Chapter 724
Inn in the center of town.

Mr. Qiong Hua sat quietly in the room alone, the surrounding was very quiet, and a piece of drawing paper was spread on the table.

This is the time for him to practice his painting skills every day, but at this time, he can't draw ink after holding the pen for a long time.

"Forget it, if you can't calm down, don't force it."

For him, the painting of elves must be kept at the peak of energy... Today's state, it doesn't matter if you don't paint.

You really can't blame him.

Anyone who sees the owner of Yihua Palace adopting a adopted daughter in a child's play will have some doubts about life.

In particular, as Jianping's future master and the mainstay of inheriting the name of [Wuhen], the young master understands the horror of the white-haired man next door.

But after personal contact, I feel that the other party seems to be unexpectedly kind...

He will be very kind to a strange and worthless girl... This kind of treatment has exceeded the bottom line of the young master's heart.

In his opinion, that girl named Zhu Mingxiang is a useless person.

Appearance... can only be regarded as handsome, he didn't miss the face under the other party's hemp clothes, maybe it would be beautiful if it was well developed since childhood, but now it looks like it has been hungry for many years, the skin is not good, and the figure...

Similar to Lu Ling.

Is that clear?

The point is, Lu Ling is still young, but this girl named Zhu Mingxiang is already...

How sad.

Therefore, the young master thinks that even if it is the tradition of Yihua Palace to mess with women, he will not find such an ordinary woman... Or rather, even if Lu You brings back a handsome man, he will not be here now so surprised.

After much deliberation, only the word "love talent" remained in my mind.

Yes, love talent.

The biggest enemy in the head of the family is indeed an existence who loves calligraphy and painting so much that he has lost his mind... Has he never thought about the impact that a righteous daughter will have on Yihua Palace?

The authority of the master of Yihua Palace is extremely large, especially now that the only seniority above Lu You, her senior sister Su Luoxin only listens to him... Lu You is the real master.

In this way, Zhu Mingxiang gained the number one position under the lord of Yihua Palace almost instantly.

Because of the special reason of Yihua Palace, this girl who was still selling paintings not long ago even surpassed Qionghua's saint in identity...

The righteous daughter is also a daughter, this recognition is tainted with cause and effect.

What is the situation.

This is too capricious.

Young Master Qionghua had a strange expression on his face, he wrote something on the paper, waved his hand, and the paper disappeared, he sent back to Qionghua the matter of meeting Lu You, which described his evaluation of Lu You in detail.

Extremely capricious and loving.

It was precisely because of his love for talents that Lu You didn't drive him away, an irrelevant Qionghua disciple, but generously let him live next door to him.

Of course, these are the results after the young master showed Lu You his paintings and got approval.

Lu You allowed him to follow him to learn painting.

Starting tomorrow, I will give him half an hour every day to give advice... and there is no requirement.

This is really...Young master doesn't know how to describe Lu You.

Anyway, he admitted that he didn't have any bad feelings for this man, and even had a good feeling for him.

Probably because those who like painting are not bad people, and he is anxious to draw the figure of the elf, so he doesn't care much about Lu You's identity.

Lu You is also going to Lingshan. Next, he plans to be a student and learn painting with Lu You... After all, this kind of opportunity may only come once in a lifetime.

The son took a deep breath and looked at the other wall of the room.

do not know……

The lucky girl was talking to Palace Master Lu.



Lu You looked at the painting in his hand, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and even a long-lost flush appeared on his face.

In the case of a single man and a widow, the girl in sackcloth on the opposite side seemed very cramped.

At this time, the girl had already taken off her sackcloth hat, revealing a delicate and slightly thin face, her hair was a little yellow, but not short, shoulder-length, it was the last stubbornness of a girl.

She looked apprehensive.

"Very good, really good." Lu You looked at the woman in red on the picture scroll, feeling very good.

Haven't been this happy for a long time.

Hundreds of years.

Even when I heard Lu Ling's name, I was more shocked than happy. Maybe... only after confirming Lu Ling's identity would I feel more joy than today.

"As long as you like it." The girl said nervously.

She seemed to speak infrequently and was slightly hoarse.

And Lu You was in a good mood, and said with a smile.

