Chapter 723

Outside the painting pavilion, there is a sidewalk alley.

Quiet but a bit crowded.

It can be seen that there are many people sitting on both sides of the street. They just spread a piece of rags that they don't know what it is, and they sit on the ground. Most of them are dressed in poor clothes.

But... all people have a pair of very clean hands.

Occasionally, someone would go out to eat in the street, and then come back after eating, so... there are not many other strange smells in the alley, but instead, there is a burst of fragrance of pen and ink.

The taste of pen and ink comes from the picture frame in front of these people.

Everyone here is a painter.

To be precise, they are all unknown painters.

Although there is no money, but they are very attentive to the painting, everyone's works are very complete, and these people work hard here, hoping that one piece of work can be selected into the painting pavilion on the other side of the street to prove their own strength. You can also obtain the identity of an exclusive painter and sell the scrolls in the painting pavilion.

The most important thing is that once you have an identity, you will be hired by dignitaries with high salaries.

Perhaps, many people do it for riches and honor, but here more people are pursuing more realms.

What is the value of an unloved painting?What you like is also very important.

Tend to this drive, many people seek the approval of others.

It can be said that the paintings here are the leftover painters in the painting pavilion, and they are defective products.

But Lu You still had a good time shopping.

Because even the top works in the painting pavilion are not as good as one tenth of his. Those people did not let him see what he could learn from in all aspects. Looking at them one by one, they are like his works. Ultra-low configuration version... so I can't arouse any interest.

On the contrary, among those who were eliminated outside, there were quite a few works that caught his eye.

Naturally, these people are eliminated because the overall quality is not good enough, but this kind of imbalance is often caused by being poor on one side—correspondingly, it may also be that the other side is too good and the other levels are not worthy.

It's like the girl's work that Lu You is looking at now.

The painting is a girl in red, looking at the scenery beyond the mountain by the stream.

Color, light and shade, texture... are all high-quality, full of girly delicacy, but...the most basic such as outline can't be perfected, so that the composition of the whole picture is distorted, and it will naturally be eliminated.

But in Lu You's view, this seventeen or eighteen-year-old, slightly thin girl is the one with the greatest potential among all the painters in this town.

The owner of Yihua Palace just likes this kind of "heresy", otherwise he wouldn't have chatted with Xifeng's father day and night.

The most important thing is... the painting of this little girl reminded him of the same girl in red, looking out at the outside world in Yihua Palace, his Ah Ling.

Very similar.

The atmosphere is really similar.

It seems that none of the works he has painted for so many years is as full of charm as the girl.

So naturally, after only a moment, Lu You's affection for the girl in front of him exploded.

He carefully looked at the girl who wrapped her body in the sackcloth.

With a thin face and yellow skin, except for a pair of fair hands, it is impossible to tell that she is a woman from the outside, which means that Lu You has activated a cheating device.

"Little girl, your works are good, show me some more." Lu You tried hard to make his voice gentle.

But even so, when the girl heard him speak, she still trembled in fright.

little girl...

How did he know I was a woman...

The girl suddenly panicked.

At this time, Lu You also suddenly understood something, understood why this girl wanted to wrap herself up...

In this world, women without strength and power will end up miserable. There are too many people at the bottom. Without any means of hiding, she can't live to this day.

But Lu You didn't express his attitude, but repeated his own words: "Your works are good, show me some more."

"Ah? Okay..." The girl finally realized that he was here to buy paintings.

It seemed that because someone called him out of identity, he hurriedly took out a stack of scrolls and handed them to Lu You.

Lu You looked at her.

The girl is still vigilant.

She knows that her paintings are not so beautiful... and this young man is so... luxurious, how could he like her paintings.


She doesn't feel that she has the value to be coveted by others.

A flustered timid girl.

At least, on the surface.

Lu You took the painting, opened it and looked at one.

It was still the woman in the long red dress, but this time she was sitting there quietly playing the piano. Except for a few flaws in the outline, all other aspects were excellent. Lu You seemed to be able to see the woman in the painting playing her A soothing piano music was played in front of him.

Ah Ling...

The spirit appeared a little trance.

"I want all your paintings." Lu You said suddenly.

"Ah?" The girl was startled, and exclaimed, her voice a little hoarse.

