Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 721 Daughter and Son-in-Law

Chapter 721 Daughter and Son-in-Law
Weng Xiaoli had already reminded Lu You that things were difficult to handle, but he still agreed, and Weng Xiaoli had nothing to say.

To be honest, there is really no suitable solution for Weng Xiaoli.

As long as he makes a move, it will definitely touch the bottom line in Young Master Xiao's heart, and the town can't be changed at will. After all... it's Le Zheng's mistake to choose a path without thinking carefully. Young Master Xiao is different from the people of Shushan, he doesn't like to wipe people off butt.

Therefore, none of these methods will work.

After much deliberation, there is only one way, and that is... use external stimuli to make Le Zheng Luoting work hard on his own.

Divert, or something.

But in the view of Li Liweng, if Lezheng Luoting can walk a hundred miles with the seven kills, her potential should have been tapped out long ago... Speaking of which, he can also guess what supports Lezheng Luoting's persistence. what is it.

It was nothing more than Lu Ling.

Since that incident, this girl has never concealed her love for a young girl, and her room is full of portraits of Lu Ling.

Her love for Lu Ling has reached a pathological level.

But that's all there is to it.

Weng doesn't know if there is any way to make the girl who is almost overdrawn continue to persevere, and even make her persevere until she re-route...

The reason why he let Lu You go was just to disgust him.

Who let this little guy spoil his interest in playing chess?

Of course, Xiao Li Weng would not feel uncomfortable because of such a trivial matter. Rather, he appreciates the other party's casual mind even more.



There are continuous mountains on the side of the town, and there is an abyss of ten feet, which is bottomless, and people cannot pass through it. Therefore, people in the town ahead take the main road two miles away to enter the pass.

There are few people here.

And monks naturally don't have so many terrain taboos in order to hurry.

A hundred meters ahead, Lezheng was leaning against a tree in the courtyard, his eyelashes trembling slightly. still immature.

All she wanted was to meet Lu Ling sooner, so she planned a route for herself, but she didn't expect that there was an abyss. She had no choice but to cross the abyss with all her strength, only to find that there was a large town in front of the abyss.

Completely blocked her way.

What should I do?
Le Zheng Luoting was deeply aware of her recklessness, she opened her eyes, and looked down at the jade pendant on her chest.

This is what Master gave her.

When you encounter a problem that cannot be solved... just crush it.

Do you need Master's help...

Le Zhengluo bit his lip.


You can't ask Master to help you.

She didn't want Master to see her embarrassment again...and...

She came out this time to meet her most important person, and wanted to win her, or lose herself to her.

If she asks for help from others, even if she wins over Lu Ling... she still feels very uncomfortable.

It's not her style.


She can still hold on.

Forcing herself to think this way, the girl was a little confused.

It's not that I'm afraid that I can hold on, but...does that girl remember her?
Come to think of it, in her eyes, I was just a stupid woman who was dazzled by jealousy... After all, she was so tall and beautiful... Although she didn't develop well, but... Lu Ling who looked like that really It made her want to stop.

The other party is really mature.

The more outstanding Lu Ling is, the more inferior Le Zhengluo will be.

She felt that she was completely unworthy of Lu Ling at that time, let alone now...

She chose to use such an exaggerated move to deal with Lu Ling, which fully demonstrated her lack of self-confidence...Compared to the girl who defeated the Demon King, she is still too young, like an ugly duckling.

It is the most normal thing for Lu Ling to forget her.

Maybe... It was the best to die in her hands at the beginning.

Lu Ling didn't kill her, she was very disappointed, in her mind, if Lu Ling wanted to kill her, it meant that she remembered her.

The autumn wind blew, and the girl shrank her shoulders slightly, as if she also felt a little cold.

Perhaps the people of Shushan would never believe that the strange and domineering witch in Shushan, the witch who doesn't even look down on Ye Guanyue and Yun Xiao now, would actually feel inferior.

Lezheng Luoting was afraid, afraid that she would go to Lingshan, but Lu Ling didn't know her... So, even if she wins the opponent, so what?
Or if they lose, Lu Ling doesn't want her anymore.

The girl's mouth smelled of blood, and her mind was in a daze.

I don't want to think about it any further.

If she doesn't want herself, then she will die.

Compared with the cowardice and inferiority in her heart, the difficulties in front of her seemed nothing.

Get serious.

Even if Lu Ling didn't want her, she still had to see her and couldn't back down.