"Don't be so cautious, as I said, you will be my adoptive daughter from now on, just call me foster father, I could take you back to get to know Luo Xin, but..." Lu You shook his head, if he went to Lingshan, maybe This girl can't go back to Yihua Palace with him.

Lu You suddenly regretted it.

Wouldn't it be better for this girl to follow him?
After thinking about it, I gave up.

"Although you can't go home, but your identity is now my daughter, show a little confidence." Lu You knocked on the table.

"Yes..." The girl nodded stiffly.

Lu You felt that she had already guessed that he was a person of great status, but even if she wanted to break her head, she would not think of what she got suddenly. Lu You was not showing off, but just thought it was normal.

It takes a long time to get used to it.

Lu You likes her very much.

"Call me foster father." Lu You said.

"...Yi, foster father."

"Okay." Lu You opened his palm, holding a pill in his hand.

"Eat it," he said.

"..." The girl took the golden thing and hesitated, as if doubting what it was... After all, they only met each other on the first day.

"Eat it." Lu You frowned and repeated.

And his attitude seemed to frighten the girl, who squeezed the pill: "Water..."

It's not that I don't want to eat it,'s too big.

Lu You froze for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.


You know, how many people in the entire world of cultivating immortals can eat this pill?This elixir that condenses a few longevity fruits and has been improved by Lu You can be perfectly absorbed...even those venerables will grab their heads.

This girl was actually afraid of choking.

I want to laugh a little bit.

And the girl also poured tea, put down the pill, and opened her mouth at the same time, indicating that she had nothing left in her mouth.

Seeing this, Lu You's complexion improved a bit.

"Your talent is very good, your inspiration is excellent, and you are an excellent seedling for cultivation. Unfortunately, the exercises of Yihua Palace are not suitable for you. Lingshan... is also a good place to go." Lu You said.


"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I will tell you slowly in the future."

"Okay." The girl nodded, but the strange look on her face couldn't escape Lu You's eyes.

It seems that all the girls in the world have heard of Lingshan...

Lu You tapped the table again: "Now, let's talk about your affairs."

"My... thing?" The girl was a little nervous.

"Your name, Zhu Mingxiang..." Lu You frowned, "This should not be your real name."

"...No." The girl in sackcloth, or Zhu Mingxiang shook her head slightly: "However, I am called Zhu Mingxiang now, and my previous name...has no meaning."

This is the longest sentence the girl said after seeing Lu You, which surprised Lu You a little, it seems that the name is very important to her.

Lu You chuckled: "The candles are bright and the fragrance is dark, and the hall is deep, and the temples are full of green frost and snow, and thinking is hard to bear. Your name should be taken from this poem... In the past, you were also the eldest lady of some family."

"..." The girl bowed her head and remained silent.

Lu You continued: "From the perspective of the whole poem, it is full of resentment and sorrow about the past... Your resentment is not small... Ahem, your literary skills are good, but the second half of the sentence is a bit old-fashioned for you. gone."

The temples are covered with blue frost, residual snow and so on...

This can be regarded as an occupational disease, he can also analyze a name.

"En." The girl nodded, probably agreeing with Lu You's words.

Lu You also found that he had strayed a little bit, and said, "However, I like the name after the first three characters of Zhu Mingxiang and Dark... From now on, you will be called Zhu Mingxiang. If you don't want the previous name, then don't." , can be regarded as... bid farewell to the old identity, after all, no matter what your identity was before, after becoming my daughter, you will only be left with the name Zhu Mingxiang, which was chosen by you yourself."

Lu You reminded her.

"Want to restore your old name?"

The girl shook her head without any hesitation.

"That's how it is." Lu Youyou nodded. Starting tomorrow, Yihua Palace will announce that Lu You has a daughter before Lu Ling.

Passing the news, Lu You spread out the scrolls in his hand: "Next, let's talk about your paintings."

Lu You pointed at the woman in the painting with his slender fingers.

Zhu Mingxiang's paintings are very interesting. She only paints a woman, all dressed in a red dress. The woman in the painting is playing the piano, eating, or living. In short, there are various actions. It is not so much an art. A work, or rather... a diary?
Red, representing dignity, is also a color that girls like very much.

Not just girls, many people like it.

Hong Ling, Dongfang Lianren, and Dongfang Lianren's master, they all like red.

As for Lu Ling...she actually didn't like it very much.

