Chapter 720 Lu Ling

Weng Xiaoli was a little nervous, but not nervous.

He said kindly to Landing.

"If it doesn't work, let's do it."

There is nothing to worry about.

Isn't it evil spirit?He just opened an enchantment to completely cover up Le Zheng Luoting's breath.

This is one way.

Or, temporarily move the town in front of her to ensure that the residents inside will not notice it.

Of course, these are things that can be easily solved in the eyes of a person of his height, but it is undoubtedly a fantasy for Lezheng Luoting.

"That's a way." Lu You's folding fan shook slightly, and the chess piece in his hand fell.

"Right." Weng Xiaoli smiled triumphantly, then seemed a little surprised by Lu You's move, and looked at him with satisfaction.

It is rumored outside that the master of Yihua Palace is unfathomable... Now that I have contacted him, I find that the other party is really a second person.

He is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and has carried out the consistent style of Yihua Palace.

With so many distractions, and his cultivation level... so high, Li Liweng could tell at a glance that Lu You's cultivation level was definitely not only higher than the Five Heavens of Fate Tribulation worn outside, but far surpassed it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was too young, Li Liweng even felt that Lu You, like them, might be a "living" person who has passed the ninth heaven.

The more we look at Xiao Li Weng, the more we like Lu You.

This is the power of the human race. Of course, the orthodox Shushan people think he is pleasing to the eye.


The chess piece made a sharp sound as it fell, and the couchette found a way to break the game.

"How is it?" The old man looked triumphantly at the white-haired young man opposite him.

"How about it..." Lu You stared at the chessboard, holding the pieces in his hands, and after silence, shook his head, as if he was talking to himself.

"It's not like..."

"Oh? Are you looking down on the old man's chess skills?" Li Liweng pretended to be angry: "I was using Xiao Xiao's usual routine. You should think clearly when you speak."

Lu You seemed to have just realized it, and shook his head again and again: "Of course I don't dare to underestimate my senior's chess skills, it's just... a little distracted."

"What's wrong? What are you thinking?" Weng Xiaoli looked at him suspiciously.

"I'm thinking about... her." Lu You stretched out his hand and swiped in front of him, a picture appeared in the air.

The girl leaned against a tree outside the town, closed her eyes and meditated, she seemed calm, but if you looked closely, you could see her delicate body trembling slightly, as if she was trying her best to endure something, she was definitely not as calm as she seemed.

Seeing this scene, Li Liweng stared at Lu You with a strange expression.

What's going on here?
Is Lu You so interested in Lezheng Luoting?

He was thinking... Could it be that he fell in love with her?This is not good.

En...a filial son can like Lu Ling, and Lu You likes Lezheng doesn't seem to be such an exaggerated thing.

"You little guy is so weird. The old man has already said that it can solve the problem." Weng slammed the chessboard and reminded Lu You that playing chess is more important now.

Lu You didn't seem to notice the strange look in Li Liweng's eyes, but narrowed his eyes and said.

"Naturally, I don't doubt that senior can solve her problem...but..."


Lu You hesitated.

"Just say what you want, I won't be angry, okay." Li Liweng was a little anxious by Lu You.

"Then I'll just say it, maybe it's a little rude..."

"If you have farts, let them go." Weng Li Li looked at Lu You with contempt, this little guy is just like those people in Yihua Palace.


He is the owner of Yihua Palace.

"It's like this." Lu You didn't care, and said, "This girl is using the "Seven Kills Sword Classic" by Senior Xiao. Judging from the way she uses her skills, she should be a direct disciple of Junior Brother Ye in Shushan, although she is not Xiao Xiao. It was handed down by the senior, but it is also equivalent to half of the grandson of the senior."

"That's right." Weng Xiaoli nodded, puzzled.

What did he want to say.

"I met senior Xiao once many years ago. Senior should be looking for a successor." Lu You said.

"En." Weng Xiaoli nodded, originally the most suitable person was Lu Ling, but due to various reasons, that girl is not good, or she still needs to investigate.

"I think... the next one is called... Lezheng Luoting, right? Her talent, perseverance, and even character are all in line with Senior Xiao's requirements for choosing an apprentice." Lu You thought for a while and continued.

Weng Xiaoli nodded: "It's not impossible to tell you, I am very satisfied with this girl and Xiao Xiao."

Still puzzled.

What's so rude about this, he didn't dare to say it.

"In other words, she is Senior Xiao's most promising disciple right now."

"you can say it this way."

"Ahem." Lu You reminded Li Liweng: "If this is the case, with Senior Xiao's character, he must be harsh on the disciples he has chosen. Now he is in the observation stage. At this time, if Senior you... Helping her without authorization, if Senior Xiao finds out..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Weng Xiaoli and gave him a playful look.

