Chapter 719
When the yin and yang energy entered Lu Ling's body smoothly, Hong Ling knew it was a success.

Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't think she was a scumbag this time. After reading so many books, she finally came in handy.

As a fairy sword, she rarely loses her composure... But this time, for Lu Ling, she became not like herself. She worked hard to read books and find hope, and it was all worth it.

Black and white entered the body, and the conflict in Lu Ling's body quieted down almost instantly, just like two student groups fighting in a university, and when the teacher couldn't suppress it, the police appeared...

All ice and fire are very good.

"It's finally quiet."

The embryonic form of yin and yang energy appeared in Lu Ling's body, but in essence, the ice and fire were not resolved, but were only temporarily suppressed. When her yin and yang energy dissipated without being controlled by anyone, it would be Lu Ling's body When it becomes a battlefield again.

But none of the above is a problem, because Lu Ling won the most precious time, and also got the most important element of saving lives.

"Thank you,'s up to me to untie it." Hong Ling hugged Lu Ling, rubbed her face, and then showed a firm expression.

It is good to have a cultivation system, she can use what she has learned before to solve all the hidden dangers of Lu Ling.


"Agitated..." Hong Ling muttered to herself.

The original meaning of the word "Chong" is the middle of the river, the place where clear and turbid water mix, corresponding to Lu Ling, which is the line that separates the yin and yang fish in the yin and yang Taiji diagram in her body.

Soon, Hong Ling knew what to do.

She carefully sorted out the yin and yang qi in Lu Ling's body, separated the yin and yang, and at the same time guided the conflicting red and blue forces in Lu Ling's body to merge into a line, wrapping them between the yin and yang qi.

What Hong Ling needs to do is to help Lu Ling build an initial Tai Chi embryo model to resolve the conflicting power in her body. As for what mistakes may be made, that doesn't matter. When Lu Ling wakes up, she will naturally find out if there is any problem. to adjust.

This is a very meticulous work and cannot be completed in a short time.

But Hongya has enough patience.

Now in this small cave, there is her sister and the owner...she has patience.



time flies.

Another half month has passed.

On the Jiufeng, there are still a large number of women. They peeled off the barrier layer by layer. It has been half a month. During this half month, no one left.

The seal is not lifted all the time.

The seal of Xianjian Cave is extremely complicated, even if it is untied, Lingshan only has half an hour to act, and after half an hour, the seal will be closed again.

The previous Lingshan people made a move, and the interior was divided into two factions, 90.00% of them lifted the seal, and the remaining [-]% of them mentally penetrated the seal when the ripples created when each layer of seal was lifted through.

This is to confirm the condition of Aya in the cave.

Half a month had passed, and the last thing everyone knew about Lu Ling was that Lu Ling was vomiting blood. Although they were still trying their best to lift the seal, no one had hope for Lu Ling's vitality.

Chu Qishui and Han Xue were not around at this time, so they couldn't help.

Li Zhuzi was leaning against a tree half a month ago, staring at the seal motionlessly.

She was hurt.

Very serious.

But nothing can be seen on the surface.

Li Zhuzi was one of the ten percent who tried to observe Lu Ling's state.

Beside Li Zhuzi, a sister Yu wearing a light green skirt trembled her voice, her eyes were red and swollen, which didn't match her cold temperament.

This is Luo Hanyi.

Luo Hanyi didn't know Lu Ling's state at first, so it's best to keep this kind of thing from her, after all, her mental state is not good...

But Luo Hanyi knew about Lu Ling touching the fairy sword, so she couldn't wait to see Lu Ling recover.

Luo Xian came to see him once and found out that something was wrong with Li Zhuzi, so he took the initiative to take over Li Zhuzi's job, and was already too busy to get away.

She wanted to hide it from Luo Hanyi.

However, Li Zhuzi never showed up, and Dongfang Lianren didn't know where he went...

Luo Hanyi couldn't find her all the time, and she wasn't stupid.

Then it couldn't be hidden.

Fortunately, Lu Ling's health was not good, but now it's just getting worse, so Luo Hanyi won't be able to bear the blow and collapse. For this woman, only Liu Yu, Luo Xian and Dongfang Lianren can make her mentally collapse. weight.

Maybe... Zhao Yingge should be added.

Then Luo Hanyi didn't shy away from appearing in Feng Jiu.