If you think about it carefully, the reason why Lu Ling has been wearing red is entirely because Liu Fufeng likes it. It is Liu Fufeng who likes red, so all her clothes are in this monotonous color.

Therefore, red is a very feminine color.

Candles for bright incense... It does not mean red, after all, red candles are the main candles for deep boudoirs.

Zhu Mingxiang used very bright colors in her paintings. It can be seen that she likes red very much, and the paintings are full of rich flavor of life, which is absolutely unqualified for a work of art.

But it is precisely this breath of life that can move Lu You and arouse his longing for his wife.

When Lu You was looking at the picture scroll, Zhu Mingxiang was also looking at it.

Her gaze was on the woman in the painting, and the emotions revealed were very complicated. Lu You could sense that deep emotion, or could it
Suddenly, Lu You felt a little sense of disobedience from this thin girl. Immediately, his consciousness swept across her body, but he didn't notice the slightest difference.


It seems that the reason why this seemingly introverted girl has such strong emotions is because she still has a spiritual pillar.

No, maybe this is normal. Without that kind of emotion, how could it be possible to impress him with defective products.

"It's really similar..." Lu You looked at the woman in the painting, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that she was very similar to his wife.

That charm...

That kind or playful, or elegant, or calm...

Let Lu You want to stop.

To him, it was a woman like an elf.

The girl also seemed to be talking about the painting, her nervousness and uneasiness disappeared a lot, her embarrassment disappeared, and she looked at the woman in the painting quietly, her unbeautiful eyes sparkled.

"Who... are you painting?" Lu You finally couldn't help asking.

Could it be that she...has met her own wife?

If it wasn't for Zhu Mingxiang's failure to match the information he received, maybe Lu You would think that this girl is the daughter sent by her wife.

When Zhu Mingxiang heard Lu You's words, she said without hesitation.

"She's my wife."

The eyes are affectionate.

Lu You: "..."

In the void, it seemed that a big green hat had landed on Lu You's head. The green hat with white hair was quite handsome.

Lu You held back for a long time, looking at the girl with slightly weird eyes.

Skimming over the topic of girls liking women, it’s not right to just look at her age, she is now eighteen, and has been painting for at least ten years, and through the first scroll, no matter how you look at her age, it is said that the woman in the painting is her Lu You thought it was normal for her mother.

"Your...wife?" Lu You shook his head helplessly, this thin and unattractive girl really gave him a different feeling.

"Yes, wife, she's engaged." Zhu Mingxiang looked warily at this adoptive father whom she had just met. It was related to her most important person. She didn't look cowardly at all at this moment, but... she didn't allow others to question her.

"Okay, but at this age?" Lu You chuckled and asked calmly.

"..." Zhu Mingxiang glanced at Lu You and gritted her teeth.

This man is trustworthy——————————— Lu You was a little relieved to see such emotions in her eyes, but it was normal, after all, for her, there was nothing she needed to covet. From Yu's point of view, it is actually a collection of joy, anxiety, and hesitation.

Although the person in the painting resembled his wife, Lu You hadn't degenerated and thirsted to the point of snatching his righteous daughter's lover.

"It's like this." After Zhu Mingxiang hesitated, she still didn't call out her adoptive father. She took out the exquisite painting from the package.

Lu You could tell at a glance that this was the painting she showed to the little guy Wuhen.

Inside is a girl in a red dress, her face is invisible, but the overall tone is very warm.

"This is?" Lu You asked softly.

"my wife."

The girl's tone was no longer relaxed, her eyes were no longer bright, and she was full of disappointment. She pointed to the scroll in Lu You's arms: "These... are all drawn by imagining what she will look like when she grows up..."

Zhu Mingxiang didn't say any more, but the matter was already obvious.

Zhu Mingxiang's so-called wife...was no longer by her side.

There is a high probability that she is dead, and you can tell a thing or two by looking at her downfall.

That's why she treasured that sketch-like painting of a young girl so much, but what she creates every day is her grown-up.

Rather than being a wife, she is actually more of a younger sister, or maybe a close friend. Zhu Mingxiang just wants to use something like a contract like a wife to keep her by her side...

Emotions are like gems.

Lu You likes infatuated and nostalgic people.

He fell in love with this girl named Zhu Mingxiang even more.

(End of this chapter)

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