Lu You knew it, because of some things, this old guy was almost slaughtered by Mr. Xiao a few months ago.

As for the content of the rumors.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Lu You's eyes.

The best thing Weng said in Shushan was not a simple joke, but that Mr. Xiao really liked her...

Otherwise, he... would be very angry.

Regardless of the possible relationship between Lu Ling and him, the name Lu Ling should not attract criticism. Lu You doesn't want to see a little bit of "dirty" on this name, not even a little bit.

How important is the word Lu Ling to him?

Perhaps even Su Luoxin didn't understand.

In fact, Lu You has secretly killed many beings who dared to name "Lu Ling" over the years.

In other words, people with the surname Lu, if not for the old man Ri Mu, would have almost all been killed by him, and a lot of blood was stained for this.

As long as it wasn't related to him, no matter if it was a famous monk or a baby waiting to be fed, he would find him and use various seemingly normal methods to send him to death. Even Su Luoxin didn't know about this kind of thing.

The secrets are chaotic, but because of some people, Lu You can spy some secrets, so those people named "Lu Ling" will be miserable. Under the secrets, no one can hide, so they died immediately.

It's unbelievable that Lu You is cruel in this regard.

However, just when he thought it was impossible, this "Lu Ling", who was not under his observation, appeared and gave him infinite hope.

She... Could it be the person I'm looking for?

Lu You is looking forward to it.

Mentality also gradually changed.

This Lu Ling is different from others, even if she is not the person he is looking for, Lu You will not kill her, if the secrets cannot be seen, it is God's will.

Moreover, beauty spots or something...

Take a deep breath.

For Lu You, since this Lu Ling has become well-known, he will help her, which means... he can't find that person and find a substitute.

The reason why those people were killed before was that they didn't deserve the name.

Therefore, Lu You is extremely concerned about the "Lu Ling" who is not under his control in Lingshan. Of course, it's not because he likes loli or a pervert who likes young girls, but because of the name "Lu Ling".

He wants this name to become honorable and superior, reaching the level of the fairy master back then.

Instead of being... the object of ridicule by other people.

The reason is very simple. It is estimated that those who died would not believe that the controller of a holy land can be so childish.

But Lu You had no choice.

As his memory became more and more blurred, his behavior became more and more irritable.

Of course, the surface is still so gentle.

"I think what you say makes sense."

All of a sudden, Lu You's thoughts were interrupted by a sentence from the man in the hat. He calmly picked up the chess piece, looked at the man in the hat and said, "Senior...what are you going to do."

"I'll think about it." The Lily Weng smiled wryly.

It's over.

He really didn't think about this kind of thing.

As the orthodox of Shushan, when he saw the problem of Lezheng falling into court, the first thing he thought of was to help her solve it. After all, Shushan was extremely defensive, and so was he.

But the problem now is... Lezheng Luoting is not an ordinary disciple, but the heir whom Young Master Xiao likes.

Then here comes the problem, Mr. Xiao and his thoughts are completely different. If it is Xiao, he will never think about helping the younger generation to solve any problems. He is the person he likes. It is also a fool without a brain to walk hundreds of miles.

To die is to die.

If you are really good enough, you can solve it yourself.

Why didn't you observe the route first when you recklessly walked up to Lingshan?Perseverance?Well, then pull out all your willpower and change course.

Or... just kill the people in this city directly.

In that case, Mr. Xiao would also admit her, which is considered courageous.

After the baptism of the blood of the same kind, if the mind is not broken, it is also a talent.

Others care about human life, but Mr. Xiao, who is known as the "Killing God", really doesn't care.

Shen Canghai was just a yellow-haired girl in front of him.

As for Shen Canghai... For her, she can kill all the people in Luoyan City.

Let alone kill God.

Young Master Xiao doesn't look like a person from Shushan at all.

This man has gone through too much wind and rain. In his eyes, the human race is very important, but...he doesn't like the inferiority of the human race, so he doesn't care much about human life.

He can die for the human race, but he will never feel that the lives of ordinary people are so important.

All in all, a very weird person.

Therefore, when Weng Xiaoli discovered that the alluring and cheap "Lu Ling" was molesting Young Master Xiao in Shushan, he found it very interesting.


"It's a big problem." The cape man's head got big.

He completely understood what Lu You meant.

If he helps the apprentice whom Young Master Xiao likes, then in Young Master Xiao's eyes, it will be considered as ruining Lezheng, and the person he likes must have no flaws.

Ruined the successor.

At that time, it is estimated that it will not be a simple pursuit.

Don't doubt, this will happen, Li Liweng is very clear, how serious and rigid is the young man who looks amiable and dressed in brocade clothes? Because of his agreement with Lu Ling, he never peeped even though he was curious. Pass Lu Ling once.