She wanted to return the thing that belonged to Lu Ling—the magic treasure.



behind the tree.

Lu You and Mo Liweng watched Lezheng Luoting from a distance.

Lu You looked at Lezheng Luoting, murmured something, and frowned at the same time, as if thinking about how to break the situation.

Seeing that Lu You didn't make any move, Weng Li Li sighed, thinking that he was in trouble, so he opened his mouth and said.

"Little guy, forget it if you can't, I'm just kidding you, even if you have no choice, I will still tell you what you want to know."

Hearing what he said, Lu You stretched, and immediately responded.

"Thank you, senior."

The speed of the reply left Xiao Li Weng dumbfounded.

"You... don't you... don't want to solve her problem?" Suo Liweng was stunned for a moment, and said.

This little thing is not just for him to see.

"Of course, you have nothing to do, senior, and neither can I." Lu You shrugged, as if it was a matter of course.

"Then what are you talking about doing your best..." Xiao Li Weng stared at him.

"If you don't say that, why would you let go of your mouth?"


"...You... Forget it." Weng Li Li twitched his mouth, although he was very upset at being tricked, but he had to say that he liked Lu You's character.

"That's it." Lu You yawned.

In fact, he didn't have any curiosity about the coir hats around him, whether he was happy in the court, and the one who could keep him in his heart was nothing but Lu Ling.

How could he really think of a way to help Lezheng fall into court? Stop making trouble.

If it wasn't for the fact that his mind fluctuated too much a while ago, it was not suitable to see Lu Ling immediately, he would have gone to Lingshan long ago.

But now, take a few months to calm down, let the news ferment at the same time, and give Lingshan a certain amount of time to prepare, this is what Lu You has to do.

When all the holy places felt that Lu Ling was his daughter, that was the time for him to see Lu Ling.

It's not because it's boring for a few months, even if it's a hat...he won't bother.

"News from Lu Ling." Lu You waved his hand: "You can say it if you want, it doesn't matter if you don't, it's close to Lingshan."

Suddenly I felt that what I was doing was quite boring, and I didn't want to pretend anymore.

"You continue to worry about the junior, I'm going back to work."

He was practicing his drawing skills recently, and he thought that drawing a picture for Lu Ling after the meeting would be considered a heartfelt greeting.

Seeing the white-haired man slacking off, Weng was speechless.

"Whatever you like, I will tell you about Lu Ling, but don't worry, I have to wait for this girl to get through this difficult time."

"Okay." Lu You looked like I was sleepy, then suddenly opened his eyes, seeing that this old thing is still polite to him, he can remind him.

Sometimes, when people get old, they can't see through.

Not to mention, the apprentices of Shushan's human religion have always had problems.

"Senior, what do you think is the best solution?"

"What do you think?" the Lily Weng asked back.

Lu You spread his hands: "Changing the road, bypassing the town."

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Li Liweng looked at Lu You as if he was mentally retarded. If this girl could change her course, he would be worried.

"Then there is another way." Lu You said.

"You said."

"Get out of town."

Minohat Weng: "..."

Isn't this still nonsense?
He looked at Lu You helplessly.

You are here to fuck me.

"Is this your method?" Xiao Liweng looked at him contemptuously.

"Exactly." Lu You chuckled.

All he had to say had been said.

The people in Shushan may have never seen a disciple with the character of Lezheng Luoting, so it's normal... In Lu You's view, that girl's potential is far more than that.

She can completely rely on her own ability to divert or suppress the murderous aura.

Why should anyone else help?

In the final analysis, Li Liweng believes in what he sees more than in the potential of the younger generation. In his opinion, Lezheng Luoting has far surpassed the limit of normal people, but he never thought that sometimes paranoid people are There is no limit.

It's actually that simple.

And... Le Zheng Luoting loves Lu Ling.

Love, an emotion and word that seems useless and even awkward, is actually the driving force for many things.

Lu You deeply understands this.

Therefore, he believes that it is okay for Lezheng to fall into court.



Weng looked at Lu You, who had something to say, and didn't understand what he wanted to say. In the end, he just shook his head and asked him to go back and do what he should do.

Lu You waved the paper fan and left.

Weng Xiaoli watched Lezheng fall into the court alone.


In fact, it's not that he doesn't trust his own children.

Just worried.

After all, this kind of behavior is really too dangerous.

As for love, he really doesn't understand, this is flawed.



Lu You left and looked back at the girl in red under the tree.

