Chapter 725 One Month
Lu You looked at the sad girl, and raised his hand distressedly to touch her hair, but was dodged, and Lu You didn't care.

"Do you like her?" Lu You asked.

"Of course." Zhu Mingxiang didn't hesitate at all, and didn't understand why Lu You asked such a question.

Wasn't she being obvious enough?
Lu You looked at her and thought of himself.

"Be aware that she is no longer here." Lu You reminded her.

"So what?" Zhu Mingxiang suddenly became agitated.

Lu You didn't stop talking, but asked calmly: "Then how long can you like her? Ten years? 20 years? 30 years? Or 40 years? After 40 years, can you really remember her appearance?" ? How do you confirm that you love this person, or the obsession that traps you?"

Zhu Mingxiang wanted to quibble at first, but she fell silent when she heard the back.

This kind of topic is...a bit heavy for her.

Lu You also noticed this, shook his head, showing a hint of helplessness.

He was in a hurry.

For this girl, she is still in the most basic stage of survival needs, and it is a bit early to think about this kind of issue now.

But you can't blame him... In a sense, Lu You felt that he and Zhu Mingxiang had many similarities, so instead of saying that Lu You was asking Zhu Mingxiang, it was better to say that he was asking himself.

He has been waiting for 200 years, 300 years, 400 years...

Does he have another 400 years left?
What made him forget his wife's appearance and existence, was it the unknown power or time?
Lu You didn't dare to think about it, and he couldn't think about it. He used to think that what separated him from his wife was a force beyond his reach... He used to think that as long as he didn't forget her, the other party would come back... It was a simple condition...

Thinking about the past now, I realize that I was really naive.

Time is the greatest enemy.


Lu You smiled.

Time is the greatest enemy, but it is not the most effective and true mirror. After being washed by it, Lu You can understand that he loves his wife deeply forever. This kind of emotion is not a temporary impulse, but it can be unforgettable and persistent. Millennium stuff.

Emotions may fade, but never fade.

Suddenly, Zhu Mingxiang spoke.

"I—maybe it's obsession."

"En?" Lu You was taken aback for a moment, this was an answer he never expected.


"But at least for now, I love her." Zhu Mingxiang looked at Lu You.

I am not like you.

Lu You was stunned again by the girl's eyes.

"You girl... you can see it clearly." Lu You laughed at himself: "At least I love you now... In this way, I will be the one who is not frank."

Zhu Mingxiang stopped talking.

As she said, no matter what happens in the future, maybe she will forget the important person and don't care about her, but at least she loves him now.

that's enough.

What I am afraid of is that one day she will not love her... At that time, she may feel that she is very ridiculous now, but that is something for her.

Lu You looked at Zhu Mingxiang quietly, and the look of love in his eyes became more and more intense.

He picked up a treasure.

The painting is in his heart, although his temper is easy to fluster, but it should be just the initial unfamiliarity... Lu You feels that with a little training, this girl is really not weaker than those so-called saints in the world of cultivating immortals.

When Lu You looked at his apprentice, he didn't look at his talent, but his character.

Straightforward, intelligent, brave and responsible are his favorite types.

Zhu Mingxiang occupies at least a few points in Lu You's eyes.

not bad.

He didn't regret at all that he gave her the precious elixir of longevity fruit.

"Next, follow me to learn painting. In one month, I will teach you the basic branching methods of line center pen, side pen, smooth front and reverse front, dot dyeing, rubbing, breaking ink, and drawing ink one by one. Are you confident?"

"One month... yes." Zhu Mingxiang nodded.

"It doesn't matter if you can't learn it. Just memorize the tricks. Your foundation is already very solid. Others need to be accumulated slowly, but one month is still a bit short. Regarding the experience of lines and partial contours, I only I can teach you about characters, do you have any comments?"

"No." Zhu Mingxiang shook her head.

Anyway, she only draws people, and the occasional background is also barren mountains and mountains, so it is best to learn how to draw people.

"En." Lu Jiayu nodded. It just so happened that Zhu Mingxiang and Qionghua's Wuhen boy taught together, but compared to his foster daughter, Qionghua's only had a few hours a day, but it was enough. .

"Father." Zhu Mingxiang didn't know where to start, as if she couldn't resist the title.

"Tell me." Lu You was very happy.

"Why one month?" Zhu Mingxiang looked into Lu You's eyes and asked.

The girl is thin and not pretty, but she has a pair of very beautiful eyes, which even Lu You appreciates.