"I said I want it all. Is the money enough?" Lu You took out an ingot of colored glaze and put it in front of the girl. He walked, and he never had such a cheap thing as gold...

Let Su Luoxin take it away. In Su Luoxin's words, the colored glazes are all low-level, but if they are too high, I might not be able to find them, and I will offend the Palace Master.

So the shot is an ingot of colored glaze.

"Ah? This... I..." For a moment, the figure in Mai Nai became at a loss, and did not dare to reach out to pick it up.

The colored glaze refracts colorful light, attracting all the eyes in the alley, and suddenly, the corner is full of envious eyes.

This kind of thing happens from time to time.

These painters stay here, don't they just hope that one day they can meet Bole?

"What? Aren't you selling it?" Lu You looked at her flustered, pretending to be displeased.

"No, it's not...too many...too many..." The girl waved her hands again and again, and her voice changed from hoarse to more girlish.

"Not much." Lu You forced Liuli Cai into the girl's hands, then swept away all her scrolls and held them in his arms.

"It's all mine."

"Ah... yes..." The girl waved her hands in panic.

"Not worth it..."

He kept saying these words in his mouth.

Lu You had a good impression of her, so he sighed helplessly.

"Your painting may have a lot of problems, but... I like it, so I think it is worth the price, no, what I paid is far from enough." Lu You shook his head.

Anything that reminds him of his wife is priceless to him.

"I can promise you a condition as a reward." Lu You said.

Where the girl could listen, her brain went blank.

Naturally, he didn't understand how important a condition for the owner of Yihua Palace was.

" can follow me." Lu You suddenly said again.

Speaking of which, no matter whether Lu Ling is her daughter or not, he is ready to raise her as his daughter, so how can a little princess of Yihua Palace know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?

I heard that the little girl already knows how to play the piano... Naturally, she also needs to learn painting. After all, her mother's best skills are piano and painting.

The girl in front of me can be regarded as Lu Ling's teacher, which is basically enough.

Lu You moved these thoughts.

The father who hadn't met yet thought about taking a harem for his daughter.

"Follow...follow you?" The girl was really dumbfounded when she heard her words.

Subconsciously, his eyes became vigilant.

But looking at that Liuli Cai, he knew that he was worthless, and for a seemed that he didn't know what to do.

Just at this time.

The young man in white came out of the painting pavilion with a scroll on his back, with a look of disappointment on his face. The techniques of these paintings are not bad, but they are too mediocre, and there is nothing outstanding about them.

Very disappointed.

Then, I suddenly saw a little noise in the painting street in the distance.

He has seen this kind of place a lot, so he naturally understands the reason why the sword is slanted and the talent is hidden from the crowd, so he walked over.

"En?" The girl in sackcloth seemed to sense something, and suddenly raised her head.

Lu You followed his gaze and found that it was a monk, exactly the one he felt before.


Don't care at all.

Lu You looked at him carrying a painting basket, and became interested.

and many more.

Why does this girl have feelings for Jianping's people?

Then, seeing the girl trembling, Lu You understood.

She has an inspiration beyond ordinary people, while Mr. Qiong Hua has a lot of cold air overflowing from him.

Lu You shot to dispel the cold air.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, and then... sized her up with strange eyes. The man in front of her seemed to be "buying her".

At this time, Mr. Qionghua also came over, Lu You hid his breath and weakened his sense of presence.

"Can you show me your painting?" the young master asked.

"Ah...already...already sold out..." The girl stammered, looking at Lu You, but saw Lu You's helplessness.

He had already bought these paintings, so naturally he would not show them to others.

The girl gritted her teeth helplessly, and took out a painting from the package. Unlike the other scrolls, this one was exquisitely framed and seemed to be her treasure.

She handed the painting to the son.

The son opened it, and Lu You also looked at it, and then he was taken aback.

It's not a woman anymore, but a girl.

Wearing a red dress, she stood quietly by the stream, with her back turned to the eyes of the crowd. She couldn't see her face clearly, but she could feel the cheering mood of the girl in the painting.

The brushwork is even more immature than the current painting.

On the whole, it is definitely a scumbag.


"This..." The young master was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes shone brightly.

Such a delicate charm, isn't that what he wants to learn?

And it's a painting girl... exactly the same as the elf she wanted, what he lacks is this ability.