Red, impressive.

Of course he can't help her. In fact, Lu You knows at least two things that can save Weng Xiaoli from the embarrassing situation.

One, he can actively arouse the will of Lezheng Luoting.

In the past few months, he has learned a set of fingertip swordsmanship that Lezheng Luoting often uses. It seems to be from his "daughter" who has never met before. Lu You feels that if she finds out that she can also do this The painting of swordsmanship should be very...jealous?
He is a man from Yihua Palace.

Probably the feeling of being greened by someone, Lu You thinks, this is enough to wake up Lezheng Luoting, and chase him down...

It's just that Lu You doesn't want to do this, just kidding, Lu Ling is either his daughter, or... will become her daughter.

If Ah Ling finds out that he did such a thing in the future, he will have nothing to eat.


He could actually say that he is Lu Ling's father.

After all, I still don't want to help.

Because of the second point.

This girl has demon energy in her body, not that she is a demon, but that she has the cultivation skills of the demon clan, and there are more than one set.

The demons have many secret methods for the soul, and seizing the house is a common trick of the demons. This girl has the demons' skills, and temporarily improving her spiritual power is not as simple as eating and drinking.

Weng Xiaoli also noticed a faint demonic energy, but he thought it was from Mo Yuan's sword, so he didn't care.

You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from Lu You.

Speaking of his understanding of the Demon Race...he is more professional than Xuan Jingsi. After all, the Demon Race took away his most important person.

Therefore, Lu You knew that Le Zhengluo didn't need help at all.

But because of this, I look forward to Lu Ling even more.

Covered by the way of heaven, the red dress, the beauty mark, and now the devilish energy...

Maybe, she is really their daughter mentioned in the last message sent by Ah Ling.




People come and go.

Lu You's unruly white hair is extremely conspicuous, and his handsome and confident face is his signature appearance.

Such a man is the focus of the crowd wherever he goes.

In just a short distance, there are already many young ladies waiting in their boudoirs to ask someone to investigate this new man who entered the city.

Of course Lu You could feel the Hanchun eyes of those girls...

As a disciple of Yihua Palace, both men and women are flirtatious... showing mercy is the normal state of Yihua Palace.

They are representatives of cultivating immortals and joining the world.

But Lu You, the palace lord, keeps his life clean and looks like a romantic, but he is actually very conservative.

He doesn't like other people looking at him like that.

Although he hates it, he won't kill people like crazy, and he's not mentally ill.

Sensing the gazes of those girls, Lu You would occasionally respond with a smile, which made those young ladies unable to extricate themselves.

Ah Ling said that she likes those outstanding young ladies to look at him like this.

He asked the other party...wouldn't he be jealous?

"The man I like is the best man in the world."

The girl's proud words still echoed in her ears.

Thinking of that cute tone, Lu You raised the corners of his mouth, the surrounding air was warm, and the tassels around his waist swayed slightly.

But, this situation only lasted for a little while.


Ah Ling, the person you like is not the best person in the world, he...betrayed everything, and even forgot what you look like.


In his memory, there should be an indelible figure, but now there is only a red dress and a beauty spot left.

Lu You could feel that his most important memory was disappearing bit by bit, like being eaten away by a huge millstone. Sooner or later, he would forget everything about her. In that case, she... would be equivalent to death Bar.

Fortunately, there are Nanwusan.

It's really the luckiest thing ever.

Lu You, who was walking, looked up, and in front of him was a gorgeous high-rise loft.

"Painting Pavilion...?" He smiled and opened the folding fan.

Just right.

He likes to travel around and meet those capable people in order to hone his ability in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and he has liked it since he was young.

He has also been to Luoyan City, and he still remembers that the city lord there is a very interesting man. If he can cultivate, he should be regarded as one of his few friends. Although his life is short, he has a very high level of painting. attainments.

Lu You also has a picture scroll of that man in his collection, on which is a young girl, according to Lu You, not his wife, of course he didn't care.

The most important thing for Lu You now is painting.

Lu You now insists on drawing a picture of "her" in his memory every day to keep his memory. Although the effect is minimal, it has become a habit.


After a while, Lu You came out from the painting pavilion, sighing again and again.

Although many paintings barely reached the passing mark, but... there was nothing for him to learn from, and he was a little disappointed.

Go out and walk around.



Outside the city, on the official road.

Huangsha, boy.

With a broken sword on his waist, a viburnum blooms faintly on his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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