"One month, it's like this, you still have a younger sister." Lu You didn't intend to hide it from her, anyway, he would tell it sooner or later.

"Sister?" Zhu Mingxiang muttered these two words without any major emotional fluctuations.

Just kidding, we just met, so it's strange to have mood swings, so Lu You didn't think there was anything wrong, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with sending the daughter he just met.

For him, there is still a lot of time ahead.

He likes this adopted daughter, and will have enough time to spend with her in the future, and if he wants to practice, Lingshan is indeed a good choice.

And... if she is sent to practice, the girl should breathe a sigh of relief.

In the future, she will naturally understand herself.

Lu You saw everything he could see very clearly, so he continued.

"Yes, your sister. After a month, I will leave you with my sister. Next, you will take care of her instead of me, and teach her the basics of painting at the same time, understand?"

"Understood." Zhu Mingxiang nodded.

Lu You could clearly sense that Zhu Mingxiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the sudden addition of a adoptive father made her uneasy.

But now, with a clear purpose to find her, she will naturally feel much more at ease.

"As a maid, I'm still very confident." Zhu Mingxiang said, "My cooking skills are no worse than those of the chefs."

Sure enough, good things for no reason are more acceptable to her than needs.

There is a daughter who needs someone to take care of her and learn to paint...

Although Zhu Mingxiang knew that with Lu You's identity, he could find a better maid and a better painter...but this was at least a legitimate reason.

Lu You could feel that her mood suddenly became much happier.

Maybe it's the satisfaction of being needed by others?

"Mingxiang, you are my daughter, not a maid." Lu You reminded her, and after a short time with her, he recognized this daughter, and the address became much more friendly.

"...En." Zhu Mingxiang nodded, but it was obvious what she really thought in her heart.

Lu You was helpless, but he had more affection for this girl.

"By the way, your should like it very much." Lu You thought about the information about Lu Ling in the intelligence, raised the corners of his mouth, and said, "It should be very similar to your wife, at least the one on the painting. Similar in age and appearance."

"Is that so?" Zhu Mingxiang was stunned for a moment, and then, she looked forward to it a little.

"With such similar people around, the chances of forgetting her will be less and less." Lu You chuckled, "But don't forget, you have to give me a picture every day... of your wife when she grows up." .”

Zhu Mingxiang: "..."

Lu You looked at the girl's weird eyes and blinked.

Does that sound weird?

"it is good."

Fortunately, Zhu Mingxiang nodded quickly, after all, she had promised.

"Then let's start today." Zhu Mingxiang got up, and took out the necessities for painting from her alley, a skilled inkstone.

Lu You looked at the dirty sackcloth on the girl's body, and reminded: "Shouldn't you go and take care of it first? If not, there are a few maids waiting outside."

"No need, it won't stain the painting, and... the current state is better." Zhu Mingxiang said without raising her head, as long as she started painting, she seemed to be a different person.

His hands are white and very delicate.

"As you like." Lu You said, without forcing it, after all, even if Zhu Mingxiang is wearing a skirt now, she will still feel a strong sense of disobedience.

Anyway, Lu You doesn't care what outsiders think of his daughter, as long as he doesn't mind.

Next, Zhu Mingxiang spread out the drawing paper, and the fine brush strokes ran over the drawing board.

"Blood crystal ore is used as a pigment... Colors do have merit." Lu You nodded in satisfaction.

Zhu Mingxiang, who had entered the state, completely forgot that there were other people around her, and concentrated on staring at the blank drawing paper on the table with her breath held, her face flushed unnaturally.

pen to paper.

The fusion of red and black, regardless of each other, the light and temperature are just right to condense into a line.

The girl's hand moved rapidly, the red nib of the pen was like a flying blood butterfly.

Ink and brush painting, such as flowing clouds and flowing water around plain paper.

Soon, a few strokes of paint divided a piece of paper into several parts of different sizes, and the elementary composition was completed.

After a while, a woman's figure faintly appeared on the paper. Through layers of clouds and mists, it was difficult to see the whole picture clearly, and the body and face could not be seen clearly, but the charm could be understood.

Lu You nodded from time to time.

With the outline of the characters, Zhu Mingxiang began to outline the background.

This seems to be something she is not good at, so... She still chose the relatively simple mountain environment.

Zhu Mingxiang sat quietly for a while, her knuckles turned white, and she tapped lightly on her knees.