"Is there no way to solve it?" Lu You asked worriedly.

Actually, what does it have to do with him.

He simply wanted to add trouble to the person who spread the rumor about Lu Ling.

As for Lezheng Luoting, he has a good impression of the other party's red dress. If that's the case, then stop liking her. But according to the intelligence, this girl seems to have something to do with Lu Ling, and also with Mo Yuan...

Then, he used a lot of small tricks to understand some of Lezheng Luoting's obsessions.

I admire her very much.

The main reason is that Le Zheng Luoting likes Lu Ling, so Lu You is happy, and Lu You is not worried about what Le Zheng Luoting will do to Lu Ling if he looks like he is going to kill someone.

She couldn't bear it.

Lu You is happy to watch a good show.



Weng Xiaoli thought for a long time, and finally realized that there was really nothing he could do.

If Mr. Xiao is still around, he can ask him directly and let him make a decision. Of course, he probably doesn't care, but the coir will work hard and save people as soon as he is notified. successor.

Take the Seven Killing Sword Sutra as the foundation, because the Seven Killing Sword Sutra is in trouble.

From all perspectives, Lezheng Luoting and Young Master Xiao have a great destiny.

But the problem now is that within a short period of time, he couldn't find Young Master Xiao, because his voice transmission didn't work because of his personality.

The last news seems to be that Young Master Xiao met Senior Sister Yun who was traveling and accompanied her to find the missing apprentice.

Now... what to do?
Mino Li Weng was dumbfounded.

After a long time, he sighed.

"Have you decided?" Lu You asked casually.

He said a few more words in order to destroy the interest of playing chess, that's all.

It's childish, but he's happy.

"En." The coroner nodded.

"If this girl can solve it by herself... No, if she has a choice, I won't stop her." Suo Liweng bit the bullet and said: "However, the problem is based on the safety of the people in this city and her own safety." Come on, otherwise, it is still possible to secretly use some means to prevent her from finding out that I can still do it, this is not considered to help this girl, and that guy Xiao Xiao will not be too angry."

Not too angry?
He just didn't want to lose face in front of Lu You.

Who knows what that man would do to him.

"That's the best." Lu You let go of his worries and picked up the chess pieces.

"Continue playing chess."

"No, no, I'm getting old, I'll go back to rest first." Weng Li hat waved his hand, completely in no mood to play chess.

He was going to ambush around Lezheng Luoting to see if there was any way to solve her problem quietly.

"Alright then." Lu You chuckled and put away the chessboard.

"However, I have something to ask Senior, please... tell me."

"What's the matter?" Weng looked at him depressedly, his good mood was spoiled by this man, what else could he do.

This old guy is not stupid.

But don't care.

"Lu Ling." Lu You looked at the coir hat.

"I knew it."

Minohat Weng looked like you finally asked.

"I thought you could hold back for another year. Why, you're almost at Lingshan, are you nervous?"

Lu You: "..."

"I said, what's the relationship between you and Miss Lu..." Suo Liweng looked at him curiously.

This is really curious.

The old man continued.

"If you satisfy me, I will tell you all the news I know. You will never suffer. You don't know what that girl did in Shushan, but I have seen it all."

"I... don't know what the relationship is." Lu You hesitated, shaking his head.

"I don't know? I'm not sure." Li Liweng chuckled: "But your words are enough."

It can be seen from the movement of Yihua Palace that Lu You actually doesn't have much confidence.

However, it is estimated that it is his daughter as rumored outside.

Weng Li hat shook his head, looked at Lu You, seemed dissatisfied, then he said: "Speaking of which, I don't think she is your daughter, that girl is very weird, you may be disappointed."

"Oh? Is she very different?" Lu You immediately became interested.

He investigated Lu Ling, but this girl seemed to have fallen from the sky, except for some... news that made him want to massacre the city, he didn't know anything about Lu Ling's origin, and he didn't investigate her ability, and his hands didn't have it yet. When I went to Lingshan, I learned from Lezheng Luoting, and there was no specific news about Lu Ling, only her obsession.

Seeing this, Weng Xiaoli laughed, and his old eyeballs rolled a few times.

Small sample, but also to spoil my interest.

"If you want to know, you can, but...the children in the family are in trouble, and I really don't have the mood to chat..." Weng Xiaoli sighed again and again.


"After solving the girl's problem outside, will you feel better?" Lu You looked at him.

"of course."

"Then leave it to me."

"You? Say it first, you can't suppress her, you can't protect the town, you have to let this girl work hard on her can do it?" No matter how you think about it, Li Liweng thinks it's impossible.

"Try it." Lu You shrugged.

(End of this chapter)

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