking one last look at Feng Jiu's younger sister, she decided to turn around and leave.

She will not let Xiaoxue find her, this is the best way.

With a flash, Hong Ling and Lu Ling disappeared.

The cavern returns to darkness.


In the darkness, an abrupt voice suddenly appeared.

"What?" Hong Ling, who had just disappeared, appeared instantly, and the fluorescent light illuminated the cave again.

Why is there sound here?
By coincidence, Hong Ling came back wearing Lu Ling, and then she saw a round object suspended in the air.

Like a piece of water glass, it is black and white.

It was it that radiated light that illuminated the entire cave, luring Hong Ling back.

"What is this...?" Hong Ling stared at the thumb-sized regular sphere in front of her, and was stunned. did it get in?
There is an enchantment of Lingshan outside, and an enchantment of fairy sword inside. Where did this thing come from?

It definitely didn't exist here originally, because Hong Ling can be sure that just at that moment she noticed that her barrier had been moved, so she retreated instantly.

Hong Ling stared at the pale silver light outside the black and white glass, and suddenly thought of something.

"Could it be... space talent?"

"Liu Fufeng?"

She reached out and took the black and white ball.

Lubricated, cold, hot...

For a moment, all kinds of strange feelings resounded in Hong Ling's heart, making her sure.

"The silver light on the surface of black and white... This is the talent of space."

Could it be that this is what made Lu Ling immortal, that is, what Liu Fufeng left behind?
Hong Ling looked down at Lu Ling, and found that Lu Ling's body had stopped collapsing under the fluorescent light emitted by the black and white glass... The ice and fire suddenly became quiet.

"What is this?"

Hong Ling made a brief analysis, and found that the space ability in the outer layer was just sent all the way following Lu Ling's footsteps, and was not deliberately instigated by someone.

It was more like the kind of thing that would appear if Lu Ling was dying, it was left to Lu Ling by Liu Fufeng.

Spatial talent is just something wrapped, so what it wants to send is the most important thing, that is, the black and white.

Now that Lu Ling's body stopped collapsing, Hong Ling could also breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hmm... this thing looks familiar."


"I remembered, Taiji Diagram, Three Talents Transformation."

It is the transformation of three talents.

The sword map that Lu Ling used before is this power.

"Wait, this is the power of the Yin-Yang Diagram!" Hong Ling realized.

These things originally belonged to Lu Ling, but they were intercepted by Liu Fufeng. She had seen Liu Fufeng's movements before, but she didn't understand them. Now she understands everything.

"Tai Chi...Yin-Yang Diagram...Everything bears the Yin and embraces the Yang, thinking of harmony?" Hong Ling thought about it, smiled, lowered her head and kissed Lu Ling who was already covered in cracks.

She learned how to balance, but lacked the formed power, and now... the formed power just appeared in front of her.

Regardless of who sent it, anyway, Hong Ling didn't want Lu Ling to die.

"Fusion... Fusion..." Hong Ling squeezed hard to break the black and white colored glass shell, and then, a small Tai Chi picture appeared in the air, exuding ripples of gas, and then turned into two wisps of blue smoke, Melted into Lu Ling's body.

This was Lu Ling's awakened power, so naturally there would be no rejection at all.


(End of this chapter)

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