After seeing the injured Li Zhuzi and Lu Ling who knew he was alive or dead... Luo Hanyi has been crying all day long. These days, as long as she wakes up, her tears will not stop.

The eyes are very swollen and ugly.

"Sister Zhuzi, Xiaoling won't, nothing will happen..." Luo Hanyi sobbed.

"Well, I believe Ah Ling." Li Zhuzi nodded, not leaving the seal for a moment while speaking.

Li Zhuzi seemed to have regained his calm temperament before, and he didn't panic anymore.

Saying that with your mouth, but what you think in your heart is another matter.

That's Lu Ling, her daughter.

If Aya she...

Li Zhuzi shook his head violently.

No, Aya will be fine.

She will not let Lu Ling escape from her embrace.

Li Zhuzi is not someone who just sits and waits to die, so after vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood at the beginning, she forcibly stabilized her cultivation and mentality, and killed the possible inner demons in the bud.

Ah Ling still needs her strength, how could she be so self-willed and depraved.

With this in mind, Li Zhuzi joined the team of Lingshan people who rescued Lu Ling, and his cultivation level did not drop because of temporary despair.

This shocked all the Lingshan seniors.

After all, judging from the state half a month ago, Li Zhuzi had reached a precarious situation, but she adjusted herself within a long time.

In the end, it can only be attributed to Lu Ling.

She was injured because of Lu Ling, and she cheered up because of Lu Ling...

Everyone can understand.

Who hasn't seen the apprentice as a daughter?

It means that Li Zhuzi's master is not in Lingshan now, otherwise, she would probably die of anxiety.

"Luo Hanyi, please don't say a few words." Dongfang Lianren on the side helplessly hugged Luo Hanyi tightly and wiped away her tears.

"But... I'm really scared..." Luo Hanyi sobbed.

She was afraid that something would happen to Lu Ling... Liu Fufeng has disappeared, if Lu Ling...

What should I do?

"What are you afraid of? Xiaoling will be fine." Dongfang Lianren said helplessly in a low voice: "You have been crying all day, making everyone's mood a lot heavier, haven't you noticed?"

"But...I..." Luo Hanyi's eyes were red: "I can't help it..."

"Then talk less." Dongfang Lianren sighed and patted Luo Hanyi's head.

"It will be fine, that girl is so obedient...God is reluctant to accept her."


Dongfang Lianren held Luo Hanyi in his arms and said nothing. She is not cultivated enough, so she can't help at all, so she can only watch here.

Ironically speaking, Lingshan is a holy place to snatch people from God, but now they pin their hopes on the so-called heaven.

fairy sword...

Sure enough, it's not a good thing.

She has always been conservative.

Don't like Fairy Sword.

If Lingshan didn't have a thousand cold snowfalls, naturally there wouldn't be a forbidden place, right?
She doesn't care about the series of things in the middle, she only looks at the results. From the results, the fairy sword has not brought any benefits to Lingshan. What is the purpose of spending so much manpower and material resources to make a seal to protect the fairy sword?
Now it has sealed the hope of her favorite child's life.


Dongfang Lianren was suddenly disappointed with Lingshan.

She is a sensitive woman.

This dissatisfaction may be because she is not popular in Lingshan.

In fact, she only has one friend, Luo Hanyi, and Luo Hanyi is not so much a friend as her half-daughter.

Li Zhuzi's kind...isn't considered a boudoir best friend.

The dissatisfaction was fleeting, but Dongfang Lianren didn't think about it.

Lingshan is her home after all.

She was never a rebellious person.

Sighing, Dongfang Lianren stared at Li Zhuzi's side face which was extremely serious.

That's what worries her the most.

Because of Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi suppressed his injuries and regained his strength, but... what if Lu Ling died?

What will happen to Li Zhuzi?
She didn't think Li Zhuzi was really heartless.

In fact, everyone including Li Zhuzi now knows that the probability of Lu Ling's death is far greater than the probability of her being alive.

No way.

Only one step at a time.

Not knowing whether he was alive or dead for half a month, Dongfang Lianren's heart sank to the bottom of the lake long ago.



Lingshan boundary.

outside of town.

A girl with a round face, almond eyes, and a blood-red dress walked slowly.

The girl's sword is not an ordinary sword, it looks like a woman's sword, it is a relatively slender type, but the color is very strange.

The blade is blood red, and the hilt is as black as ink.

She followed the route and was about to cross town.