"Can you sell this painting to me?" The young master said directly, taking out a pinch of gold: "Then... I hope I can study with you for a period of time. This is the reward."


what is it today?
The girl in sackcloth looked at the young master with fiery eyes, and didn't know where to put her hands.

Fortunately, Lu You finally spoke.

"You little brat, can't you see that I'm talking to her? The juniors really don't understand any rules." Lu You shook his folding fan, snatched the picture scroll from the young master, and handed it to the girl in sackcloth. .

"Can't you see that she doesn't want to sell this painting? What's the matter, the heir to the dignified name of Jianping Wuhen, has also learned the method of coercion?"

Mr. Qionghua was very upset when his painting was robbed, and when he heard the word Jianping again, he felt a chill down his spine.

who is talking?
Suddenly realizing that part of his consciousness had been shielded, he turned his head to look over, and was taken aback again.

white hair...

"Lu... Lu... Palace Master?" Mr. Qionghua looked in disbelief.

Not right.

How could he meet the owner of Yihua Palace here...

However, since he met Lu You in Tianguangxu, he would definitely not admit his mistake.

"This junior Wuhen has met the Palace Master." Mr. Qionghua suddenly saluted Lu You.

No matter how unexpected, etiquette is indispensable.

"Princess?" The maiden girl gave Lu You a strange look.

"Okay, now I'm more polite. Don't you understand the rules of Yihua Palace? You don't need to be so formal." Lu You waved his hand, glanced at the broken sword at the young master's waist, and said casually: "But... this little boy I fell in love with the girl first, you know."


What else can I do? ?

I can only admit it.

and many more.

Young Master Qionghua suddenly remembered one thing. If you want to learn painting, isn't the most suitable person in the world right in front of you?

Mistress of Yihua Palace, enough is enough.


The young master backed away silently and returned the place to Lu You. He was already looking at how he could let Lu You teach him, and he also looked at the girl in sackcloth suspiciously.

This person's level is not bad, but...he is not comparable to Palace Master Lu.

Moreover, the owner of Yihua Palace was evaluated as "cold-blooded", "unfathomable", and "Qinghua's greatest enemy" by the head of the Holy Master...

How can I have such a big affection for an ordinary girl.

not understand.


Lu You looked at his acquaintance, chuckled, and turned to look at the girl.

"so what have you thought of?"

"..." The girl in sackcloth didn't speak, she lowered her head, unable to see her face clearly.

"What? What concerns? Do you have any family?" Lu You asked.

"My family... is gone." The girl in sackcloth shook her head, the old man who took her in passed away, and she buried him with all the money... Now she makes a living by painting, but the level she has learned is not enough to support her normal life.

"Then why are you still hesitating?" Lu You was very patient: "I promise you one condition, this matter will not change, and at the same time, you can also learn painting skills from me. You can ask the kid next to you."

"...Ah... yes." Mr. Qionghua twitched the corners of his mouth, and at the same time looked at the girl in sackcloth with strange eyes.

a condition?
a condition.

Who is this girl...

Could it be his illegitimate daughter?

Lu You continued: "And what you need to do is follow me, every day... draw me a picture, not me, but her."

Lu You pointed to the scroll in his hand.

" it okay?" The girl in sackcloth was dizzy after hearing all the conditions.

This kind of good thing... was really encountered by her?

The girl bowed her head.

It seems to be hesitating, or shy.




The clock is ticking.

The son was surprised by Lu You's patience with her.

Lu You didn't speak, just stared blankly at the picture scroll in his hand.

"Thank you, Master, for taking me in." After a while, the girl finally spoke.

"Okay." Lu You clapped his hands: "Pack up your things and follow me. If you're right, you don't need to call me master. You me foster father."


In an instant, there were two surprised voices.

The girl in sackcloth was flustered, while Mr. Qionghua was in a daze.

Lu You seemed very satisfied with the reaction of the two, and shook his folding fan.

"By the way, girl, what's your name." Lu You just remembered to ask her name.

The girl hadn't recovered from the news that she had an additional adoptive father, she pulled the brim of her sackcloth and said in a low voice.

"Candle incense."

 I’m really a waste of a name. I’ve been thinking about a name for a few months. Can you believe it? It’s not a trick, but a very important character. main character.

(End of this chapter)

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