After a while, I draw a pen, draw a thick line, and occasionally outline a few times carefully. The plain color on the white paper clearly shows the distant mountains, snow, nearby tall trees, streams, and old houses.

Taken out alone, it is also a wonderful sketch landscape painting.

Lu You is very satisfied.

Although the brushwork is immature, the girl's brushwork seems to have magical powers, bred strong emotions, and makes people yearn for and full of charm.

Although this scenery is a bit dilapidated and crude, it seems to be real.

Time passed, I don't know how many hours passed.

Lu You's sight has been completely attracted by the woman on the paper.

so similar.

It's really... a lot like it.

It was as if Zhu Mingxiang had seen her wife with her own eyes, every frown, smile, figure, even shadow...

For a moment, Lu You couldn't distinguish between reality and fantasy.

"It's done." Zhu Mingxiang put down the pen, her chest rose and fell slightly, and her face was faintly weak, but she was very satisfied, and she didn't take her eyes off the woman on the paper.

Both of them watched quietly, no one spoke.

After a long time, it was Lu who moved first.

The white-haired man woke up suddenly, with a trace of bitterness on his face. He pointed to the woman lying in the cold stream on the paper. The red skirt seemed to be swaying with the water.

"...she...why are you crying." Lu You spoke out first.

"There are no tears, it's stream water." Zhu Mingxiang said.

"Okay, so who is she waiting for?" Lu You continued to ask.

"Waiting for me." Zhu Mingxiang didn't hesitate.

"En." Lu Jiayu nodded: "Very good, you can give me this painting."

"Of course." Zhu Mingxiang nodded: "However, we have to wait until the paint is dry."

Then, she looked at Lu You's dejected expression, showing uneasiness.

"I... I'm not in a good mood today, so... I put a lot of personal emotions into it. If you don't like it... I will change it in the future." Zhu Mingxiang said.

"No need." Lu You shook his head decisively.

"Sadness is part of life."

Looking at the painting, Lu You seemed to see another world. Her wife was waiting obsessively by herself. The once cheerful, playful and playful temperament was crushed by time and turned into unresolvable sadness.

This thought hurts his heart, but... it may not be a motivation to urge him.

"Father, as long as you like it." Zhu Mingxiang didn't continue talking, looking at Lu You who was absent-minded, the unnaturalness on his face disappeared completely, and father-in-law also called it smoothly.

Well, no matter how you think about it, it’s not a disadvantage.

Probably this is the mentality.

"That's right." After Zhu Mingxiang put away all the drawing tools, she suddenly remembered something.

"What's wrong?" Lu You looked up at her.

"Well... I don't know yet... your adoptive father's name... Well, if it's inconvenient, it's okay not to say it." Zhu Mingxiang said intermittently.

Lu You was startled when he heard this.

"I'm sorry."

No one in the world of cultivating immortals does not know him. In the secular world, he seldom uses his real name when communicating with others. He forgot to introduce himself, but there is nothing he can do. There are really few close people around him.

"Lu You." Lu You simply wrote two smooth words on the paper.

"I remember." Zhu Mingxiang nodded, and then continued.

"Father, I will take care of...sister in a month, what is her name?"

"Your sister." Lu You thought of something and chuckled: "Her name is Lu Ling, Lu You's Lu, Hong Ling's Ling."

"Hong Ling, right? That's... a beautiful name." Zhu Mingxiang's eyes lit up: "Many people are not qualified to use the word Ling."

"You still know this?" Lu You was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it's normal to know, after all, the dignity in the world of cultivating immortals, let alone in the secular world.

"I know." Zhu Mingxiang nodded and said two words silently.

Lu Ling...

It seems to remember her.

Lu You was very satisfied upon seeing this.

Maybe it's because he has adopted a adopted daughter and has new relatives, so...he has a lot to say.

After all, this girl doesn't know anything.

"It's also very simple to name your sister. My surname is Lu, and her mother has a wind chime in her name... But her mother insisted that her daughter can't use her name, otherwise her husband's love will be taken away... ...So, I took the word Ling." Lu You thought of something and smiled.

Have a good laugh.

At that time, he didn't have a daughter yet, but when he and his wife looked forward to the future, they decided on this name.

Therefore, the word Lu Ling has become a taboo for Lu You, and other people are not allowed to use it.

"Well, I like this name very much too."

Zhu Mingxiang looked at the happy Lu You, and said nothing, not knowing what she was thinking.


a month.

Not long either.

 Important role, important role, important role, if you say this and still think I am water, then I really have nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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