The girl's complexion was cold and glamour, her temperament was not like that of a mortal, but more like a demon.

This kind of woman is dangerous no matter how you look at it.


The round-faced girl looked at the bustling bazaar in front of her, her eyebrows were furrowed together, that kind of faint murderous look made the backs of everyone who saw it go numb.

She has mastered the "Seven Kills Sword Sutra" passed down by her master, and accumulated sword power according to the method in it.

But now I have a little problem.

In front of her was a bustling city... It was a place she had to pass through, but... she couldn't just pass by like that.

Because her murderous aura has accumulated to a terrifying amount, if she enters the town rashly, those ordinary people will not be able to bear her murderous aura and go crazy, or even die on the spot.

The last time she passed by the town, she was still in Picheng, but at that time her murderous aura hadn't accumulated as much as it is now, it had already overflowed, and the violent energy gathered in a radius of [-] meters around Lezheng Luoting.

Within a hundred meters, there is a death barrier, and ordinary people, even weaker monks, cannot bear her aura.

Temporary diversion?

She can't.

From the time she started running "Seven Kills", her one-step-one-kill began, and Lezheng Luoting knew her own ability. Others couldn't bear it if they used tens of meters at most, but she had to walk hundreds of miles... ...Therefore, it is necessary to achieve the best in all aspects, so this road was decided when she was still in Shushan.

Not to mention anything else, just walking a mile... Normal people's minds can't hold it anymore, and those who can persist are lunatics.

Hundreds of miles away... Her spirit had already reached a critical point. If it wasn't for the heart that wanted Lu Ling to support her, she would have collapsed long ago.

Therefore, her current physical condition absolutely does not allow her to waste every step. If she changes the course without authorization, she may not be able to reach Lingshan... Then, all her efforts will disappear, and Lu Ling will also leave her. , She may even be unable to bear the evil spirit she seduced and kill herself.

It is impossible to divert.


A trace of blood flashed in Lezheng Luoting's eyes, which was then extinguished by struggling.


Absolutely not.

Although she doesn't like Shushan, she likes Master and cares about his feelings. If she destroys a town because of her own selfish desires, what is the difference from the demons?
At that time, Master will also be very disappointed.

Venerable Ye has already suffered a lot of criticism because of her existence, and Le Zhengluo understands that.

But... what should I do now...

She put away her sword and stood there motionless.

Can't advance, can't retreat, fell into a very embarrassing situation.



in town.

The teahouse in front of the girl.


Although the hot summer has passed, as the saying goes, the autumn tiger, the weather is still sweltering in the coming autumn.

It is this sweltering weather and sweltering room, but there is an old man in a coir raincoat sitting there. If people see it, they will feel very strange.

At this time, the old man was playing chess with someone. His opponent was a young man with white hair and green clothes. The man was holding a folding fan.

"Senior, this girl is in trouble." Lu You chuckled, holding the chess pieces, but not falling.

"What does it have to do with me?" Mo Li Weng curled his lips.

"How can it be okay? That's Senior Xiao's skill." Lu You looked out of the window, and looked at the girl through time and space: "The exclusive steps of the Seven Killing Sword Manual, one step at a time, each step is getting deeper and deeper. The power of my next move, every step down is the improvement of spirit and spirit, and at the same time compresses my sword energy, and then generates new sword energy, the next step, continue to compress... This disciple of Shushan has already walked nearly a hundred years. I can't imagine how tough her mental strength is."

"After all, he is my disciple of Shushan, isn't this normal?" Weng Xiaoli said triumphantly.

"She is very powerful, and I am also curious about the reason why she persisted." Lu You shook his head: "However... it must be something more important than life for her to persist until now. Now, there is a city blocking her Up front, what will she do, I said... wait until she thinks it through."

"How to do what..." After finishing speaking, Li Liweng was stunned.

He also knew that Lezheng Luoting was the candidate of Mr. Xiao's apprentice, and some time ago, Li Liweng was shocked when he found that she had walked dozens of miles with the Seven Killing Step.

At that time, Mr. Xiao Li was hunted down by Mr. Xiao because of Lu Ling's rumors, so he didn't go to find Mr. Xiao... Mr. Miao Li followed Lezheng to the court alone, and then met Lu You who also followed her. People go together.

He knew what Lu You meant.

Lezheng Luoting has a weird personality, and now he is in a state of high pressure. He might be cruel...

At that time, Shushan's crime will be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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